Index to Articles about extractive industries
Índise ba artigu sira kona-ba indústria estrativa sira
Click here for an index to articles on other topics.
"LHB" indicates that the article was published in the La'o Hamutuk Bulletin.
Most other items are press releases, reports, or submissions to public
officials. Items are in reverse chronological order, with the most
recent listed first.
Select a topic to go to a list of links to articles about it:
Additional information from before 2009 is our
OilWeb pages, including:
Background and overview
The Oil Industry and the Prevention of Climate Change in the Context of
TL (also
PDF and
article) (6/24)
Timor-Leste 2021 Economic Survey:
The End of Petroleum Income academic paper
Timor-Leste: Survei
Ekonómiku 2021: Reseita petrolíferu hotu ona (10/21)
Also blog
Timor-Leste will soon be running on fumes (10/21)
the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (5/19)
Oilwatch Southeast Asia Regional
Meeting presentations and
statement (also
Tetum) (7/10) -
LH presentation The Current
Situation in Timor-Leste (2/10)
OilWeb comprehensive data archive on Timor-Leste's
oil and gas, including now-defunct
TSDA and
Timor Sea Office websites
Include index pages on Background
topics, History,
Companies and many other topics
What is LNG? (8/08) -
LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges (2/08)
Fourth Constitutional Government of RDTL: Structure, Program, Budget and
members (10/07) -
New Secretary of State for Natural Resources Alfredo Pires describes his
plans at La'o Hamutuk public meeting (9/07)
LHB Restructuring
Petroleum Regulation in Timor-Leste. (6/07)
Petroleum in Timor-Leste (presentation to the International Forum on
Petroleum, Human Rights and Environmental Reparation, Ecuador) (10/06)
Oil in Timor-Leste: A discussion of economic, ecological and moral debt.
(Chapter written for Oilwatch by La'o Hamutuk) (9/05)
LHB Timor Sea Oil
and Gas Update (comprehensive history, technical, political and
financial overview) (8/03)
Surat Popular: Our Oil, Our Future
LHB Chronology
of Oil and Gas in the Timor Sea (12/02)
Profiles of oil companies involved in the Timor Sea (7/02)
LHB With
Independence, What Changes for the Timor Gap? (5/02)
Sunrise LNG
Tasi Mane petroleum infrastructure project and TimorGAP
Other petroleum projects
Oil and gas projects
(English/Tetum), with texts of most Production-Sharing Contracts and other project-related
information and news (10/24)
Aprezentasaun ba TLSA
Esperansa ho Realidade ba Perfurasaun Mina Rai iha Covalima (mós
second submission to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority on
pipelines related to the Barossa gas project and CCS at Bayu-Undan (6/23)
Presentation Carbon Capture and
Storage (CCS) at Bayu-Undan (also
PDF) (12/22)
LHB Konsultasaun iha
perfurasaun mina no gás iha Covalima (12/22)
Aprezentasaun Kaptura no Rai Hela
Karbonu: Solusaun ka Kolonializmu Karbonu? (mos
PDF) (7/22)
TimorGAP begins exploring Pualaca Block by itself /
TimorGAP Hahú Esplorasaun Mesak iha Bloku Pualaca (6/22)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Kaptura no rai hela karbonu (CCS) iha
Bayu-Undan (3/22)
Press release:
Santos proposal for CCS at Bayu-Undan is not a true or honest solution
Proposta Santos nian ba harii CCS iha Bayu-Undan La’ós Solusaun Loos no La
Onestu (3/22)
LH submission to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority on
pipelines related to the Barossa gas project and CCS at Bayu-Undan (2/22)
Presentation Carbon Capture in
Timor-Leste: Is it Carbon Colonialism? (also
PDF) (11/21)
Video of ECNT webinar.
submission to ANPM on the environmental license for the Rusa-1 onshore test
oil well in Ainaro
Onshore oil drilling imminent despite serious concerns (9/21)
Carbon Capture and Storage under the Timor Sea: Climate Change
Prevention or Carbon Colonialism?
Kaptura no rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos: Solusaun ba Mudansa
Klimátika ka Kolonializmu Karbonu? (7/21)
Timor-Leste 2021 Economic Survey academic paper (6/21)
Presentation As Bayu-Undan dries
up: challenges and opportunities /
Bainhira Bayu-Undan sei maran:
dezafiu no oportunidade sira (Also
English PowerPoint,
Tetum PowerPoint,
English paper,
Tetum paper) (11/17)
Kitan offshore oil project in JPDA 06-105, with links to many documents
Oil production inevitably declines (also
Tetum) describing the implications of depleting Kitan (3/14)
LH submission on EIS and EMP
for Eni's further exploratory drilling in S06-06 (10/10)
Eni's Cova
exploratory drilling, with links to many documents (9/10)
Reliance exploratory drilling in
Block K (English/Tetum), with
media articles and links to many documents (9/10)
LH submission (also
Tetum) on
TOR for Environmental
Impact Statement (also
Tetum) for Eni's
further exploratory drilling in S06-03 (9/10)
LH submission
on Environmental Impact Statement for Eni's Cova-1 exploratory drilling
(7/10) and Eni's
(also Tetum)
submission on Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plans for
Reliance's exploratory drilling in Block K of Timor-Leste exclusive offshore
area (6/10), Tetum
(7/10), and
Reliance's response (8/10)
LH submission on
Eni's proposed
Environmental Management Plan (also
Tetum) for the
GeoStreamer seismic survey (6/10)
Seismic exploration environmental management plans from Eni and Reliance,
with submissions from La'o Hamutuk (6/10)
LH submission regarding Environmental Plan for Eni Marine Seismic Survey
Oil-fired power plants
Heavy oil power plants index and
analysis for 2011-17
(Eng. and Tetum) (2/18)
LH letter (also
Tetum) protesting
award of
furniture contract to Chinese Nuclear Industry Construction Company No.
22 (10/13)
LH presentation
Polítika enerjetika no investimentu públiku at Parliamentary
budget seminar (Tetum) (1/13) -
Leaked reports from
ELC/Bonifica supervising the construction of this project:
September 2010,
October 2010,
November 2010,
January 2011,
April 2011,
June 2011,
(4/12) -
Heavy oil power plants
overall index
(Eng. and Tetum) (9/11) -
Heavy oil power plants index
and analysis for 2010
(Eng. and Tet.) (6/11)
Deloitte review of
Executive Summary,
and 6MB
original. (5/11)
LH letter to
about inadequate budget appropriation to cover increased payment
obligations during 2011 (1/11) -
Laying for Hera heavy oil power plant
(Eng. and Tet.) (1/10) -
Letter from Prime
Minister to Parliament redesigning the project (Port.) (11/09) -
Heavy oil power plants index and
for 2008-2009 (Eng. and Tet.) (11/09) -
Heavy Oil Power
Plants: Project without Process (6/09) -
Request to
(Ombudsman) to investigate this project (also
(4/09) -
to Ministry of Finance asking for information on tender (3/09)
map of proposed system
Tetum) (3/09) -
Petition to
(also Tetum)
La'o Hamutuk
submission to
Parliament (also
Tetum) (12/08)
Capital expenditures for
electricity project in 2009 state budget (Eng. and Tet.) (12/08)
Heavy Oil
Power Plants - $390 million over four years (also
Request for Proposals and
TOR for legal advice from Ministry of Finance (9/08)
Invitation to bid from Ministry
of Finance (6/08)
Proposal from Chinese Nuclear
Company #22 (6/08)
Resource Curse / Malisan Rekursu
Academic article
The Resource
Curse in Timor-Leste (La
maldición de los recursos en Timor-Leste in Spanish) (8/22)
The Resource
Curse in Timor-Leste (also
PDF or
video) (3/22)
Bobby Boye: Convict, Advisor and Fraud (also
Tetum) with many
links (1/21)
Can a Sovereign
Wealth Fund Prevent the Resource Curse? The case of Timor-Leste, given at
Mozambique Conference on Natural Gas for Economic Transformation and
Inclusive Growth (also
PPT, 8/19)
Informasaun Importante ba MP sira (mos
PowerPoint) kona-ba
Sunrise, Tasi Mane no OJE 2019 (12/18)
the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (10/18)
Paper Malisan Rekursu iha
Timor-Leste: Hosi Jestaun Fundu Petrolíferu no polítika orsamentál (10/17)
Paper As Bayu-Undan dries
up: challenges and opportunities /
Bainhira Bayu-Undan sei
maran: dezafiu no oportunidade sira (10/17)
Aprezentasaun Malisan Rekursu iha
Timor-Leste: Hosi Jestaun Fundu Petrolíferu no polítika orsamentál (mós
PowerPoint, 6/17)
Presentation As Bayu-Undan dries
up: challenges and opportunities /
Bainhira Bayu-Undan sei maran:
dezafiu no oportunidade sira (Also
English PowerPoint,
Tetum PowerPoint, 6/17)
Consequences of TL's Dependency on Oil and Gas (also
41MB PowerPoint
with audio) (4/16)
Indicators have Consequences
Sinál perigu sei iha konsekuénsia (3/16)
Oil running out is reality,
not propaganda (LH letter responding to Parliamentary comments) (also
blog and
Tetum) (6/15)
Can the Petroleum Fund Exorcise the
Resource Curse from TL? (also
PDF) (9/14 and
How Long will the Petroleum
Fund Carry Timor-Leste? (also
Tetum) (6/15)
Timor-Leste's oil and gas
are going fast (also
Mina-rai no gas Timor-Leste nian besik hotu ho lalais (4/15)
It takes more than money
to achieve development: lessons from TL presentation to ESCAP conference
(also Ppt) (10/14)
Timor-Leste has been robbed! ka
ona Timor-Leste (8/14)
LH letter asking for court
audit of TimorGAP (2/15)
CPLP should not Admit
Equatorial Guinea (7/14)
Presentation to Chatham House New
Petroleum Producers Discussion Group on engaging with society (5/14)
Timor-Leste: The
Political Economy of a Rentier State by Guteriano Neves (7/13)
Oil production inevitably declines (also
Tetum) describing the implications of depleting Kitan (3/14)
Going for Broke
editorial from Petroleum Economist magazine (3/13)
Malisan Rekursu no Korrupsaun (11/12)
Wading deeper into an oily swamp about IAB appointments (7/12)
Ten billion dollars is a tempting target (7/12)
How Timor-Leste got Ten Billion Dollars ... and how Quickly we will Spend it
all. (5/12)
Petroleum regulators (ANP) get themselves better health care (also
Tetum) (3/12)
Reply to comments on ANP health care (also
Tetum) (4/12)
If you spend $400 million,
you don't have it any more (3/12)
LH comments at
Rio+20 Green Economy for Sustainable Development workshop (11/11)
Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2012 ha’belit liu tan Malisan Rekursu ba Timor-Leste
Some thoughts from LH for the
Regional EITI Conference (also
Tetum) (8/11)
La'o Hamutuk submission on
draft TL country report for
process on Aid Effectiveness in Fragile States (5/11)
La'o Hamutuk
comment (also
Tetum and Tetum
slideshow) on UNDP 2011 National
Human Development Report for Timor-Leste (5/11)
Submission from La'o Hamutuk
2011 budget (12/10)
Igualidade: Impaktu Eksploitasaun Petroleu (6 MB Tetum MP3) (8/10) -
Oilwatch Southeast Asia Regional
Meeting report and presentations (7/10) -
Submission from La'o Hamutuk on
2010 mid-year budget rectification (6/10)
mid-year budget rectification (9/10)
Strategic Development Plan (also
Tetum) (5/10)
Donor, oil and other
money in Timor-Leste since 1999 (2/10)
LHB: Petroleum Fund:
Estimated Sustainable Income (6/09)
LHB: Diversify
Petroleum Fund Investment? Not Now. (6/09)
Program Radio Igualidade
kona ba Malisan Rekursu (14 MB Tetum MP3) (5/09)
Orsamento Estadu 2009: Prudente ka
lae? Artigu tolu husi jornal hakerek husi La'o Hamutuk no Vice-Ministru
Finansas (4/09)
LH analysis of prudence and
sustainability in calculating the Estimated Sustainable Income (also
Tetum) (3/09)
LH Submission on TL budget
for 2009 (also Tetum),
Editorial: Budget
Invites Resource Curse
(also Tetum)
LH statements at Parliamentary
anti-corruption conference (9/08)
Budget is First Step to Resource Curse
(Statement by Timor-Leste Transparency Network) (7/08)
LHB Return our
Natural Resources (report from Oilwatch Forum) (3/07)
LHB Timor-Leste
will be one of the most oil-dependent countries in the world (11/05)
Response from Prime Minister;
LH comment (4/06)
Timor-Leste participates in International Day of Action against the Shwe Gas
Project in Burma (10/05)
LHB article (11/05)
Oil in Timor-Leste: A discussion of economic, ecological and moral debt.
(Chapter written for Oilwatch by La'o Hamutuk) (9/05)
Can Timor Leste Avoid the Resource Curse? (Paper presented to the
workshop on Transparency and Accountability in Government in 3/04). An
updated version of this article was an
LHB Editorial (10/04). This has also been made into a
PowerPoint presentation and a
Bulletin Reprint. LHB
Timor-Leste Exchange Visit: A Nigerian Perspective and
Learns from Nigeria’s Experience (10/04)
Report from Timor-Leste Exchange with Nigeria (9/04)
LHB Oil and Gas
Victims Protest Unmet Promises in SE Asia (3/04)
LHB With
Money, Oil Also Brings Problems (7/02)
Petroleum Laws (regime) (see also
Petroleum Fund)
Petroleum Fund /
Petrolíferu (see also
Transparency below / hare mós Transparénsia
iha kraik)
Index to Petroleum Fund operations, including management agreements,
Quarterly and Annual Reports and other information (Eng. and Tetum.) (9/24)
Dependensia ba Fundu Petróleo no Alternativa (mós
PDF) (3/23)
Timor-Leste 2021 Economic Survey academic paper (6/21) Also blog
Timor-Leste will soon be running on fumes (10/21)
Sustentabilidade Finansa
Estadu no Fundu Petrolíferu (12/20)
presentation for
Mozambique: Can a Sovereign Wealth Fund Prevent the Resource
Curse? The experience of Timor-Leste (also
PDF and
273 MB video) (8/20)
Global economic developments hit Timor-Leste hard (also
PDF) (9/20)
Akontesimentu Ekonomia Global fó impaktu boot ba Timor-Leste (mos
Implications of recent
changes to Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund (5/20)
Radio Igualdade:
Investimentu Fundu
Petrolifeiru (MP3 3/20)
Implications of recent
changes to Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund (also
PDF) (6/19)
Confronting the state's
temporary cash flow problem / Enfrenta problema finansial temporáriu;
Submission to Parliament (also
and LH
Press release (also
Malisan Rekursu iha
Timor-Leste: Hosi Jestaun Fundu Petrolíferu no polítika orsamentál (mós
PowerPoint, 6/17)
oil wealth: financing government, building for development and providing for
its people (also Powerpoint) (5/17)
Making the Oil
Companies Pay What They Owe about assessing unpaid taxes (2/20)
blog and
blog) on proposed
Budget Rectification (7/16)
How long will the Petroleum
Fund carry Timor-Leste? index page (6/15) with
(also Tetum)
and other materials
Can the Petroleum Fund Exorcise the
Resource Curse from TL? (also
PDF) (8/14 and
How long will Timor-Leste's
Petroleum Fund Last? (update) (also
blog) (6/15)
Timor-Leste's oil and gas
are going fast (also
Mina-rai no gas Timor-Leste nian besik hotu ho lalais (4/15)
Is Fiscal
Policy Sustainable? (also
Polítika Fiskál
Sustentavel ka lae? (also
PDF) (3/15)
LH letter urging consideration of
fallen oil prices when revising the 2015 State Budget (also
Tetum) (2/15)
Ministry of Finance response
to LH letter (also
Tetum) (3/15)
Oil production inevitably declines (also
Tetum) describing the implications of depleting Kitan (3/14)
LH Blog on presentation to TLSA:
How Long will the Petroleum Fund Carry Timor-Leste?
(7/13) Also
spreadsheet, PowerPoint and
PDF (7/13)
ABC: Taxing Times in Timor
transcript of TV documentary LH Blog:
Filling gaps in Taxing Times (10/12)
Wading deeper into an oily swamp about IAB appointments (7/12)
Ten billion dollars is a tempting target (7/12)
How Timor-Leste got Ten Billion Dollars ... and how Quickly we will Spend it
all. (5/12)
Revising the Petroleum Fund Law:
background, analysis, concerns, submissions proposed revisions (also
Tetum) (7/12)
Banking and
Payments Authority submission to Parliament on revising the PF Law (also
LH Submission to the
Ministry of Finance (also
PDF) on
proposed revisions
to the Petroleum Fund Law (also
Igualidade: Proposta revisaun Lei Fundu Petroliferu (6 MB Tetum MP3)
(10/10) -
Radio Igualidade:
Tentasaun Kambalasu Fundu Petroliferu (6 MB Tetum MP3) (10/10) -
Failed attempt to scam $1.2
billion from Petroleum Fund
(Eng. and Tet.) (10/10)
Timor-Leste (first) Annual EITI Report for 2008
(also Tetum)
LH Submission to Parliament on 2010 General State Budget and
corrective letter
(also Tetum)
Petroleum Fund:
Estimated Sustainable Income and
Petroleum Fund Investment? Not Now
LH analysis of prudence
and sustainability in calculating the Estimated Sustainable Income (also
Tetum) (3/09)
LH Submission on TL budget
for 2009 (also Tetum),
Topic page on RDTL State Budget for
2009, with links (Eng. and Tet.) (12/08)
Rectified 2008 Budget Invites Resource Curse
(also Tetum)
Budgeting for the
(also Tetum)
Court rules
mid-year budget violates petroleum fund law (11/08)
Petroleum Fund and
revenue-related portions of 2008 RDTL State budget (Eng. and Tet.)
Flyer for La'o
Hamutuk all-party debate on managing petroleum money, and
report on that
debate (6/07)
LHB analysis of
Petroleum Fund (3/07), including
glossary and
comparison with
Norway's Fund.
NGOs elect Petroleum
Fund Consultative Council reps (4/06)
review of first PF
quarterly report (12/05).
Parliamentary debate
and passage of Petroleum Fund Act with
Submissions from La'o Hamutuk
Portuguese) and
others and the
final version of the Act (also
Portuguese) (6/05)
Public Consultation on the
TL Petroleum Fund Act.
LH Submission (also
Portuguese) and
submissions from
other NGOs (3/05)
Public Consultation
regarding the TL
Petroleum Fund Discussion Paper. Includes
LH Submission
and many other documents and submissions. (12/04)
Oil money requires
good management by Joseph Stiglitz (1/04)
/ Transparénsia (see also Petroleum Fund and
Regime / hare mos Fundu Petrolíferu no rejime petrolíferu)
Rezultadu OBS
2023 (mós
PDF) (8/24) Programa Radio Igualdade
Open Budget Survey (9/24)
Results of the 2023 Open Budget Survey for Timor-Leste, including
Country report on Timor-Leste,
open letter
(also Tetum),
press release
(also Tetum),
global report,
Tetum) (6/24)
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
(EITI) Timor-Leste index page, with reports for 2008-2021 (8/24)
Presentation Timor-Leste in the
Open Budget Survey (also PDF)
LHB Observasaun kona-ba transparénsia
iha governasaun durante tinan 2022 (12/22)
Transparency requires information, not just pretty pictures /
Transparénsia Ezije Informasaun, La’ós Imajen Furak De’it (8/22)
La'o Hamutuk
Press release on
2021 Open Budget Survey (also
blog (also
and Tetum video Estadu
Timor-Leste Tenke Pratika Diák Liu Tan Transparénsia no Partisipasaun
Publiku (7/22)
Enkuadramentu Orsamentál (1/22)
LHB Presiza iha Progresu Liu Tan
Atu Hadi’ak Transparénsia (OBS) (12/20)
La'o Hamutuk press release on
2019 Open Budget Survey (also
Tetum) (4/20)
TL Laiha Mudansa iha Transparénsia Orsamentál tuir Klasifikasaun Internasionál
Timor-Leste unimproved in 2019 Open Budget Survey
LHB Presiza hadi’ak
liután Transparénsia Timor-Leste nian (11/18)
LHB Asesu ba Dokumentu
Ofisiál sira: Direitu Demokrátiku Báziku ida
Access to official
documents (5/18)
Transparénsia Orsamentál dalan
ba Boa Governasaun iha Timor-Leste (Powerpoint ka
PDF) (5/18)
LH/IBP press release As progress
toward global budget transparency stalls for the first time in a decade,
Timor-Leste scores “low” in providing information to its citizens about how
public money is used (also Tetum)
LH blog:
TL falls short on Open Budget Index 2015 (also
Tetum, English PDF,
Tetum PDF,
scorecard) (9/15)
LH Blog:
Transparency Initiative gets a little more opaque (also
Tetum) (2/15)
LH letter asking for court
audit of TimorGAP (Eng/Tetum) (2/15)
Presentation to Chatham House New
Petroleum Producers Discussion Group on engaging with society (5/14)
What's the Point of
Transparency? by Diarmid O'Sullivan (also
Tetum) on EITI (9/13)
LH comments on
revised EITI standard (4/13)
Petroleum Transparency in Burma
report and presentations from Rangoon workshops (8/12)
Lessons of Transparency from EITI
report by Focus on the Global South (4/12)
LH letter to Minister of Finance on
Timor-Leste Transparency Model (also
Tetum) (5/12)
Some thoughts from LH for the
Regional EITI Conference (also
Tetum) (8/11)
Timor-Leste (first) Annual EITI Report for 2008
(also Tetum,
Portuguese and
Bahasa Indonesia) (1/10, revised 12/10)
Briefing paper: Democracy in
Timor-Leste: Information is required! (also
Tetum) (8/09)
LHB: Enhancing EITI
implementation in Timor-Leste (6/09)
LHB Consolidating the
Asia-Pacific movement to Publish What You Pay (1/08)
LHB Terms of
Reference and Summary of Work Plan for Timor-Leste implementation of the
Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) (1/08)
EITI Work Plan 2007-2009
LH and Luta Hamutuk Submission to EITI meeting in Oslo (10/06)
LH Submission to UK Government EITI meeting in London (3/05)
LH presentation to World Bank EITI Meeting in Paris.
Extractive Industry Transparency in Timor-Leste: Limitations in Practice
(2/05) A version was published as an
LHB Editorial (4/05)
LHB Editorial:
Democracy Requires Information (12/02)
LH on UNTAET Gag Rule (1/01)
Timor-Leste-Australia Maritime Boundaries
Other petroleum issues
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