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2021 General State Budget
Orsamentu Jerál Estadu ba 2021

Started 11 August 2020.  Updated 26 March 2023

Link to page on 2020 state budget.  Liga ba pájina kona-ba OJE 2020    Link to page on 2022 state budget.  Liga ba pájina kona-ba OJE 2022

Contents of this page

Konteúdu pájina ida ne’e

2021 Budget Process begins

On 23 July 2020, La'o Hamutuk wrote a letter(Tetum) to Members of the the Parliamentary Committees on Public Finances (C) and Economic Development (D), pointing out that Bayu-Undan production is ending and the global economy is unstable, and encouraging them to cancel the Tasi Mane project and invest in sectors which will benefit Timor-Leste's people, as we had described in a letter to Government Economic Recovery Committee Chair Rui Gomes.

Parliament will be in recess from the end of July until mid-September.  Before the recess, the Ministry of Finance announced the calendar at right for enactment of the 2020 and 2021 State Budgets.

In August, the Ministry of Finance released a policy paper on Fiscal Rules, together with a presentation about it.

On 4 August, the Government organized a Jornada Orsamental (Budget Day) seminar on the 2021 State Budget, as announced by the President's office and Tatoli. Although the media was asked to leave after the Prime Minister's opening speech, La'o Hamutuk and other CSOs were allowed to stay for the whole seminar.

In addition to a presentation on the plan for economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Finance made a 120-slide Tetum presentation outlining the Government's objectives, programs and priorities; evaluating development and fiscal performance to date; and describing fiscal rules and scenarios.

The Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan was released a few weeks later. It anticipates state budgets of $1.7 billion in 2021, and $1.6 billion/year in 2022-2023.

On 2 September, the Council of Ministers approved a budget ceiling of $1.6 billion for 2021, subject to later revision.

On 18 September, the Council of Ministers established the Budget Policy Review Committee (CROP/KROP) to analyze and harmonize ministry and agency proposals for the 2021 State Budget. CROP subcommittees held hearings and discussions with different agencies and reported back on 29 September. CROP recommended a budget ceiling of $1.895 billion, and the Council of Ministers agreed.

CROP prepared a draft budget law. On 12 October, the Council of Ministers approved the overall expenditure amounts, as follows:

  • $239m for salaries and benefits

  • $421m for goods and services

  • $670m for public transfers

  • $  61m for minor capital

  • $503m for development capital (including loans)

Prosesu Orsamentál ba 2021

Iha loron 23 Jullu, La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta ida ba Deputadu/a sira iha Parlamentár C no D, atu fó hatene katak produsaun husi Bayu-Undan sei remata lalais no ekonomia global la estavel, entaun ami husu sira atu kansela Projetu Tasi Mane no investe iha setór sira ne’ebé bele fó benefísiu ba Timor-oan sira, hanesan ami hakerek ona iha karta ida ba Rui Gomes, prezidente Governu nia Komisaun ba Rekupersaun Ekonómiku.

Parlamentu Nasional sei deskansa bainhira fulan Jullu remata, ate Setembru nia klaran. Molok resesu, Ministériu Finansas fó sai kalendáriu ida ne'e ho prosesu atu aprova Orsamentu Estadu rua, ba tinan 2020 no 2021.

Iha Agostu, Ministériu Finansas públika dokumentu polítika kona ba Regras Fiskais, hamutuk ho aprezentasaun relasiona ho ida ne’e.

Iha 4 Agostu, Governu organiza semináriu Jornada Orsamentál ba OJE 2021, hanesan aviza husi gabinete Prezidente no Tatoli. Maski sira husu atu media sira sai ba li’ur hafoin Primeiru Ministru halo diskursu, La’o Hamutuk no CSO sira seluk sira autoriza atu tuir semináriu to'o remata.

Hamutuk ho aprezentasaun iha Planu ba iha Rekuperasaun Ekonomia hafoin surtu Covid-19, Ministériu Finansas halo aprezentasaun detalhadu ne’ebé deskreve Governu nia diretivas no objetivu sira; avaliasaun ba dezempeñu dezenvolvimentu sosial, ekonomiku no fiskal; no deskreve mós kona ba regras fiscais no senáriu tetu fiskal sira.

Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomia Covid-19 (lian Port. no Bahasa Indo.) lansa ona iha semana balu tuir mai. Iha mós tetu ba mínimu orsamentu estadu biliaun $1.7 ba 2021, no biliaun $1.6 kada tinan iha 2022-2023.

Iha 2 Setembru, Konsellu Ministru aprova ona bareira orsamentu iha biliaun $1.6 ba 2021, no sei muda tuir revizaun.

Iha 18 Setembru, Konsellu Ministru estabelese Komisaun Revizaun Polítika Orsamentu atu analiza no harmoniza ministériu no ajénsia sira iha proposta ba iha orsamentu estadu 2021. KROP sub-komisaun realiza audiénsia no diskusaun ho ajénsia oin-oin no relata fali iha 29 Setembru. KROP rekomenda katak bareira orsamentu biliaun $1.895, no Konsellu Ministru aprova ona.

KROP prepara ezbosu ba lei orsamentu, ne’ebé manda ba iha Parlamentu iha 15 Outubru hafoin hetan tiha aprovasaun husi Konsellu Ministru. Iha 12 Outubru, Konsellu Ministru aprova montante despeza, hanesan tuir mai:

  • Tokon $239 ba saláriu no vensimentu

  • Tokon $421 ba bens no servisu

  • Tokon $670 ba transferénsia públika

  • Tokon $  61 ba kapitál minor

  • Tokon $503 ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu (inklui empréstimu)

Discussion and approval in National Parliament

On 15 October, the Government submitted a proposed 2021 budget law, explanatory memorandum and justification for an unsustainable transfer from the Petroleum Fund (Port.) to Parliament, with the detailed budget books to follow soon. The allocations are somewhat different from the earlier amounts, and the structure of the information in the budget law has been changed, as Government members learned in a retreat. On 26 October, the proposed budget law was distributed to the specialized standing committees of Parliament.

Government sent the Budget Books to Parliament on 29 October, and they are available below.

A Budget Overview seminar was held by Parliament and the European Union on 4-5 November. You can download the Tetum presentations by the Ministry of Finance, the Council of the Infrastructure Fund (CAFI), the National Development Authority (ADN), the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, the Prime Minister's Policy Planning and Evaluation Unit (UPMA), the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion and the Central Bank (BCTL).

Parliamentary Committees have scheduled hearings (calendar) from 6-17 November. The plan is for the Committees to finish their reports by 23 November, with the debate in Parliamentary plenary to go from 30 November to 15 December, before sending an approved budget law to the President.

On 11 November, La'o Hamutuk made a presentation (Tetum, also PDF) to civil society about the budget, organized by FONGTIL.

Parliament reports on its budgetary processes in daily Tetum-language press releases: 6 November, 9 Nov, 10 Nov, 11 Nov, 13 Nov, 16 Nov, 17 Nov.

Although Parliament did not invite La'o Hamutuk to testify at a hearing, On November 13 we sent them a submission outlining some of our concerns, which are:

  • Spending levels should be more sustainable, as oil and gas reserves are almost depleted.
  • Projects should be planned better before money is allocated to them.
  • Investing in human resources -- heath and education -- is critical to the nation's future.
  • The Tasi Mane project needs an independent, objective cost/benefit/risk analysis.
  • The Petroleum Fund is not collateral for more loans.
  • The new "budget model" will reduce transparency and accountability.
  • The proliferation of autonomous agencies subsidized with Public Transfers is worrisome and undercuts democratic governance.
  • In addition to health and education, water and agriculture need more support.

La'o Hamutuk and HASATIL made another submission (Tetum) with analysis and recommendations on agriculture-related aspects of the 2021 budget. Other civil society organizations also wrote to Parliament; their submissions are below. The Petroleum Fund Consultative Council also provided an opinion (Tetum).

Beginning on 19 November, La'o Hamutuk held public meetings in Liquiça, Ermera and Manatuto with presentations on the overall budget (Tetum, also PDF) and on Agriculture in the budget (Tetum, also PDF) to help citizens better understand the budget and how they can influence it.

On 23 November, Parliamentary standing committees submitted their reports to the Public Finance Committee, including Committee A (Constitution and Justice, Port.), Committee B (Defense and security, Port.), the Women's Parliamentary Group (GMPTL, Tetum), and Committee D (Economy and Development) (report in PortugueseEnglish translation of summary and recommendations).

Plenary discussion of the proposed 2021 State Budget began in Parliament on 30 November, with a speech by the Prime Minister and the reading of the Report and opinion from the Committee on Public Finances.  On 2 December, the Parliament approved the proposed law in generality by a vote of 44-0-0. CNRT Members left the room during the vote.  The debate and voting on each specific article is expected to finish by 18 December.

On 3 December, Parliament suspended the budget debate while renewing the State of Emergency. The debate on specifics resumed on Friday 4 December and will continue at an unusual Saturday session during the upcoming holiday weekend. Although Deputies had proposed 121 amendments, CNRT withdrew 57 of them when they announced that they would refuse to participate in the discussion and the vote.

Parliament Tetum press releases on the plenary debate: 30 Nov, 1 Dec, 2 Dec, 4 Dec, 5 Dec, 9 Dec, 10  Dec.

On Saturday 12 December, the Prime Minister addressed the close of the debate, and the Parliamentary plenary then voted 44-0, with no abstentions, to approve the proposed budget law. The 21 CNRT deputies who had boycotted the debate did not participate in the vote. On 14 December, after technical edits, Parliament sent the law to the President of the Republic, who promulgated it as Law No. 14/2020 of 29 December.

On 8 January 2021, the Government adopted Decree 1/2021 detailing how the budget is to be executed.

In December 2020 and January 2021, the Council of Ministers approved a proposed new Law on the Framework for the General State Budget and Public Financial Management (also Portuguese) to replace Law No. 13/2009 which spells out the processes for developing, enacting, executing and auditing the General State Budget. Parliament is beginning hearings in March, and more information is on La'o Hamutuk's blog New Budget Framework Law under discussion.

Diskusaun no aprovasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional

Iha loron 15 Outubru, Governu entrega proposta lei OJE 2021 (Port.), espozisaun motivu sira (Port.), no justifikasaun ba transferensia la sustentavel husi Fundu Petrolifeiru (Port.) ba Parlamentu, no livru sira ho detallu bele mai iha tempu badak. Despeza sira tuir kategoria diferente uitoan kompara ha montante uluk, no estrutura informasaun iha lei orsamentál iha mudansa, hanesan membru Governu aprende durante retiru no Tatoli sumariza. Iha loron 26 Outubru, Parlamentu baixa ona proposta orsamentu ba Komisaun Espesializada sira.

Governu haruka Livru Orsamentál sira ba Parlamentu iha loron 29 Outubru, no ita-boot bele hetan livru sira ne'e iha kraik.

Parlamentu no Uniaun Europeia organiza semináriu Panorama Orsamentál iha loron 4-5 Novembru. Bele download aprezentasaun sira husi Ministériu Finansas, Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infrastrutura (CAFI), Autoridade Nasional Dezenvolvimentu (ADN), Ministériu  Petróleu no Minarais, Unidade Planeamentu, Monitorizasaun no Avaliasaun (UPMA), Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál no Inklusaun no Banku Sentrál (BCTL).

Komisaun sira iha Parlamentu Nasional halo kalendáriu ba audiénsia sira durante 6-17 Novembru. Parlamentu planu katak Komisaun sira bele finaliza sira nia relatóriu iha loron 23 Novembru, ho debate iha Plenária husi loron 30 Novembru too 15 Dezembru, molok haruka Lei aprova ona ba Prezidente.

Iha loron 11 Novembru, La'o Hamutuk fó aprezentasaun ida (mos PDF) ba sosiedade sivíl sira iha FONGTIL.

Parlamentu fó sai komunikadu imprensa loron-loron durante prosesu OJE 2021: 6 Novembru, 9 Nov, 10 Nov, 11 Nov, 13 Nov, 16 Nov, 17 Nov.

Maske Parlamentu la konvite La'o Hamutuk atu fó testemuña ba audiénsia publika, ami hakerek submisaun ida ba sira iha loron 13 Novembru atu esplika ami nia preokupasaun balu, hanesan:

  • Oinsá garante sustentabilidade finansa Estadu?
  • Planeamentu ba projetu boot sira esensiál.
  • Tenke investe tan iha rekursu umanu - edukasaun no saúde.
  • Projetu Tasi Mane presiza analiza independente ba kustu, risku no benefísiu sira.
  • Fundu Petrolíferu la’ós atu garante tusan sira.
  • Modelu orsamentu foun sei hamenus transparénsia.
  • Instituisaun autónoma la presiza hetan transferénsia espesiál.
  • Investe ba ema hodi hametin dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste.

La'o Hamutuk no HASATIL hakerek submisaun seluk ho analiza no rekomendasaun ba OJE 2021 setór agrikultura. Organizasaun sosiedade sivíl seluk mós hakerek Parlamentu, ita bele hetan sira nia submisaun sira iha kraik. Konsellu Konsultativu Fundu Petrolifeiru mós haruka pareser.

Hahú iha loron 19 Novembru, La'o Hamutuk organiza enkontru públiku sira iha Liquiça, Ermera no Manatuto, ho aprezentasaun ida kona-ba OJE (mós PDF) no ida tan kona-ba agrikultura (mós PDF) atu ajuda povu nia koñesimentu kona-ba OJE no oinsá sira bele halo advokasia.

Iha loron 23 Novembru, Komisaun permanente sira husi PN fo sira nia relatoriu ba Komisasun C (Finansas Publika), inklui husi Komisaun A (Konstituisaun no Justisa, Port.), Komisaun B (Defesa no segurasa, Port.), Grupu Feto iha Parlamentu (GMPTL), no Komisaun D (Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu) (relatoriu iha Portuges,  tradusaun ba Ingles husi sumariu no rekomendasaun sira).

Diskusaun hahu iha plenaria Parlamentar kona-ba proposta lei OJE 2021 iha loron 30 Novembru, ho diskursu husi Primeiru Ministru no aprezentasaun Relatoriu no pareser husi Komisaun Finansas Publiku (Port.). Iha loron 2 Dezembru, Parlamentu aprova proposta lei iha jeneralidade ho votus 44-0-0. Deputadu sira husi partidu CNRT sai durante votasaun. Debate no votasaun iha espesialidade sei kontinua, atu remata iha loron 18 Dezembru.

Iha loron 3 Dezembru, Parlamentu deskansa debate kona-ba OJE atu prolonga Estadu Emerjénsia. Debate iha espesialidade kontinua iha loron Sesta, 4 Dezembru no sei kontinua iha Sabadu.  Maske Deputadu sira proposta ona alterasaun 121, CNRT retira 57 no anunsia katak sira sei la partisipa iha diskusasun no votasaun.

Parlamentu fó sai komunikadu imprensa loron-loron durante diskusaun iha Plenaria: 30 Nov, 1 Dez, 2 Dez, 4 Dez, 5 Dez, 9 Dez, 10  Dez.

Iha loron sabadu 12 Dezembru, Primeiru Ministru taka debate iha plenaria Parlamentar, ne'ebe vota 44-0, laiha abstensaun, atu aprova proposta lei OJE 2021. Deputadu/a nain 21 husi CNRT la partisipa iha debate ka votasaun. Iha loron 14 Dezembru, hafoin redasaun tekniku sira, Parlamentu haruka lei ida ne'e ba Prezidente Republika, no nia promulga OJE 2021 hanesan Lei Nu. 14/2020 husi 29 Dezembru.

Iha loron 8 Janeiru 2021, Governu aprova Dekretu nu. 1/2021 kona-ba ezekusaun OJE 2021.

Iha fulan Dezembru 2020 no Janeiru 2021 Konsellu Ministru aprova proposta lei foun ida, kona-ba Enkuadramentu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu no Jestaun Finansa Públiku (Ingles ka Portugés). Proposta lei ida ne’e sei substitui Lei Nu. 13/2009 (Port.) ne’ebé deskreve prosesu atu kria, aprova, ezekuta no halo audit ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE). Parlamentu Nasional hahu audiensia sira iha fulan Marsu, no informasan tan iha La'o Hamutuk nia blog Proposta Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu foun iha hela diskusaun.

Budget Revision proposed in March 2021

When Covid-19 cases increased rapidly in February and March, Timor-Leste enacted and enforced stricter preventive measures, including "lockdowns." In order to alleviate some of the impacts of those measures, on 24 March the Council of Ministers approved a proposed revision to the 2021 Budget Law. The Ministry of Finance sent the draft law to the Prime Minister on 29 March, and the PM forwarded it to Parliament the next day, together with an explanation, text and appendices of the proposed law (original Port.) and a supplement to Budget Book 1 (original Port.) explaining its reasoning.

After the calamitous floods on 4 April, it was clear that the contingency fund would not be sufficient to finance necessary additional spending. To avoid delaying the enactment of the revised budget, Government decided not to withdraw and amend their proposal, but rather to ask Parliament to make the necessary alterations during their debate on the proposed rectification law.

On 6 April, Parliament agreed to discuss it as an urgent matter. On 7 April, Parliament drafted a schedule for their process, including committee hearings on 9-14 April. Hearings were held on 9 April, 12 April and 14 April.

On 12 April, La'o Hamutuk delivered a submission (Tetum original) to every Member of Parliament. After appreciating the efforts of Parliament and Government to deal with the two challenging situations, we urged them to implement measures to relieve economic impacts on the population based on principles of social justice, equality and sustainability. We published a blog article summarizing our submission.

More specifically, we suggested that the Social Security registration lists not be used as a basis for distributing subsidies because many vulnerable people, especially those not in the formal economy, are not on them. We also recommended that support to households should be based solely on the number of people in each household, without reference to their current or former salaries, with care taken to include people who live away from their families in rented housing. Recognizing the increased need for state spending, we recommended that money be shifted from non-essential budget lines, but acknowledged that additional withdrawal from the Petroleum Fund might be needed as a last resort.

The NGO Forum also made a submission (Tetum).

After receiving a report from Committee C (Port.) (Conclusions & recommendations in Eng.)and a speech by the Prime Minister (Port.), the Parliamentary plenary began discussing the budget rectification law, approving it in generality on 20 April. Debate on specific articles, including 49 proposed amendments, proceeded on 21 April (Tatoli), 22 April  and 23 April. On 23 April, Parliament unanimously (with 20 abstentions) approved the amended bill, as reported by the Government and by Tatoli. The Government released a summary of its contents, which were also summarized by Lusa.

The amended budget includes appropriations as follows:

  • $241m for salaries and benefits

  • $637m for goods and services

  • $625m for public transfers

  • $  59m for minor capital

  • $424m for development capital (including loans)

The $135 million additional expenditure will be financed with cash balances and by shifting money from other appropriations, so withdrawals from the Petroleum Fund will be the same as the original enacted 2021 budget. RAEOA and Social Security are unchanged.

On 27 April, Parliament sent the approved law to the President, and he promulgated it as Law No. 8/2021 on 3 May. Earlier that day, La'o Hamutuk wrote an open letter (Tet.) to the President and Government officials underscoring the points in our submission and urging greater attention to social justice in economic support measures, which received some media coverage.

The final Budget Book for the rectified budget was published at the end of August.

Orsamentu Retifikativu proposta iha fulan Marsu 2021

Kazu Covid-19 aumenta lalais durante fulan Fevereiru no Marsu, no Timor-Leste halo medidas prevensaun, inklui  "lockdown." Atu hamenus impaktu sira husi medida balun, iha loron 24 Marsu Konsellu Ministru aprova proposta alterasaun ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2021. Ministru Finansas haruka proposta lei ba Primeiru Ministru iha loron 29 Marsu, no PM haruka ida ne'e ba Parlamentu iha loron ida tuir mai, hamutuk ho esplikasaun, testu no anexu sira ba proposta lei (Port.) no aditamentu ida ba Livru 1 (Port.) atu esplika objetivu sira.

Hafoin inundasaun iha loron 4 Abril, klaru ona katak fundu kontinjénsia la sufisiente atu finansa despeza adisionál esensiál. Atu evita adiamentu aprovasaun ba orsamentu retifikativu, Govern deside la retira sira nia proposta, maibé atu husu Parlamentu atu halo alterasaun sira durante PN nia debate kona-ba proposta lei retifikasaun.

Iha loron 6 Abril, Parlamentu deside atu konsidera OR ho karákter urjénsia. Iha 7 Abril, Parlamentu fó sai kalendáriu preliminariu ba prosesu ida ne'e, ne’ebé inklui audiénsia iha komisaun sira iha 9-14 Abril. Audiénsia sira halo ona iha loron 9 Abril no 12 Abril.

Iha loron 12 Abril, La'o Hamutuk fahe submisaun ida ba Deputadu/a sira hotu. Hafoin apresia Parlamentu no Governu nia esforsu no servisu maka’as ba medida preventiva hotu-hotu, ami husu sira atu aprova medidas atu hamenus impaktu ekonómiku ba povu ne’ebé bele haktuir prinsípiu justisa, igualdade no sustentabilidade. Ami publika artigu ida iha blog atu sumariza ami nia submisaun.

Espesifikamente, ami sujere la uza dadus husi Sistema Seguransa Sosiál nudár baze ba distribuisaun subsídiu estraordináriu, tanba informasaun ne'e seidauk inklui populasaun vulneravel balun, liu liu ema ki’ik no kiak sira ne’ebé seidauk partisipa iha ekonomia formal. Ami mós sujere atu kalkula montante subsídiu bazeia ba númeru membru uma kain, laho referénsia ba ema nia saláriu ka rejistrasaun ho Seguransa Sosiál, no atu inklui sira ne’ebé hela iha fatin aluga ka fatin ne’ebé independente husi família. Ami rekoñese katak ita tenke aumenta OJE 2021, bele maximiza transferénsia husi projetu no atividade sira ne’ebé bele demora ka kansela bainhira situasaun sei grave no seidauk kondíz atu halo, no halo levantamentu estraordináriu husi Fundu Petrolíferu mak hanesan opsaun ikus, karik laiha rekursu ne’ebé sufisiente husi fatin seluk.

FONGTIL mos halo submisaun.

Hafoin simu relatóriu ho Komisaun C (Port.) no diskursu husu Primeiru Ministru (Port.) plenária iha Parlamentu hahú debate kona-ba proposta orsamentu retifikativu, no aprova iha jeralidade iha loron 20 Abril. Debate kona-ba artigu ida-ida, no proposta alterasaun 49, la'o iha loron 21 Abril (Tatoli),  22 Abril  no 23 Abril. Iha loron 23 Abril, Parlamentu aprova proposta ne'e ho unanimidade (ho abstensaun 20), tuir reportajen husi Governu no Tatoli. Governu mós fó sai sumáriu, no Lusa mós sumariza.

Iha loron 27 Abril, Parlamentu haruka lei ne'ebe aprova ona (Port., 30 MB) ba Prezidente Republika, no nia promulga ona hanesan Lei Nu. 8/2021 iha loron 3 Maiu. Iha loron hanesan, La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta aberta ba Prezidente no Governante sira ne'ebe sublinha asuntu prinsipal iha ita nia submisaun no husu atensaun makaas liu ba justisa sosial iha medidas apoiu ekonomiku, hamutuk ho kobertura iha media balun.

Graphics from 2021 budget enacted in December 2020


Gráfiku sira husi OJE 2021 ne'ebe aprova iha fulan Dezembru 2020


Documents (newest first) Dokumentu (atuál liu mak uluk)

For fiscal year 2020:

Ba tinan fiskal 2020:

Analysis and commentary

Analiza no komentáriu

Links to relevant topics on La'o Hamutuk's website Liga ba tópiku sira ne’ebé relevante iha website La’o Hamutuk
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:  Web:  Facebook