Covid-19 State of Emergency: 2020-2021 Estadu Emerjénsia Covid-19: 2020-2021 28 Marsu 2020. Atualiza iha 26 May 2021 Skip down to 2020 March April May June July September 2021: January March April | Ba kraik atu hare fulan 2020: Marsu Abril Maiu Junu Jullu Setembru 2021: Janeiru Marsu Abril | In order to respond to the threat from the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) coronavirus pandemic, Timor-Leste has declared a State of Emergency. La'o Hamutuk is posting relevant documents here to make it easier to access information. The language(s) of each document is indicated in parentheses after the link, as (E)nglish, (P)ortuguese or (T)etum. When both E and T are available, Tetum documents are linked to from the right side of this page. We are not trying to duplicate the work of others to distribute information on the virus itself, as there are good Facebook or web pages from the Government(ETP), the Ministry of Health(FB/T), the World Health Organization (WHO- ET), Lusa(PT), Antonio Sampaio(FB/P), Tatoli(TE), FONGTIL(FB/T) and others. The government has a website specifically on Covid-19(ETP). | Atu responde ba ameasa husi pandemia virus Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), Estadu Timor-Leste deklara ona Estadu emerjénsia. La'o Hamutuk tau dokumentu sira relevante iha ne'e atu fasilita asesu ba informasaun. Kada dokumentu nia lian (sira) hetan indikasaun iha parénteze hafoin ligasaun, hanesan E(Ingles), (P)ortugés ka (T)etum. Karik ami hetan T no E, dokumentu iha Ingles hetan ligasaun husu sorin karuk iha pájina ida ne'e. Ami lakohi duplu servisu ne'ebé instituisaun seluk halo atu fahe informasaun kona-ba moras ne'e, tanba iha pájina di'ak iha Internet ka Facebook husi Governu(T), Ministériu Saúde (FB/T), Organizasaun Mundial Saúde (OMS/WHO-ET), Lusa(TP), Antonio Sampaio(FB/P), Tatoli(T), FONGTIL(FB/T) no sst. Governu iha website particularmente kona-ba Covid-19(ETP). | March On 19 March, the Government approved Resolution 10/2020(P) restricting entrance to foreigners from certain countries and other measures to prevent the arrival of Covid-19. The Prime Minister issued Dispatches 11 and 12(P) to strengthen the Interministerial Commission. On 21 March, a test confirmed the first person in Timor-Leste to have Covid-19, although there are probably others who have not yet been tested. All people arriving in the country are now required to be quarantined for 14 days. On 22 March, the Government announced(E) that all public and private schools would close from 23 to 28 March, while the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Culture(T) announced that higher education establishments were suspending classes until 4 April. The Ministry of Education issued Dispatch 9(P) modifying the school year. The Catholic Church also suspended masses(E), encouraging people to pray at home. The NGO Forum(T) issued a statement. On 23 March, the Council of Ministers approved(E) a letter to President Lú Olo requesting him to declare a state of emergency, under the terms of Article 85(g) of Timor-Leste's Constitution(E). The Public Service Commission adopted rules(P) for its operation and the work of public servants. On 24 March, the Government announced a telephone emergency hotline - 119(E) for people who have symptoms of covid-19 infection. Also, the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice wrote about human rights concerns(T) related to the pandemic. On 25 March, President Lú Olo wrote to the National Parliament(PE) asking them to authorize him to declare a state of emergency. On the same day, the Council of Ministers discussed(E) economic aspects and began to identify which non-essential public servants should not come to work. On 26 March, Parliament debated(PE) the President's request extensively, with a speech by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak(T). After some amendments, they passed the authorization Law no. 1/2020(P) unanimously. On 27 March, the President issued Decree 29/2020(PE), declaring a state of emergency from 28 March until 26 April. The President addressed the nation(E). On 28 March, the Council of Ministers(E) adopted Government Decree 3/2020(E) (P) specifying what is allowed and restricted during the next 30 days. It was summarized by the Government(T) and a friend(E). Dispatch 14(P) revised the interministerial commission. The Government released information (see also posters below) on specific measures relating to: On 29 March, the Provedor issued a press release(T) clarifying some points about the state of emergency, and listed ways to contact them if you experience or observe human rights violations. On 30 March, the Minister of Finance asked Parliament(PT) to allow $150 million to be withdrawn from the Petroleum Fund to deal with the emergency. Parliament agreed(T) three days later, although they subtracted the $150 million for the special fund for Covid-19(P) from a previously requested extraordinary $250 million transfer for normal government operations. The Central Bank explained(P) which of its functions would continue during the State of Emergency. On 31 March, Government enacted Resolution 12(P) on the policy for reducing economic impacts, and Diploma 14(P) establishing the Integrated Crisis Management Center (CIGC), as detailed in PM Dispatch 15(P). Ministerial Diploma 15(P) provided for exceptions for visa fees and expirations.
| Marsu Iha loron 19 fulan Marsu, Governu aprova Rezolusaun 10/2020(P) ho medidas balun ne'ebe koko prevene Covid-19 atu mai Timor-Leste. Primeiru Ministru fo sai Despacho 11 no 12(P) atu haforsa Komisaun interministerial. Iha loron 21 fulan Marsu, teste ida konfirma katak ema na’in ida iha Timor-Leste iha duni covid-19, maske karik ema balun tan hetan ona moras no seidauk hetan teste. Ema hotu ne’ebé mai Timor-Leste husi li’ur tenke ba kuarentena ba loron 14. Iha loron 22 Marsu, Governu anunsia(T) feriadu estraordinariu ha eskola hotu, públiku no privada, husi loron 23 Marsu to'o loron 28 Marsu, no Ministériu Ensino Superior(T) husu estabelesimentu ensinu superior hotu atu suspende atividade letiva prezensiál sira husi loron 23 Marsu to'o loron 4 Abril. Ministériu Edukasaun fo sai Despacho 9(P) ne'ebe altera kalendariu eskolar. Igreja Katólika mós suspende misa sira(E), no husi sarani sira atu reza iha uma. FONGTIL(T) fó sai esteitmentu ida. Iha loron 23 Marsu, Konsellu Ministrus aprova(T) pedidu ida ba Prezidente Repúblika Lú Olo, atu husu nia at deklara estadu emerjensia, tuir regras iha Artigu 85(g) iha Konstituisaun RDTL nian(T). Komisaun Funsaun Publika adopta pratika administrativa sira(P) ba ninia servisu no ba funsionariu publiku sira. Iha loron 24 Marsu, Governu lansa lina emergensia telefonika ida 119(T) ba ema ne'ebé iha sintoma covid-19 nian. No Provedor de Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) hakerek sira nia preokupasaun(T) relata ba pandemia ida ne'e. Iha loron 25 Marsu, Prezidente Lú Olo hakerek ba Parlamentu Nasional(PE) atu husu sira nia autorizasaun atu deklara estadu emerjénsia. Iha loron hanesan, Konsellu Ministrus deskute(T) asuntu ekonómiku sira, no hahú prosesu atu identifika funsionáriu públiku balun ne'ebé bele la tama iha servisu. Iha loron 26 Marsu, Parlamentu nasional debate(PE) pedidu husi Prezidente, ho diskursu husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak(T). Hafoin alterasaun balun, PN aprova lei autorizasaun(P) ho unanimidade. Iha loron 27 Marsu, Prezidente Repúblika fó sai Dekretu 29/2020(PE), ne'ebé deklara estadu emerjénsia husi loron 28 Marsu to'o loron 26 Abril. President fo mensajen ba povu(T). Iha loron 28 Marsu, Konsellu Ministrus(T) aprova Dekretu Governu 3/2020(T) (P) ho detallu kona-ba konteúdu estadu emerjénsia durante fulan ida tuir mai. Governu(T) no sumariza dekretu ida, no Primeiru Ministru fo sai Despacho 14(P) atu altera komisaun interministerial. Governu mos publika komunikadu balu (hare mós poster sira iha kraik) kona-ba medida espesífiku balun iha Tetum no Portugés kona-ba: Iha loron 29 Marsu, Provedor de Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) hakerek komunikadu imprensa(T) atu esklarese pontu hirak kona-ba estadu emerjénsia, no fó lista meius kontaktu PDHJ nian. Iha 30 Marsu, Ministra Finansa husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál(PT) hodi aprova tokon $150 nune'e bele halo levantamentu husi Fundu Petrolíferu atu responde ba emerjénsia. Hafoin liu loron tolu Parlamentu konkorda(T) hodi aprova, maske nune'e sira fahe tiha tokon $150 ba Fundu espesiál ba pandemia Covid-19(P) husi pedidu estraordináriu anterior ho tokon $250 ne'ebé transfere ba Governu nia operasaun normal. Banku Sentra esplika(P) oinsa instituisaun ne'e bele servisu durante estadu emerjénsia. Iha 31 Marsu, Governu aprova Rezolusaun 12(P) kona-ba polítika atu hamenus impaktu ekonómiku, no Diploma 14(P) ne’ebé estabelese Sentru Integradu Jestaun de Krize (CIGC), ho detaillu sira iha PM Despachu 15(P). Diploma Ministerial 15(P) kria esepsaun ba pagamentu no remata ba visa sira.
| April On 3 April, the Government announced(P) their spokespersons about the emergency: F-FDTL Captain Donaciano da Costa Gomes (Pedro Klamar Fuik), Dr. Sergio Lobo, Dr. Rui Maria de Araùjo, and Dr. Odete Viegas. On the same day, the President, at the request of the Prime Minister, removed acting Health Minister Dr. Élia dos Reis Amaral from her position. The Government also announced(E) that, effective 4 April, all international commercial and charter flights are suspended until further notice. On 6 April, the President promulgated(E) the Law no. 2/2020(PE) (P) authorizing the transfer of $250 million from the Petroleum Fund and establishing the Covid-19 Special Fund. Parliament enacted Resolution 2/2020(P) outlining measures to prevent Covid-19 in Timor-Leste. On 7 April, the Government signed an agreement with Air North(E) to enable thrice-weekly flights between Dili and Darwin for medical supplies, medical emergencies, and essential goods and services. The first flight will be on 10 April. On 8 April, the Council of Ministers(P) amended Decree 3/2020 with Decree 6/2020(P) to state that, as of 13 April, nobody of any nationality, including Timorese, will be allowed to enter(E) the national territory. On the same day, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak withdrew the letter of resignation he had written on 24 February, and the President accepted(T) the withdrawal a week later. On 9 April, La'o Hamutuk wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister(E), urging the Government not to overlook informal workers and other vulnerable people in the economic relief package. On 10 April, the Ministry of Interior issued a Dispatch explaining the border closure(P) which will be in effect from 13-26 April. On 14 April, the President promulgated Decree-Law 12/2020 regulating the Covid-19 Fund(E) or (P). On 15 April, the Council of Ministers continued to discuss(E) economic alleviation measures, and also approved(T) a Decree with rules for executing expenditures(P) from the Covid-19 Fund. On 16 April, the Government announced that the number of people in Timor-Leste who have tested positive for Covid-19 had risen to 18 from 1 four days earlier. All the new cases were Timorese students who came across the land border from Indonesia and had been quarantined together in Hotel Katuas in Dili. On the same day, Government officials and Parliament discussed(P) measures to combat Covid-19, including comments from the Prime Minister(T). On 17 April, the Interministerial Commission to Combat COVID-19 approved(E) a package to counteract the damage that Covid-19 will do to Timor-Leste's economy. The package was approved by the Council of Ministers(E) on 20 April, with a few more details explained(E) and the Fund's Technical Secretariat nominated and explained(P). The Council of Ministers(E) approved a Decree-Law on this issue on 22 April, as well as another to regulate the Integrated Crisis Management Center. On 20 April, La'o Hamutuk published a popular education pamphlet We Come Together to Avoid Spreading Covid-19(T), which is also online as a blog. On 22 April, after receiving a request from the Council of Ministers, a letter from the Human Rights Defenders Network (RDDU)(E), and unanimous approval by the Council of State and the High Council of Defense and Security(T), President Lu Olo asked Parliament(PE) to extend the State of Emergency by 30 days, until 26 May. On 23 April, the Council of Ministers approved(E) a Decree-Law(P) providing cash support of $100/month for each household in which nobody receives an income of more than $500/month. It was explained in Parliament, and the President of the Republic promulgated it. On 24 April, the Secretariat for the Covid-19 Fund enacted their Operational Procedures(T). On 27 April, Parliament debated and then approved(P) the 30-day extension of the State of Emergency by a vote of 37-23. PLP, Fretilin and Khunto voted in favor, CNRT and Frente Mudansa opposed, and most PD abstained. The President promulgated(T) the law(P), which was immediately published in the Jornal da Republica(P) and welcomed by the Prime Minister(T). The next day, the President issued a message(T) to the nation. On 29 April, the Council of Ministers(E) approved new legislation to implement the extension of the State of Emergency. The confusing press release was later clarified: all people, including citizens of Timor-Leste, are still barred from entering the country. The Ministry of Higher Education issued Diploma 16(P) about overseas students and distance learning. On 30 April, three new Decree-laws and one Decree(P) were promulgated by the President and published in the Jornal da Republica. They cover monetary support for households(E), support for businesses(E), extra salary for essential public employees(E), and the means of implementing the State of Emergency(E) (borders, quarantine, isolation, distancing, group events, transport, businesses, markets, street vendors, public administration and other issues). On the same day, the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice issued a report(T) on their monitoring of the first 30 days of the State of Emergency. Also on 30 April, the Prime Minister informed the President(T) that six new Ministers and Vice-Ministers will be appointed to fill long-standing vacancies. The new appointees, who include Odete Maria de Freitas Belo (Health), Faustino Cardoso (State Administration) and Fernando Hanjam (Finance), are mostly from Fretilin.
| Abril Iha 3 Abril, Governu fó sai ba públiku(P) sira nia portavós prinsipál kona ba estadu emerjénsia: F-FDTL Kapitaun Donaciano da Costa Gomes (Pedro Klamar Fuik), Dr. Sergio Lobo, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, Dr. Odete Viegas. Iha tempu hanesan, Prezidente, simu pedidu husi Primeiru Ministru, atu hasai (exonera) atuál Vice-Ministra, Saúde Dra. Elia dos Reis Amaral husi nia kargu ne’ebé nia asume. Governu mós fó sai(E) katak efetivu iha 4 Abril, voo komersiál internasionál no aviasaun espesífiku (charter flights) sei suspende too iha notifikasaun tuir mai. Iha 6 Abril, Prezidente promulga(T) Lei no 2/2020(PE) (P) autorizasaun transferénsia tokon $250 husi Fundu Petrolíferu no estabelese Fundu Espesiál ba Covid-19. Parlamentu Nasional aprova Rezolusaun 2/2020(P) ne’ebé lista medida sira atu prevene Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste. Iha 7 Abril, Governu asina akordu ho Air North(P) atu permite voo dala tolu kada semana entre Dili no Darwin atu lori ai-moruk, emerjénsia médiku sira, no sasán no servisu esentiàl. Voo primeiru sei iha loron 10 Abril. Iha 8 Abril, Konsellu Ministru(P) altera Dekretu 3/2020 ho Decretu 6/2020(P) atu dehan katak, hahú loron 13 Abril, ema hotu, inklui Timor-oan sira, labele tama(E) iha territóriu nasional. Iha loron hanesan Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak dada-fali ninia karta pedidu demisaun ne'ebe nia hakerek iha loron 24 Fevreiru, no Prezidente Republika aseita(T) dada-sai fali semana ida tuir mai. Iha 9 Abril, La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta aberta ida ba Primeiru Ministru(T), atu husu Governu labele haluha traballadór informal ka grupu vulneravel seluk iha pakote asisténsia ekonómika. Iha 10 Abril, Ministériu Interior fó sai Despaxu ida atu esplika taka fronteira(P) sei tama en vigor husi loron 13 to'o loron 26 fulan April. Iha 14 Abril, Prezidente Lu-Olo promulga Dekretu-Lei no. 12/2020 ne’ebé regula Fundu Covid-19(P). Iha 15 Abril, Konsellu Ministru kontinua atu diskute(T) medida sira atu hamenus impaktu ekonómiku, no mós aprova(T) Dekretu ida ho regra ba ezekusaun despeza(P) husi Fundu Covid-19. Iha 16 Abril, Governu fó sai katak númeru ema iha Timor-Leste konfirmadu ho moras Covid-19 sa'e ba 18, husi ema ida loron 4 liu ba. Kazu foun hotu estudante Timor-oan sira ne’ebé foin mai liu fronteira terrestria ho Indonesia, no hetan kuarentena hamutuk iha Hotel Katuas iha Dili. Iha loron hanesan, Governu no Parlamentu diskute(P) medida sira atu luta kontra Covid-19, inklui komentariu husi Primeiru Ministru(T). Iha 17 Abril, the Komisaun Interministerial atu Kombate COVID-19 aprova(T) pakote ida atu hamenus impaktu negative husi Covid-19 ba ekonomia Timor-Leste nian. Konsellu Ministru aprova pakote ida ne'e(T) iha 20 Abril, no esplika detaillu balu tan(T), inklui Sekretariado Tekniku(P) ba Fundu Covid-19. Iha 20 Abril, La'o Hamutuk publika Surat Popular ida Mai Ita Hamutuk Bele Evita Surtu Covid-19(T). Ita bele hetan SP ida ne'e hanesan blog atu fahe ba media sosial. Iha 22 Abril, hafoin hetan pedidu husi Konsellu Ministru, karta ida husi Rede Defensor Direitus Umanus (RDDU)(T), no aprovasaun ho unanimidade husi Konsellu Estadu no Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa(T), Prezidente Lu Olo husu Parlamentu Nasional(T) atu hanaruk Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30, to'o loron 26 fulan Maiu. Iha 23 Abril, Konsellu Ministru aprova(P) aprova Dekretu-Lei(P) ida atu fo apoiu finansiál ho montante $100 kada fulan ba uma-kain hotu ne’ebé laiha ema ne’ebé simu rendimentu liu $500/fulan. Governu esplika iha Parlamentu, no Prezidente Republika promulga ona. Iha loron 24 Abril, Secretariadu Tekniku ba Fundu Covid-19 fo sai Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional no Administration no Regras(T). Iha loron 27 Abril, Parlamentu Nasional debate no aprova(T) lei atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30 tan, ho votasaun 37-23. PLP, Fretilin no Khunto vota favor, CNRT no Frente Mudansa kontra, no maioria PD halo abstensaun. Prezidente Republika promulga(T) lei ida ne'e(P), publika kedas iha Jornal da Repúblika(P), no Primeiru Ministru hatete nia apresiasaun(T). Loron ida tuir mai, Prezidente fó mensajen(T) ba nasaun. Iha loron 29 Abril, Konsellu Ministru(T) aprova Dekretu-Lei foun balun atu implementa prolongasaun ba Estadu Emerjénsia. Ministeriu Ensinu Superior halo Diploma 16(P) kona-ba estudante sira iha li'ur. Iha loron 30 Abril, Jornal da Repúblika publika Dekretu-Lei tolu no Dekretu ida(P), hafoin promulgasaun husi Prezidente da Repúblika. Sira fó detallu kona-ba apoiu ba uma kain sira(T), apoiu ba empreza sira(T), remunerasaun ba funsionáriu públiku esensiál sira(T), no medidas atu implementa Estadu Emerjénsia(T) (fronteira, kuarentena, izolasaun, distánsia sosiál, halibur malu, transporte, loja sira, merkadu, vendedór ambulante, administrasaun publika, no asuntu sira seluk). Iha loron hanesan, Provedor de Direitos Humanos e Justica fo sai relatoriu ida(T) kona-ba Monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjénsia durante loron 30 uluk. Mos iha loron 30 Abril, Primeiru Ministru fó hatene ba Prezidente(T) katak ema na'in neen sei tama hanesan Ministru no Vise-Ministru sira foun atu tama iha kadeira mamuk. Sira inklui Odete Maria de Freitas Belo (Saúde), Faustino Cardoso (Estatal) no Fernando Hanjam (Finansas). Maioria mai husi partidu Fretilin.
| May On 5 May, the Ministry of Social Solidarity issued Diploma 17/2020(P) with procedures and forms for extraordinary enrollment of new workers in the contributory Social Security sistem. The Council of Ministers met three times during the first week of May, and on 8 May the Prime Minister's website published a list(T) of Government actions to address the socio-economic impact of measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The Government also published tables(P) detailing how the Covid-19 Fund will be allocated. On 8 May, the Ministry of Public Works issued a Dispatch(P) on how people will get support for electricity and water. On 9 May, the Ministry of Social Solidarity wrote another Diploma(PT) (official(P)) on the process for financial support for households. On 12 May, Government Resolution 13/2020(P) explained the amounts of supplementary pay for essential workers, retroactive from 28 March. On 14-18 May, La'o Hamutuk participated in a civil society team to look into the situation on the land border with Indonesia, and they issued a press release(E) on 22 May. On 18-19 May, Parliamentary order crumbled, with CNRT Members damaging the Parliamentary President's desk and attempting to prevent other MPs from electing a new President. On 19 May, non-CNRT members elected(P) Fretilin's Aniceto Guterres Lopes as President, although CNRT is challenging the election in court. On 22 May, the Prime Minister issued dispatches(P) to allow named foreigners into Timor-Leste and to use state vehicles for household monetary support. On 25 May, the Government restructured itself(P), and CNRT instructed all its Ministers to resign. List of new Government members. On 25 May, the Council of Ministers asked President Lu Olo to extend the State of Emergency for another 30 days, and on 26 May, the President wrote a letter(P) (T) to Parliament (summary(PTE)) to that effect. On 27 May, Parliament voted 40-1 to enact a Law(P) authorizing the President to extend the State of Emergency until 26 June, (press releases from the Prime Minister(T) and Parliament(T)). This third phase is less restrictive, and focuses on international travel, travel within the country, and quarantine/isolation when appropriate. The President issued(T) Decree 35/2020(P) to declare the extension. On 27 May, the Council of Ministers adopted Decree-law 19/2020(P) revising the regulations for the Covid-19 Fund, and established a CIGC Situation Room, while the Ministry of Justice temporarily exempted rent payments for public property. On 28 May, the Human Rights Defenders Network issued a Report on their Observations(E) during the second phase of the State of Emergency. On 9 June, the Provedor's office reported(T) on their monitoring. On 29 May, the Council of Ministers approved Government Decree 9/2020 of 29 May(E) (P) spelling out the means of executing the third month of the State of Emergency. The Prime Minister issued four dispatches(P) nominating specific personnel.
| Maiu Iha loron 5 Maiu, Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál fó sai Diploma 17/2020(T) ho prosedimentu no formuláriu ba inskrisaun estraordináriu iha regime kontributivu ba Seguransa Sosiál. Konsellu Ministru hasoru malu dala tolu durante semana uluk iha fulan Maiu, no iha loron 8 Maiu, Primeiru Ministru nia website publika lista(T) asaun/medida Governu nian hodi hatán ba efeitu sósiu ekonómiku ne’ebé povu hasoru durante propagasaun surtu Covid-19, no tabela sira(P) ho inforamasaun kona-ba alokasaun sira husi Fundu Covid-19. Iha loron 8 Maiu, Ministériu Obras Publika fó sai Despaxu(P) ida kona ba apoiu ba komunidade ho eletrisidade no bee. Iha loron 9 Maiu, Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál fó sai Diploma(PT) (ofisial(P)) ida tan kona-ba prosesu atu hetan apoiu finansiál ba uma-kain sira. Iha loron 12 Maiu, Rezolusaun Governu 13/2020(P) fó montante remunerasaun suplementariu ba traballadór esensiál sira, retroativa husi loron 28 Marsu. Iha loron 14-18 fulan Maiu, La'o Hamutuk no reprezentante sira husi sosiedade sivíl halo peskiza besik fronteira terestre ho Indonézia, no fó sai komunikadu imprensa(T) iha konferénsia imprensa iha loron 22 Maiu. Iha loron 18-19 fulan Maiu 2020, iha runguranga iha Parlamentu nia laran, no Deputadu sira husi CNRT estraga meza Prezidente nian no koko prevene deputadu/a sira seluk atu hili Prezidente foun. Iha loron 19 Maiu, Deputadu/a sira husi PLP, Fretilin, Khunto no PD eleitu(P) Aniceto Guterres Lopes husi Fretilin hanesan Prezidente, maske CNRT halo rekursu ba tribunal atu kansela desizaun ne’e. Iha loron 22 Maiu, Primeiru Ministru fó sai despaxu(P) tolu atu permite estrangeiru sira atu tama iha Timor-Leste no atu uza veikulu estadu sira atu fahe apoiu monetariu ba uma kain sira Iha loron 25 Maiu, Governu altera dekretu-lei orgánika(P) ne’ebé define estrutura Governu nian, no partidu CNRT hatete katak Ministru sira hotu husi CNRT tenke resigna-an. Lista membru foun iha Governu. Iha loron 25 Maiu, Konsellu Ministru husu Prezidente Lu Olo atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30 tan, no iha loron 26 Maiu, Prezidente hakerek karta(T) ba Parlamentu (sumariu(PTE)) atu husu autorizasaun ba prolongasaun. Iha loron 27 Maiu, Parlamentu Nasional vota 40-1 atu aprova Lei(P) ne’ebé autoriza Prezidente atu deklara Estadu Emerjénsia too loron 26 Juñu (komunikadu imprensa husi Primeiru Ministru(T) no Parlamentu(T)). Faze ida ne’e hamenus restrisaun, no foka ba viajen internasionál, sirkulasaun iha país, no kuarentena/izolasaun bainhira nesesáriu. Prezidente fó sai(T) Dekretu 35/2020(P) atu deklara EE ba fulan ida tan. Iha loron 27 Maiu, Konsellu Ministru aprova Decretu-lei 19/2020(P) ne’ebé altera regulasaun sira ba Fundu Covid-19, no estabelese Sala Situasaun ba CIGC, no Ministeriu Justisa fo isensaun ba pagamentu de renda ba rai estadu nian. Iha loron 28 Maiu, Rede Defensór Direitus Umanus fó sai Relatóriu Observasaun Jerál ba Implementasaun Estadu Emerjénsia Segundu(T). Iha loron 9 Juñu, Provedoria fó sai Relatóriu(T) ida kona ba sira nia monitorizasaun. Iha loron 29 Maiu, Konsellu Ministru aprova Dekretu Governu 9/2020 de 29 Maiu(P) ho medidas ezekusaun Estadu Emerjénsia foun. Primeiru Ministru fó sai dispaxu haat(P) atu nomeia ema ba kargu espesifiku.
| June On 1 June, the Ministry of the Interior issued a dispatch partially closing border posts. On 2 June, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport published their Contingency Plan(P, 30 MB) to respond to Covid-19. On 5 June, the Government approved Decree-law 21/2020(P), a temporary subsidy for Timorese citizens residing abroad and Decree-law 22/2020(P) allowing for a moratorium on repayment of loans. On 8 June, the Ministry of the Interior issued a dispatch limiting cross-border trade. On 10 June, Decree-Law 24/2020(P) defined the rules of the Integrated Crisis Management Center (CIGC), and Government Resolution 18/2020(P) created a Commission to develop an economic recovery plan. In early June, the Ministry of Finance released a report on the execution of the Covid-19 Fund(ET) during 19-31 May, and the Covid-19 Fund Management Council published a more thorough one(P) with data up to 10 June. On 18 June, the Ministry of the Interior issued a dispatch further restricting cross-border trade and requiring trucks coming into Timor-Leste to change drivers at the border. The State of Emergency ended at midnight on 26 June, although some rules will remain in place(PT) to prevent the Covid-19 virus from coming into Timor-Leste.
| Juñu Iha loron 1 Juñu, Ministériu Interior fó sai dispaxu ida(P) atu taka parsialmente postu fronteira sira. Iha loron 2 Juñu, Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu fó sai Planu Kontinjensia(P, 30 MB) atu responde ba Covid-19. Iha loron 5 Juñu, Governu aprova Dekretu-lei 21/2020(P), fo subsidiu temporariu ba sidadaun Timoroan sira ne’ebé hela iha estrangeiru no Dekretu-lei 22/2020(P) kria moratoriu atu selu fali tusan. Iha loron 8 Juñu, Ministériu Interior fó sai dispaxu ida(P) atu limita komérsiu liu fronteira. Iha loron 10 Juñu, Dekretu-Lei 24/2020(P) defini regulamentu ba Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize (CIGC), no Rezolusaun Governu 18/2020(P) kria Komisaun atu Elabora Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomiku. Ministériu Finansas fó sai relatóriu kona-ba ezekusaun Fundu Covid-19(ET) durante loron 19-31 fulan Maiu, no Konsellu Jestaun Fundu Covid-19 fó sai relatóriu kompletu liu(P) ho dadus ate loron 10 Juñu. Iha loron 18 Juñu, Ministériu Interior fó sai dispaxu ida(P) kona-ba komérsiu liu fronteira, no obriga kondutór atu troka bainhira veíkulu ida tama iha Timor-Leste. Estadu Emerjénsia remata ona iha meianoite, loron 26 Juñu, maske regra balun sei hela en vigor(PT) atu asegura katak virus Covid-19 labele tama iha Timor-Leste.
| July-August On 6 July, La'o Hamutuk wrote a letter to Rui Gomes, chair of the Economic Recovery Commission, to follow up on our discussion with him. On 27 July, President Lu-Olo vetoed a decree-law approved by the Council of Ministers on 17 June to establish a Legal Regime for Epidemiological and Health Surveillance. On the advice of the Court of Appeal, the President decided that the decree-law was an unconstitutional violation of fundamental freedoms which could only be done by the National Parliament. As a result, Timor-Leste currently has no legal basis for requiring quarantine or restricting travel. On 28 July, the Management Council for the Covid-19 Fund released a report on budget execution(P) through 24 July, showing that they had spent $103 million of the $220 million allocated to the Fund. On 4 August, Rui Gomes presented a summary of the post-COVID Economic Recovery Plan(P) to a Budget Seminar. The plan(E) (also P or Indonesian) was approved by the Council of Ministers on 12 August. On 4 August, Timor-Leste identified the first person to test positive for Covid-19 since April, an Indonesian citizen who has been in quarantine since he flew in 22 July. He has since recovered. On 5 August, following a request from the Government and authorization by the Permanent Committee of the recessed Parliament, President Lu-Olo declared another State of Emergency effective immediately until 4 September. As before, it restricts international and domestic travel, and enables mandatory quarantine. The President also addressed the public. On 6 August, the Government issued Decree 10/2020 (also P) to spell out the measures for the new State of Emergency. On 11 August, Parliament held an extraordinary plenary session(T), enacting Law no. 6/2020(P) to confirm the State of Emergency. On 14 August, the Ministry of the Interior issued a dispatch(P) spelling out limitations on travel across the land border with Indonesia. On 19 August, the Government issued Resolution 28/2020(P), which had been approved on 29 July, for short-term measures to mitigate the economic impacts of Covid-19. On 20 August, a Timorese citizen who had flown in from Indonesia on 5 August tested positive for Covid-19. Another person, an Indonesian who came across the land border on 12 August, tested positive on 26 August. Both had been quarantined, and are now in isolation. On 26 August, the Council of Ministers asked the President to extend the State of Emergency until 4 October.
| Jullu-Agostu Iha loron 6 Jullu, La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta ida ba Rui Gomes, prezidente Komisaun ba Rekupersaun Ekonomiku, atu tuir ami nia enkontru ho nia. Iha loron 27 Jullu, Prezidente Lu-Olo veta dekretu-lei ida ne'ebe hetan aprovasaun husi Konsellu Ministru iha loron 17 Junu atu estabelese e to establish a Rejime Jurídiku ba Vijilánsia Epidemiológika no Vijilánsia Sanitária. Tuir Akordaun husi Tribunal Rekursu, Prezidente deside katak dekretu-lei ida ne'e viola diretu no liberdade fundamentais iha Konstituisaun RDTL, no Parlamentu Nasional de'it iha poder atu halo ida ne'e. Timor-Leste agora laiha baze legal atu obriga kuarentena ka restrita viajen. Iha loron 28 Jullu, Konsellu Jestaun ba Fundu Covid-19 fó sai relatóriu kona-ba ezekusaun orsamentu(P) até loron 24 Jullu. Sira gasta ona tokon $103 husi tokon $220 aloka ba Fundu ida ne'e. Iha loron 4 Agostu, Rui Gomes aprezenta sumáriu Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonómiku hafoin COVID-19(P) ba Jornada Orsamentál. Konsellu Ministru aprova planu ida ne'e(P) (mos E ka Bahasa Indo.) iha loron 12 Agostu. Iha loron 4 Agostu, Timor-Leste identifika ema ida ho testu positivu ba Covid-19, primeira vez dezde fulan Abril. Sidadaun Indonézia ida ne'e hela iha kuarentena dezde nia mai ho aviaun iha loron 22 Jullu. Nia rekupera ona. Iha loron 5 Agostu, tuir pedidu husi Governu no autorizasaun husi Komisaun Permanente husi Parlamentu Nasional, Prezidente Lu-Olo deklara Estadu Emerjénsia(P) foun, até loron 4 Setembru. Hanesan uluk, iha restrisaun ba sirkulasaun internasionál no iha rai laran, no fó opsaun ba kuarentena/izolasaun. Prezidente mós fó diskursu ba públiku. Iha loron 6 Agostu, Governu aprova Dekretu 10/2020 (mos P) kona-ba medidas atu implementa Estadu Emerjénsia. Iha loron 11 Agostu, Parlamentu halo sessão plenária extraordinária no aprova Lei no. 6/2020(P) atu konfirma Estadu Emerjénsia. Iha loron 14 Agostu, Ministériu Interior fó sai dispaxu ida(P) atu limita ba-mai liu fronteira terrestre ho Indonezia. Iha loron 19 Agostu, Governu publika Rezolusaun 28/2020(P), ne'ebe aprova ona iha loron 29 Jullu, ho medidas atu halo mitigasaun iha tempu badak kontra impaktu husi Covid-19. Iha loron 20 Agostu, sidadaun Timoroan ida hetan testu positivu ba Covid-19. Nia mai husi Indonesia liu aviaun iha loron 5 Agostu. Sidadaun Indonezia ida hetan testu positivu iha loron 26 Agostu. Nia mai husi Atambua iha loron 12 Agostu. Sira nain rua iha izolasaun. Iha loron 26 Agostu, Konsellu Ministru husu Prezidente Republika atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ate loron 4 Outubru.
| September-December After consultation and Parliamentary authorization through Law no. 8/2020 of 3 September, the President declared(P) the extension and addressed the nation(T). On 4 September, Government decree 12/2020(P) listed the measures for the new phase. On 23 September, the Council of Ministers voted to ask the President to extend the State of Emergency until 5 November. Parliament unanimously authorized the declaration at an extraordinary plenary session on Saturday, 3 October, and Law 9/2020 and Presidential Declaration 62/2020(P) were immediately promulgated. The same day, the Council of Ministers approved(E) Government Decree 13/2020(P) spelling out the details. On 5 October, the President addressed the nation(T). Government released a report(P) on the execution of $121 million through the Covid-19 Fund through the end of August, and another(P) showing that $2 million more was spent through the end of September. On 7 October the President promulgated Decree-Law 48/2020(P), defining economic support for families, including the "Cesta Basica" (Basic Basket) program. On 8 October, La'o Hamutuk wrote an open letter(T) to the Prime Minister expressing concerns that aspects of the Economic Recovery Plan underserve those who need it most. On 13 October, La'o Hamutuk gave a presentation on Planu ba Rekuperasaun Ekonómika(T) (also PDF) to a public discussion, which was reported on RTTL-TV. On 14 October, Decree-Law 51/2020(P) detailed economic support for businesses. Parliament approved the 2020 State Budget, and the President promulgated Law no. 10/2020(P) on 19 October. It appropriates $322 million for Covid-19 relief, including the Covid-19 Fund and $109 million for Cesta Basica in November and December. On 21 October, the Council of Ministers asked the President to extend the State of Emergency for 30 more days. On 27 October, after Parliamentary authorization (Law No 11/2020), the President extended the State of Emergency (Decree 66/2020)(P) until 3 December. In November, La'o Hamutuk produced a radio program: Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomia - PRE. In November, the Management Council for the Covid-19 Fund released a report on budget execution(P) through 31 October, showing that they had spent $128 million of the $333 million allocated to the Fund, although the second authorized withdrawal ($114 million) from the Petroleum Fund had not been made. On 25 November, the Council of Ministers asked for another 30-day extension of the State of Emergency, and the President heard(T) from relevant bodies on 30 November. On 3 December, Parliament authorized the extension(T), the President issued Decree 70/2020(P) and the Council of Ministers approved(E) Government Decree 18/2020 outlining new measures(P). The State of Emergency will expire at midnight on 2 January. In December, La'o Hamutuk published an article on the Advantages of the Cesta Bazika Program(T). During the last two weeks of December, Timor-Leste identified several new Covid-19 cases in Oecusse and Dili among people who had just arrived from abroad. Borders have been closed until 2 January, as described in circulars issued on 24 December by the National Police(T) and the Oecusse regional authority(T). On 21 December, the Council of Ministers proposed(E) that the President renew the State of Emergency for another month, and he asked Parliament for authorization(T) on 28 December. On 29 December, the Management Council for the Covid-19 Fund released a report on budget execution(P) through 31 November. On 29 December the Council of Ministers adopted(E) Decree 20/2020(P) enforcing social distancing, including a prohibition of gatherings of more than ten people. On 30 December, Parliament approved(T) the extended State of Emergency and the President proclaimed(T) it, effective until 1 February 2021, as Law No. 15/2020 and Presidential Decree 73/2020(P). On the same day, the Council of Ministers(EP) and RAEOA(T) explained some of the new rules, as enacted as Decree 21/2020(P), Resolution 51/2020(P) and Resolution 52/2020(P), which limited travel to Oecusse.
| Setembru-Dezembru Hafoin konsultasaun no autorizasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional liu Lei no. 8/2020 3 Setembru, Prezidente Republika deklara(P) prolongasaun ida ne'e no fó diskursu ba nasaun(T). Iha loron 4 Setembru, Governu Dekretu 12/2020(P) fó sai medidas sira ba faze foun. Iha loron 23 Setembru, Konsellu Ministru deside atu husu Prezidente Republika atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ate loron 5 fulan Novembru. Governu fó sai relatoriu(P) ida kona-ba ezekusaun tokon $121 liu Fundu Covid-19 ate fin ba fulan Agostu, no relatoriu(P) ida tan ho informasaun ne'ebe hatudu despeza tokon $2 tan ate fin ba fulan Setembru. Parlamentu Nasional autoriza ho unanimidade iha sesaun Plenaria estraordinaria, Sabado, loron 3 Outubru, no Prezidente Republika promulga kedas Lei 9/2020 no Deklarasaun 62/2020(P). Iha loron hanesan, Konsellu Ministru aprova(T) Dekretu Governu 13/2020(T) ho detallu kona-ba implementasaun. Iha loron 5 Outubru, Prezidente Republika fó diskursu ba nasaun(T). Iha loron 7 Outubru Prezidente Republika promulga Dekretu-Lei 48/2020(P), atu defini medidas ba apoiu economiku ba familia sira, inklui programa "Cesta Basica". Iha loron 8 Outubru, La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta aberta(T) ida ba Primeiru Ministru ho preokupasaun katak aspetu balu iha Planu ba Rekuperasaun Ekonómiku la resolve nesisidade ba povu kbiit laek. Iha loron 13 Outubru, La'o Hamutuk fó aprezentasaun Planu ba Rekuperasaun Ekonómiku(T) (mos PDF) ba diskusaun publiku, no RTTL-TV fahe iha Telejournal. Iha loron 14 Outubru, Dekretu-Lei 51/2020(P) fo detaillu kona-ba apoiu ekonomiku ba empreza sira. Parlamentu Nasional aprova Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba 2020, no Prezidente promulga Lei no 10/2020(P) iha loron 19 Outubru. OJE ne'e aloka tokon $322 ba medidas kontra surtu Covid-19, inklui Fundu Covid-19, no mos tokon $109 ba Cesta Basica durante fulan Novembru no Dezembru. Iha loron 21 Outubru, Konsellu Ministru husu Prezidente Republika atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30 tan. Iha loron 27 Outubru, hafoin hetan autorizasaun husi Parlamentu, Prezidenta prolonga EE(P) ate loron 3 Dezembru. Iha fulan Novembru, La'o Hamutuk fahe programa Radio Igualdade kona-ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomia - PRE. Iha Novembru, Konsellu Jestaun ba Fundu Covid-19 fó sai relatóriu kona-ba ezekusaun orsamentu(P) até loron 31 Outubru. Sira gasta ona tokon $128 husi tokon $333 aloka ba Fundu ida ne'e, maibé transferensia segundu husi Fundu Petrolifeiru (tokon $114) seidauk halo. Iha loron 25 Novembru, Konsellu Ministru husu Prezidente Republika atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30 tan, no Prezidente rona(T) husi entidade relevante sira iha loron 30 Novembru. Iha loron 3 Dezembru, Parlamentu autoriza prolongasaun(T), Prezidente fo sai Dekretu 70/2020(P) no Konsellu Ministrus aprova(T) Dekretu 18/2020 ho medidas foun(P). Estadu Emerjénsia sei remata iha meanoite, loron 2 Janeiru. Iha fulan Dezembru, La'o Hamutuk publika artigu Vantajen Programa Cesta Bázika nian ba Seguransa Ai-han(T). Durante semana rua ikus iha fulan Dezembru, Timor-Leste identifika kazu Covid-19 foun balun iha Oecusse no Dili iha ema sira ne'ebe foin mai husi liur. Governu taka fronteira sira ate loron 2 Janeiru, tuir sirkular rua fó sai iha loron 24 Dezembru husi Polisia Nasional(T) no Autoridade Rejional iha Oecusse(T). Iha loron 21 Dezembru, Konsellu Ministru husu(T) Prezidente Republika atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30 tan, no nia husu autorizasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional(T) iha loron 28 Dezembru. Iha loron 29 Dezembru, Konsellu Jestaun ba Fundu Covid-19 fó sai relatóriu kona-ba ezekusaun orsamentu(P) até loron 31 Novembru. Iha loron 29 Dezembru, Konsellu Ministru aprova(T) Dekretu 20/2020(P) atu haforsa distansia sosial no bandu aglomerasaun liuhusi ema nain sanulu. Iha loron 30 Dezembru, Parlamentu aprova(T) atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia no Prezidente proklama(T) ida ne'e. efetivu ate 1 Fevereiru 2021, hanesan Lei Nu. 15/2020 no Dekretu Prezidensial 73/2020(P). Iha loron hanesan, Konsellu Ministru(T) no RAEOA(T) fó sai informasaun kona-ba regras foun balun, hanesan aprova iha Dekretu 21/2020(P), Rezolusaun 51/2020(P) no Rezolusaun 52/2020(P).
| January 2021 On 5 January 2021, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport issued Circular 6/2021(P) explaining the teaching-learning process during the current phase of the State of Emergency. On 6 January, Decree-Law 1/2021(P) revised the Cesta Basica program. On 7 January, the Foreign Ministry(E) and Ministry of Interior(P) issued directives about closing the borders until 15 January. On 12 January, the Prime Minister created an interministerial commission(P) to develop a vaccination plan for Timor-Leste. On 15 January, Government Decree 2/2021(E) (P) replaced Decree 21/2020 to spell out the mechanisms for the current State of Emergency. Government Decree 1/2021(E) cancelled the restrictions on travel between Oecusse and the rest of Timor-Leste. On 20 January, the Council of Ministers proposed that the President renew the State of Emergency. On 27 January, following a speech by the Prime Minister(P), Parliament authorized the President to issue a declaration(P) which extended it until 3 March. Parliament also passed Resolution 5/2021(P), reviewing the State of Emergency from March-April 2020. On 29 January, the Council of Ministers adopted new rules(T) for the next phase of the State of Emergency, which are stricter than previous ones. The measures are spelled out in Government Decree 3/2021(P).
February On 10 February, Government Decree 4/2021(P) assigned responsibility for managing border control to the Interior Ministry rather than to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As cases continued to rise, on 15 February, the Council of Ministers adopted Government Resolutions 4 and 5/2021(P), banning travel between the municipalities of Bobonaro and Covalima (on the border with West Timor) and the rest of Timor-Leste. Lusa article (PE). On 19 February, Timor-Leste hosted a quarterly meeting with development partners. Presentations included Plano de Vacinação Contra COVID-19(P) from the Ministry of Health and COVID-19 Health Response(E) by the Australian ambassador and the WHO representative. On 19 February, the Council of Ministers proposed that the President renew the State of Emergency for another month. On 24 February, the Superior Council for Defense and Security and the Council of State supported the proposal, and Parliament approved it on 1 March (see below). On 23 February, testing of more than 2,000 people in western communities found four (later six) people in Aldeia Klauhalek, Suku Belulik Leten, Munisípiu Covalima (on the border with West Timor) who tested positive for Covid-19. As they had not just arrived from outside the country, these are the first cases of community spread in Timor-Leste. They were brought to isolation in Dili and the government banned travel in and out of the affected village. So far, the spread appears to have been contained. On 24 February, the Council of Ministers approved Government Resolution 10/2021, the Covid-19 vaccination plan(P).
| Janeiru 2021Iha loron 5 Janeiru 2021, Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu fó sai Circular 6/2021(P) ne’ebé esplika prosesu ensinu-aprendizajen durante faze Estadu Emerjénsia atuál. Iha loron 6 Janeiru, Dekretu-Lei 1/2021(P) altera programa Cesta Basica. Iha loron 7 Janeiru, Ministériu Negosiu Estranjeiru(E) no Ministériu Interior(P) fó sai despaxu rua kona-ba taka fronteira sira ate loron 15 Janeiru. Iha loron 12 Janeiru, Primeiru Ministru kria Komisaun Interministerial(P) atu dezenvolve planu vacina. Iha loron 15 Janeiru, Dekretu Governu 2/2021(P) substitui ba Dekretu 21/2020 atu fó medidas ba Estadu Emerjénsia atuál, no Dekretu Governu 1/2021(E) kansela restrisaun atu ba-mai Oecusse. Iha loron 20 Janeiru, Konsellu Ministru husu Prezidente Repúblika atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30 tan. Iha loron 27 Janeiru, hafoin rona diskursu husi Primeiru Ministru(P), Parlamentu autoriza Prezidente atu fó sai dekretu ida(P) ne'ebe prolonga EE ate loron 3 Marsu. Parlamentu aprova Rezolusaun 5/2021(P), ne'ebe apresia Estadu Emerjénsia iha fulan Marsu-Abril 2020. Iha loron 29 Janeiru, Konsellu Ministru aprova regras foun(T) ba faze tuir mail iha Estadu Emerjénsia, ne'ebe rigorosu liu duke regras pasadu. Medidas iha Dekretu Governu 3/2021(P).
Fevereiru Iha loron 10 Fevereiru, Konsellu Ministru aprova Dekretu Governu 4/2021(P) fó knaar atu jere kontrolu ba fronteira ba Ministériu Interior, la’ós Ministériu Negosiu Estranjeiru. Tanba kazu Covid-19 sa'e nafatin, iha loron 15 Fevereiru, Konsellu Ministru aprova Rezolusaun Governu 4 no 5/2021(P), atu limita viajen entre munisipalidade sira Bobonaro no Covalima no restu Timor-Leste. Artigu iha Lusa (PE). Iha loron 19 Fevereiru, Timor-Leste halo enkontru trimestral ida ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira. Aprezentasaun sira inklui Plano de Vacinação Contra COVID-19(P) husi Ministériu Saúde no COVID-19 Health Response(E) husi embaixadór Australia no reprezentante husi OMS (WHO). Iha loron 19 Fevereiru, Konsellu Ministru husu Prezidente Repúblika atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ba loron 30 tan. Iha loron 24, Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa no Konsellu Estadu rekomenda ba Prezidente atu autoriza Parlamentu Nasionál atu prolonga EE. PN aprova ona iha loron 1 Marsu (hare iha kraik). Iha loron 23 Fevereiru, teste sira iha komunidade hetan ema na’in haat(T) (orasida neen) pozitivu iha Aldeia Klauhalek, Suku Belulik Leten, Munisípiu Covalima (besik fronteira ho Timor Barat). Sira mak primeiru kazu iha ema ne’ebé la foin mai husi li’ur. Sira tama iha izolamentu iha Dili, no governu bandu ba-mai husi aldeia ida ne'e. Ate agora, seidauk iha kazu tan iha komunidade nia leet. Iha loron 24 Fevereiru, Konsellu Ministru aprova ona Rezolusaun Governu 10/2021, Planu Vaksinasaun Covid-19(P).
| March On 1 March, Parliament heard from the Prime Minister(P) and enacted Law 2/2021(P) authorizing the President(T) to issue Decree 15/2021(P) extending the State of Emergency until 2 April. On 2 March, the Council of Ministers approved(PE) Government Decree 6(E)(P)(T) with regulations(T) and continued the 'health fence' around Covalima municipality(P), while removing the one around Bobonaro municipality. They also reactivated the Integrated Crisis Management Center and continued border restrictions(P). During the first week of March, Timor-Leste detected its first cases of community transmission of Covid-19, including one in Baucau and several in different Dili neighborhoods. On March 8, the Council of Ministers(E) enacted Government Resolution 12(E), limiting travel within and out of Dili Municipality until at least 15 March. During 8-12 March, as cases continued to rise, several ministries issued dispatches to define the corridor and travel in and out of Dili(P), regulate games and crowds(P), manage teaching and learning(P), limit municipal markets(P), and close some establishments(P). On 10 March, the Council of Ministers(E) removed the health fence in Covalima (except Fatumean administrative post) through Gov.Res.13-14(P) and amended Gov.Res.12 with more specific rules(P) about travel in Dili. The Ministry of Tourism suspended(P) social games involving groups of people. Cases continued to rise, in many different clusters, although most were traceable. On 15 March, the Council of Ministers(E) extended the health fence in Dili until 2 April and clarified the rules for home confinement, as well as imposing a health fence for Baucau and Viqueque municipalities until 29 March, with some rules from Ministeriu Estatal(P). The details are spelled out in Government Resolutions 15-20(P) and BCTL circular 93(P), as summarized(PE) by Lusa. Parliament(T) remained open. The Ministry of Education issued three dispatches(P) on teaching and learning in areas under confinement. On 17 March, JSMP raised concerns(E) that the lockdown creates problems for victims of gender-based violence. On 24 March, Government Resolution 21(P) lifted the health fence for Fatumean. Also on 24 March, the Council of Ministers(E) decided to ask Parliament to modify the 2021 state budget in order to spend an additional $135 million on Covid-19 relief and prevention, and the draft law(E) was transmitted on 30 March. You can find more documents and details on our web page on the 2021 State Budget. On 29 March, the Council of Ministers(E) adopted Decree 11 and Resolutions 22-25(P) to modify state of emergency rules and to continue the health fences in Baucau and Viqueque. On the same day, the President asked(TP) Parliament to authorize extending the State of Emergency. On 31 March, after hearing from the Prime Minister(TP), Parliament(T) enacted Law 5 and the President issued Decree 17(P), extending the State of Emergency until 2 May. On the same day, the Ministry of Health issued Diploma 11(P) specifying the minimum conditions for therapeutic isolation at home.
| Marsu Iha loron 1 Marsu, Parlamentu Nasional rona diskursu husi Primeiru Ministru(P) no aprova Lei 2/2021(P) ne'ebé autoriza Prezidente Repúblika(T) atu fó sai Dekretu 15/2021(P) atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ate loron 2 Abril. Iha loron 2 Marsu, Konsellu Ministru aprova ona(T) medidas foun(T) iha Dekretu Governu 6(T)(P) no renova impozisaun serka sanitária iha munisípiu Covalima(P) no kotu ona serka sanitária iha munisípiu Bobonaro. Sira mós re-ativa Sentru Integrasu ba Jestaun Krize (CIGC) no prolonga restrisaun iha fronteira(P). Durante semana primeiru iha fulan Marsu, Timor-Leste hetan kazu primeiru sira tranzmisaun Covid-19 iha komunidade, inklui ida iha Baucau no balu iha bairru balun iha Dili. Iha loron 8 Marsu, Konsellu Ministru(T) aprova Rezolusaun Governu 12(P), atu limite viajen iha Dili no ba munisipiu sira seluk, too loron 15 Marsu. Durante loron 8-12 Marsu, ministériu balu fó sai despaxu sira atu defini korredór no viajen iha Dili(P), regula jogu no halibur malu(P), halo ensinu no aprendizajen(P), limita merkadu munisipál sira(P), no taka estabelesimentu balu(P). Iha loron 10 Marsu, Konsellu Ministru(T) kotu ona ko'a serka sanitária iha munisípiu Covalima (ho esepsaun postu administrativu Fatumean) liu Rez.Gov.13-14(P) no altera Rez.Gov12 ho regras espesífiku liu(P) kona-ba viajen iha Dili. Ministériu Turizmu suspende(P) jogu sosiál ne’ebé involve grupu. Kazu sira kontinua atu aumenta, iha "kluster" barak, maske autoridade sira bele identifika fonte ba besik hotu kazu sira. Iha loron 15 Marsu, Konsellu Ministru(T) prolonga serka sanitária iha munisípiu Dili too loron 2 Abril no klarifika regras ba hela obrigatóriu iha uma, no mós kria serka sanitária iha munisípiu Baucau no Viqueque ate 29 Marsu, ho medidas balu husi Ministériu Estatal(P). Detallu sira iha Rezolusaun Governu sira 15-20(P) no Sirkulár BCTL 93(P) no sumariza(PE) husi Antonio Sampaio (Lusa). Parlamentu Nasional(T) nakloka nafatin. The Ministériu Edukasaun fó sai despaxu tolu(P) kona-ba ensinu no aprendizajen iha area sira iha serka sanitaria nia laran. Iha loron 17 Marsu, JSMP loke preokupasaun(T) katak serka sanitária no konfinamentu obrigatóriu difikulta vítima violénsia bazeia ba jéneru. Iha loron 24 Marsu, Rezolusaun Governu 21(P) kansela serka sanitária iha Fatumean. Iha loron hanesan, Konsellu Ministru(T) deside atu husu Parlamentu atu altera Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba 2021atu autoriza despeza adisional ho montante tokon $135 ba Fundu Covid-19, no Governu haruka proposta lei(P) ba Parlamentu iha 30 Marsu. Bele hetan dokumentu sira no detaillu iha ami nia pajina web kona-ba OJE 2021. Iha loron 29 Marsu, Konsellu Ministru(T) aprova Dekretu 11 no Rezolusaun sira 22-25(P) atu muda medidas ba EE, no atu kontinua serka sanitária iha Baucau no Viqueque. Iha loron hanesan, Prezidente Repúblika husu(TP) Parlamentu atu autoriza prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia. Iha loron 31 Marsu, Parlamentu Nasional(T) rona diskursu husi Primeiru Ministru(TP) no aprova Lei 5/2021(P) ne'ebé autoriza Prezidente Repúblika(T) atu fó sai Dekretu 17/2021(P) ne’ebé prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia ate loron 2 Maiu. Iha loron hanesan, Ministériu Saúde fó sai Diploma 11(P) atu defini rekerimentu minimu ba izolasaun teraputiku iha rezidensia.
| April Covid-19 continues to escalate rapidly in Dili and other parts of Timor-Leste. By 16 May, 14 people had died with the disease and there are 2,739 active cases. Many public health and confinement measures have been taken (including first doses of the Astra Zeneca vaccine administered to about 50,000 people), and the State of Emergency has been extended every month through the end of November. La'o Hamutuk is not going to continue to update this page comprehensively, as health information is on the government's Covid-19 dashboard and emergency measures are on the government website. | Abril | Imagen sira tuir mai aplika ba faze Estadu Emerjénsia iha Marsu-Abril 2021 | Imagen sira tuir mai aplika ba faze Estadu Emerjénsia iha 2021 maibe agora antigu | | | | Imagen sira tuir mai aplika ba faze dala-haat Estadu Emerjénsia iha Agostu-Setembru 2020 | Imagen sira tuir mai aplika ba segundu faze Estadu Emerjénsia iha Abril-Maiu 2020 | Imagen sira tuir mai husi primeiru faze Estadu Emerjénsia iha Marsu-Abril 2020 |