Background, 2009-2011 In July 2009, Timor-Leste enacted Law No. 8/2009 (also Port.) creating an Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), which was established in 2010. During the 2009 debate, La'o Hamutuk presented a submission to Parliament on the draft law, and wrote an editorial It takes more than a Commission to end Corruption. In general, we recommended more attention to preventing corruption, rather than prioritizing investigating and punishing corruption after it occurs. We also pointed out the need for clearer definition of what constitutes corruption, and extending the scope of the law to include all state agencies. Although Timor-Leste signed the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2003, it was not ratified until 2008. In April 2009, Timor-Leste enacted its Penal Code as Law 19/2009 (also Port & Tetum), which defines some corruption-related crimes. These legal commitments, plus additional experience, encouraged others to agree with La'o Hamutuk's February 2009 recommendation to enact a comprehensive Anti-corruption Law. The Prosecutor-General wrote a draft law (also Portuguese) which was tabled in Parliament in October 2010, sponsored by the members of the Timor-Leste chapter of the Group of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC). On 17 December, GOPAC President Deputada Fernanda Borges spoke at a seminar on this draft law, which was also addressed by CAC Commissioner Aderito Soares, Prosecutor-General Ana Pessoa and other Members of Parliament. Timor-Leste continued to do poorly in many international ratings about corruption and perceptions of corruption, including those by the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (score 10%, ranking 29th of 32 lower middle income countries), Transparency International (score 2.5 of 10, ranking 127th among 178 countries) and the World Bank's Doing Business 2011 report (ranking 174 out of 183 in ease of doing business). On 22 February 2011, the Anti-Corruption Commission hosted an all-day session to help develop their three-year strategic plan. Presentations were given by La'o Hamutuk, Luta Hamutuk (Tetum) and the Vice-Minister of Finance, among others. On 1 June 2011, Committee C of the Parliament held hearings on the draft anti-corruption law, with testimony from prosecutors, judges, the Anti-Corruption Commissioner, La'o Hamutuk, Luta Hamutuk and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It became clear that the draft needs significant revisions before enactment, and the committee asked for submissions suggesting concrete amendments, and La'o Hamutuk made a submission (Tetum). Committee C planned a workshop to discuss the suggestions, after which it was going to revise the law before reporting it out to the Parliamentary plenary for approval. | Introdusaun, 2009-2011 Iha Jullu 2009, Timor-Leste halo Lei No.8/2009 (Port.) hodi kria Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK) ne’ebé harii iha inísiu 2010. Durante debate iha 2009, La’o Hamutuk fahe submisaun ba Parlamentu kona-ba ezbosu lei ne’e (Ing.), no hakerek analiza “Komisaun ida de'it ladauk to’o atu hapara korrupsaun.” Jerálmente, ami rekomenda atu fó atensaun maka’as liu ba prevensaun korrupsaun, duke fó prioridade ba investigasaun no fó pena ba korruptu ida bainhira akontese ona. Ami mós deskreve katak tenke iha definisaun ne’ebé klaru liu tan kona ba saida mak korrupsaun, nune’e bele haluan ninian scope ka espasu legal atu bele inklui instituisaun estadu sira hotu. Maske Timor-Leste asina ona Konvensaun ONU kona ba Kontra Korrupsaun (UNCAC) iha tinan 2003, maibé governu la ratifika to’o iha tinan 2008. Iha Abríl 2009, Timor-Leste aplika Kódigu Penal Lei No.19/2009. ne’ebé fó definisaun ba aktu krime balu ne’ebé iha ligasaun ba korrupsaun. Kompromisu legal sira ho esperiénsia balu tan, enkoraja sira hodi konkorda ho La’o Hamutuk nia rekomendasaun sira iha Fevreiru 2009 hodi aprova Lei Anti Korrupsaun ida ne’e ho kompletu. Prokurador Jerál hakerek Ezbosu Lei (Port.) ne’ebé aprezenta ba Parlamentu Nasionál iha fulan Outubru 2010, hetan apoiu husi grupu Membru Parlamentu sira iha Asosiasaun Kontra Korrupsaun (GOPAC). Iha loron 17 Dezembru, GOPAC nia prezidente Deputada Fernanda Borges, fahe ninia hanoin iha semináriu ida kona ba ezbosu lei ida ne’e, ne’ebé ko’alia mós husi Komisáriu CAC Adérito Soares, Prokurador Jerál Ana Pessoa no Deputadu/a sira seluk. Timor-Leste kontinua hatudu rezultadu ladi’ak ba nivel internasionál kona ba korrupsaun no persepsaun korrupsaun inklui mós iha Millennium Challenge Corporation (valor 10%, nivel 29 husi 32 nasaun sira ho rendimentu médiu ba kraik), Transparency International (valor 2,5 husi 10, ho nivel 127 entre nasaun 178) no relatóriu Banku Mundial Doing Business 2011 (nivel 172 husi 183 ne’ebé hafasil atu halo atividade komérsiu). Iha loron 22 Fevreiru 2011, Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK), hala’o sesaun durante loron tomak hodi diskute no dezenvolve sira nia Planu Estratéjiku ba tinan tolu nian. La’o Hamutuk fó aprezentasaun, hamutuk ho Luta Hamutuk, Vise-Ministru Finansa (Ing.) no sira seluk. Iha loron 1 Juñu 2011, Komisaun C Parlamentu Nasionál halo audiénsia públiku ba Ezbosu Lei Anti-Korrupsaun (Port.), ho testemuña husi prokurador, juis sira, Komisáriu Anti Korrupsaun, La’o Hamutuk, Luta Hamutuk no Kámara Komérsiu Indústria. No sai klaru liu tan katak ezbosu lei ne’e presiza hetan revizaun ne’ebé signifikante molok hetan promulgasaun hodi implementa. No Komisaun C husu katak submisaun sira ne’e presiza fó ideia konkretu atu halo revizaun ba ezbosu lei ne’e, no La’o Hamutuk hakerek submisaun. Komisaun C iha intensaun atu organiza semináriu ida hodi halo diskusaun kona ba sujestaun sira ne’e molok halo revizaun ba lei ida ne’e no haruka sira nia relatóriu ba Plenária Parlamentu Nasionál hodi hetan aprovasaun. |
Very little happened on this law for the next seven years, although La'o Hamutuk and others continued to call for revision and enactment of the draft Anti-Corruption Law. Several efforts to amend it and have Parliament take it up went nowhere. Timor-Leste's scores on international corruption indicators went up and down, ministers and others were tried and convicted of involvement in corruption, but the legal framework remained incomplete. | Durante tinan hitu tuir mai dezde 2011, ladún iha progresu ba prosesu halo lei ida ne’e, maske La’o Hamutuk no sira seluk kontinua husu ba mudansa ezbosu lei ida ne’e ho prosesu aprovasaun no ninia implementasaun. Esforsu balu hodi husu ba Parlamentu atu apresia no muda ezbosu lei ne’e, ikus mai la hetan rezultadu. Timor-Leste nia númeru iha indikadór korrupsaun mundiál nian tun sa’e, Ministru balu no sira seluk hetan julgamentu no hetan pena tanba envolve iha krime korrupsaun, maibé enkuadramentu legal sira nafatin seidauk kompletu. |
Reactivated in 2018-2019 Following the early Parliamentary election, the Fifth Parliament convened in June 2018. On 6 July, 10 Members from FRETILIN and PD introduced Bill No. 1/V/(1), an Anti-Corruption Law (also Portuguese) virtually identical to the one which had been allowed to die in 2011. The bill was referred to Committee A on Constitutional and Justice Issues. In the ensuing months, the Provedor, the President of the Republic, and Government ministers encouraged enactment of the anti-corruption law. Beginning on 20 February 2019, Committee A held five days of hearings on the draft law, with testimony from the Government, police, prosecutors, courts, Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Provedor, Central Bank, attorneys, academia and civil society. On March 1, La'o Hamutuk testified (photo) before three MPs -- Francisco de Vasconcelos (PLP), Antonio Nobre (KHUNTO) and Joaquim dos Santos (FRETILIN) -- and presented a submission (Tetum), which was reported by Tatoli. JSMP (Tetum) and others also made submissions. After more than year of further delays, Parliament approved the amended Anti-Corruption Law on 20 July 2020 and the President promulgated it as Law No. 7/2020 of 26 August (Port.). We will continue to follow this issue and update this web page as developments occur. | Re-ativa fila fali iha 2018-2019 Hafoin eleisaun antisipada ba V Lejislatura, Parlamentu hahú iha Juñu 2018. Iha loron 6 Jullu, membru na’in sanulu husi Bankada Fretilin no PD propoin ba plenária Ezbosu Lei No.1/V/(1), kona ba Lei Anti Korrupsaun (Port.). Ezbosu ida ne’e besik identiku ho ezbosu ne’ebé aprezenta ona iha 2011 no ikus mai sai kaduka tiha. Ezbosu Lei ida ne’e refere ba Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasionál ba Asuntu Konstitusionais no Justisa. Durante fulan balu tuir mai, Provedoria dos Direitus Humanus no Justisa, Prezidente da Repúblika no Ministru sira ezije atu aprova ona Lei Anti Korrupsaun. Hahú loron 20 Fevreiru 2019, Komisaun A organiza audiénsia durante loron lima hodi diskute kona ba ezbosu lei ida ne’e, ne’ebé hetan testemuña husi governu, polísia, prokurador, tribunal, Komisáriu Anti Korrupsaun, Provedoria, Banku Central, advogadu sira, instituisaun akadémiku, no organizasaun sosiedade sivíl. Iha loron 1 Marsu, La’o Hamutuk fó testemuña (foto) ba Deputadu nain tolu -- Francisco de Vasconcelos (PLP), Antonio Nobre (KHUNTO) no Joaquim dos Santos (FRETILIN) -- no hato’o submisaun. Media Tatoli relata ami nia submisaun ba públiku. JSMP no entidade seluk mos halo submisaun sira. Iha fulan Jullu 2019, La'o Hamutuk fahe programa Radio Igualdade kona-ba Lei Anti Korrupsaun. Hafoin tinan ida tan, Parlamentu Nasional altera no aprova Lei ho Medidas Prevensaun no Kombate Korrupsion iha loron 20 Jullu 2020, no Prezidente promulga Lei No. 7/2020 husi 26 Agostu (Port.). Ami sei kontinua akompaña prosesu sira ne’e no mós sei atualiza tan pájina web ida ne’e bainhira iha informasaun foun ruma. |