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Introduction Petroleum activities both in the Joint Development Area (JPDA) and Exclusive Area (TLEA) are conducted according to Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) signed between the oil companies and the National Petroleum and Minerals Authority (ANPM), or its predecessor the Timor Sea Designated Authority (TSDA). Under Article 30.1(a)(i) of Timor-Leste's 2005 Petroleum Act and Article 20.1(a) the Interim Petroleum Mining Code for the JPDA, all PSCs signed after that date are public documents. The 2005 legislation also included model PSCs for the TLEA and JPDA, which serve as templates for the PSCs for each specific area. In 2016, Timor-Leste enacted Decree-Law 32/2016 (also Portuguese) to regulate offshore Petroleum Operations in the TLEA. Decree-Law 18/2020 (Port.) was enacted in 2020 to cover petroleum operations onshore. With the entry into force of the Australia-Timor-Leste Maritime Boundary Treaty in August 2019, the Joint Petroleum Development Area ceased to exist, although Greater Sunrise will continue to be under a bi-national special regime. New contracts had to be signed for each project. (See map below.) Annual reports from the TSDA are no longer on an official website, but you can get them here for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. In addition to the summaries below, the ANPM website includes some information, as well as the following ANPM annual and quarterly reports:
In each of the contracts described below, the first-listed company (in bold) is the operator. If the contract number is a hyperlink, it links to the text of the contract itself. |
Introdusaun Atividade petróleu iha Area Konjunta ba Dezenvolvimentu Petróleu (JPDA) no Area Eskluzivu (TLEA) la’o ona tuir Kontratu Fahe Produsaun (PSC) ne’ebé asina entre kompañia mina-rai sira no Autoridade Nasionál Petróleu Minerais (ANPM), ka órgaun ida ne’ebé troka Autoridade Designada ba Tasi Timor (TSDA). Tuir Artigu 30.1(a)(i) Lei Petróleu Timor-Leste iha 2005 (Ingles ka Portuges) no Artigu 20.1(a) Interim Petroleum Mining Code/Kódigu provizóriu ba Mineira Petróleu ba JPDA (Ingles), PSC tomak ne’ebé asina ona hafoin loron asina sai tiha dokumentu públiku. Lejizlasaun 2005 mós inklui modelu PSC (Ingles) ba Area Eskluzivu no JPDA, ne’e serbí nudár modelu ba PSC ba kada area espesífiku. Agora, ita labele hetan Relatóriu Anuál sira husi TSDA husi website ofisiál ida, maibé bele download iha ne'e iha Ingles ba tinan 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 no 2007. Aleinde ba sumáriu iha okos, website ANPM nian inklui informasaun balu, no mós Relatóriu anuál no relatóriu trimestral ANPM nian:
Iha kada kontratu ne’ebé hakerek iha okos, kompañia sira ne’ebé iha lista primeiru (ho letra mahar) mak operador. Karik númeru kontratu nian iha hyperlink, ne’e bele liga ba nia testu kontratu rasik. |
At the Timor-Leste Oil and Gas Summit in October 2019, the country opened its first public bidding round for new contract areas in 13 years. As shown on the map at right, virtually the entire country, both onshore and in the Timor Sea, is available, except for the north coast and a few areas with existing contracts. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many countries to extend or postpone bidding rounds for new petroleum exploration, and in July 2020 Timor-Leste extended theirs by one year, with bids due by October 2021. A few weeks before the deadline it was extended for four months more. On 3 June 2020, the government published Resolution 3/2020 reserving up to 20% of each new contract for TimorGAP. On 17 June 2020, the Norwegian seismic company TGS announced that it had begun a project with ANPM to combine all available data on offshore Timor-Leste into a single database to "impart confidence in [companies'] license round decision-making processes." The organizers of the 2019 Summit held another (virtually) in July 2020, including a presentation by ANPM's Mateus da Costa on the bidding round. In December, they published an interview with him. A third (virtual) Summit was held in March 2021. When the bidder pre-qualification period ended on 14 January 2022, nine companies had been qualified and four were still being reviewed. Bids were opened (FB video) on 5 March, with seven companies bidding for six of the 18 blocks, as follows:
On 12 April 2022, ANPM informed bidders and the public that the announcement would be delayed a week due to Easter and the election. Winners were announced on 22 April (see table and map at right): EnergyVoice called the results "disappointing." The winning bidders had until 29 June to sign the contracts, but on 8 November ANPM announced that the process was taking longer than expected, and would be finished by February 2023, although no announcement had been made by June. Contract TL-OT-22-18 with TimorGAP for Block A ("Rarahana"), was signed on 22 December 2022; details below. A year later, Contract TL-SO-22-23 was signed with Eni for Block P; details below. In March 2024, Contract TL-OT-22-22 was signed with HTS for Block F; details below |
Konkursu Tenderizasaun iha 2019-2022 Iha Outubru 2019 realiza ona Simeira Mina no Gas iha Timor-Leste, nasaun ne’e loke konkursu tenderizasaun públiku ba kontratu iha área foun sira iha tinan 13. Hanesan hatudu iha mapa sorin loos leten, virtualmente nasaun tomak, tantu iha rai-maran (onshore) no iha Tasi Timor, agora disponivel. Exceptu ba parte norte kostál nian no área balu ne’ebé iha ona kontratu. Pandemia Covid-19 kauza ona nasaun barak mak prolonga ka adia sira konkursu tenderizasaun ba esplorasaun petrolíferu, no iha Jullu 2020 Timor-Leste prolonga sira nian ba tinan ida tan, ho prazu ba konkursu iha Outubru 2021. Semana hira hafoin loron taka konkursu, prolonga tan ba fulan haat. Iha 3 Juñu 2020, Governu publika Rezolusaun 3/2020 rezerva kuaze 20% ba TimorGAP ba kada kontratu foun. Iha 17 Juñu 2020, Kompañia Sízmiku Norwegia TGS anunsia katak sira hahú ona projetu ida ho ANPM atu kombina dadus ne’ebé disponivel on aba iha área tasi laran (offshore) Timor-Leste ba iha baze dadus ida de’it atu “Hatuur fiar ba kompañia sira iha prosesu foti desizaun ba iha konkursu tenderizasaun.” Organizadora sira iha Simeira 2019 realiza mós enkontru virtual seluk iha Jullu 2020, inklui aprezentasaun husi Mateus da Costa husi ANPM nian kona ba konkursu tenderizasaun. Iha Dezembru, sira públika entrevista ida ho nia. Terseiru Simeira Virtual realiza iha Marsu 2021. Bainhira periodu pre-kualifikasaun remata iha 14 Janeiru 2022, kompañia 9 mak konsege kualifikadu no 4 seluk sei nafatin iha revizaun nia laran. Proposta sira loke (video iha pajina Facebook) iha 5 Marsu, ho kompañia 7 konkore ba bloku 6 husi bloku 18, hanesan tabela iha sorin karuk. Iha 12 Abril 2022, ANPM fó sai kona ba konkorrente sira no públika kona ba avizu ne’ebé prolonga tan ba semana ida tanba feriadu Páskua no eleisaun. Manan na’in sira anunsia iha 22 Abril (bele haree iha tabela tuir mai no mapa sorin loos).
Revista Energy Voice fó sai rezultadu katak "disappointing”. Konkorente manán na’in asina iha 29 Juñu atu asina kontratu, maibé iha 8 Novembru ANPM fó sai katak prosesu hirak ne’e sei lori tempu naruk tan ba saida mak sira antisipa ona, no bele remata iha Fevereiru 2023. Kontratu ho TimorGAP ba Bloku A asina iha Lautem iha 22 Dezembru 2022. Kontratu ho Eni ba Bloku P asina iha 14 Dezembru 2023. |
Onshore PSCs TL-OT-17-08 and 09 awarded without tender in 2017 On 7 April 2017, the ANPM awarded
two contracts for onshore oil and gas exploration to a joint venture
equally owned by Timor Resources
and TimorGAP. Timor
Resources, which
is part of the Australian Nepean Group
of companies, will be the operator for
PSC TL-OT-17-08 (Covalima
and Bobonaro municipalities, area A on map at right) and
PSC TL-OT-17-09 (Manufahi and Ainaro
municipalities, Area C), totalling 2,000 square kilometers.
On 1 February
2022, ANPM issued an environmental license
for the Rusa-1 test well in Ainaro. In July 2023, La'o Hamutuk researcher Jonathan Gonsalves presented
Entre Esperansa ho Realidade ba Perfurasaun Mina Rai iha Covalima (mós
to the Timor-Leste Studies Association conference, as well as in an
article in the December
2023 LH Bulletin. |
Map of planned and past seismic exploration in the contract areas. |
Pualaca contract awarded
to TimorGAP without tender in 2021 On 7 December 2021, ANPM awarded PSC TL-OT-21-17 (summary in Portuguese) to TimorGAP without open bidding. The seven-year contract covers a 1,575 km2 area in three municipalities: Viqueque, Manufahi and Manatuto. La'o Hamutuk attended a socialization event for this project on 24 June 2022, and wrote a blog TimorGAP begins exploring Pualaca Block by itself. Two months later, ANPM issued an environmental license for a gravity survey. In May 2023, TimorGAP invited bids for a 2D seismic survey, and in November 2024 they awarded the $7.4 million job to BGP from China. On 11 January 2025 Prime Minister Gusmao formally launched the survey in Natarbora, and it will begin in March. |
TimorGAP hetan kontratu ba area
Pualaca lahó prosesu tenderizasaun iha 2021 Iha loron 7 Dezembru 2021, ANPM fó PSC TL-OT-21-17 (Port.) (rezumu, Port.) ba TimorGAP laho konkursu públiku. Kontratu ida ne'e sei la'o tinan hitu, no inklui area 1,575 km2 iha munisipiu tolu: Viqueque, Manufahi and Manatuto. La'o Hamutuk asiste iha eventu sosializasaun ba projetu ida ne'e iha loron 24 Juñu 2022, no hakerek blog TimorGAP Hahú Esplorasaun Mesak iha Bloku Pualaca. |
Onshore Rarahana Contract TL-OT-22-18 awarded to TimorGAP from bidding
round The first contract, PSC TL-OT-22-18 (also Portuguese), from the 2019-2022 bid round was with TimorGAP for Block A ("Rarahana"), including 4,863 km2 including all of Lautem and small parts of Baucau and Viqueque municipalities. It was signed on 22 December 2022 and community socialization began in April 2023. |
Kontratu iha rai maran
Rarahana TL-OT-22-18 fó ba TimorGAP husi konkursu Kontratu primeiru CPP TL-OT-22-18 (Portuges) husi konkorsu 2019-2022 refere ba Bloko A ("Rarahana"), ne'ebé inklui 4,863 km2 -- munisipiu Lautem tomak no parte ki'ik rua husi Baucau no Viqueque. ANPM no TimorGAP, E.P. asina iha loron 22 Dezembru 2022 no hahu sosializasaun iha komunidade iha Avril 2023. |
Onshore Contract TL-OT-22-22 awarded to
HTS from bidding
round The third contract,
PSC TL-OT-22-22
(also Portuguese) from the 2019-2022 bid round was for
Block F, 844 km2 in the southern part of Viqueque municipality.
signed the contract with the company HTS from Kazakhstan on 8 March
2024, as
reported by
and the
Government. ANP posted the
PSC to its
website six weeks later. |
Kontratu iha rai maran TL-OT-22-22 fó ba HTS husi konkursu Kontratu terseiru CPP TL-OT-22-22 (Portuges) husi konkorsu 2019-2022 refere ba Bloko F, no inklui 844 km2 iha munisipiu Viqueque. ANP asina kontratu ho kompania HTS husi Kazakhstan iha loron 8 Marsu 2024, hanesan Tatoli no Governu relata.
In November 2016, the Jornal da Republica published a
Portuguese-language template for
offshore PSCs in the Timor-Leste Exclusive Area. Contract SO-15-01 awarded to TimorGAP without tender SO-15-01: On 22 December 2015,
Resolution 44/2015
(Portuguese original)
came into force,
awarding one block in the Timor-Leste Exclusive offshore area and one
onshore block to TimorGAP to conduct 3D seismic studies and sign
Production Sharing Contracts by direct award, without a public tender.
announced the offshore award in January 2016 and later published a
summary and eventually the text of
PSC SO-15-01 on its website. |
Iha fulan Novembru 2016, Jornal da Republika publika
modelu ba PSC offshore iha Area Exclusivu TL nian. Kontratu ba TimorGAP lahó prosesu tenderizasaun iha 2015 SO-15-01: Iha loron 22 Dezembru 2015, Rezolusaun 44/2015 mai en vigor, fo bloko ida iha TLEA no bloko ida iha rai laran ba TimorGAP ne’ebé bele halo estudu sizmiku no asina Kontratu Fahe Produsaun ho ajudikasaun direta, lahó prosesu tenderizasaun ida ne’ebé nakloke, no ANPM halo anunsiu publiku iha fulan Janeiru, no Jornal da Republika publika sumariu iha Novembru 2016. |
Contract SO-22-23 (Area P) from bid round awarded to Eni in 2023 The second contract PSC TL-SO-22-23 (also Portuguese) from the 2019-2022 bid round was for Block P, a 3,998 km2 offshore area just south of Greater Sunrise. ANP signed it with the Italian company Eni on 14 December 2023. |
Kontratu SO-22-23 (Area P) fó ba Eni |
Chuditch contract TL-SO-19-16 awarded to Sunda Energy (formerly Baron Oil) and TimorGAP In the first new contract signed after the Boundary Treaty came into
effect, on 8 November 2019
ANPM awarded a no-tender contract to Singapore-based SundaGas
(75%, operator) and TimorGAP
(25%) for a 3,571 km2 area in the former Joint Development
Area. It is part of former Minza contract area JPDA
06-101A, which includes the Chuditch gas prospect.
TL-SO-19-16 (Portuguese) |
Kontratu ba Chuditch TL-SO-19-16 fó ba Sunda Energy (uluk Baron Oil) no TimorGAP Iha kontratu foun dahuluk ne’ebé asina hafoin Tratadu Fronteira Marittima tama iha vigór, iha 8 Novembru 2019 ANPM fó kontratu ne’ebé la liu husi prosesu tenderizasaun ba SundaGas, baze iha Singapura (75%, operadór) no TimorGAP (25%) ba área 3,571 km2 ne’ebé antes ne’e iha Area Dezenvolvimentu Konjunta (JPDA). Ida ne’e parte ida husi área antigu kontratu husi Minza (JPDA 06-101A), ne’ebé inklui kampu gás posivel Chuditch nian. PSC TL-SO-19-16 (Portugés)Iha 1/3 husi SundaGas na’in mak kompañia britániku Baron Oil Plc, ne’ebé deskreve projetu ne’e iha nian website bazeia ba Shell nian perfurasaun iha 1998. Iha fulan Abril 2020, Baron Oil reforsa nia na’in ba kampu ne’e. Iha loron 9 Jullu 2020, Vise Prezidente SundaGas Colin Murray aprezenta ba konferénsia online kona-ba projetu ne’e, no nia halo aprezentasaun besik hanesan iha loron 25 Marsu 2021. Iha Janeiru 2021, tanba pandémiku Covid-19 no problema asesu ba dadus, SundaGas husu ba ANPM atu aumenta tempu ba tinan ida, to’o Dezembru 2022, hodi nune’e sira bele analiza dadus sízmiku no deside atu kontinua ho perfurasaun ka lae. Baron Oil hato’o informasaun atualizadu ba investidór sira kona-ba projetu ne’e iha fulan Abril, no sosa asoens restante tomak husi kampu Chuditch ne’ebé SundaGas iha ne’ebé akontese durante fulan Juñu. Iha fulan Janeiru 2022 Baron Oil halo aprezentasaun ida hodi esplika tanba sá mak “Tinan ida ne’e sei sai importante ba Chuditch no Baron,” ne’ebé lia-ain iha media komérsiu fulan rua liu tiha. Iha fulan Setembru, SundaGas aprezenta informasaun atuál iha konferénsia indústria iha Perth. Iha fulan tuir mai, ANPM aseita pedidu husi kompañia hodi adia desizaun kona-ba perfurasaun to’o Juñu 2023. Iha fulan Fevreiru 2023, Baron Oil fó sai relatóriu ida kona-ba rezerva estimativa potensiál husi kampu Chuditch. Iha fulan Juñu, Baron Oil anunsia katak ANPM fó ona estensaun fulan neen ba “ba kontratu tinan segundu nian” to’o 18 Dezembru 2023, hodi fó tempu tan ba operadór atu deside kona-ba perfurasaun iha posu. Iha fulan Outubru, Baron Oil aprezenta informasaun kona-ba sira-nian perfurasaun tentativa, ne’ebé sira konsidera “prioridade iha tinan ida-ne’e” iha sira nian relatoriu fulan neen. Konforme publikasaun husi média nian, Baron Oil tetu hela atu halo fábrika LNG namlele ba kampu refere. Otimizmu kona-ba Chuditch aumenta iha Novembru 2023, ne’ebé reforsa husi Atualizasaun Planeamentu Operasionál husi kompañia. SundaGas husu kompañia sira atu hato’o sira nia interese atu halo perfurasaun, ne’ebé hein katak sei hahú iha trimestre ikus 2024. Iha inísiu Dezembru 2023, ANP fó estensaun fulan neen tan ba “tinan segundu nia” to’o 18 Juñu 2024. Iha fulan Dezembru nian klaran, SundaGas asina MOU ida ho TimorGAP, ne’ebé sei aumenta TG nian partisipasaun iha projetu ne’e husi 25% ba 40%. TimorGAP agora sei responsavel ba 20% hosi kustu hotu, no TG nian obrigasaun durante 2024 estimativa tokon $7.5, aléinde tokon $1 ba kustu sira ne’e akumula ona. Akordu ne’e asina ona iha 24 Janeiru 2024 no hetan aprovasaun husi ANP iha semana tuir mai. Baron Oil sei halo survei iha tempu badak. |
Contract signed in 2013 in the Joint Petroleum Development Area
JPDA 11-106 with Eni
(40.53%), Inpex (35.47%) and TimorGAP (24%) was signed on 13 April 2013
without an open bidding process. It covers 662 square km of relinquished
acreage from JPDA 06-105, near the
Kitan field, and was expected
to tie into Kitan if a commercial discovery is made while Kitan is in
production. Operator Eni committed to drill two exploration wells in the
area, which includes the Kuda-Tasi and Jahal oil reservoirs, within two
years. |
Kontratu ne’ebé asina iha 2013 iha Area Konjunta ba Dezenvolvimentu Petróleu JPDA 11-106 ho Kompañia Eni (40.53%), Inpex (35.47%) no TimorGAP (24%) asina ona iha 13 Abril 2013, maske nune’e PSC ida ne’e la liu husi prosesu tenderizasaun ka la loke ba públiku. Area refere ho nia luan kobre 662 km kuadradu hosi área ne'ebé maka renunsia husi JPDA 06-105, area ne’ebé besik liu kampu Kitan, no hein katak sei liga ba Kitan se deskoberta komersiál ida no iha tempu hanesan Kampu Kitan iha hela produsaun. Operadór Eni kompromete atu fura posu esplorasaun rua iha área refere, ne’ebé inklui rezervatóriu mina-rai Kuda-Tasi no Jahal, iha tinan rua nia laran.Asinatura kontratu PSC 11-106 anunsia hosi ANP (Ingles). Kontratu esplorasaun ida ne’e, hanesan foin primeira vez fó ba kompañia nasional Timor-Leste TimorGAP, E.P., no ida ne’e selebra ona husi TimorGAP, INPEX no Governu Timor-Leste. ANP publika kontratu PSC ida ne’e (12 MB) iha sira nia website depois fulan hitu liutiha (testu scan), hafoin Jornál da República publika sumáriu ida. Iha Agostu 2014 Eni fó sai planu ba posu rua iha área kontratu ida-ne’e iha 2015, no detalla sira no kona-ba planu ne’e sai disponivel iha Outubru 2014. Maibé, tanba folin ba mina-rai iha merkadu mundiál ne’ebé ki’ik, perfurasaun ne’e atrazu beibeik, no iha tinan 2016 ANPM aseita atu prolonga tan prazu PSC nian to’o 2018. Kampu mina matan Kitan hakotu produsaun iha segunda metade 2015, no nia ró prosesamentu sai husi área ne'e molok bloku ida-ne'e prontu. Iha Outubru 2018, Eni asina kontratu ida ho Maersk Drilling atu fura posu ida iha Marsu 2019. Posu ne’ebé naran Kanase-1, maske nune’e rezultadu hatudu katak kuantidade mina-rai ne’ebé iha la nato’on at prodús tanba la komersiál. Hafoin Tratadu Fronteira Marítima vigora, kontratu ne’e troka ho PSC TL-SO-T-19-11. Iha Agostu 2024, empreza husi Australia, Finder Energy Holdings Ltd anunsia (nia aprezentasaun) katak nia sosa 76% husi kontratu PSC ida-ne'e husi kompañia rua Eni no Inpex ho folin tokon $2 (osan tan bainhira nia dezenvolve kampu). TimorGAP nafatin ho nia partisipasaun 24%. Kompania rua asina PSC foun iha loron 6 Setembru. Finder buka investidór sira no sei hili no dezeña Planu Dezenvolvimentu Kampu nian. Iha tinan 2026, nia sei halo Desizaun Investimentu Finál ba Kuda Tasi/Jahal. |
Contracts signed in 2006 in Timor-Leste's Exclusive Area Click here for more information about the 2006 bidding round in the TLEA.
Kontratu sira ne’ebé asina iha 2006 iha Area Eskluzivu Timor-Leste
The above map is from 2010. By 2014, all PSCs in the TLEA had been relinquished as unproductive, except for the southern part of S06-04, as shown below: |
Contracts signed in 2006 in the Joint Petroleum Development Area Contracts were signed in 2006 for the green areas on the map; older areas are in yellow. The operator of each area is listed in bold. Click here for more information about the 2006 bidding round in the JPDA. JPDA 06-101A
with Minza Oil and Gas. (summary).
Minza drilled an exploration well in 2011 and conducted seismic exploration
in 2012. Most of this area has been relinquished. At the end of 2014,
announced that the company was in liquidation.
ANPM announced the termination
of the contract in January 2016. |
Kontratu sira ne’ebé asina iha 2006 iha Area Konjunta ba Dezenvolvimentu Petróleu Kontratu sira ne’ebé asina iha 2006 ba area sira ho kór azúl iha mapa; area sira tuan ho kór kinur. Operador ba kada area lista ho letra mahar: JPDA 06-101A ho Minza Oil and Gas. (sumáriu). Minza sei fura posu esplorasaun ida iha 2011. Iha 2014, Minza bankrut, no ANPM fo aviso kona-ba PSC ida ne'e kansela iha Janeiru 2016. |
Contracted and relinquished areas over time The map above is from 2010. By the start of 2015, many of these contract areas had been completely or partially relinquished as unproductive, except for the areas shown below: By 2017, the Oilex and Minza contracts were terminated, and TimorGAP had received a new TLEA area and, with Timor Resources, two new onshore areas. Green lines show where offshore seismic exploration has been conducted: The Maritime Boundary Treaty came into effect in August 2019. Existing PSCs were adapted, and TimorGAP was awarded one new contract, as shown in the following maps: In 2022 and 2023, the first contracts were signed from the recently-completed bidding round: |
JPDA 06-102 with Petronas (50%), Korea Gas (30%), Samsung (10%) and LG (10%).
(summary) |
JPDA 06-102 ho
Petronas (50%), Korea Gas (30%), Samsung (10%) no LG
(10%). (sumáriu) |
JPDA 06-103
with Oilex (10%), Videocon (20%), Bharat
PetroResources (20%) and Gujarat
State Petroleum Company (20%). (summary).
Terminated. Pan Pacific Petroleum (15%) and Japan Energy (15%) joined the joint venture in 2009. In January 2011, the ANP agreed to extend the work plan until January 2012. Oilex has drilled two dry wells, and conducted seismic exploration during 2011. At the beginning of 2012 the ANP gave Oilex another year until 15 January 2013, although they will relinquish 25% of the PSC. At the beginning of 2013, ANP extended their contract for another year, with plans to drill a long-delayed third test well in 2013. On 12 July 2013, Oilex asked the ANP to terminate this contract because they were uncertain about the impacts of the ongoing maritime boundary dispute, as explained by Energy News Bulletin. A month later, Timor-Leste responded by press release. In October, the Prime Minister told local reporters that they would not be allowed to quit their contract, and Oilex summarized the situation on their website. On 13 May 2015, ANP rejected Oilex's 2013 request to "terminate [the PSC] by mutual agreement and without penalty," telling Oilex that the contract will be terminated but that they owed $17 million in penalties. The companies responded that ANP owes them $56 million in over-expenditure, and informed Australian regulators. The news was reported by Alliance News on 13 and 14 May, Rigzone and Upstream, and the PSC was suspended for two months. In July 2015, ANP formally notified Oilex that the contract is terminated. Oilex informed regulators, saying that "the parties continue to discuss the financial liability of the contractor." Alliance News reported the developments. Negotiations continued through 2017. In October 2018, Timor-Leste requested arbitration by the International Chamber of Commerce, as reported by Alliance News and LUSA. Oilex countered in August 2019. On 7 August 2019, Oilex announced that it had reached a settlement with ANPM to resolve the dispute. Oilex will pay Timor-Leste $800,000 over the next three years, far less than 5% of the amount ANPM had asked for. According to ANP's 2023 Annual Report, "During the previous financial year, the ANP and Oilex and its Joint Ventures have reached an agreement to amicably resolve the ongoing arbitration proceedings arising from the termination of the PSC of 2015. The Operator and its joint ventures agreed to execute the Deed of Settlement and Release which was agreed by both parties and signed in July 2020. The Deed factored the compensation to Timor-Leste and Australia of US$8,000,000 which will be allocated to the operator and its joint venture based on their participation interest. As at 31 December 2023, $6,400,000 of the agreed settlement amount has been received. The settlements proceeds received, and the related interest income earned, if any, will be transferred to the Governments of Timor-Leste and Australia once the full amount will be collected. As at 31 December 2023, the ANP has recognised the amount of settlement received as restricted cash with a corresponding liability to the Governments of Timor-Leste and Australia." |
JPDA 06-103 ho Oilex
(10%), Videocon (20%), Bharat PetroResources (20%) no Gujarat State
Petroleum Company (20%). (sumáriu). Pan Pacific Petroleum (15%) no Japan Energy (15%) hamutuk iha konsorsiu iha 2009. Iha Janeiru, ANP konkorda atu hanaruk planu servisu nian to’o Janeiru 2012. Oilex fura ona kampu rua ne’ebé mamuk, no hala’o seismiku esplorasaun nian durante 2011. Iha inísiu 2012 ANP fó tempu seluk tan to’o 15 Janeiru 2013 ba Oilex, maske sira sei husik 25% hosi PSC. Iha inísiu 2013, ANP hanaruk sira nia kontratu ba tinan ida tan, ho planu atu fura posu teste datoluk nian iha 2013 ne’ebé adia kleur ona. Iha loron 12 Jullu 2013, Oilex husu ba ANP atu termina PSC ida ne'e tanba seiduak iha serteza kona-ba disputa fronteira maritima, hanesan esplika iha Energy News Bulletin. Fulan ida tuir mai, governu RDTL fo resposta ho Komunikade Imprensa (Port.). Iha loron 15 Julhu 2015, ANP termina Oilex nia PSC. |
JPDA 06-104 was awarded to Zetex, which withdrew its bid before signing a contract. |
JPDA 06-104 ajudika ba Zetex, ne’ebé rezigna an molok asina kontratu. |
JPDA 06-105 (replaced part of JPDA 03-01) with Woodside
(40%), INPEX (35%), Talisman Resources (25%). |
JPDA 06-105 (troka
parte JPDA 03-01) ho Woodside (40%), INPEX (35%), Talisman Resources
(25%). |
Contracts signed before 2006 in the JPDA Contracts signed before the 2005 laws went into effect are not legally obligated to be published. La'o Hamutuk and others have repeatedly asked the oil companies and relevant authorities to give permission for them to be made available. These contracts will be replaced by new ones after the 2018 comes into force. |
Kontratu sira ne’ebé asina molok 2006 iha JPDA Kontratu sira ne’ebé asina molok lei 2005 nian vigora, legalmente laiha obrigasaun atu publika sai. La’o Hamutuk no instituisaun balu dala barak husu ba kompañia mina-rai sira no autoridade sira ne’ebé relevante atu fó lisensa hodi nune’e kontratu sira ne’e ema bele asesu. |
The partners in the Bayu-Undan joint venture have agreed to publish parts of the contracts, although many paragraphs have been censored. Bayu-Undan is the only currently producing field providing revenue to Timor-Leste. These contracts also include the Elang-Kakatua field which ceased production in 2007. From 2009-2020, partners in Bayu-Undan were ConocoPhillips (57%), Santos (11%), Inpex (11%), Eni (11%), Tokyo Electric(later JERA)/Tokyo Gas (9%).
Bayu-Undan neared depletion, three more wells were drilled in 2018 to
extract as much oil as possible. However, production is still expected
to end by 2022. |
Bayu-Undan Parseiru sira iha Konsorsiu Bayu-Undan konkorda atu publika parte hosi kontratu, maske iha parágrafu barak mak hetan sensura. Bayu-Undan mak daudauk ne’e kampu ida de’it ne’ebé fornese reseita ba Timor-Leste. Kontratu sira ne’e mós inklui kampu Elang-Kakatua ne’ebé produsaun remata ona iha 2007. Até tinan 2020, parseiru daudauk iha Bayu-Undan mak ConocoPhillips (57%), Santos (11%), Inpex (11%), Eni (11.0%), Tokyo Electric/Tokyo Gas (9%).
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Bayu-Undan On 3 May 2021,
Santos and Eni agreed to look into using the Bayu-Undan field, which
will soon be exhausted, to store carbon dioxide underground in an effort
to reduce their contribution to climate change. As described in La'o Hamutuk's
Carbon Capture and Storage under the Timor Sea: Climate Change
Prevention or Carbon Colonialism?, this controversial project could allow the companies to develop
carbon-intensive gas fields in Australian territory, including Barossa
and Evans Shoal, without increasing the companies' overall carbon footprint. The
proposal, which will require approval from Timor-Leste, would allow
Santos to delay decommissioning the Bayu-Undan project, will make
Timor-Leste responsible for Australia's waste, and is likely, overall,
to accelerate the negative impacts of climate change. In February 2022, the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority held a consultation on Santos' proposed Darwin Pipeline Duplication Project which would enable CO2 to be separated from Barossa gas in Darwin and piped to Bayu-Undan. La'o Hamutuk made a submission, which was reported by Energy Voice and described in a press release. Expert analysis indicates that the project may not reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere. In June 2022, three Japanese companies indicated their interest in joining the project, and a Final Investment Decision was planned for 2023. In July 2022, Santos contracted Worley to prepare a Front End Engineering Design for the CCS project. In December, LH gave a presentation Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) at Bayu-Undan (also PDF). Although the Barossa project has been delayed by Australian regulators, Santos and ANPM continue to promote CCS at Bayu-Undan. In
June 2023, LH made a second
submission to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority.
Peter Sainsbury then published
Carbon capture and storage – what’s the real goal? to explain
"deception" by the fossil fuel companies. |
Kaptura no rai hela karbonu (CCS) iha Bayu-Undan Iha loron 3 Maiu 2021,
Santos no Eni konkorda atu konsidera atu uza kampu Bayu-Undan,
ne'ebé bele mamuk iha tinan ida ka rua, atu rai hela karbonu dióksidu iha rai
okos hanesan esforsu atu hamenus sira nia kontribuisaun ba mudansa klimátika.
Hanesan esplika iha La'o Hamutuk nia
Kaptura no rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos: Solusaun ba
Mudansa Klimátika ka Kolonializmu Karbonu?, projetu ida ne'e bele fó
espasu ba kompañia sira atu dezenvolve kampu gas sira iha Australia ne'ebé todan
ho karbonu, inklui Barossa
no Evans Shoal. Proposta ida ne'e presiza konkordansia husi Timor-Leste,
sei fó lisensa ba Santos atu adia desmantlementu projetu Bayu-Undan, fó
responsabilidade ba Timor-Leste atu tau matan ba fo'er husi Australia, no bele
aselera impaktu negativu sira husi mudansa klimátika. Iha loron 27 Outubru, Santos nia prezidente promove projetu ida ne'e, maske peritu balu iha duvida. Semana ida tuir mai, Santos no ANPM hasoru malu iha konferensia mudansa klimátika iha Glasgow. Iha Marsu 2022, La'o Hamutuk fó sai komunikadu imprensa ida ne'ebé sumariza ami nia submisaun ba NTEPA iha Australia. La'o Hamutuk prodús programa radio ida ne’ebé diskute projetu CCS nian, no mos fó aprezentasaun ida (mós PDF) kona-ba CCS ba FONGTIL. |
The original partners in the Greater Sunrise joint venture (Woodside (33.4%), Shell
ConocoPhillips (30%) and Osaka Gas (10%)) refused to make any parts of their PSCs public, and
we have not been able to obtain them. This includes two PSCs inside the JPDA
(JPDA 03-19
Information Notice and JPDA 03-20
Information Notice) and two other contracts in the area occupied by Australia. |
Greater Sunrise Parseiru sira iha konsorsiu Greater Sunrise
(Woodside (33.4%), Shell (26.6%), ConocoPhillips (30%) no Osaka
Gas (10%)) rekuza atu halo sira nia parte iha sira nia PSC hodi sai
públiku, no ami labele hetan PSC sira ne’e. Ne’e inklui PSC rua ne’ebé
iha JPDA nia laran (JPDA 03-19 no JPDA 03-20) no kontratu rua seluk
ne’ebé okupa hela hosi Australia. |
Map of Greater Sunrise from the 2019 Maritime Boundary Treaty |
Other contracts signed in 2003 are no longer in effect.
Kontratu seluk ne’ebé asina iha 2003 la vigora ona.
Buffalo (terminated) The Buffalo oil field sits just west of the JPDA, in territory that became Timor-Leste's when the Maritime Boundary Treaty with Australia entered into force in 2019. Discovered in 1996, it had previously been occupied by Australia. Buffalo produced 20 million barrels of oil for BHP from 1999 until it was decommissioned in 2005, and Australia is keeping those revenues. In May 2016, Australia signed a new Buffalo contract with the Carnarvon company, which believes that it can extract about 31 million more barrels with new technology, by drilling smarter and deeper than the earlier wells. After the Treaty was signed in 2018, Carnarvon reported "that Carnarvon and Timor-Leste are in agreement on achieving first oil as soon as possible. Special legislation is to be enacted to ensure the Buffalo redevelopment will continue under equivalent fiscal terms previously in place with Australia." In May 2018, Carnarvon described the project, after which Carnarvon announced that it had raised investor capital for its first well. In August, Carnarvon updated its information, planning to drill 1-3 wells beginning in Q2 2020. Although it was clear that the field would be in Timor-Leste's sovereign territory before any test wells were drilled, in September 2018 Carnarvon asked Australian regulator NOPSEMA for environmental approval, and NOPSEMA requested changes and then accepted their plan in May 2019. Timor-Leste told Carnarvon that they would not have to comply with Timor-Leste environmental licensing laws, and Carnarvon told their investors that "the approval of the Environmental Plan to drill three wells into the Buffalo field by NOPSEMA will be accepted by the regulator in Timor-Leste." When the Treaty came into force on 30 August 2019, Carnarvon explained the new regime under PSC TL-SO-19-14 (Port., also English). They hired Angelo Lay, former Commercial Director for ANPM, as their country manager. In Timor-Leste, Decree-Law 26/2019 detailed the transition of Buffalo from Australia to Timor-Leste. In its reports to shareholders in June and September 2020, Carnarvon indicated that the wells would be delayed, due to Covid-19 and the reluctance of any other companies to invest in the field. However, on 14 December 2020, Carnarvon announced that Advance Energy will fund drilling in return for a 25-50% share of the PSC. Advance Energy commissioned a Competent Person Report to validate their investment. Carnarvon issued a project update on 15 February 2021, and began looking for a drilling company. However, some oil industry experts are skeptical about the project, while others believe it could provide up to $600 million in revenues for Timor-Leste. In May, Carnarvon announced that Petrofac will drill the well, financed with $20 million from Advance Energy. In September, they contracted a drilling rig from Valaris and hoped to drill in November. After further delays, the rig was mobilized on 22 December, and drilling began on 31 December 2021. The first week went as planned, and the companies issued another update on 14 January. However, the update on 19 January was less promising, leading to reports that the project would be terminated. Five days later, Carnarvon and Advance Energy announced that the project is "uncommercial" which was reported in the trade press. The CEO of Advance Energy resigned a few days later. In October 2022, Carnarvon's 2022 Annual Report recognized that the company had lost $30 million on the now-abandoned Buffalo project. In July 2023, Carnarvon confirmed that it was giving up on the project. In January 2025, ANP announced that the PSC was terminated on 16 December 2024. |
Timor-Leste's oil stolen by Australia: Laminaria-Corallina The Laminaria and Corallina oil fields, just outside the JPDA, are closer to Timor-Leste than to any other country and should belong to Timor-Leste under international legal principles. Since operator Woodside began production in 1999, Laminaria-Corallina has paid more than $2 billion in taxes to the Australian government and not one penny to Dili. The project spreads over two contract areas: In April 2014,
Talisman said it wanted to sell its share of the Laminaria-Corallina
project. In May 2015, the entire Talisman company was acquired by Repsol. |
Australia nauk mina-rai Timor-Leste: Laminaria-Corallina Kampu mina-rai Laminaria-Corallina, sai hosi JPDA, besik liu ba Timor-Leste duke ba nasaun seluk ida no Timor-Leste mak tenke sia na’in tuir prinsipiu legal internasionál. Dezde operador Woodside hahú produsaun iha 1999, Laminaria-Corallina selu liu biliaun $2 iha taxa ba Governu Australia no laiha buat ida ba Timor-Leste. |
Although results to date have not been very promising, the Government remains optimistic, as shown by their bidding round, conducted in 2019 after a decade of promises and postponement. In June 2014, the National Petroleum Authority held public consultations on new regulations and model PSCs for the TLEA and onshore areas, and La'o Hamutuk made a submission. In April 2015, La'o Hamutuk analyzed how much of Timor-Leste's oil and gas wealth is remaining to be exploited, and published Timor-Leste's oil and gas are going fast (also blog and Tetum). In June, we responded (also Tetum) to allegations that our information was unfounded. This debate continues. On 10 March 2016, La'o Hamutuk explained Santos' report that Bayu-Undan is 93% depleted in Indicators have Consequences. In June 2017, La'o Hamutuk presented As Bayu-Undan dries up: challenges and opportunities (also PowerPoint and paper). Our 2019 paper After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances includes additional information about the implications of petroleum dependency. The Boundary Treaty that took effect in August 2019 opened the way further development of Buffalo, Chuditch, Sunrise and other areas. During first half of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic and simultaneous fall in global oil and gas prices, made many companies and investors more cautious about continuing financially marginal projects, such as those in Timor-Leste. The future is uncertain. In June 2021, Charles Scheiner of La'o Hamutuk wrote Timor-Leste: 2021 economic survey: The end of petroleum income (updated version), and the following month the IMF published an Article IV report on Timor-Leste. Both conclude that it would be unwise to expect significant oil and gas revenues to continue for very long, which was confirmed by the Ministry of Finance in Book 1 of the 2022 State Budget (pages 58-61). More recently, the Ministry and others have warned that Timor-Leste may fall over a "fiscal cliff" before 2035 if the economy is not diversified. |
Futuru Maske rezultadu ohin loron la dun fó promesa ida ne’ebé di’ak, Governu nafatin optimistiku. Iha Junu 2014, ANP halo konsultasaun publiku kona-ba regulasaun foun ba TLEA no modelu Kontratu Fahe Produsaun rua ba TLEA no rai maran, no La'o Hamutuk hakerek submisaun ida. Iha Abril 2015, La'o Hamutuk analiza montante rikusoin mina no gas Timor-Leste nian nafatin iha tasi okos atu esplora iha futuru, no publiku ona Mina-rai no gas Timor-Leste nian besik hotu ho lalais. Debate ida ne'e kontinua nafatin. Iha fulan Marsu 2016, La'o Hamutuk esplika relatoriu husi Santos neébe hatete katak Bayu-Undan 93% mamuk tiha ona iha Sinál perigu sei iha konsekuénsia. Iha Junu 2017, La'o Hamutuk aprezenta Bainhira Bayu-Undan sei maran: dezafiu no oportunidade sira (mos PowerPoint no artigu). |
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk) Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu Rua Felicidade (Rua Cardoso Dias), Gricenfor, Bairro Central, Dili, Timor-Leste P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330 Web: Facebook |