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Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal
Aliansi Nasional Timor Leste Ba Tribunal Internasional

Secretariat: Fongtil, Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste

Komunikadu da Imprensa

Tribunal Internasional mak solusiona korenti impunidade

Nudar sidadaun ba rai ida ne’e, saida mak ami senti no dezeizu ba justisa krime grave ne la to’o wainhira ulun boot sira mak sai nudar portavos hodi espresa sentimentu nebe la tuir buat nebe mak ami senti no dezeizo ba. Ami nia dezeizo ba justisa ne hetan k’bit lejitimu husi lei Inan RDTL artigo 160 katak: “ …krime kontra umanidade, jenosidiu ka krimi funu nian, nia prosedementu kriminal tenke halao iha tribunal nasional ka internasional.” Tamba ne ami triste no lamenta tebes sei bainhira iha esteitmentu ruma husi ulun boot Timor-Leste nian katak povu Timor la persija ona tribunal internasional ba krime kontra umanidade ne hatudu ignoransia ba prinsipiu fundamental lei inan nebe demokratikamente tuir vontade komun povu timorense nian.

Ami mos hakarak hato’o katak atu estabelese tribunal internasional ne laos konforme saida mak ulun boot sira nia hakarak maibe k’manek liu rona mos saida mak ami husu hela ba. Ami mos preukupa katak atu etabelese duni tribunal internasional laos hare deit ba kuantidade ema nebe ejiji tribunal intenasional maibe hare ba akontesementu objetu krime grave nebe mosu iha rai ida ne nian.

Ami agradese tebes ba Amnestia Internasional nebe nafatin preukupa ba kondisaun real nebe ami infrenta hodi ijiji ba justisa liliu ijiji ba estabelesementu tribunal internasional hodi hakotu impunidade iha Timor no iha rai seluk. Ami konsiente tebes katak sei laiha justisa ba krime hasoru umanidade iha tempo pasadu nian absolutamente sei la garantia justisa iha futuru oin mai.

Nune’e, ho nakloke ami alerta ba public tomak katak, saida mak exelentismo Presidente da Republika Timor-Leste senhor José Ramos-Horta hato’o liu husi deskursu iha Geneva iha loron 11 Marsu 2010 relasaun ho asuntu justisa ne “la los” tamba la refleta realidade ho asaun sunu lilin nebe ami halao iha embaisada Indonesia iha loron 6 Setembro 2009, ne asaun protesta nebe ami halao nudar meius nebe ami protesta saida mak estadu Timor-Leste halo hodi fo livre ba Maternus Bere (eis milisia Laksaur). Aliened ne Tribunal rekursu mos halao konferensia da imprensia nebe fo sai iha loron 9 Setembro 2009 hodi mos kontra desizaun nebe estadu Timor-Leste halao.

Tamba ne ami hakarak hato’o :

  1. Husu ba Presidente da Republika atu rekonhese asaun kiik ruma nebe ami halao hanesan sinal hodi ejiji atu iha tribunal internasional
  2. Husu komunidade internasional atu mos komprende kondisaun ami nia Prezidente da Republika nian nebe dala ruma hasai estatementu nebe la rona no la konsidera parte vitima nebe la reprezenta povo tomak liliu ba ami nebe siempre ijiji justisa no ejiji ba estabelesementu tribunal internasional.

Ami husu ba Presidente da Republika atu respeitu no implementa Konstituisaun RDTL artigo 77 tuir juramentu nebe halo iha tempo tomada de pose nudar Presidente da Republika “halo tuir no haruka halo tuir Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira.”

Dili, 21 Marsu 2010

Press Release

An International Tribunal is the Solution to Continuing Impunity

As citizens of this country, our feeling and desire for justice for serious crimes is not enough when our leaders become spokesmen to express views which don’t follow what we feel and work for. Our thirst for this justice draws its legitimate power from Article 160 of the Constitution of RDTL, that “…crimes against humanity of genocide or of war shall be liable to criminal proceedings with the national or international courts.” Therefore, we are sad and strongly lament when a leader of Timor-Leste makes a statement that the Timorese people don’t need an international tribunal for crimes against humanity and show ignorance of the fundamental principles of our democratic constitution which expresses the wishes of the common Timorese people.

We would also like to say that the establishment of an international tribunal may not agree with what our leaders want, but it is better to also listen to what we continue to ask. We are concerned that the decision to establish an international tribunal should not be based only on the number of people demanding it, but on what serious crimes have occurred in our country.

We greatly appreciate Amnesty International’s continuing concern about the actual conditions that we encounter in pushing for justice, especially pushing for an international tribunal to end impunity in Timor and other countries. We are very aware that if there is no justice for past crimes against humanity, there will be absolutely no guarantee of justice in the future.

Therefore, we would like to inform the entire public, what his excellency the President of the Republic of Timor-Leste Mr. José Ramos-Horta said in his speech in Geneva on 11 March 2010, relating to the issue of justice, is “not true” because it does not reflect the reality of the candle-lighting action we held at the Indonesian embassy on 6 September 2009, an action which is one way we protested what the state of Timor-Leste did to set Maternus Bere (ex-Laksaur militia) free. Also, the Appeals Court held a press conference on 9 September 2009 which was against the decision by the state.

Therefore, we would like to say:

  1. Ask the President of the Republic to recognize the small actions we have done as a message to demand an international tribunal
  2. Ask the international community to understand the condition of our President, who sometimes makes statements without listening to or considering the victims or not representing our people, especially we who always demand justice and the establishment of an international tribunal.

We ask the President of the Republic to respect and implement Article 77 of the Timor-Leste Constitution, and follow the oath he took when he was sworn in as President to “abide by and enforce the Constitution and the laws.”

Dili, 21 March 2010

Deklarasaun husi ami vitima/familia vitima Distrito Ermera

Hau Flaviano M. Lemos, nudar reprejentante ba Vitimas/Familias Vitimas deklara katak, sei la simu ba Sua Ex-cia Presidente da Republica nia lia fuan ou nia stetmen ne’ebe foin lalais fo sai nia discusrsu iha rai liur. Se ami la sala iha Genewa Suisa.

Ami vitima/familia vitima hakarak hato’o mensajen badak deit konaba pozisaun Estado/ Governo TL ne’ebe laiha liu komitmentu ba JUSTISA.

Hodi osan sei la kura ami nia sentimentu no’o hodi osan sei la kria Paz.

Ami so husu atu rona ami lian, no’o hare’e ba injustisa tomak iha TL.

Hau nudar reprejentante Vitima/Familia Vitima hatene katak Povo TL iha komitmentu forte ba Paz liu husi justisa.

Ami Vitima/Familia Vitima rejeita Presidente da Republica nia lia fuan ne’ebe fo sai ba media iha tinan kotuk katak, halo ona konsultasaun ho Vitima/Familia Vitima iha Distrito 13 katak Vitima sira lakohi ona Justisa. Ne Bosok. Iha Suai, Ermera, no’o Distrito hotu – hotu sei hamorok tebes ba justisa.

Lo’os duni katak, Estado/Governo nia responsabilidade atu tau matan ba Vitima/f.vitimas, liu meius rekoperasaun ba Individuo,kolectivu ou meius seluk tan, Ne Obrigasaun Estado/ Governo atu fo protesaun.

Estado/ Governo, PN,laiha vontade diak atu implementa ho diak ba injustisa ne’ebe iha. Exemplu:Kazu Maternus Berek hamosu pros e kontras ne’ebe infelismente nega total vitimas/f.vitimas sira nia sofrimentu durante ne hein hela.

Parlamento Nasional rasik demora liu atu diskuti Rekomendasaun Chega,maske iha ona prioriedade balun mak komesa tau iha ajenda atu debate iha Comisaun A, mas PN sira la konsistenti no’o laiha vontade diak tamba la terus ona.

Exemplu ida tan mak, kuandu NGO/IGREIJA iha komitmentu forte hamotuk ho Vitimas/ f.Vitimas sira hala’o konsultasaun, Sorumutu, workchop, Estado/Governo nunka hakarak fo sira nia tempu tamba laiha komitmentu duni, no’o tauk atu responde ba preokupasaun Vitimas/f.vitimas.

Karik Estado/Governo nia pozisaun mak bosok beibeik,ami sei la garante KAK atu sesvisu ho diak ba lalaok injustisa ? Ema nia vida deit laiha justisa, sa-tan Korupsaun ne’ebe fo benefisiu ? Exemplu ida tan mak, Estado/Governo la suporta maximal ba apoiu Crimes Graves Serius nia misaun, no’o hare’e liu ba CVA nia servisu ne’ebe, iha indikasaun hamate justisa ba Vitimas/f.vitimas 1999.

Obrigadu, ne mak ami lian.

16 Marsu 2010

Declaration from victims and families of victims, Ermera District

 I, Flaviano M. Lemos, as a representative of Victims / Families of Victims declare that, I will not accept His Excellency the President of the Republic’s words or the statement that he just issued in his speech overseas. If we’re not wrong, in Geneva Switzerland.

We victims / families of victims would like to give just a short message about the position of the State and Government of Timor-Leste which doesn’t have much commitment to JUSTICE.

Because money will not cure our feelings and because money will not create Peace.

We ask you to listen to our voices, and see the whole injustice in TL.

I as a representative of Victims / Families of Victims know that the People of Timor-Leste have strong commitment to Peace especially from justice.

We Victims / Families of Victims reject the President of the Republic’s words that he issued to the media last year, that he had consulted with Victims / Families of Victims from 13 Districts and the Victims don’t want Justice. That is a Lie. In Suai, Ermera and all districts – everyone thirsts for justice.

It is true that the State/Government has a responsibility to watch the Victims/Families, through the means of Individual and collective compensation and other means. The State/Government is obliged to give protection.

The State/Government, National Parliament, don’t have the good will to address the injustice that exists. For example, the case of Maternus Bere gave rise to debate pro and con which unhappily totally overrode the suffering of the Victims/Families while we stand by.

National Parliament itself delays to discuss the Chega, Recommendations which are already priorities on the agenda of debate in Committee A, but the MPs are not consistent and don’t have the good will because they don’t suffer any more.

Another example, when NGOs and the CHURCH have a strong commitment together with the Victims/Families to have consultation, meetings and workshops, the State/Government never wants to give their time because they don’t have a serious commitment, and are afraid to respond to the concerns of Victims and Families.

Perhaps the State/Government’s position is to always lie, so how can we expect KAK to work well to prevent injustice? People’s lives simply don’t have justice, does Corruption gives them benefits? Another example is that the State/Government doesn’t give much support to the Serious Crimes mission, and looks more at CVA’s work, which is an indication of killing justice for the victims and families of victims from 1999.

Thank you, these are our voices.

16 March 2010

The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua dos Martires da Patria, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
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