Cornerstone Laying for Hera Power Plant Hatidin fatuk dahuluk ba Sentral Eletrika iha Hera For more information about the heavy oil power project, click here. Atu hetan informasaun tan kona ba projeitu electrisida oleo pezadu, hili iha ne'e. 22 January 2010 | 22 Janeiro 2010 | | | | Click on map or any photo below to see it larger in English.
| Click mapa ida ne'e ka desenhu ida iha kraik atu haree boot liu iha Tetum.
| On 15 January 2010, the Prime Minister, President of the Republic, Minister of Infrastructure and President of Parliament, together with a few ambassadors, laid the cornerstone for the Hera generating project, attended by more than 100 Government officials and a few others, although virtually nobody from civil society, international agencies or the political opposition was present. The speeches were defensive, attacking those who suggested changes in the project. Tetum audio recordings and unofficial English and Tetum transcripts by La'o Hamutuk follow below. The President's office issued a press release celebrating the ceremony, which was responded to by Fretilin and Luta Hamutuk (Tetum). | Iha loron 15 fulan Janeiru 2010, Primeiru Ministru, Presidente Republika, Ministru Infrastrutura no Presidente Parlamento, hamutuk ho Ambasador balun, halao lansamento hatidin fatuk dahuluk ba projeitu eletrika Hera, partisipa husi ema liu 100 husi ofisiais Governu nian, no sira seluk balun, maske besik laiha ema ida husi sosiedade sivil, ajensia internasional ka politikus opozisaun mak fo prezensa iha neba. Diskursu sira neé mesak defensivu, ataka ba ema sira nebe fo hanoin atu halo mudansa iha projeitu neé. Gravasaun iha lian Tetum no tekstu iha Ingles no Tetum husi La’o Hamutuk bele hetan iha kraik. Komunikadu impresa (Ingles) husi gabinete Presidente Republika nian ba selebrasaun seremonia ne’e, hetan responde husi Fretilin (Ingles) no Luta Hamutuk. | This drawing and the grid map above were unveiled after the cornerstone was laid. Pintura ida neé, no mapa rede iha leten loke sai depois lansamento hatidin fatuk dahuluk nian.
| Many local residents were not invited to the cornerstone-laying ceremony. Komunidade lokal barak mak lahetan konvite ba seremonia hatidin fatuk dahuluk nian.
| Minister of Infrastructure Pedro Lay To build this electric generation center, in these places: One in Hera to build a generation station of 120 megawatts (MW) capacity, another in Betano with capacity 130 MW. These two generating stations together provide 250 MW for all of Timor-Leste. These two generating stations will use heavy oil fuel, but in the future can also be transformed to use diesel or natural gas as fuel to power their operation. The National Grid study is already finished, to begin the construction phase now which will cover the entire Timor-Leste. This national grid will have 9 substations, which will furnish electricity to all districts in our territory. Substations will be built in Dili, Manatuto, Baucau, Lospalos, Viqueque, Cassa, Suai, Maliana and Liquisa. These substations will provide electric energy to the local population and communities. To use an efficient electric system, we adopt the international standard of 150 kilovolts (KV), a system which will allow us, in the future, to interconnect with other countries. The national grid system has a total distance of 794 km. This system is the system for inside Timor-Leste, but it doesn’t yet cover Oecusse and Atauro, but don’t be sad, because to bring electric energy to all of Timor-Leste includes these two regions, Oecussi and Atauro. The Government will build a network with 20 KV capacity, 120 km distance. This project will be complete at the end of 2011. In building this electric generation station, our management plan also looks at the environment. The company which is constructing the electric centers has provided a plan for managing and monitoring the environment, which they must strictly follow the orientation manual already established. They will also give the good intention to direct construction during the construction process, and also in the operations phase. With this new distribution system adopts a modern electric system, exhaust and gas goes outside, resulting in machine operations which adhere to the rules established by the Kyoto Protocol. | Ministru Infrastrutura Pedro Lay (gravasaun audio) Atu bele hari sentral eletriku, fatin sira ne’e mak nee: Ida Hera atu hari sentral eletrika ho kapasidade 120 MW, ida seluk iha Betano ho kapasidade 130 MW. Sentral eletrika rua neé kapasidade hamutuk 250 MW ne'ebe bele fornese enerjia eletrika iha Timor-laran tomak. Sentral eletrika rua neé sei utiliza combustivel oleo pezadu, maibe iha futuru oin bele mos transforma atu utiliza gazoel ou gas natural nudar kombustivel atu halao nia operasaun. Rede Nasional kompleta tiha ona nia estudu dadaun atu halo fase konstrusaun agora ne'ebe kobre Timor-Leste tomak. Rede nasional neé nia iha substasaun sia, ne'ebe sei fornese enerjia eletrika ba distritu hotu-hotu iha teritorio laran neé. Substasaun rede nasional neé, mobiliza iha Dili, Manatuto, Baucau, Lospalos, Viqueque, Cassa, Suai, Maliana no Liquisa. Husi substasaun sira neé mak sei fornese enerjia eletrika ba populasaun no komunidade lokal. Atu utiliza efisiensia sistema eletrika, eletrisidade adopta padraun internasional ne'ebe 150 KV, sistema ne'ebe permite katak, iha futuru ita mos bele halo interkoneksaun ho nasaun sira seluk. Sistema rede nasional ne'ebe ita harii nia distansia hamutuk 794 km. Sistema nee sistema iha Timor-Leste laran tomak, maibe seidauk kobre distritu Oecusse no Atauro, maibe labele laran triste, tamba atu lori enerjia eletrika ba to enerjia hotu Timor-Leste inklui rejaiun rua ne'ebe hateten, Oecusse no Atauro. Governu sei harií rede de kapasidade 20 KV ho distansia kilometru 120. Projeitu neé sei kompleta iha fin de 2011. Projeitu sentral eletrika ne'ebe hari, ni-nia planu ba jestaun no ita mos hare ba meu ambiente ni-nian. Kompanha de empreza ne'ebe halo konstrusaun ba sentral eletrika neé fornese ona planu ho jestaun monitorizasaun ba meu ambiente ne'ebe tenke halao tuir lolos duni guia de orientasoens ne'ebe estabelese ona. Sei fo mos intensaun que diak atu kontrola konstrusaun durante prosesu konstrusaun nian laran, nuneé mos iha fase atu halo operasaun. Ho sistema distribuisaun foun nebe adopta iha sistema eletrika modernu, suar ka gas nebe sai ba liur, resultadu uza operasaun makina nian tuir duni padraun nebe Protokolu Kyoto estabelese tiha ona. | Betano is in Manufahi district, not in Covalima as shown on the banner behind the PM. Betano iha distritu Manufahi, laos iha Covalima hanesan hatudu iha spanduk iha PM nia sorin.
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão I feel that this is a big day, a big day for our country, this 15 January, after years of slow and good studies, we all have reached the conclusion that what I am presenting today to the Timorese people is the best thing. The government, with the builder, we all have a single idea to build well what can serve our people’s development. Because Timor’s development needs to start with basic infrastructure, and basic infrastructure is electricity. But to shorten, just to inform your excellencies that this is not only the construction of electric generation not only from heavy oil or fuel or gas, but also we have studied alternative and renewable energies we can use now. But with this big network, we will have the power to distribute electricity from this generator and from anywhere else. Maybe power from our wind energy can come into this big network. This makes me feel that your excellencies’ patience encourage all our people and gives them confidence, thinking that in two years, we can provide permanent, good and sustainable electricity, from other energy sources we will develop. | A Chinese engineer explains the grid map to the Prime Minister. Injinheiru Xineza ida esplika mapa rede nian ba Primeiru Ministru.
Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão (gravasaun audio) Hau sente katak loron boót, loron boót ba ita nia rain 15 de janeiru nee, depois de tinan hirak studa bebeik ho diak, ita hotu iha ona iha konklusaun katak buat neebe ohin loron hau aprezenta ba povo Timor buat ida ne'ebe diak liu. Ne'ebe governu, ho konstrutor, ho konstrutor ami hotu buka hanoin ida deit katak halo buat diak buat ida ne'e bele enserve ba dezenvolvimentu povo nian. Tamba dezenvolvimentu Timor nian husu atu halao uluk infrastrutura bazikas tun ba infrastrutura bazikas maka eletrisidade. Maibe atu habadak, atu informa deit ba eselensia sira katak ida neé laos deit, konstrusaun jerasaun eletrisidade laos deit mai husi oleu pezadu ou kombustivel ou gas maibe mos iha estudu husi enerjia alternativas ka renovavels ne'ebe halao dadauk. hodi. Maibe iha tiha rede boot ida neé, sei iha kbiit atu hasae husi gerasaun ida neé mos sei tama ba neé ba. Karik kbiit atu hetan fali husi ita nia anin no mos oelika energia oelika no mos sei hatutan ba iha rede boót neé. Ida neé maka hau sente katak eselensia sira nia pasensia neé fo korajen boot e konfiansa boót ba povo tomak, hanoin katak iha tinan rua, ita bele asegura ona fornesementu eletrisidade ne'ebe permanente, ne'ebe diak i sustentavel tamba iha fontes enerjia sira seluk ne'ebe ita sei aproveita. | President Jose Ramos-Horta First, congratulations to the Prime Minister because with your courage, your vision, you took a decision which is important to begin the process of industrialization and modernization of this nation. I say courage because when you are a leader, sometimes you have to make a decision with courage and not listen to the criticism that comes from many places, from their ideas, they respond about the nation, they just say, they are the most concerned about the environment and the government isn’t concerned, we who began struggling in 1974, 75, are not concerned, they are more concerned than we are. No nation can move ahead without electricity. No nation can move ahead without roads. No nation can move ahead without education or without health. These are the real priorities: electricity, roads, health, education, telecommunications, we all know the priorities. I have lived overseas, because of an accident of history. Because I am concerned about this nation’s future, I didn’t just wake up to the questions of climate change. For the past 20 years I’ve read, followed, visited a solar panel factory in Sydney, in England and many places. I’ve seen documents, books, documentary films about environment and alternative energy. If highly industrialized countries have a good environmental record today, they recently began to look to repair it. For example Portugal, a nation advanced in alternative energy, with their current work, within five years, 70% of Portugal’s energy will be alternative. This nation has existed for 800 years. Other nations, like Japan, many in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Korea, they will use heavy oil. Some people who criticize heavy oil think about technology from 50 or 100 years ago. Technology changes, technology modernizes, heavy oil technology in the 21st century is not 19th century technology. From the President of the Republic, Prime Minister, Parliament -- we’re all concerned about environmental impact. Nine months ago, I saw the documents from the Government’s contract with China Nuclear Power Industry, to see a study from the Italian business with experience, this company has perhaps 50 years of experience. Therefore I can confidently say that this project will follow the recommendations of World Bank standards about environmental impact, follow the recommendations in the Kyoto Protocol. I am also pleased with the Government’s ideas that, at the same time as we start this heavy fuel process, we also look at solar, wind, hydroelectric, biogas and everything else, but we have to be realistic. Today’s solar technology we can say is like 19th century; in 30 or 50 years more, when we read about today’s solar energy, we will call it like 19th century technology. But we can believe that in 5, 10, or 20 years we can use in Timor-Leste 100% solar or wind. Timor-Leste needs to move to the future with this electrification process, we owe it to the people. After waiting 500 years, eight years until now, then we can really move ahead. If the international community, UN, World Bank, our several donors, according to the international statistical reports we read, started in 1999 to put $3 billion dollars or more, they began in 99-2000, thinking with vision, thinking with seriousness, thinking strategically, and said “We donors will electrify Timor-Leste, we donors will build a new road network for Timor-Leste, we donors will open a new airport for Timor-Leste, we donors will build a new port for Timor-Leste.” If they did this, the $3 billion dollars would be well spent, and today Timor-Leste would already have 24-hour electricity, we would have modern new roads, bridges, airport, port. Because they didn’t do this, they know, but some criticize, criticize Timor-Leste, but we’re fortunate to have our own money. Because of this we have to build what we need, it’s our responsibility. Therefore today, I today with the President of Parliament, Parliamentarians, Prime Minister, Ministers, civil society, say: "Support this project 100% to move ahead." Secretary of State for Electricity Januario Pereira with Minister Lay and PM Gusmao. Sekretario Estado a Eletrisidade Januario Pereira, hamutuk Ministru Lay ho PM Gusmão .
| Hera parish priest blesses the cornerstones of the project, just placed by high officials. Padre Parokia Hera halo bensaun ba fatuk dahuluk projeitu nian, foin tau husi ema bo’ot sira.
Presidente Republika Jose Ramos-Horta (gravasaun audio) Uluk nain, parabens ba senhor Primeiro Ministro tamba ho ita nia korajem, ita nia vizaun, halo desizaun ida que importante atu hahu prosesu industrializasaun, modernizasaun nasaun ida neé nian. Hau hateten korajem tamba quando ita ukun nain, dala ruma ita tenke halo desizaun ho korajem i labele rona demais kritika ne'ebe mak mai husi fatin bar-barak husi sira ne'ebe hanoin sira mak iha resposta tamba nasaun, sira mak hatene deit, sira mak preokupasaun liu ho meo-ambiente e ita ne'ebe iha governu la preokupa, ita ne'ebe hahu luta iha 75, 74, la preokupa, sira mak derepente preokupa liu fali ita. Laiha nasaun ida que bele ba oin sein eletrisidade. Laiha nasaun ida que bele ba oin sein estrada. Laiha ida nasaun ida que bele ba oin sein edukasaun ou sein saude. Neé duni prioridade sira neé: eletrisidade, estradas, saude, edukasaun, telekomunikasaun, ita hotu-hotu hatene prioridade. Hau ne'ebe moris iha rai tasi balu tamba asidente istoria i tamba preokupasaun futuru nasaun ida neé, laos foin ohin mak hader ba kestoes climate change, tinan ruanulu nia laran lee akompanha ba vizita fabrika solar panel sira iha Sydney, iha Inglaterra iha fatin bar-barak. Hare dokumentu, livru, dokumentariu cinematografia kona ba meu ambiente kona ba enerjia alternativa. Mesmu rai sira ne'ebe industrializadu teb-tebes iha recordu diak ba meu ambiente, sira foin dadauk mak hahu i buka hadia. Por ezemplu Portugal, nasaun ida que avansadu iha alternative energy, ho esforsu ne'ebe sira halo iha tinan lima nia laran, enerjia Portugal 70% mak alternativu. Nasaun ida ne'ebe ezistensia tinan 800. Nasaun sira seluk hanesan Japaun, barak iha Eropa Sentral, Eropa Leste, Korea, sira sei uza oleo pezadu. Ema balun ne'ebe halo kritika ba oleo pezadu hanoin kona ba teknolojia ne'ebe tinan 50 tinan 100 liu ba tiha ona. Teknolojia neé muda, teknolojia neé moderniza, teknolojia oleo pezadu ohin sekulu 21 laos teknolojia sekulu 19. I hahu husi Presidente Republika, Primeiru Ministru, Parlamento ita hotu-hotu preokupadu ho impaktu ambiental. Iha fulan sia nia laran hau hare dokumentus ne'ebe mai husi Governu kontratu ho China Nuclear Power Industry hare studu mai husi empreza Italiana ne'ebe iha esperiensia, empreza neé iha pelumenus tinan 50 nia esperiensia. Portantu hau bele hateten konfiansa que projeitu ida neé tuir rekomendasaun ne'ebe standar ita mai husi Banku Mundial kona ba impaktu ambiental, tuir rekomendasoes klausa ne'ebe mai husi Kyoto, i hau kontente mos ho Governu nia hanoin para au mesmu tempo que ita hahu ho prosesu ho heavy fuel, ita buka dadaun solar, wind, Hydro, Bio i buat sira neé hotu, maibe ita tenke realista. Teknolojia solar ohin ita bele hateten sei pertensi ba sekulu 19, tinan 30 tan, tinan 50 tan quando ita leé fila fali solar enerji ne'ebe ohin iha, ita hateten neé hanesan teknolojia sekulu 19 nian. Nee duni ba fiar iha tinan 5, tinan 10, tinan 20 ita bele uza iha Timor-Leste 100% solar ka wind. Timor-Leste tenke ba oin duni ho prosesu eletrifikasaun ida ne’e, ita iha obrigasaun ba povo. Tinan 500 nian laran hein, tinan 8 nia laran hein to agora, nee duni ita ba oin. Se komunidade internasional, Nasoes Unidas, Banku Mundial, ita nia doadores lubuk ida, ne'ebe konforme statistika relatoria internasional ita leé, hahu iha 99 tau iha Timor 3 biliaun de dolar ou liu tan, sira hahu iha 99-2000, hanoin ho vizaun, hanoin ho seriedade, hanoin stratejikamente, i hateten: “ita doadores sira tau eletrifikasaun ba Timor-Leste, ita doadores sira hari’i rede estrada foun ba Timor-Leste, ita doadores sira loke aeroportu foun ba Timor-Leste, ita doadores sira harií portu foun ba Timor-Leste,” se sira halo nune, 3 biliaun de dolares neé bem justifikadu, i ohin Timor-Leste iha tiha ona eletrisidade 24 oras, iha tiha ona estrada modernu foun, ponte, aeroportu, portu. Tamba neé la halo, sira maka hatene, maibe balun kritika, kritika Timor-Leste, sorte ita mak kaer osan sira neé. Tamba neé ita tenke halo buat ida ne'ebe pertense ba ita, ita nia responsabilidade. Tamba neé ohin, hau hamutuk ho Senhor Presidente Parlamento, Deputadu sira, Senhor Primeiru Ministru, Ministru sira, sosiedade sivil, hateten: "Apoiu 100% ba projeitu ida neé atu ba oin." | Parliamentary President Fernando Lasama Araujo Today the National Parliament, we witness that we indeed achieved to launch the first stone of this major work, which comes from many debates and issues: whether the Government could do it or not, if it will kill everyone, destroy everything, destroy, not only destroy our nature but also destroy the island we live on. However Committee G, the Committee which watches over infrastructure companies, the President of this Commission, together with the Government did a comparative study in many places, that works like this have not yet killed anybody, in many countries they are already operating, and they use something called heavy oil, and this is an opportunity I want to ask the Government to accelerate this work. We hoped to lay the cornerstone in 2009, but because of some difficulties, today, 15 January, we have just come together here in the presence of the President of the Republic, ambassadors, to witness the beginning of this work. We hope that, as the Minister of Infrastructure said, by the end of 2011 our country will be electrified. This will require hard work by the Minister of Infrastructure, Secretaries of State and Directors in the Ministry of Infrastructure, because all our people are waiting. When Parliament visits them, they ask about three problems: electricity, water and roads. After that, education, health, agriculture, etc. These words to “Our Father, Ave Maria,” every day are electricity, water and electricity, and roads. We hope that the Prime Minister, we can have another opening, this is to say that the Government’s program priorities for this year are water and roads, maybe we can arrange one day to come together for an opening to repair the roads of this nation, because in Parliament we feel heavy responsibility from the people, who every day ask for this. We take this opportunity to ask the entire community to participate, all the people of Timor-Leste to participate, don’t take the wires to tie your cows, destroy some blocks or take something from this project to build a pigpen, because we all need this big work, a bigger project, I think, than roads, lots of money will be spent here, after ports and the airport, finally the electricity that we began today. The budget, as the Minister and President said, is billions of dollars, and we hope that in 2012 electricity will be on, perhaps to subdistricts, because the Secretary of State for Energy, Dr. Avelinho Coelho, is moving ahead with solar cells, biogas from cow manure to produce electricity. We hope that this will begin in 2010 in some sukus, and in 2011 electricity will go to subdistricts, and finally, we will bring these power lines to sukus and aldeias. This is a big challenge for the AMP government and, as President of Parliament, I trust that the Government led by our big brother Xanana Gusmão will meet these obligations, will really implement its plans in the next two years. I think, my message for today is this. One more time we need to be serious, to ask this company China Nuclear to undertake this work with the community, for our people. China and Timor have a very good relationship, very strong in difficult times, and we hope that the director of this company, China Nuclear Industry, will become an ambassador between our two peoples, and we hope that this company will do this work based on a feeling and brotherly relationship, as the peoples of China and Timor-Leste are brothers. | Presidente Parlamento Nasional Fernando Lasama Araujo (gravasaun audio) Ohin Parlamento Nasional, ami mai sai testamunha ba ita konsege realiza duni halao primeiru lansamento, lansamento ba primeira pedra ba obra ida mak boót ne'ebe mak mai husi debates barak, isus oi-oin, katak Governu sei konsege halo ka lae, i sei halo karik bele oho ema hotu, estraga buat hotu-hotu, destroe, laos destroe deit ita nia natureza maibe destroe mos ita sira ne'ebe hela iha ilha ida neé. Maske husi komisaun G, komisaun ida ne'ebe tau matan ba kompanha infrastrutura ni-nian, iha Presidente Komisaun nian iha neé, la’o hamutuk ho Governu ba halo estudu komparativu iha fatin barak, katak obra ida hanesan ne’e seidauk oho ema ruma, iha rai bar-barak ne'ebe mak laó tiha ba oin, no sira uza buat ida naran oleo pezadu, ne'ebe iha oportunidade ida ne’e hau hakarak husu ba Governu atu aseleira obra ida neé. Ami hein hela katak ita atu halo lansamento primeira pedra iha 2009, mais tamba iha difikuldades oi-oin , ohin, 15 de janeiru maka ita foin hamutuk iha neé ho presenza Sr. Presidente da Republika, Embaisadores sira, iha ne’e atu sai testamunha ba hahu obra ida ne’e, ami hein katak, hanesan Sr Ministro Infrastrutura hateten 2011, final de 2011 ahi lakan iha ita nia rai. Neé presiza servisu makas husi Sr. Ministru Infrastrutura, Sekertario Estadu sira, Diretores sira ne'ebe iha Ministerio Infrastrutura nian, tamba povo hotu-hotu hein. Parlamento wainhira halo vizita iha kraik problema tolu mak sira husu: ahi, beë, estradas. Tuir fali mai, edukasaun, saude, agrikultura no sira seluk- seluk tan. Lia fuan hanesan Ami Aman, Ave Maria lor-loron ne’e mak ahi, be’e no eletrisidade, no estrada. Nebe ami hein Sr. Primeiru Ministru karik, ita bele hahu mos lansamento ida, ba oinsa ita atu dehan programa prioritariu Governu nian iha tinan ida, mak beé mos no estradas, ne'ebe karik ita aranja loron ida ita anima malu hodi halo lansamento ida katak ita bele konsege ona atu hadia estrada iha ita nia nasaun ida neé, tamba iha Parlamento ami senti todan nudar reprezentante povo lor-loron mak ida neé mak husu deit ba. Aproveita tempo ida neé husu mos ba partisipasaun komunidade tomak, povo tomak Timor-Leste ninian, atu partisipa, labele foti fali fiu sira hodi kesi karau, sobu fali bloku ruma ka buat ida ne'ebe ema tau iha neba atu halo fali fahi luhan, tamba ita hotu-hotu presiza ida neé obra boót, obra boót liu maka hau hanoin estradas, osan boót sei boót ba iha neba, depois portus no aeroportu, tuir fali maka eletrisidade ne'ebe ohin ita hahu ona. Orsamento ne'ebe mak ohin Sr. Ministru hateten, Presidente hateten, biloens de dolares, e ami hein katak iha tempo 2012 ahi bele lakan, pelumenus too ba iha subdistritu sira, tamba Sekertariu Estadu ba enerjia, Dr. Avelinho Coelho lao hela ho ninia solar sel ho ida seluk karau ten produs ahi lao hela. Ami hein katak ida neé hahu dadauk tinan 2010 iha suku sira, iha 2011 ahi bele lakan too iha subdistritu sira, i ikus mai, ita bele dada mos fiu neé hau hanoin tama too iha sukus ho aldeias. Neé dezafiu boót ida ba Governu AMP e hanesan Presidente Parlamento hau fiar katak, Governu ne'ebe maka Maun Boót Xanana Gusmao dirije, sei kumpri ninia obrigasaun sira neé, sei implementa duni ninia planu sira neé iha tinan rua oin mai. Hau hanoin, hau nia mensajem ba loron ohin mak neé. Dala ida tan presiza seriedade, husu ba kompanha China Nuclear ida neé neé, atu halo servisu neé ho komunidade, halo ba povo ida neé. Xina ho Timor iha relasaun ne'ebe maka diak teb-tebes, forti teb-tebes iha tempo difisil, e ami hein katak Diretor kompanha saida maka ne’e, China Nuklear Industry ida neé sai hanesan mos Embaisador ida entre povo rua neé, e ami hein katak kompanha ida neé halo servisu ida neé bazeia ba relasaun sentidu de irmandade, maun-alin entre povo Timor-Leste ho povo Xina. | Chinese workers; no Timorese workers were visible. Trabalhadores Xineza sira; laiha trabalhadores Timor-oan sira ne'ebe hare iha neba.
Ministers Lay and Gusmão Ministru sira Lay no Gusmão
| The PM gives his hard hat so the Australian Ambassador can take a turn at laying a cornerstone. PM fo nia sapeu kapaseti atu Ambassador Australia nian bele ba hatidin fatuk dahuluk nian.