La’o Hamutuk congratulates the National Parliament and all related institutions who drafted these resolutions to implement the recommendations of the reports from the Commission for Truth, Reception and Reconciliation (CAVR) and the Commission on Truth and Friendship Commission (CVA). We see these Parliamentary resolutions as a positive step, notwithstanding that it has taken a long time for the process of justice and reparations for Timorese people, especially victims and their families, and we hope that this process will move more quickly. La’o Hamutuk has been involved in the struggle for justice since we started, especially regarding crimes which occurred in Timor-Leste during the Indonesian military occupation between 1975 and 1999. Last week’s commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Kraras massacre recalls the suffering caused by Indonesian soldiers, and reminds us that the masterminds of these crimes have not yet been brought to justice, even though they did their killings long ago. Through our advocacy and involvement in networks like the Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal (ANTI), La’o Hamutuk hopes that every person will receive their rights to justice and to live in peace and prosperity. It’s important that the CVA and CAVR recommendations are implemented, especially the recommendations in the Chega! report, although La’o Hamutuk has always disagreed with the establishment of the CVA because it does not advance justice. For the future, implementations of the recommendations in both reports must also consider international responsibility, especially the United Nations and international community’s responsibility to deal with serious crimes. Everyone in the world is a victim of crimes against humanity, and all people and governments are “stakeholders” in the process of achieving justice. For this process to go well needs the support of the UN, and even though National Parliament cannot tell the UN what to do, Parliament can ask the UN to carry out its responsibility by establishing an international tribunal. CAVR Recommendation 7.2.1 reads: The United Nations and its relevant organs, in particular the Security Council, remains seized of the matter of justice for crimes against humanity in Timor-Leste for as long as necessary, and be prepared to institute an International Tribunal pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN Charter should other measures be deemed to have failed to deliver a sufficient measure of justice and Indonesia persists in the obstruction of justice. Timor-Leste’s Parliament should support this recommendation, and determine that, after nine years, other measures have failed to deliver sufficient justice and Indonesian continues to obstruct it, so that it is time for the UN to establish an international tribunal under Chapter VII. Parliament should also ask the Foreign Ministry to encourage the Government of Indonesia to cooperate with investigations and judicial processes. Since the CVA did not look at crimes committed before 1999, and since it did not identify the responsibility of individual perpetrators, and since Indonesia continues to provide sanctuary for the majority of those indicted by the Serious Crimes Unit, it is important to use diplomatic and legal paths to achieve justice. We also suggest that Timor-Leste’s Parliament ask the Indonesian Parliament, as your counterpart, to encourage the Government of Indonesian to help achieve accountability for crimes committed in Timor-Leste during the illegal occupation by Indonesia’s past dictatorship. The National Parliament has the authority to ask the Government of Timor-Leste to use the facilities and network of Interpol to capture criminals who have already been indicted, including Wiranto and others, and bring them to court. Therefore, these resolutions should clearly define the role of the UN and international agencies in implementing these recommendations from CAVR and CVA. La’o Hamutuk would like to agree with some points in the two Parliamentary resolution, and to suggest some improvements, including: Resolution on CAVR La’o Hamutuk believes that it is important to do this, to prevent similar crimes from recurring in Timor-Leste and elsewhere in the world. Victims must receive justice for past crimes by bring perpetrators to trial. La’o Hamutuk believes that the UN and the international community are also victims of crimes which were committed in Timor-Leste, so that it is important to include them in the process of resolving these criminal cases. Under point 6, since Parliament has already decided to follow Constitution Article 92, La’o Hamutuk agrees with what is written but we suggest to replace “1998” with the following (bold) at the end of line (c): “beginning investigations and prosecutions into the most serious crimes found by the CAVR to have occurred between 1974 and 1999 and bringing them to court for trial.” According to CAVR’s mandate, minor crimes could be resolved through Community Reconciliation, but people who committed serious crimes were ineligible. Around 100 names of admitted or alleged perpetrators were given to the SCU for further investigation and prosecution. These cases should be continued and brought to court.
Resolution on CVA On the second page, point 5, line (2): “the creation of an integrated reparations scheme for victims of the conflicts in Timor-Leste ...” La’o Hamutuk proposes to amend this to read “the creation of an integrated national and international reparations scheme for victims from the perpetrators of the conflicts which took place in Timor-Leste.” If the perpetrators don’t accept their responsibility, the suffering of the victims will never end. On the second page, point 6, we agree and would add that these crimes must be processed in an international court because Indonesia will not allow its citizens to be tried before a court which is established by Timor-Leste alone.
We would like to remind the National Parliament and everyone that CAVR and CVA are not a substitute for accountability and justice. When people are not held accountable for their actions, this creates an atmosphere of impunity. This climate continues to inflict violence on Timor-Leste, such as the 2006 crisis, and can foster corruption and other irresponsible actions in the future. Thank you for your attention. La’o Hamutuk continues to be ready to assist members of Parliament as you search for ways to achieve justice and accountability. | La’o Hamutuk fó parabéns ba Parlamentu Nasionál no entidade relevante sira hotu ne’ebé halo ona esforsu atu hodi implementa rekomendasaun husi relatóriu CAVR no CVA. Rezolusaun Parlamentu sira ne’e, ami haree hanesan pasu pozitivu ida maski presiza tempo ne’ebé barak tebes atu hala’o prosesu hatán ba justisa no reparasaun ba ema Timor oan sira, liuliu ba vítima no família vítima sira, no ami hein katak ba oin prosesu ne’e sei hala’o lalais liután. La’o Hamutuk desde inisiu involve kedas ona iha prosesu luta ba justisa liu-liu haree ba konflitu no krime ne’ebé akontese iha Timor Leste hahú hosi okupasaun Militár Indonesia iha tinan 1975 too tinan 1999. Iha komemorasaun semana kotuk ba aniversáriu masakre Kraras ne’ebé komité iha Kraras husi soldadu Indonesia hanesan relembra fali terus no susar katak justisa seidauk halo ba autór krime sira, maske sira halo krime ne’e kleur tiha ona iha Kraras hosi firma hodi haree proposata finanseirulu ba governu kona-ba seluk tanhane. Liu hosi halo advokasia no involvimentu iha rede oi-oin, hanesan tama iha rede Aliansa Internasionál ba Tribunal Internasionál (ANTI), La’o Hamutuk hein katak ema hotu hetan dunik sira-nia direitu ba justisa no hela iha moris ida ne’ebé hakmatek no prosperu. Atu asegura katak rekomendasaun ne’e implementa dunik, liu-liu rekomendasaun husi relatóriu Chega!, maski iha parte seluk desde inisiu La’o Hamutuk la konkorda ho estabelesimentu CVA tanba la fó justisa. Ba oin iha implementasaun rekomendasaun hosi relatóriu rua ne’e tenke ko’alia mós kona-ba responsabilidade internasionál nian liu-liu UNO no komunidade internasionál sira-nia responsabilidade atu resolve krime graves ne’ebé akontese ona. Povo iha mundu tomak sai vítima husi krime kontra umanidade, no ema no governu sira hotu “stakeholders” buka atu hetan justisa. No prosesu ne’e atu la’o ho didi’ak presiza ajuda hosi ONU, no maski Parlamentu Nasionál labele hateten saida mak ONU tenke halo, maibé Parlamentu sei bele husu ONU atu hala’o sira-nia responsabilidade atu estabelese tribunal internasionál. CAVR rekomendasaun 7.2.1: O as Naçőes Unidas e os seus órgăos relevantes, em particular o Conselho de Segurança, sejam mantidos informados sobre a matéria de justiça relativa aos crimes contra a humanidade em Timor-Leste durante o tempo que for necessário, e se preparem para instituir um Tribunal Internacional, ao abrigo do Capítulo VII da Carta da ONU, se forem julgadas fracassadas todas as outras medidas para alcançar a justiça considerada suficiente, e se a Indonésia continuar a obstruir a justiça.
Parlamentu Nasionál tenke suporta rekomendasaun CAVR, no determina kedas katak, depois tinan-sia, meus ne'ebe halo ona ne’e faila atu lori justisa ne’ebé sufisiente no Indonesia kontinua atu impede ne’e, tan ne’e to’o tempo ona ba ONU atu estabelese Tribunal Internasionál ida tuir kapítulu VII rekomendasaun CAVR. Parlamentu tenke mós husu Ministériu Estranjeiru hodi enkoraje Governu Indonesia atu koopera ho investigasaun no prosesu judisiariu. Desde CVA la haree ba krime komité molok tinan 1999, no la identifika responsabilidade individual ba krime ruma, no desde Indonesia kontinua subar ba ema sira ne’ebé akuza ona husi Unidade Krime Graves (SCU) iha Timor-Leste, ne’e importante atu uza dalan diplomátiku no legal hodi hetan justisa. Ami sujere mós katak Parlamentu Timor-Leste husu ba Parlamentu Indonesia, hanesan ita boot sira nia parseiru, hodi enkoraje Governu Indonesia atu ajuda hetan akontabilidade ba krime ne’ebé halo iha Timor-Leste durante okupasaun ilegál husi Indonesia nia rejime ditadura liu ba. Parlamentu Nasionál mós iha kbiit atu husu ba Governu Timor-Leste hodi uza fasilidade no rede Interpol hodi kaptura kriminozu sira ne’ebé mak akuza ona, inkluindu Wiranto no seluk-seluk tan hodi ba tuir prosesu julgamentu iha tribunal. Tan ne’e iha rezolusaun ne’e tenke defini didi’ak papél ONU nian ba iha prosesu implementasaun rekomendasaun husi relatóriu sira ne’e. La’o Hamutuk konkorda ho pontu importante balun atu tau iha rezolusaun ne’e no tenke implementa dunik; hanesan: Rezolusaun ba CAVR "... Tuir Artigu 160 Konstituisaun RDTL kona-ba krime graves ne’ebé komité entre loron-25, fulan-Abríl, tinan 1974 no loron 25, fulan-Outubru, tinan 1999 tenke responsabiliza ba prosidementu kriminál sira iha tribunal nasionál no internasionál ...”
La’o Hamutuk haree katak importante atu halo ida ne’e hodi evita atu krime hanesan labele mosu tan iha Timor-Leste no mós fatin seluk iha mundu ne’e, no vítima sira hetan dunik justisa ba krime ne’ebé akontese ona liu hosi lori kriminozu sira ba iha tribunal hodi halo julgamentu. La’o Hamutuk hanoin katak ONU no komunidade internasionál mós sai vitima ba krime ne’ebé akontese iha Timor Leste, tanba ne’e ami haree importante atu inklui ONU no komunidade internasionál hola parte iha prosesu resolve kazu krime sira ne’e. Iha pontu-6, ne’ebé mak Parlamentu deside ona tuir Artigu 92 husi Konstituisaun, La’o Hamutuk konkorda ho idea ne’ebé mak hakerek ona maibé ami proposta ba alinea c “hahú hala’o investigasaun no akuzasaun sira ba krimes sira ne’ebé grave liu hotu, ne’ebé deskobre ona husi CAVR ne’ebé akontese tiha entre tinan 1974 no 1999 no lori ba tribunal atu halo julgamentu” Iha mandatu CAVR nian, ba krime ne’ebé kmaan sei resolve liu husi prosesu rekonsiliasaun komunidade nian maibé ba prosesu CAVR PRK ne’ebé defini ona katak ema sira ne’ebé komité krime grave sei la bele resolve liu hosi prosesu rekonsiliasaun komunidade, no kuaze ema naran 100 mak haruka ona ba SCU atu halo investigasaun no prosekusaun. Kazu sira ne’e tenke kontinua hala’o no lori ba tribunal.
Rezolusaun ba CVA Iha pájina rua, pontu-5, alinea (2) “Kria programa reparasaun nasionál ida ne’ebé integradu ba vítima sira husi konflitu sira ne’ebé akontese tiha iha Timor-Leste ...” La’o Hamutuk proposta atu aumenta ba alinea ne’e “Kria programa reparasaun nasionál no internasionál ida ne’ebé integradu ba vítima sira husi autór iha konflitu sira ne’ebé akontese tiha iha Timor Leste ...” Karik autór sira la simu sira nia responsabilidade, entaun sei halo vítima nia terus sei la hotu. Iha pájina rua, pontu-6, ami konkorda los ho pontu ida ne’e katak krime hirak ne’ebé akontese tenke prosesa iha Tribunal internasionál, tanba Indonesia lakohi fo sira nia sidadaun sira ba Tribunal Timor-Leste.
Parlamentu Nasionál no entidade sira hotu tenke hatene katak CAVR no CVA sira la’ós atu substitui ba akontabilidade no justisa. Wainhira ema la simu responsabilidade ba ninia asaun, ne’e hamosu ona ambiente impunidade. Klima hanesan ne’e hala’o nafatin sei hamosu violénsia hanesan iha krize 2006 no bele hamosu korupsaun no asaun iresponsabilidade sira seluk tan iha futuru. Obrigado ba ita-boot sira nia atensaun. Institutu La’o Hamutuk pronto nafatin atu ajuda Deputadu sira atu buka dalan ba justisa no akontabilidade. |