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2023 Parliamentary Election
Eleisaun ba Parlamentu Nasional iha tinan 2023

Updated 1 August 2023



Click here for information about the 2018 Parliamentary election.

La'o Hamutuk is publishing information about the 2023 Parliamentary Election here, in order to make it more widely available.

On 13 February 2023, President of the Republic Jose Ramos-Horta set the date for the Parliamentary elections for 21 May and offered some thoughts about it. The following calendar has been established:

5 MarchDeadline for constitution of party coalitions and notification to CNE
15 MarchDeadline for submitting candidate lists to the STJ/Court of Appeal
25 MarchSTJ/Court of Appeal verifies candidatures (regularity of files, authenticity of documents, eligibility of candidates) and notifies candidates’ representatives
28 MarchSTJ/Court of Appeal Panel decides on appeals of decisions to admit/reject candidatures
28-30 MarchDrawing of the admitted candidatures for sorting on ballot papers
21 AprilSTAE releases the number and location of polling centres and polling stations
19 April - 18 MayElection campaign period (detailed schedule)
21 MayElection Day
21-23 MayMunicipal/regional tabulation of results
24-30 MayCNE calculates national results and posts provisional tabulation
1 JuneDeadline for appealing provisional results
4-6 JuneCourt of Appeal proclaims official results

In 2018, the Court of Appeal withdrew the eligibility of seven previous political parties: ASDT, KOTA, PDL, PUN, PARENTIL, PNT and PTT.

Eighteen parties, as listed below, submitted lists for the upcoming Parliamentary election. On 29 March, the Court of Appeal announced the results of the drawing for ballot positions, and the parties will be listed in the order below.

Hili iha ne'e atu hetan informasaun kona-ba eleisaun Parlamentár tinan 2018.

La’o Hamutuk publika informasaun kona-ba eleisaun Parlamentár tinan 2023 nian iha-ne’e, atu nune’e sira bele iha disponibilidade boot liu.

Iha loron 13 Fevereiru 2023 Prezidente da Repúblika Jose Ramos-Horta determina loron ba Eleisaun Parlamentár ne’ebé sei halo iha loron 21 fulan Maiu 2023 no oferese hanoin ruma (Port/Ing). Governu estabelese kalendáriu tuir mai:

5 MarsuPrazu harii koligasaun partidária no komunikasaun ba CNE
15 MarsuPrazu aprezentasaun lista kandidatura ba STJ/Tribunál Rekursu
25 MarsuSTJ/Tribunál Rekursu verifika kandidatura sira (regularidade prosesu, autentisidade dokumentu, elejibilidade kandidatu sira) no notifikasaun ba reprezentante kandidatu sira
28 MarsuSTJ/Tribunál Rekursu deside kona-ba rekursu ne’ebé aprezenta ba desizaun admisaun/rejeisaun kandidatura sira nian
28-30 MarsuSorteiu ba kandidatura sira ne’ebe ́admite ona hodi atribui ordenasaun iha boletin votu + afiksasaun / publikasaun ata
21 AbrilSTAE divulga númeru no fatin ba sentru votasaun no estasaun votu nian
19 Abril - 18 MaiuPerı́odu ba kampaña eleitorál (kalendáriu detailladu)
21 MaiuLoron eleisaun
21-23 MaiuApuramentu rezultadu iha nivel munisipál/rejionál
24-30 MaiuCNE elabora ata apuramentu provizóriu ba rezultadu nasioná
1 JunuPrazu interpozisaun/aprezenta rekursu kona-ba rezultadu provizóriu
4-6 JunuTribunál Rekursu  fó-sai rezultadu;

Iha tinan 2018, Tribunal Rekursu kansela ona elijibilidade partidu hitu atu kompete: ASDT, KOTA, PDL, PUN, PARENTIL, PNT no PTT. Tuir Lusa, PMD, PDRT, PDP and PTD mós labele kompete iha eleisaun 2023.

Husi restu, partidu 18 submete ona lista kandidata tuir prazu legal. Iha loron 29 Marsu, Tribunal Rekursu anunsia rezultadu númeru sorteiu ba kandidatu, no partidu polítiku sira sei lista iha boletín votasaun hanesan ne'e:

Posizasaun iha boletin Party / Partidu

Seats in PN 2018-2023

Kadeira iha PN 2018-2023

Votu iha eleisaun 2023

Seats in PN 2023-2028

Kadeira iha PN 2023-2028

1Partidu do Desenvolvimento Nacional (PDN) 


2Partidu Liberta Povu Aileba (PLPA) 


3Partidu da Libertação Populár (PLP)8


4Partidu Democrático (PD)5


5Partidu Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO)5


6Partidu Os Verdes (PVT)new party


7União Democrática Timorense (UDT)1


8Partidu do Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku (PUDD)1


9Partidu Republicano (PR) 


10Unidade Nacional Democrática da Resistência Timorense (UNDERTIM) 


11Frente Revolucionário de Timor Leste Independente (FRETILIN)23


12Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução de Timor Leste (CNRT)21


13Centro Acção Social Democrata Timorense (CASDT) 


14Movimento Libertasaun Povo Maubere (MLPM) 


15Partidu Socialista de Timor (PST) 


16Partidu Democrata Cristão (PDC) 


17Associação Popular Monarquia Timorense (APMT) 


  Frente Mudança (FM) [rejected by the Court of Appeal / rejeita ba Tribunal Rekursu]1  

Initially, seven parties did not file slates: Partidu Democrática República de Timor (PDRT), Associação Populár Monarquia Timorense (APMT), Partidu ba Dezenvolvimentu Populár (PDP), Partidu Timorense Democrático (PTD), Partidu Social Democrata (PSD), Partidu Milénium Democrático (PMD) and Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Sosiál (PDS). Some of these had joined pre-election coalitions. However, the court rejected all three such coalitions, and election officials asked for legal revisions in the future. APMT, which had been part of one of the rejected coalitions, subsequently submitted its own slate.

On 25 March, the Court of Appeal validated 17 party lists. They rejected only one party -- Frente Mudansa -- because disputing factions had submitted two lists and were not able to reconcile them.

These are the names of candidates on each party's list.

On 5 April, CNE approved the design of the ballot:

Partidu hitu la submete lista: Partidu Democrática República de Timor (PDRT), Associação Populár Monarquia Timorense (APMT), Partidu ba Dezenvolvimentu Populár (PDP), Partidu Timorense Democrático (PTD), Partidu Social Democrata (PSD), Partidu Milénium Democrático (PMD) no Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Sosiál (PDS). Partidu balu ne’e tama iha koligasaun. Maibé Tribunal rejeita koligasaun tolu hotu, no ofisiál eleitorál sira eleitoral husu atu halo revizaun legal iha futuru. Tuir mai, APMT, partidu ida ne’ebé partisipa iha koligasaun ne’ebé rejeitadu, submite ninia lista rasik.

Iha loron 25 Marsu, Tribunal Rekursu valida lista husi partidu 17. TR rejeita partidu ida de'it -- Frente Mudansa -- tanba grupu rua submete lista rua no labele hetan konkordánsia.

Naran kandidatu sira iha lista husi kada partidu.

Iha loron 5 Abril, CNE aprova ona dezeña ba boletin votu:

In early May, La'o Hamutuk distributed questions (Tetum) to every political party, asking for their views and positions on key issues.  Iha semana primeiru fulan Maiu, La'o Hamutuk fahe pergunta sira ba partidu polítiku hotu, atu husu sira nia vizaun no polítika sira kona-ba asuntu xave balun.

Analysis and commentary

Análize no komentáriu


The following are official results as verified by CNE and proclaimed by the Court of Appeal.

79% of registered voters came out to vote on 21 May, slightly fewer than in 2018 but more than in other Parliamentary elections. Five parties surpassed the 4% threshold for receiving Parliamentary seats, but none achieved an absolute majority. About 10% of voters chose one of the 12 parties which did not make the threshold.

CNRT won 31 seats, and is joining in coalition with PD for a total of 37 seats, a majority of the 65-Member National Parliament.


Tuir mai, rezultadu finál ofisiál husi CNE no Tribunal Rekursu.

79% husi eleitor sira ne’ebé rejistu ba vota iha loron 21 Maiu, menus uitoan kompara ho eleisaun iha 2018. Partidu lima hetan votu liu nivel 4% atu hetan kadeira ruma iha Parlamentu Nasional, maibé laiha partidu ida hetan maioria absoluta. Maizumenus 10% husi eleitor sira hili ida husi partidu 12 ne’ebé la atinje 4%.

CNRT manán kadeira 31, no halo koligasaun ho Partidu Demokratiku (PD) ho total kadeira 37, maioria iha Parlamentu Nasional ne’ebé iha kadeira 65.




On 5 June, the Court of Appeal officially certified the results, which were published in the Jornal da Republica the next day. The new Parliament was sworn in on 22 June.

Deputies will take their seats from the list at far right. If someone else declines their seat, the next person on the list (shown in blue) will get the seat.

The Ninth Constitutional Government was sworn in on 1 July, and more information is on another page on this website.

La'o Hamutuk wrote a congratulatory letter to all Deputies, highlighting some key issues and offering our help to advance policies which can improve people's lives.

Iha loron 5 Juñu, Tribunal Rekursu proklama rezultuadu sira, no Jornal da Repúblika publika loron ida tuir mai. Parlamentu Nasional foun hetan tomada da posse iha loron 22 fulan Juñu.

Deputadu sira sei hetan kadeira tuir lista iha liman loos. Karik ema na’in ida lakohi hetan kadeira, ema tuir mai iha lista (ho kór azúl) sei hetan kadeira.

Tomada da posse ba Governu Konstituisional dala IX (lista iha liman karuk) iha 1 Jullu. Bele hetan informasaun tan iha pajina seluk.

La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta parabens ba Deputada/u sira hotu, atu identifika asuntu xave balu no oferese atu servisu hamutuk atu avansa polítika ne'ebé bele ajuda povu nia moris.

 Observer reports (English except where noted)Relatóriu sira husi observadór (Tetum eseptu iha ne'ebé nota)


Dokumentu sira


Laws (most recent first, in English except where noted)

On 14 March 2023, the President vetoed the law Parliament had approved in February amending Law no. 6/2006 and sent it back to Parliament for reconsideration. Parliament re-approved the identical law on 20 March, but by less than the 2/3 majority required by Constitution articles 88.2 and 88.3 to override a Presidential veto, but it did not come into force.

Other laws from previous Parliamentary elections continue in force, including:

Lei sira

Iha loron 14 Marsu 2023, Prezidente Repúblika veta lei ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasional aprova ona iha fulan Fevereiru atu altera Lei nu. 6/2006 no haruka fali ba Parlamentu. Iha 20 Marsu, Parlamentu konfirma lei laho mudansa, maibé votu menus dois tersu ne’ebé Artigu 88.3 no 88.3 hatete nesesáriu atu kansela veta Prezidensiál, maibé la tama en vigor.

Lei sira husi eleisaun parlamentár iha pasadu aplika nafatin, inklui:

Presentations and training materials

La'o Hamutuk organized a public meeting on 25 April to discuss Alternatives for Development After Oil to encourage politicians to address this important issue during the campaign. Download LH presentation (in Tetum), TV interview with Febe, article in Neon Metin or coverage on GMN-TV (second report).

La'o Hamutuk also gave a presentation to international observers on key issues facing the incoming government.

Aprezentasaun no briefing sira

La'o Hamutuk organiza ona seminar nasionál iha loron 25 Abril hodi bele diskute kona-ba futuru Timor-Leste nian hafoin mina no alternativa sira ne’ebé bele asegura dezenvolvimentu sustentavel iha Timor-Leste ba oin. Bele download LH nia aprezentasaun, empresaria nia aprezentasaun, entervista televizaun ho Febe, artigu iha Neon Metin ka kobertura iha GMN-TV (relatoriu segundu).  Bele hare foto no dokumentu tan iha ne'e.

La'o Hamutuk mós fó aprezentasaun ida (Ingles) ba grupu observadór internasionál kona-ba asuntu xave sira ne'ebe sei enfrenta governu foun.

Official agencies

Ajénsia ofisiál sira



The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:    Web:    Blog: