2014 General State Budget Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2014 12 June 2013. Updated 4 May 2017 Contents of this page | Konteúdu pájina ida ne’e | Yellow Road Workshop In a significant improvement over previous years, the Ministry of Finance held two workshops in May to share their thoughts and receive suggestions for deciding the "fiscal envelope" for the 2014 State Budget. The 9-10 May workshop was for Ministers, Parliamentarians and other state officials, while the 22 May one was for civil society, development partners and the private sector. La'o Hamutuk observed the first and participated actively in the second, and we greatly appreciate the transparency and openness of the Minister and her staff in listening to a wide range of comments. Rather than summarizing the volume of material, we are posting the presentations and documents here. The second presentation includes summaries of the comments from participants on the first two questions: Some of the following Excel spreadsheets were distributed at the Yellow Road Workshop, while others were circulated in advance of the July Timor-Leste and Development Partners Meeting: After the workshops, the Government issued a Press Release summarizing the process for the longer workshop. However the release incorrectly states that "Consensus emerged that withdrawing in excess of the yearly estimated sustainable income from the Petroleum Fund ... is critical to diversifying the economy." Participants were never asked whether they agreed with this controversial conclusion, and we know that many do not. In addition, key sentences in the English version of the press release were omitted from the Tetum and Portuguese versions of the release: "Now the focus must be on the quality of [infrastructure and human resource development] investments. Through these workshops, understanding the Government policy of Frontloading these expenditures to become a non-oil dependent economy becomes enhanced. The risks involved in executing this policy, which requires extreme care and caution to maximize each investment so it can make a long-term difference, also becomes better understood." However, we agree with Agio Pereira's conclusion in the press release: "The Budget process should be participatory, understood and owned by each stakeholder with robust discussion and debate. The Yellow Road Workshop begins this process each year. Not everyone will agree on the end outcome, but everyone should agree the process is transparent, fair and inclusive." We hope that policy-makers will continue to listen to people's input and use it to make the wisest decisions possible. | Yellow Road Workshop Iha mudansa di’ak signifikante durante tinan hirak kotuk, Ministériu Finansa organiza workshop rua iha Maiu atu fahe sira nia hanoin no simu sujestaun atu deside “envelope fiskál” (despeza total) ba OJE 2014. Workshop 9-10 Maiu ba de’it Ministru, deputadu no ofisiais estadu sira seluk, no ida iha 22 Maiu ba sosiedade sivíl, parseiru dezenvolvimentu no setór privadu. La’o Hamutuk observa workshop primeiru nian no partisipa ativamente ba iha workshop segundu nian, no ami apresia teb-tebes ba transparénsia no nakloke hosi Ministra no nia staff sira bainhira rona komentáriu oi-oin. Duke halo sumáriu ba volume matéria sira, ami publika sai aprezentasaun no dokumentu sira. Aprezentasaun segundu inklui sumáriu hosi komentáriu sira hosi partisipante sira ba pergunta rua primeiru: Dokumentu ho Excel balu tuir mai ne’e distribui iha Workshop Yellow Road, no sira seluk sirkula molok Enkontru Parseiru Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste iha fulan Jullu: Hafoin workshop sira, Governu fo sai komunikadu ba media hodi sumariza prosesu ba workshop naruk nian. Maske komunikadu ida ne’e ko’alia sala katak “Hetan konsensu ba kestaun ida kona-ba levantamento ida ne’ebé boot liután ne’ebé estabelese ona ba Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu tinan-tinan husi Fundu Petrolíferu nian ... sai fundamentál ba diversifikasaun ekonomia nian.” Partisipante sira nunka hetan pergunta katak sira konkorda ho konkluzaun kontroversial ida ne’e, no ami hatene katak ema barak la halo ida ne’e. Aleinde ne’e, sentensa importante iha versaun Ingles hosi komunikadu imprensa ne’e la inklui iha komunikadu versaun Tetum no Portuges: “Ohin tenke foka liu ba kualidade investimentu [infrastrutura no dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu]. Liu hosi workshop sira ne’e, hodi komprende polítika Governu nian ba “frontloading” hosi despeza sira ne’e hodi bele sai ekonomia ida ne’ebé la depende ba petróleu sai as. Risku sira ne’ebé iha bainhira ezekuta polítika ida ne’e, sei presiza kuidadu ida ne’ebé extreme atu maximiza kada investimentu hodi nune’e bele halo diferensa ida ba tempu naruk, no mós bele sai mós komprendesaun ida ne’ebé di’ak teb-tebes.” Maske nunee, ami konkorda ho konklusaun husi Agio Pereira iha komunikadu imprensa: "Prosesu elaborasaun Orsamentu nian tenke partisipativu, hatene no halo parte ba interesada sira ida-idak, ho diskusaun no halo debate beibeik. Yellow Road Workshop ne’e hahú prosesu ida ne’e tinan-tinan. Balun sei la konkorda ho rezultadu finál, maibé hotu-hotu tenke konkorda katak prosesu ne’e transparente, justu no inkluzivu." Ami espera katak ukun-na’in sira sei kontinua atu rona povu nia sujestaun no uza sujestaun ne’e atu halo desizaun ida ne’ebé matenek duni. |
2014 Budget Process At an "Extraordinary Meeting" on 14 June, the Council of Ministers approved the $1.3 billion fiscal envelope for the 2014 State Budget. The Ministry of Finance had presented the table at right (click to see it larger) at Yellow Road workshops a few months earlier, and we're told it's what the Council agreed to. In July, La'o Hamutuk presented How Long will the Petroleum Fund Carry Timor-Leste? (also PDF and underlying Excel spreadsheet) to the Timor-Leste Studies Association conference and at a workshop in our office. As the Ministry of Finance and the rest of the Government developed the 2014 budget, they were unable to rein in spending as much as they had hoped to, and on 26 September the Council of Ministers approved a fiscal envelope for the 2014 budget of $1.5 billion. Article 30 of the Budget and Financial Management Law No. 13/2009 requires the Government to propose its annual budget to Parliament by 15 October. A week before that, the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs told the President of Parliament and the heads of the political parties that the budget wouldn't be presented until 30 October. Although this was never discussed in plenary and no formal action was taken, the President apparently accepted it. Explanations in the media ranged from Muslim holidays to '"institutional agreement," although La'o Hamutuk has learned that the Ministry of Finance staff needed additional time to ensure accuracy of the budget books. This legal violation is different from the last time the Government presented the budget late. In 2010, Parliament debated and enacted Law No. 9/2010 which was promulgated by the President of the Republic before 15 October. | Prosesu orsamental 2014 Konsellu Ministru halo “Sorumutu Estraordináriu” iha 14 Juñu no aprova billaun $1.3 ba envelope fiskál ba Orsamentu Estadu 2014. Ministériu Finansas aprezenta iha tabela parte liman karuk (hanehan atu bele haree ho boot) iha semináriu Yellow Road fulan balu liu ba, no ami rona katak Konsellu mós konkorda ida ne’e. Iha fulan Jullu, La’o Hamutuk aprezenta matéria kona ba To'o bainhira Timor-Leste sei la’o ho Fundu Petróleu? (iha PDF no mós iha data Excel) ba konferénsia Klibur Estudu Timor-Leste no mós iha ami nia edifísiu. Bainhira Ministériu Finansas no Governu elabora Orsamentu Estadu 2014, sira la konsege hatún gastu boot ne’ebé sira espera ona. Iha 26 Setembru Konsellu Ministru aprova envelope fiskál ba Orsamentu Estadu tinan 2014 ho total billaun $1.5. On 15 October, the Finance Minister, Prime Minister and Opposition Leader were at the N.Y. Stock Exchange. Iha loron 15 Outubru 2013, ema boot na'in tolu la'o iha Merkadu Asoens iha Nova Iorke. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
Artigu 30 iha Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseiru (Lei no. 13/2009), hatete katak Governu tenke hato'o proposta orsamentu ba Parlamentu Nasionál iha loron 15 Outubru. Semana ida antes data ida ne’e, Sekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Parlamentár informa ba Prezidente Parlamentu no lider partidu polítiku sira katak orsamentu sei aprezenta to’o 30 de Outubru. Maski ida ne’e la iha diskusaun iha plenária no la foti asaun formal ruma, maibé Prezidente simu. Iha media lokál, polítiku na'in sira esplika katak OJE sai tarde tanba feriadu Islam ka "konkordansia institusional," maibé La'o Hamutuk rona katak Ministériu Finansas nia staff presiza loron balun tan atu asegura katak livru orsamentu laiha erru. Violasaun legal ida ne’e la hanesan prosesu pasadu bainhira Governu hakarak tarde hodi aprezenta orsamentu. Iha 2010 Parlamentu debate no aprova Lei No.9/2010 ne’ebé hetan promulgasaun ona hosi Prezidente Repúblika molok 15 Outubru. | Execution of the 2013 state budget is going slowly, and we estimate that well under 75% of the $1.65 billion appropriated for 2013 will be spent by the end of the year. The largest gaps are for large infrastructure projects, especially Tasi Mane, MDG-Suco housing, and water/sanitation. As the first two are dubious projects, this may be a blessing. These two graphs show the Transparency Portal's execution data in mid-January, but Infrastructure Fund projects can continue to be paid out of the 2013 budget until the end of February 2014. | Ezekusaun iha orsamentu estadu 2013 la’o neineik liu, no ami estimatiza ho loloos katak menus 75% hosi biliaun $1.65 ne’ebé aloka ba 2013 sei gasta durante fin de anó. Buat boot sira ne’ebé la konsege ezekuta mak projetu infrastrutura sira, espesialmente Tasi Mane, uma MDG-Suco, no bee/sanitasaun. Hanesan projetu rua iha primeiru ne’e nudár projetu ne’ebé hamosu duvida, no bainhira la gasta ne’e hare ba nudár bensaun. Gráfiku rua ne’e hatudu dadus hosi Portal Transparénsia iha médiu Janeiru, maibé projetu Fundu Infrastrutura bele kontinua atu selu hosi orsamentu 2013 to’o Fevreiru 2014 nia rohan. | During the last few months of 2013, spending escalated, reaching a total of $1.1 million at the end of 2013, according to the Transparency Portal accessed 9 January 2014. As this was significantly less than the $1.65 billion appropriated for 2013, the Government transferred "only" $730 million from the Petroleum Fund during 2013, less than the $787m ceiling authorized by Parliament. | Durante fulan balu liu ba iha 2013, despeza sa’e maka’as, hodi to’o montante to’o biliaun $1.1, tuir Portal Transparency ne’ebé ami asesu iha 9 Janeiru 2014. Tanba despeza ida ne’e menus liu duke biliaun $1.65 ne’ebé iha dotasaun ba 2013, Governu transfere “de’it” tokon $730 hosi Fundu Petrolíferu durante 2013, menus liu kompara ho montante ne’ebé autoriza hosi Parlamentu iha tokon $787. | The largest end-of-year spending spikes were for electricity infrastructure and fuel, other infrastructure, and public assistance. | Despeza boot tebes iha fin de anó barak liu ba infrastrutura eletrisidade no nia kombustivel, infrastrutura seluk, no asisténsia públiku nian. | Government budget proposal On 22 October, the Council of Ministers approved the draft budget law for 2014, totaling $1.50 billion. Although this is smaller than the enacted 2013 budget, it is more than we estimate will be spent by the end of this year. The proposed 2014 budget reduces appropriations for physical infrastructure, while increasing recurrent spending by 11% over the 2013 budget. Expenditures are allocated as: $167 million for Salaries and Wages $476 million for Goods and Services including $40 million through the Human Capital Development Fund $292 million for Public Transfers $ 40 million for Minor Capital $526 million for Development Capital including $425 million through the Infrastructure Fund.
The $1.5 billion will come from: $632 million Estimated Sustainable Income (ESI) from the Petroleum Fund $271 million additional withdrawals from the Petroleum Fund $166 million domestic revenues (taxes and fees) $203 million carried over in the Infrastructure Fund $ 3 million carried over in the Human Capital Development Fund $174 million from the unused cash balance in the State Treasury $ 51 million in new loans.
The Ministry also gave an overview presentation (Tetum) on the budget to a Parliamentary seminar on 24 October, and delivered their budget proposal to Parliament the following day, The Ministry also published the six budget books to their website on 25 October (although they were removed in February 2014, with the final versions posted in mid-March). The Budget Books do not project 2013 execution, so La'o Hamutuk made our own estimate for this graph. See below for final version as enacted. | Proposta husi Governu Iha loron 22 Outubru, Konsellu Ministru aprova proposta lei ba OJE 2014. Gastu ho montante tokon $1,500. Maski OJE 2014 menus kompara ho OJE 2013, ami estimatiza katak ezekusaun OJE 2013 sei de'it tokon $1,200 bainhira tinan 2013 remata. Proposta OJE 2014 hatún despeza ba infrastrutura fíziku, no aumenta despeza recurrente ba 11% liu OJE 2014. Despeza tuir mai: tokon $167 ba Saláriu no Bensimentu tokon $476 ba Bens no Servisu inklui tokon $40 liu Fundu Dezenvolvimentu Kapitál Umanu tokon $292 ba Transferénsia Públiku tokon $ 40 ba Kapitál Menór tokon $526 ba Kapitál no Dezenvolvimentu inklui tokon $425 liu Fundu Infrastrutura.
Billaun $1.5 sei mai husi: tokon $632 Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimadu husi Fundu Petrolíferu tokon $271 transferénsia adisional husi Fundu Petrolíferu tokon $166 reseita doméstika (taxa no pagamentu) tokon $203 osan restu iha Fundu Infrastrutura tokon $ 3 osan restu iha Fundu Dezenvolvimentu Kapitál Umanu tokon $174 husi saldo iha Tezouru estadu nian tokon $ 51 imprestimu foun.
MF halo aprezentasaun Panorama OJE2014 ba seminar Parlamentu nian iha loron 24 Outubru. Governu haruka ona proposta OJE 2014 ba Parlamentu Nasional iha loron 25 Outubru, no Ministériu Finansas publika livru orsamentu neen ba sira nia website iha loron hanesan (MF hasai sira iha fulan Fevreiru 2014, maske verzaun final mai iha Marsu de'it). Livru OJE la inklui projeksaun kona-ba ezekusaun durante 2013, entaun La'o Hamutuk estimatiza ba gráfiku ida ne'e. Hare iha kraik be vezaun final hetan aprovasaun ona. | The budget is significantly improved over recent years. In addition to larger allocations for education and health, infrastructure planning is becoming more realistic. | Orsamentu ne’e iha mudansa ne’ebé signifikante hadi’ak kompara ho tinan hirak kotuk ne’e. Aleinde ba alokasaun barak ba edukasaun no saúde, planeamentu infrastrutura sai realistiku liu. | The South Coast Highway may have been postponed indefinitely, although some inappropriate megaprojects continue and the 2014 budget allocates hundreds of millions for new ones: Project | 2014 appropriation | 2014-2018 expenditure | Suai Supply Base | $18m | $291m | Suai airport | $20m | $65m | MDG-Suco housing | $23m | $137m | Oecussi development (only part) | $24m | $82m | Dili airport | $10m | $355m* | Tibar port | $8m | $148m* | The last three projects will use additional financing from investors and/or loans. |
Although no money was appropriated for the South Coast Highway, it remains in the Annual Action Plans of the Ministries of Public Works and Petroleum and Mineral Resources. At a hearing of Parliament Committee D on 11 November, TimorGAP revealed that it would like to spend more than $60 million to build this highway during 2014, and may ask Parliament to appropriate it during a mid-year (rektifikativu) budget amendment next year. Electricity will absorb more than 11% of the budget, less than recent years because the Betano and Hera power plants are mostly paid for. EDTL will lose its autonomous status and become part of the Ministry of Public Works. They will build a $24 million jetty to receive fuel for Hera. The State continues to subsidize electricity consumers: $93m is budgeted for generator fuel during 2014 (other operational expenses and depreciation could be as much again), while electricity revenues will be only $19m, notwithstanding the Government's recent purchase of 50,000 electricity meters. Sadly, the budget also expects Timor-Leste's oil revenues to be lower than previous estimates, reducing the Estimated Sustainable Income from $798m (estimated last year for 2014) to $632m. Bayu-Undan production is projected to end in 2020, four years sooner than previous projections. | Auto-Estrada ba Tasi Mane nian ne’e indefinitemente hapara, maske iha mega-projetu balu ne’ebé la apropriadu sira sei kontinua, no orsamentu 2014 aloka tokon atus ba atus ba:Projetu | Dotasaun 2014 | Despeza 2014-2018 | Suai Supply Base | t$18 | t$291 | Aeroportu Suai | t$20 | t$65 | Uma MDG-Suco | t$23 | t$137 | Dezenvolvimentu Oecussi (parte balu de’it) | t$24 | t$82 | Aeroportu Dili | t$10 | t$355* | Portu Tibar | t$8 | t$148* | Projetu tolu ikus ne’e sei uza finansiamentu adisionál hodi investidór no/ka empréstimu |
Maski OJE 2014 laiha alokasaun ba Auto-Estrada Kosta Súl, projetu ida ne'e nafatin iha planu asaun anuál husi Ministériu Obra Públiku no Ministériu Petróleu no Rekursu Minarais. Iha audiensia PN Komisaun D nian, loron 11 Novembru, TimorGAP fó sai katak sira hakarak gastu liu tokon $60 ba auto-estrada ida ne'e durante 2014, no iha planu atu husu Parlamentu atu aprova iha orsamentu retifikativu tinan oin. Eletrisidade sei absorve liu 11% hosi orsamentu, hamenus kompara ho tinan ida ne’e tanba sentrál elétrika Betano no Hera maiór parte selu ona. EDTL sei lakon nia estatutu autónoma no sai parte hosi Ministériu Obras Públiku. Sira sei harii ponte-kais ida atu simu kombustivel ba Hera ho folin tokon $24. Estadu kontinua atu fó subsídiu ba konsumidór eletrisidade: tokon $93 orsamentu hela atu sosa kombustivel ba jeradór durante tinan 2014 (despeza operasionál sira seluk no devaluasaun sei bele hanesan fali), no eletrisidade nia reseita sei ba de’it tokon $19, maske Governu foin sosa kuadru eletrisidade iha 50,000. Triste liu, orsamentu mós espeta Timor-Leste nia reseita petróleu sei ba ki’ik liu fali ho estimatizasaun iha tinan kotuk, hodi hamenus Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu hosi tokon $798 (estimasaun iha tinan kotuk ba 2014) ba tokon $632. Produsaun Bayu-Undan projete hela atu maran iha 2020, tinan hat lalais liu duke projesaun anterior. | Parliamentary hearings Parliament has scheduled a series of hearings with Government officials, and many fewer with civil society than in previous years. You can download the schedule of events and debates here. On 8 November, La'o Hamutuk wrote a letter to Parliament expressing our concerns about the budget process and some thoughts about its contents. In addition to topics discussed above, we asked Parliament to pay attention to several key issues (explained in more detail in the letter): Bayu-Undan production will be significantly lower than previously expected. We have only six years to develop our non-oil economy and markedly increase domestic revenues. We welcome the smaller fiscal envelope for GSB 2014, $1.5 billion compared with $1.65 billion in 2013. However, execution in 2013 will be less than 100%, and the total spent will be under $1.2 billion. If the 2014 budget is fully executed, it will represent a 25% increase. Except for the Ministry of Finance building, the new Comoro bridges (which were not in the 2013 budget) and the national electricity project, very little was done on large infrastructure projects during 2013. To date, 2013 Infrastructure Fund execution for all other projects is less than 15%. Timor-Leste has just signed a $68 million contract for Suai airport, a questionable project. The proposed budget allocates $20 million for it in 2014 and another $45 million in 2015-2017. It is also unwise to continue to spend money on studies related to the Beaçu LNG plant and Betano refinery without progress toward ensuring the viability of these projects. GSB 2014 increases spending for other questionable megaprojects. Dili airport expansion has jumped in total cost from $78 million in GSB2013 to more than $350 million, while Tibar Port has grown from $124 to $148 million (with more to be invested by a private partner, possibly guaranteed with Timor-Leste’s funds). These projects are based on unrealistic projections of traffic and benefits. The economic feasibility of the Special Economic and Social Market Zone in Oecusse is unclear, and its planning is already absorbing significant public resources. What are the costs and benefits of this project to the nation and to local communities? What competitive advantages does it have in which markets? How will it repay investment by Timor-Leste and others, and what happens if it is unable to? Timor-Leste should not take out foreign loans. We are glad that less money will borrowed in 2013-2015 than was previously planned, but are concerned that planned debt is higher for 2016 and 2017. We are also worried that the Government may sign Public-Private Partnership Agreements which risk half-a-billion dollars of Timor-Leste’s funds. The 2014 budget does not need to withdraw more than the Estimated Sustainable Income (ESI) from the Petroleum Fund. We project that the treasury balance will be more than $750 million at the end of 2013. Added to next year's ESI, domestic revenues and loans, we have comfortable $100 million cushion above the $1,500 million 2014 state budget. We support spending more on health and education and hope that it represents greater attention to these essential areas. Even with the increases, Timor-Leste still spends less than 2/3 as much on human infrastructure as other well-run developing countries. Agriculture spend has been reduced. This sector, representing three-fourths of Timorese people, should get far more than 2.3% of the budget. Budget Book 1 redefines “investment” to mean almost all spending which claims to help people -- generator fuel, veterans’ benefits, disaster relief, sports, and donations to other countries. If we don’t understand that genuine “investment” generates a future social and financial return greater than its cost, how can we escape petroleum dependency? The budget documents include a confusing discussion of non-oil GDP which obscures the fundamental fact that the part of our economy which is not driven by state spending – agriculture, manufacturing, and private-sector trade – is stagnant or shrinking. Growth in state spending is responsible for all of the recent “double-digit growth” in non-oil GDP; as it slows, so will the economy. Even as GDP (and the affluent people it reflects) grows, most of our rural population lives in poverty, and their desperation increases every day. We had a huge trade deficit in 2012, with only $32 million in non-oil exports – coffee and scrap metal. After subtracting the one-time imports of the Hera and Betano power plants, imports nearly doubled from $250 million in 2011 to $441 million in 2012.
On 11 November, the Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources (MPRM) and his staff appeared before Committee D. La'o Hamutuk was not allowed to observe the hearing, but we did obtain and scan the written materials presented, including those from the National Petroleum Authority (ANP) and TimorGAP national oil company. We have posted them because these two agencies, which will receive $2 and $5 million respectively from the 2014 State budget, are concealed as unspecified "transfers" from MPRM (the Institute for Petroleum and Geology will also $1.7m). ANP will also receive about $5 million directly from oil companies, a violation of Article 6 of the Petroleum Fund Law. On 25 November, the Court of Appeals delivered its report on the Consolidated State Accounts for 2012 to Parliament. Discussion began in Committee C on 12 December. According to these procedures (Portuguese), Committee C presented its report to the Parliamentary Plenary on 7 January 2014, followed by a day-long discussion with the Prime Minister (the Minister for Finance did not attend). At 7:30 that evening, Parliament voted to accept the accounts with 49 votes in favor, 0 against, and 11 abstentions (notes in Tetum). | Audiensia iha Parlamentu Nasional Parlamentu halo oráriu ba audiénsia barak ho ofisiál Governu, no halo uitoan ho sosiedade sivíl sira kompara ho tinan kotuk. Ita bele download sira nia oráriu no debates iha ne'e. Iha 8 Novembru, La’o Hamutuk hakerek karta ida ba Parlamentu hodi espresa ami nia preokupasaun kona-ba prosesu orsamentu nian no hanoin balu kona-ba nia konteúdu. Aleinde ho tópiku ne’ebé diskute iha leten, ami husu Parlamentu atu tau atensaun ba asuntu save balu (hodi esplika detallu iha karta laran): Produsaun husi Bayu Undan sei signifikamente uitoan liu kompara ho espetasaun ne’ebé iha antes. Ita iha de’it tinan neen atu dezenvolve ita nia ekonomia la’ós-mina no hasa’e rendimentu doméstiku signifikamente. Ami konkorda ho envelope fiskál ne’ebé ki’ik liu ba OJE 2014, $1.5 billaun kompara ho $1.65 billaun ba 2013. Maske ezekusaun orsamentu 2013 nian sei menus liu husi 100%, no total montante ne’ebé gasta durante 2013 sei menus husi billaun $1.2. Karik orsamentu 2014 nian ezekuta hotu, ne’e sei reprezenta aumenta liu 25% kompara ho 2013. Exeptu ba edifísiu Ministru Finansas nian, Ponte Comoro rua foun (ne’ebé la inklui iha orsamentu 2013 nian), no projetu eletrisidade nasionál ne’ebé kontinua hela, laiha buat barak mak halo relasiona ho projetu infrastrutura ne’ebé boot durante 2013. To ohin loron, ezekusaun Fundu Infrastrutura ba program sira seluk hotu menus husi 15%. Timor-Leste foin asina kontratu tokon $68 ba Aeroportu Suai, projetu ida ne’ebé hamosu duvida. Proposta orsamentu aloka tokon $20 ba projetu ne’e iha 2014 no tokon $45 tan iha 2015-2017. No mós ladún matenek hodi kontinua aloka osan ba estudu kona-ba planta LNG iha Beasu no refinaria iha Betano bainhira seidauk iha progresu ida ne’ebé halo ona atu asegura viabilidade husi projetu sira ne’e. OJE 2014 hasa’e apropriasaun ba megaprojetu rua ne’ebé bele kestiona hela. Kustu ba haluan aeroportu Dili sa’e aas husi total tokon $78 iha OJE2013 ba liu tokon $350, enkuantu Portu Tibar sa’e ona husi tokon $124 ba tokon $148 (barak liu sei investe husi parseiru privadu, iha posibilidade hetan garantia husi Timor-Leste nia fundu). Projetu sira ne’e bazeia ba projesaun sira ne’ebé la realistiku kona-ba tráfiku no benefísiu sira. Viabilidade ekonómiku ba Zona Espesiál Ekonomia no Sosiál Merkadu iha Oe-cusse la klaru, no nia planeamentu absorve rekursu públiku barak ona. Saida mak kustu no benefísiu husi projetu ida ne’e ba nasaun no ba komunidade lokál? Saida mak vantajen kompetitivu ne’ebé nia iha, iha merkadu ne’ebé? Oinsá nia bele rekompensa fali investimentu husi Timor-Leste no parte seluk, no saida mak akontese se nia labele halo ida ne’e? Timor-Leste labele deve husi rai li’ur. Ami kontente katak osan ne’ebé atu deve iha 2013-2015 uitoan liu duke buat ne’ebé planu antes, maibé preokupa katak planu atu deve sei aas liu iha 2016 no 2017. Ami mós preokupa karik Governu atu asina Akordu Parseriedade Públiku-Privadu hodi tau metade biliaun ida hosi Timor-Leste nia Fundu iha risku. Orsamentu 2014 labele hasai osan liu Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu (RSE/ESI) husi Fundu Petrolíferu. Ami projeta katak saldu iha tezoreiru estadu nian sei liu tokon $750 iha 2013 nia rohan. Aumenta ba RSE ba tinan oin, reseita doméstika no empréstimu, no ita iha xumasu mamar tokon $100 ba OJE biliaun $1.5 nia leten. Ami suporta planu atu gasta barak liu ba saúde no edukasaun no espera katak ida ne’e indika iha atensaun boot ba area sira ne’ebé esensiál. Maski sa’e, Timor-Leste sei gasta menus husi 2/3 ba infrastrutura umanu kompara ho nasaun foin dezenvolve-an seluk ne’ebé la’o ho di’ak. Despeza ba agrikultura hamenus tiha ona. Setór ne’e reprezenta ¾ Timor oan, tenke hetan boot liu tan kompara ho 2.3% iha orsamentu. Livru Orsamentu 1 define fila fali “investimentu” virtualmente nudár gastu hotu-hotu ne’ebé ajuda povu, inklui mina ba jeradór, veteranu sira nia benefísiu, ajuda ba dezastre, desportu, no doasaun ba nasaun seluk. Se ita la komprende katak “investimentu” mak gastu ne’ebé fó fila fali benefísiu sosiál no finansial ne’ebé boot liu iha futuru kompara ho nia kustu, oinsá ita bele hasees-an husi dependénsia ba petróleu? Dokumentu orsamentál hatama diskusaun ne’ebé halo konfuzaun kona-ba PIB la’ós-mina ne’ebé subar faktu fundamental katak parte hosi ita nia ekonomia ne’ebé la dudu ho Gastu Estadu nian – agrikultura, indústria, komérsiu setór privadu – ne’e la la’o ka tun ba beibeik. Kreximentu iha gastu estadu nian mak razaun ba “double digit growth” hotu iha PIB la’ós mina nian; tanba bainhira nia tun, ekonomia mós sei tun Maske tanba GDP sa’e (no ema riku sira mak sai sasukat), Ita nia populasaun barak iha area rural mak sei moris iha pobreza no sira nia susar sei sa’e ba beibeik husi loron ba loron. Ita iha defisit boot ba merkadoria iha 2012, ne’ebé iha de’it tokon $32 iha esportasaun naun petrolíferu – kafé no besi no kaleen restu sira. Hafoin ita nia importasaun sa'e maka’as dala ida de’it tanba hatama sasán ba sentrál eletrisidade Hera no Betano, ita nia importasaun besik duplu hosi tokon $250 iha 2011 ba tokon $441 iha 2012.
Iha 11 Novembru, Ministru Petróleu no Rekursu Minerais (MPRM) no nia funsionáriu sira aprezenta ba Komisaun D nia oin. La’o Hamutuk la hetan autorizasaun atu observa audiénsia ne’e, maibé ami hetan material ne’ebé sira aprezenta no scan, inklui material sira ne’ebé ma hosi Autoridade Nasionál Petróleu (ANP) no kompañia mina-rai nasionál TimorGAP. Ami publika material sira ne’e tanba ajénsia rua ne’e sei hetan osan tokon $2 no tokon $5 hosi Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2014, ne’ebé falun nudár “transferénsia” ne’ebé la espesifika hosi MPRM (Institutu Petróleu no Geologia mós sei hetan tokon $1.7). ANP mós sei simu maizumenus tokon $5 diretamente hosi kompañia mina-rai sira, violasaun ida hosi Artigu 6 Lei Fundu Petrolíferu. Iha 25 Novembru, Tribunal Rekursu haruka sira nia relatóriu kona-ba Konta Estadu Konsolidadu 2012 ba Parlamentu. Diskusaun hahú iha Komisaun C iha 12 Dezembru. Tuir prosedimentu (Portuges) hirak ne’e, Komisaun C aprezenta sira nia relatóriu ba Plenária Parlamentár iha 7 Janeiru 2014, tuir ho diskusaun loron ida tomak ho Primeiru Ministru (Ministra Finansa la marka prezensa). Iha tuku 7:30 kalan, Parlamentu vota atu simu konta ho votu favór 49, kontra 0, no abstensaun 11 (nota). | Parliamentary plenary Parliament has reactivated its website, which may contain more current information on the budget process. It also includes a 6-page Noticias em Destaque on the budget process. Plenary discussion of the 2014 State Budget Proposal was scheduled to begin on 2 December, but it was delayed by two days because the Prime Minister and Finance Minister were at a g7+ conference in South Sudan. The discussion began later that week, with the reading of the 47-page report (Portuguese or Tetum), which was adopted unanimously by Parliamentary Committee C on Public Finances (Annex of other Committees' recommendations in Portuguese). La'o Hamutuk has translated Committee C's conclusions and 29 recommendations, many of which reflect our concerns, including: Don't take more than ESI from the Petroleum Fund in 2014, and don't take more than is needed during 2013. Prioritize programs for poor, rural people over fancy government building and overseas travel for officials. Keep EDTL autonomous for greater transparency. Submit the budget proposal and audit reports on time. Increase domestic revenues (including import duties and "addiction taxes") and reduce unnecessary spending to prepare for when oil revenues stop, which could be soon. Design realistic budgets which will be possible to execute. Use solid, scientific data for Government analyses, projections and policies. Improve the skills, systems, and awareness of Ministers and others on budgeting, paying invoices on time, and internal auditing. Reduce the Contingency Reserve and other non-specific appropriations. Legalize or cancel the Oecusse Special Economic Zone; distribute resources more fairly to all districts. Improve agricultural production and processing instead of importing rice. Stop the MDG-suco housing program pending research on how communities relate to it and how it can have more local content; create a regulatory body for public housing.
On 6 December, Parliament approved a resolution (Portuguese) to establish a closed-door ad hoc Committee to consider proposed amendments and make a single consolidated consensus recommendation to the Plenary. They planned to continue the budget discussion on 9 December, but the Prime Minister went to Nelson Mandela's funeral. Therefore, the budget debate has been delayed until 2014. After approving the 2012 State Accounts, the Parliamentary Plenary was scheduled to begin debating the 2014 budget proposal on 8 January, with the intention of approving the budget by the 22nd. The debate was delayed one day more and began on 9 January. The Prime Minister presented the budget, followed by responses by Fretilin (Portuguese), CNRT, Partido Democratico (Tetum) and Frente Mudansa, and the reading of Committee C's report (also summary, Portuguese or Tetum). Parliament later published a brief summary of the plenary discussion in Tetum. Debate continued on 10 January (summary notes in Tetum) and 11 January, with the Prime Minister's responses alternating with comments by Members of Parliament. Many changes were suggested, and Fretilin proposed reducing the total expenditure from $1.5 billion to $1.3 billion. On the evening of 11 January, Parliament voted unanimously (65-0-0) to approve the budget in generality, although many Fretilin MPs reserved their right to vote against the final budget if their amendments are incorporated. Unfortunately, Parliament again decided to move the substantive debate on the specifics of the budget to a closed-door ad hoc committee, as described in the guide to the debate process (Portuguese original) agreed by the four political parties. As we wrote last February, La'o Hamutuk believes that this is a setback for democracy, a view also held by the Core Group Transparency (Tetum). The committee met from 13-17 January, reporting to the plenary, which votes up or down on the committee's consensus recommendation. Members of Parliament submitted 426 proposed amendments, including changes to more than 700 budget lines. La'o Hamutuk wrote about some of the largest ones on our blog So much to do, so little time, with nobody watching which was printed in local newspapers. The committee finished its work and the public Parliamentary Plenary resumed on 20 January (Tetum summary), adopting the Committee's substitute text for the Budget Bill with 61 votes in favor and four abstentions. Debate is continuing over the next three days on each article and ministry (Tetum summary for 21 January). The Committee's consensus substitute kept the total budget at $1.5 billion, although it reduced the amount of new loans by $20 million, to be replaced by drawing down the cash balance. On the expenditure side, they added $10 million to salaries, $4m to Goods and Services, $44m to Public Transfers and $12 million to Minor Capital, while reducing Development Capital by $70m. Download table comparing Government and Committee budgets by Ministry. A few of the most important of the many changes are: - Reduce the amount of borrowing from $51 to $31 million.
- Reduce the ceiling for payment of IMF dues from $56 to $3 million.
- Add a new article to the Budget Law reviewing execution during the year, and if 75% of the budget has not been executed by the end of September, reduce the budget through rectification, and reduce transfers from the Petroleum Fund to a sufficient amount to maintain a $200 million treasury balance.
- Add $20m toward capitalizing the Central Bank.
- Reduce the PDID District Development program by $41 million.
- Add $7m for Minor Capital for the National Intelligence Service.
- Reduce $20m from the Oecussi Special Zone in the Ministry of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (although this may have been replaced on another line)
- Add a total of $3m in Public Transfers for four State Secretariats
- Add $5m in Public Transfers for the TL International Cooperation Agency under the Foreign Ministry
- Add $4m to the Ministry of Defense and Security in several areas
- Add $2m to purchase Goods and Minor Capital for the Ministry of Finance
- Reduce $6m from the Contingency Fund
- Add $1m for pensions for former office-holders
- Reduce $5m from Contribution Fund for Character Institutions
- Add $5m for g7+ secretariat
- Add $10m for Goods and Services in the Ministry of Justice
- Reduce $10m from Public Transfers in the Land and Property Directorate
- Add $1m for veterans' benefits
- Add $14m to Capital for the Ministry of Public Works
- Add $3m to Capital for the Irrigation Directorate in the Ministry of Agriculture
- Add $1m in Public Transfers for the Ministry of Petroleum for ANP
- Add $4m to Capital for the Court of Appeals
- Add $2m in expenditures for the Airport Authority
In the Infrastructure Fund, the substitute text does not disaggregate individual projects. However, it makes the following large changes in key programs: - Cut $5m from public buildings
- Add $30m to financial and IT infrastructure
- Cut $12m from the MDG-suco housing program
- Cut $3m from defense and security
- Cut $7m from roads
- Cut $5m from airports
- Cut $4m from ports
- Cut $14m from the Oecussi development program
- Cut $7m from new project design and supervision
- Many other changes of less than $2 million.
The amended budget adds $64 million in new or increased transfers which will be disbursed without tenders or contracts, damaging transparency, accountability and good governance. La’o Hamutuk has written a short article lamenting this readiness to hand out Timor-Leste’s limited petroleum wealth without careful thought. On Friday, 24 January, Parliament unanimously approved the 2014 State Budget. The sole amendment to the Committee's substitute was proposed by the Prime Minister, and each Ministry's budget was approved with less than five dissents and a half-dozen abstentions (see Tetum notes for 22, 23 and 24 January). Parliament (Tetum), the Government and State Minister Agio Pereira celebrated the unity, although little was said about how the budget will affect peoples' lives, for better or worse. President Taur Matan Ruak promulgated (Portuguese or Tetum) the budget law on 3 February 2014, four working days after he received it. His office issued a press release and sent a message to Parliament urging attention to basic needs, diversification of the economy to reduce oil dependency, improved efficiency of State institutions and a more timely budget process. State operations from New Year's Day through early February fall under the duodecimal regime described in Article 31 of the Budget and Financial Management Law. On 12 February, the Government enacted Decree No. 1/2014 with 21 articles and 10 attached forms about the process of executing the 2014 budget. | Plenária Parlamentár Parlamentu reativa sira nia website, ne’ebé fó informasaun foun liu kona-ba prosesu orsamentál. Website ne’e inklui Noticias em Destaque ho pájina neen kona-ba prosesu orsamentál. Diskusaun Plenária ba proposta OJE 2014 atu hahú iha 2 Dezembru, maibé adia ba loron rua tanba Primeiru Ministru no Ministra Finansa ba partisipa konferénsia g7+ iha Sudaun do Súl. Diskusaun hahú hafoin semana ida tan, hodi lee relatóriu ho pájina 47 ne’ebé adopta ho unanimidade hosi Komisaun C Parlamentu nian ba asuntu Finansa Públiku (no mos Anexu hosi rekomendasaun hosi Komisaun balu iha Portuges). Buat barak hosi sira nia rekomendasaun ne’e refleta La’o Hamutuk nia preokupasaun, inklui: Labele foti liu RSE hosi Fundu Petrolíferu iha 2014, no labele foti liu ba ida ne’ebé ta presiza durante 2013. Prioritiza programa ba ema kiak sira, ema sira iha area rural duke edifísiu luxu Governu nian no viajen estranjeiru ba ofisiais sira. Mantén autónoma ba EDTL ba transparénsia ne’ebé di’ak liu tan. Hatama proposta orsamentál no relatóriu auditoria nian tuir tempu. Hasa’e reseita doméstika (inklui kustu importasaun no “addiction taxes”) no redús despeza la nesesáriu hodi prepara ba bainhira reseita petróleu para ona, ne’ebé sei mai lalais. Dezeña orsamentu ne’ebé realistiku ne’ebé fasil atu ezekuta Uza analiza, projesaun no polítika Governu nian ne’ebé solidu, ho dadus sientífiku. Hadi’ak skill, sistema no konsiénsia ministru sira no sira seluk kona-ba orsamentu, selu invoice tuir tempu, no auditoria internal nian. Redús Rezerva Kontinjénsia no dotasaun naun espesífiku seluk. Legaliza ka kansela Zona Ekonomiku Espesial iha Oecussi, fahe rekursu ba distritu hotu ho justu. Hadi’ak produsaun no prosesamentu agrikultura nian atu troka importasaun foos. Hapara programa uma ba MDG-Suco, suspende peskiza kona-ba oinsá relasaun komunidade sira ho programa ne’e no oinsá programa ne’e uza konteúdu lokál liu, ria órgaun reguladór ida ba uma públiku nian.
Iha loron 6 Dezembru, Parlamentu aprova rezolusaun ida (Portuges) atu kria Komisaun Eventual taka ba publiku atu debate proposta alterasaun no halo rekomendasaun konsolidadu ida de'it ba Plenaria Parlementar. Sira halo planu atu kontinua diskusaun orsamentál iha 9 Dezembru, maibé Primeiru Ministru ba serimónia funeral Nelson Mandela. Tanba ne’e, debates orsamentu adia tan too iha 2014. Hafoin aprova Konta Jerál Estadu 2012, Plenária Parlamentár halo oráriu atu hahú debates ba proposta OJE 2014 iha 8 Janeiru, ho intensaun atu aprova orsamentu iha 22 Janeiru. Debates adia loron ida tan no hahú iha 9 Janeiru. Primeiru Ministru aprezenta orsamentu, no tuir mai resposta hosi Fretilin (Portuges), CNRT, Partido Democratico no Frente Mudansa, no lee relatóriu Komsaun C. Ikus mai Parlamentu publika rezumu badak hosi diskusaun plenária nian. Debate kontinua iha 10 Janeiru (rezumu) no 11 Janeiru, ho resposta Primeiru Ministru nian ba komentariu Deputadu sira. Mudansa barak mak sujere, no Fretilin proposta atu redús total despeza hosi biliaun $1.5 ba biliaun $1.3. Iha kalan 11 Janeiru, Parlamentu vota unanimidade (65-0-0) hodi aprova jeneralidade ba OJE 2014, maske Deputadu Fretilin nian barak mak rezerva sira nia direitu atu vota kontra iha orsamentu final bainhira sira nia alterasaun la inkorpora. Infelizmente, Parlamentu deside tan atu muda debates substantivu nian ba espesífiku nian hodi ba komisaun eventual ida ne’ebé taka ba públiku, hanesan hateten iha mata dalan ba prosesu debate nian (Portuges) ne’ebé konkorda hosi partidu polítiku hat. Hanesan ami hakerek iha Fevreiru liu ba, La’o Hamutuk hanoin katak ida ne’e nudár pasu ida ba kotuk ba ita nia demokrasia. Core Group Transparency nia hare mós hanesan ho ami. Komisaun eventual hasoru malu hosi 13-17 Janeiru, halo relatóriu ba Parlamentu hodi hatama proposta alterasaun 426, inklui mudansa liu liña orsamentál 700. La’o Hamutuk hakerek mudansa balu ida ne’ebé boot liu iha ami nia blog Halo buat barak, iha tempu uitoan de’it nia laran, no laiha ema ida mak tau matan ne’ebé publika sai mós iha jornál lokál sira. Komisaun remata nia servisu Plenária Parlamentár públiku nian halo konkluzaun iha 20 Janeiru (rezumu), adopta testu substituir Komisaun nian ba Lei Orsamentu nian ho votu 61 a favor no abstensaun na’in haat. Debate kontinua ba loron tolu tuir mai ba kada artigu no ministériu (rezumu ba 21 Janeiru). Komisaun nia konsensu substituir mantén total orsamentu iha biliaun $1.5, maske orsamentu ne’e halo mudansa ba montante empréstimu nian ho tokon $20, no troka montante ne’e ho osan restu ne’ebé rai hela iha konta tezouru estadu nian, iha parte despeza nian, sira aumenta tokon $10 ba saláriu, tokon $4 ba Bens no Servisu, tokon $44 ba Transferénsia Públiku no tokon $12 ba Kapitál Minor, no hamenus tokon %70 hosi Kapitál Dezenvolvimentu. Download tabela ba komparasaun orsamentál ne’ebé Governu no Komisaun nian ba kada Ministériu. Iha buat balu importante liu hosi mudansa barak sira ne’e mak hanesan tuir mai: - Redús montante empréstimu hosi tokon $51 ba tokon $31.
- Redús limita ba pagamentu ba Timor-Leste nia obrigasaun ba FMI hosi tokon $56 ba tokon $3.
- Aumenta artigu foun ba Lei Orsamentál nian hodi halo revista ba ezekusaun durante tinan, no karik 75% seidauk ezekuta bainhira Setembru remata, redús orsamentál liu hosi retifikasaun, redús transferénsia hosi Fundu Petrolíferu ba montante sufisiente ida hodi mantén saldu tezouru nian iha tokon $200.
- Aumenta tokon $20 hodi halo kapitalizasaun ba Banku Sentrál.
- Redús tokon $41 hosi Programa Dezenvolvimentu Distritu nian, PDID.
- Aumenta tokon $7 ba Kapitál Minor ba Servisu Nasionál Intelijénsia nian.
- Redús tokon $20 hosi Zona Espesiál Ekonomia nian iha Ministériu ba Presidensia Konsellu Ministru nian (maske dala ruma ida sei troka ho liña seluk).
- Aumenta total tokon $3 ba Transferénsia Públiku ba Sekretáriu Estadu hat.
- Aumenta tokon % iha Transferénsia Públiku ba Ajénsia Kooperasaun Internasionál Timor-Leste iha Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru nia okos.
- Aumenta tokon $4 ba Ministériu Defeza no Seguransa iha area balu.
- Aumenta tokon $2 hodi sosa Sasán no Kapitál Minor ba Ministériu Finansa.
- Redús tokon $6 hosi Fundu Kontinjénsia.
- Aumenta tokon $1 ba Pensaun ba eis funsionáriu sira.
- Redús tokon $5 hosi Fundu Kontribuisaun ba Karákter Instituisaun.
- Aumenta tokon $ ba sekretária g7+.
- Aumenta tokon $10 ba Transferénsia Públiku ba Diresaun Terras no Propriedade.
- Aumenta tokon $1 ba benefisiariu veteranu sira
- Aumenta tokon $14 ba Kapitál ba Ministériu Obras Públiku.
- Aumenta tokon $3 ba Kapitál ba Diresaun Irrigasaun iha Ministériu Agrikultura.
- Aumenta tokon $1 iha Transferénsia públiku ba Ministériu Petróleu.
- Aumenta tokon $4 ba Kapitál ba Tribunal Rekursu.
- Aumenta tokon $2 ba despeza ba Autoridade Aviasaun nian.
Iha Fundu Infrastrutura, testu substituir la halo disagregasaun ba kada projetu. Maske nune’e, ida ne’e halo mudansa boot iha programa save sira tuir mai: - Koa sai tokon $5 hosi edifísiu públiku sira
- Aumenta tokon $30 ba infrastrutura finansial no IT
- Koa tokon $12 hosi Programa Uma MDG-Suco
- Koa tokon $3 hosi Defeza no Seguransa
- Koa tokon $7 hosi estrada
- Koa tokon $5 hosi aeroportu sira
- Koa tokon $4 hosi portu sira
- Koa tokon $14 hosi Programa Dezenvolvimentu Oecusse
- Koa tokon $7 hosi supervizaun no dezeñu ba projetu foun
- Muda balu tan ne’ebé menus hosi tokon $2
Alterasaun orsamentál aumenta tokon $64 iha transferénsia foun ka aumenta ne’ebé sei hala’o lahó tender ka kontratu ruma, estraga transparénsia, kontabilidade no boa governasaun. La’o Hamutuk hakerek artigu badak ida hodi lamenta ba hahalok ne’ebé prontu atu fahe osan hosi riku-soin petróleu Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé limitadu lahó hanoin. Iha sesta feira, 24 Janeiru, Parlamentu ho unanimidade halo aprovasaun ba OJE 2014. Alterasaun úniku ba substituir hosi Komisaun nian proposta hosi Primeiru Ministru, no kada orsamentu Ministériu nian aprova menus hosi na’in lima mak kontra no na’in neen mak abstensaun (hare Notas ba loron 22, 23 no 24 Janeiru nian). Parlamentu, Governu no Ministru Estadu Agio Pereira selebra unidade nee, maske ko’alia uitoan de’it kona-ba oinsá orsamentu ne’e nia impaktu ba povu nia moris, ba hadi’ak sira nia moris ka atu halo sira nia moris sai at liu tan. Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak promulga Lei Orsamentu iha loron 3 Fevreiru 2014, loron hat ba loron servisu nia laran hafoin nia simu Lei Orsamentu ne’e. Nia gabinete fó sai komunikadu imprensa ida no haruka mensajen ida ba Parlamentu hodi husu atensaun ba nesesidade báziku, diversifikasaun ekonomia atu redús dependénsia petróleu, hadi’ak efisiénsia instituisaun Estadu nian no halo prosesu orsamentál nian tuir tempu. Operasaun Estadu nian hosi Loron Tinan Foun nian to inísiu Fevreiru la’o tuir rejime duodecimo ne’ebé deskreve iha Artigu 31 Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseiru. Iha loron 12 Fevreriu, Governu fo sai Dekretu no. 1/2014 ho artigu 21 no formulariu 10 kona-ba prosesu ezekusaun OJE 2014. | Budget Law Revision The budget law as enacted states that the Government cannot withdraw more than the Estimated Sustainable Income (ESI) from the Petroleum Fund if cash budget execution (money actually expended) had not reached 75% of total appropriations by the end of September. However, on 30 September execution had only achieved 50%. As the graph at right shows, only $340 million had been withdrawn from the Petroleum Fund by the end of September 2014, far less than the $632 million ESI, although spending rates will increase during the last quarter of the year. Therefore, the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister recommended urgent revision the budget law, and October 3 they sent Parliament a proposed revision (Portuguese original) to allow withdrawals exceeding ESI whenever execution surpasses 75%, even though it will be later than 30 September. The Government said this was necessary to safeguard a $200 million reserve in the treasury to meet unforeseeable occurrences. Parliament Committee C disagreed (Portuguese original) with the proposal and asked the Government to provide more information to support its claims, and the Council of Ministers discussed the issue again on 13 October, highlighting the need for a "liquidity reserve to face any unforeseen events such as the possibility of Timor-Leste being hit by any of the natural disasters that have occurred in the Asia Pacific region." At the Parliamentary plenary on 15 October, many Members questioned the Government's financial management capacity and asked for more information, However, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão dismissed Parliament's concerns, and most MPs fell into line. They first approved the proposed revision in generality, voting 35 in favor, zero against, and 17 abstentions. Final approval came in the vote on specifics: 33 in favor, none against, and 19 abstentions. Thirteen of the 65 Members declined to show up or register their views. The Government described the amendment in a public statement. We have heard that there are other budget changes, shifting money among ministries and programs, but they are not mentioned in the law. Minutes after the 15 October vote to amend the 2014 budget law, the Government presented its proposed budget for 2015 to Parliament, which will analyze and debate it in coming weeks. After 2014 ended, La'o Hamutuk examined how the Budget had been executed during the year. A lot of money was spent in the last two months. | Revizaun Lei Orsamentál Lei orsamentál 2014 final hatete katak governu labele foti liu Rendimentu Sustentável Estimativa (RSE) husi Fundu Petróleu se karik osan ne’ebé ezekuta (osan ne’ebé gasta ona) seidauk atinje 75% husi total apropriasaun iha fulan Setembru ikus. Maibé iha loron 30 Setembru ezekusaun foin atinje 50%. Hanesan hatudu iha gráfiku parte liman karuk, tokon $340 de’it ne’ebé foti ona husi Fundu Petróleu iha fulan Setembru ikus tinan 2014, ki’ik liu duke tokon $632 Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimativa (RSE), maski nivel gastu sei aumenta durante trimestre ikus iha tinan ida ne’e. Aliende ne’e Primeiru Ministru no Konsellu Ministru halo rekomendasaun ba revizaun lei orsamentál ho urjente, no iha loron 3, fulan Outubru sira haruka proposta revizaun ba Parlamentu atu fó posibilidade hodi foti liu Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimativa (RSE) bainhira ezekusaun liu 75%, maski tarde liu loron 30 fulan Setembru. Governu hatete katak ida ne’e presiza duni hodi asegura rezerva tokon $200 iha tezouru estadu atu bele responde ba eventu ne’ebé la planeadu. Hafoin Parlamentu husu pergunta balu kona ba proposta ida ne’e, Komisaun C PN la konkorda ho proposta ida ne’e no husu atu Governu presiza aumenta informasaun detalladu hodi suporta sira nia ejizensia, no Konsellu Ministru halo diskusaun fila fali asuntu ne’e iha loron 13 fulan Outubru, tau atensaun ba nesesidade atu aloka “reserva likidéz (osan) ne’ebé presiza atubele hatán ba kualkér akontesimentu hirak ne’ebé la previstu, hanesan posibilidade kona-ba dezastre naturál boot hirak ne’ebé bele estraga Timor-Leste hanesan hirak ne’ebé akontese iha rejiaun Ázia Pasífiku nian." Iha plenária PN loron 15 fulan Outubru, membru parlamentar barak mak kestiona kona ba Governu nia kapasidade jestaun finanseiru no kontinua husu informasaun liu tan, maibé Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão rejeita ba Deputadu sira nia preokupasaun, no maioria membru PN simu de’it. Primeiru sira aprova revizaun proposta ne’e iha jeneralidade, ema na’in 35 mak vota a favor, kontra zero no ema na’in 17 mak abstein. Iha aprovasaun final hahú ho votasaun espesialidade ema na’in 33 mak vota a favor, kontra zero no ema na’in 19 mak abstein. Sanulu resin tolu husi Membru Parlamentu neenulu resin lima la partisipa ka la aseita rejistra sira nia opiniaun. Governu deskreve revizaun ne’e iha esteitmentu públiku. Ami mós rona katak iha mudansa balu iha liña orsamentál, muda osan entre Ministériu no programas maibé mudansa ne’e la hakerek iha lei ne’e. Hafoin votasaun atu halo revizaun ba OJE 2014 iha loron 15 fulan Outubru, Governu aprezenta nia proposta OJE 2015 ba Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé sei analiza no debate iha semana balu tuir mai. | During 2014, the Government withdrew $732 million from the Petroleum Fund to finance the State Budget. Although this was less than the $903 million ceiling set in the 2014 State Budget Law, it was still $100 million more than the Estimated Sustainable Income. The $181 million cash balance in the Treasury at the end of 2014 was the lowest in nearly three years, so the Government immediately began transfers from the Petroleum Fund, withdrawing $70 million in January 2015. | | DocumentsReport of the Camara da Contas on the General State Accounts for 2014 (Port). (Dec. 2015) Financial Statements for Consolidated Fund, Infrastructure Fund and Human Capital Development Fund (Jul. 2015) Revision of 2014 Budget Law to enable withdrawals above ESI (also Port., 3 Oct. 2014) Parliament Committee C report on this proposed revision (also Port., 8 Oct. 2014) 2014 Quarterly Fiscal Bulletin: Gov't Finance Statistics Jan-Mar 2014, Apr-Jun 2014, Jul-Sep 2014, Oct-Dec 2014 Chart of Accounts Jan-Mar 2014, Apr-Jun 2014, Jul-Sep 2014, Oct-Dec 2014 Budget Execution Report Jan-Mar 2014, Jan-Jun 2014, Jan-Sep 2014 Matadalan ba Orsamentu 2014 (citizens' guide, Tetum) (April 2014) Government Decree No. 1/2014 and forms about executing the 2014 budget, amended by Decree No. 4/2014 and Decree No. 6/2014 2013 Quarterly Fiscal Bulletin: Gov't Finance Statistics Jul-Sep 2013, Oct-Dec 2013 Chart of Accounts Jul-Sep 2013, Oct-Dec 2013 Final 2014 State Budget books, March 2014: Budget Law as promulgated in the Jornal da Republica (Portuguese, 5 Feb 2014) This version has some technical problems with Annexes. The law is also available in Book 1. Message from President Taur Matan Ruak to Parliament with promulgation of the 2014 State Budget (also Portuguese or Tetum) (3 February 2014) Opening statements in plenary debate on generality by the Prime Minister, Fretilin (Portuguese) and Partido Democratico (Tetum), 9 January 2014 Guide to the Plenary Debate Process for GSB 2014 (Portuguese original) Conclusions and Recommendations excerpted from Report of Parliament Committee C on the proposed 2014 Budget (Tetum and Portuguese original of complete report and Annex of other Committees' recommendations), 3 December 2013 Submissions to Parliament Committee D from TimorGAP and the National Petroleum Authority (Tetum), 11 Nov. 2013 La'o Hamutuk letter to Members of Parliament, 8 Nov. 2013 Schedule of Parliamentary hearings and debate, Nov. 2013 [later modified] Proposed 2014 State Budget books, October 2013: Household Income and Expenditure Survey for 2011, June 2013 National Accounts, 2000-2011, June 2013 Final Budget books for last year's 2013 General State Budget, April 2013: Final version of Budget Law no 02/2013 promulgated by the President (also Port.) (1 Mar, 2013) 2013 Budget Execution reports: Jan-Mar 2013 (3.4MB) (also English summary) Jan-Jun 2013 (3.6MB), Jan-Sep 2013 (2.6MB) January-September 2012 (2.5 MB) Ministry of Finance transparency portal which includes current budget execution information and procurement and other data
| DokumentuRelatoriu no paraser husi Camara da Contas kona-ba Conta Jeral Estadu 2014 (Port.) (Dez. 2015) Demonstracoes Financeiras Consolidadas ba Fundu Consolidado, Fundu Infra-estrutura no Fundo de Desenvolvimento do Capital Humano (FDCH) (Jul 2015) Alterasaun Lei OJE 2014 (Port.) atu fo lisensa ba transferensia liu RSE husi Fundu Petrolifeiru (3 Out. 2014) Pareser husi PN Komisaun C kona-ba proposta alterasaun (Port) (8 Out. 2014) 2014 Quarterly Fiscal Bulletin: Gov't Finance Statistics Jan-Mar 2014, Abr-Jun 2014, Jul-Set 2014, Out-Dez 2014 Chart of Accounts Jan-Mar 2014, Abr-Jun 2014, Jul-Set 2014, Out-Dez 2014 Relatóriu ezekusaun orsamentál Jan-Mar 2014, Jan-Jun 2014, Jan-Set 2014 Matadalan ba Orsamentu 2014 (Abril 2014) Dekretu no. 1/2014 ho formulariu kona-ba prosesu ezekusaun OJE 2014, hetan alterasaun liu Dekretu no. 6/2014 2013 Quarterly Fiscal Bulletin: Gov't Finance Statistics Jul-Set 2013, Out-Dez 2013 Chart of Accounts Jul-Set 2013, Out-Dez 2013 Final Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba 2014, Marsu 2014: Lei Orsamentu publika ona iha Jornal da Republika (Portuges, 5 Fev 2014) Verzaun ida ne'e iha erru balu iha Anexu sira. Bele hetan Lei mos iha Livru 1. Mensajen husi Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak ba Parlamentu iha okaziaun promulgasaun OJE 2014 (mos Portuguese) (3 Fevereiru 2014) Notulen husi Plenaria iha Parlamentu Nasional: 24 Jan, 23 Jan, 22 Jan, 21 Jan, 20 Jan, 10 Jan, 9 Jan. Diskursu atu loke debate jeneralidade iha plenariu husi Primeiru Ministru, Fretilin (Portuges) no Partido Democratico (Tetum), 9 Janeiru 2014. Notulen. Guião da Discussão e Votação OGE 2014 (Portugues) Relatoriu husi Komisaun C, Parlamentu Nasional, kona ba OJE2014, ho Anexu husi Komisaun seluk (Portuges), 3 Dezembru 2013 Submisaun rua ba Komisaun D, Parlamentu Nasional, husi TimorGAP no Autoridade Nasional de Petroleu, 11 Nov. 2013 Karta ba deputadu/a sira husi La'o Hamutuk, 8 Nov. 2013 Calendariu audiensia no debate iha Parlamentu, Nov. 2013 [altera ona 9 Dez.] Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba 2014, Outubru 2013: Livru final Orsamentu Jerál Estadu ba tinan 2013, publika iha Abríl 2013 Verzaun final version Lei OGE 2013 (Port.) promulga ona husi Prezidente (mos Ing.) (1 Mar, 2013) Relatóriu ezekusaun orsamentál: Jan-Mar 2013 (3.4MB) (mos sumariu iha Ingles) Jan-Jun 2013 (Sumariu iha Ingles deit) Relatóriu ezekusaun orsamentál Jan-Set 2012 (2.5 MB) Portal transparénsia Ministériu Finansa nian ne’ebé inklui informasaun kona-ba ezekusaun orsamentu, aprovizionamentu, no dadus sira seluk.
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