LHB Ezbosu Lei Mudansa Klimátika La’ós atu Responde Interese Kompańia Mina-rai no
Gás inklui País Riku sira nia Interese (12/24)
Radio Igualdade: Lei
Mudansa Klimátika (8/24)
Analiza OJE husi Perspetiva Polítika Diversifikasaun Ekonomia / Mudansa
Klimatika (mós
PDF) (8/24)
Mining Projects
index page (10/24)
Registry of Environmental Licensing Documents / Dokumentu sira kona-ba Lisensiamentu Ambientál (11/24)
Creating a Mining Code / Dezenvolve Kódigu Mineiru ba Timor-Leste (7/24)
The Oil Industry and the Prevention of Climate Change in the Context of
TL (also
PDF and
article) (6/24)
Proposed Climate Change Law
and documents (10/24)
Submisaun husi LH (10/24)
Blog The potential, challenges and risks of developing the Blue Economy in Timor-Leste /
Poténsia, dezafiu no risku dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Azúl iha Timor-Leste (4/23)
Presentation Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) at Bayu-Undan (also PDF) (12/22)
LHB Konsultasaun iha perfurasaun mina no gás iha Covalima (12/22)
LH video Mudansa Klimátika no Kauza sira (mós high-resolution (98 MB)) (12/22)
Blog Rezultadu husi COP27: Fundu Indenizasaun sei realiza, maibé emisaun gás estufa sei kontinua nafatin
COP27 Conference outcome: Loss and Damage Fund established, but emissions continue unabated (12/22)
Surat Popular: Mudansa klimátika fó risku mai ita hotu no jerasaun tuir mai. (11/22)
Aprezentasaun Kaptura no Rai Hela Karbonu: Solusaun ka Kolonializmu Karbonu? (mos PDF) (7/22)
Radio Igualdade: Mudansa Klimátika (5/22)
LH submission to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority on pipelines related to the Barossa gas project and CCS at Bayu-Undan (2/22)
LHB Kompańia Propoin atu rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos (1/22)
LHB Dili no Territóriu TL: Tenke Hatuur ona ba iha Kondisaun Reziliénsia (1/22)
Presentation Carbon Capture in Timor-Leste: Is it Carbon Colonialism? (also PDF) (11/21)
Presentations (PDF) from webinar series on climate change, including: (10/21):
LH submission to ANPM on the environmental license for the Rusa-1 onshore test oil well in Ainaro (9/21)
Blog: Dili no Territóriu Timor-Leste: Presiza Avansa ho Planu Integradu no Inkluzivu
Artigu Díli no Territóriu Timor-Leste: Planu Urbanu no Territorial: Presiza Avansa ho Planu Integradu no Inkluzivu
Dili and Timor-Leste’s Territory: Urban and Territorial planning: Need to Promote Integrated and Inclusive Plans (7/21)
Radio Igualdade: Planu urbanu no territoriál (10/21)
Blog Carbon Capture and Storage under the Timor Sea: Climate Change Prevention or Carbon Colonialism?
Kaptura no rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos: Solusaun ba Mudansa Klimátika ka Kolonializmu Karbonu? (7/21)
LHB Prosesu Konsultasaun Públiku ba Projetu Dili Drainajen (12/20)
Surat Popular: Kumpre Lisensamentu Ambientál sei Hamenus Risku ba Ambiente no Komunidade sira nia Moris (10/20)
LH/RbR Paresér kona-ba Projetu Dili Drainajen Faze Segundu (10/20)
Blog Hatene Impaktu Husi Atividade Umanu ba Mudansa Klimátika no artigu kompletu (8/20)
Radio Igualdade: Loron Mundial ba Meiu-Ambiente (6/20)
Video Kuidadu Natureza salva ita nia Futuru (21 MB MP4) ka bele hare iha YouTube ka iha high-resolution Kuidadu Natureza salva ita nia Futuru (87 MB MP4) (6/20)
Karta aberta kona-ba Problema Ambientál no Impaktu Mudansa Klimátika (6/20)
How to create an economy that cares for women and the environment? (12/19)
Without the Enforcement of Environmental Laws, Petroleum Infrastructure Projects in TL Come at a Cost (12/19)
Presentation LH engagement in policy advocacy and public education in TL (also PDF) (10/19)
Presentation Land and Environmental Rights of Communities in Timor-Leste (also PDF) 10/19)
LH comment on draft Pesticide decree-law (mos Tetum komentariu no dekretu-lei) (3/19)
Surat Popular: Ita labele husik dezenvolvimentu estraga ita-nia moris no ambiente (12/18)
Presentation Aprende hamutuk esperiénsia aat kona ba violasaun lisensamentu ambientál husi implementasaun projetu boot sira (mos PDF) (12/18)
Blog: Lisensamentu Ambientál – hodi proteje ita hotu
LHB Lisensamentu Ambientál - Hodi Proteje Ita Hotu (11/18)
LHB Labele Hamosu Konflitu Interese iha Prosesu Lisensamentu Ambientál (11/18)
Blog Timor-Leste nia tasi tenke mantein nudár area protejidu ba ikan-baleia no golfińu / Timor-Leste’s waters must remain a sanctuary for whales and dolphins (10/18)
Blog Who should grant environmental licenses for mining and petroleum?
Sé mak bele emite Lisensa Ambientál ba petróleu no mineiru? (9/18)
LH Komunikadu imprensa (also English) and letter to Prime Minister urging that Petroleum Ministry not be given the authority to issue environmental licenses (also Tetum, 9/18)
Radio Igualdade: Implementasaun Dekretu Lei Lisensamentu Ambiental (8/18)
Basic Environmental and Licensing Laws adoption and enforcement (7/23)
Aprezentasaun Implementasaun Lei Lisensamentu Ambiental liga ho Dezenvolvimentu Projetu Infrastrutura sira (mos PowerPoint) (6/18)
LHB Implementasaun Dekretu-Lei Ambientál sira iha TL
Implementing Environmental Decree-Laws in TL (5/18)
Regulating Onshore Petroleum Operations (1/18)
Paper Dezenvolvimentu projetu infrastrutura sira no dezafiu ba implementasaun lisensamentu ambientál (10/17)
Aprezentasaun Dezenvolvimentu projetu infrastrutura sira no dezafiu ba implementasaun lisensamentu ambientál, mos PowerPoint (7/17)
Creating a Mining Code / Dezenvolve Kódigu Mineiru ba Timor-Leste (Eng/Tet) (6/17)
Blog: LH husu PDHJ atu haforsa implementasaun Lei Lisensamentu Ambientál
also text of LH letter to Provedor (English or Tetum ) (6/16)
Environmental Impacts of the proposed Betano oil refinery (5/16)
LH statement to the first Conference on Adaptation to Climate Change (also Tetum) (11/14)
Blog: Environmental Licensing: Who needs it? (5/14)
LH submission to DNMA on the draft Regulations and Guidelines for Environmental Licensing (1/14)
Blog: Consultation begins on draft Mining Code (also Tetum), with drafts in three languages (9/13)
Second LH submission on revised draft Protected Areas Decree-Law (6/13)
LH submission on draft Protected Areas Decree-Law (also Tetum) (3/13)
LH letter to President TMR on the Basic Environment Law (law text in English and Portuguese) (6/12)
Basic Environment Decree-Law no. 26/2012 of 4 July (Portuguese) as enacted (7/12)
Sustainable Development in Timor-Leste: National Report to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development by the RDTL Ministry of Economy and Development, UNDP and UN DESA (5/12)
LH letter to President Jose Ramos-Horta on the Basic Environment Law (5/11)
La'o Hamutuk submission to DNMA regarding draft Biodiversity Decree-Law (also Tetum)and list of endangered and alien species (4/12)
LH comments at Rio+20 Green Economy for Sustainable Development workshop (11/11)
LH second submission to DNMA on draft Basic Environment Law (10/11)
Revised draft Basic Environmental Law (also Portuguese) for second consultation (9/11)
LH submission on Basic Environmental Law: Narrative part and section-by-section comments (3/11)
Declaration One Hour for Mother Earth (also Tetum) and action photos (10/10/10)
LH submission (also Tetum) on TOR for Environmental Impact Statement (also Tetum) for Eni's further exploratory drilling in S06-03 (9/10)
LH submission on Environmental Impact Statement for Eni's Cova-1 exploratory drilling (7/10) and Eni's response (also Tetum) (8/10)
Oilwatch Southeast Asia Regional Meeting presentations and statement (also Tetum) (7/10)
LH submission on Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plans for Reliance's exploratory drilling in Block K of Timor-Leste exclusive offshore area (6/10)
LH submission on Eni's proposed Environmental Management Plan (also Tetum) for the GeoStreamer seismic survey (6/10)
Radio Igualidade: Rezultadu Konferensia UNFCCC iha Kopenhagen (6 MB Tetum MP3) (4/10)
LH Open Letter asking Prime Minister not to sign the Copenhagen Accord (Eng. and Tet.) (3/10)
LHB Timor-Leste in global action against climate change (2/10)
Climate Change and Timor-Leste index page (12/09)
Heavy oil power plants index and analysis (Eng. and Tet.) (3/09)
LHB Jatropha: Jobs for farmers or fuel for foreigners? (11/08)
LHB Heavy Oil power plants (also Tetum) (11/08)
LHB Climate Justice, Now! (also Tetum) (11/08)
Justisa Klimatika presentation (Tetum) (9/08)
LHB The Impact of Mining on Women in the Pacific (8/08)
LHB Civil Society Forum on Climate Change (8/08)
Commentary and documents about sugar cane and jatropha agro-fuels projects, including MOUs and other documents (6/08)
Seismic exploration environmental management plans from Eni and Reliance, with submissions from La'o Hamutuk (6/08)
Sunrise LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges (2/08)
LH submission regarding Environmental Plan for Eni Marine Seismic Survey (6/07)
Petroleum in Timor-Leste (presentation to the International Forum on Petroleum, Human Rights and Environmental Reparation, Ecuador) (10/06)
Oil in Timor-Leste: A discussion of economic, ecological and moral debt. (Chapter written for Oilwatch by La'o Hamutuk) (9/05)
LHB Protecting Timor-Leste's Environment: Regulation and Enforcement (7/00)
Empréstimu no Risku ba Timor-Leste iha Futuru
Public-Private Partnership for Dili airport (also Tetum) with documents and other information (8/21)
LHB Relatóriu Nasionál Balu ne’ebé Publika iha 2018 (11/18)
LHB PPP Ameasa Servisu Públiku ba Ita Nia Povu (11/18)
In-depth article on Public-Private Partnership for Tibar Port (English/Tetum) (10/18)
Presentation Oil, debt and sustainability: TL’s borrowing plans and their implications for the future / Mina, deve no sustentabilidade: TL nia planu empréstimu no nia implikasaun ba futuru (Also English PowerPoint, Tetum PowerPoint, 6/17)
Programa Radio Igualdade: WTO ninia implikasaun negativu ba TL (1/17)
LH position paper on Timor-Leste's accession to the World Trade Organization (also Tetum) (1/17)
The Reference page (also Tetum) on this website includes many reports by IFIs (2/17)
LH Blog: Spinning straw into gold: Facts remain true, regardless of public relations responding to government economic claims (11/16)
Hafalun fatuk ho osan mean: Faktus mak faktus nafatin, maske relasaun públiku konta buat seluk (12/16)
Blog on Tibar Port tendering in English or Tetum. (8/16)
IMF 2016 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (6/16)
Radio Igualdade: Projetu Portu Tibar ho Modelu Parseria Publiku Privadu (4/16)
TL government blocks publication of IMF Article IV report for 2014 (12/14)
LH Blog The Double Digit disappears (also Double digit lakon ona) on lower IFI GDP estimates (4/14)
IMF 2013 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (12/13)
Timor-Leste is going into debt (also Tetum). Background, commentary, documents. (3/12)
Why Should Timor-Leste go into Debt? (also Tetum) Background and documents from 2009-2011. (2/12)
IMF 2011 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (2/12)
Groups worldwide urge debt-free Timor-Leste not to borrow. Statement and press release from 117 Timorese and international organizations (English/Tetum) (9/11)
IMF 2010 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (3/11)
LH letter to the IMF about their reports on public financial management (12/10) and IMF response (1/11)
The World Bank's Doing Business 2011 report and Timor-Leste (11/10)
NGO Forum submission (also Tetum) on proposed budget and financial management law (9/09)
LHB Editorial: World Bank Recommends Neo-Liberal Pathway, Again (1/08)
The Paradox of Aid in Timor-Leste, paper presented by La'o Hamutuk at the University of Brasilia (7/06)
LHB World Trade Organization Exposed in Ermera (11/05)
LHB Editorial: Whitewashing Wolfowitz at the World Bank (8/05)
Lessons Learned: The Community Empowerment and Local Governance Project. Report by Rolling Think Tank (3/04)
LHB World Social Forum “Another World is Possible” (3/04)
LHB The Banking and Payments Authority (BPA) and the IMF's role(1/04)
Report from seminar on Timor-Leste joining the International Financial Institutions (11/02)
Surat Popular: Banku Mundial iha Timor Lorosa'e (World Bank in Timor-Leste)
LHB Report on "IDA 14" Opinion Leaders Consultation, Vietnam (12/04)
Also LHB Editorial: The Truth Behind the International Development Association and its Poverty Reduction Policy (12/04)
LHB Seven Ways to Meet Timor-Leste’s Financial Gap (3/04)
LHB WB Workshop on Gender and Poverty Reduction (11/03)
LHB ADB Fiji Workshop on Good Governance (11/03)
LHB Editorial: Privatization and Profit in Developing Countries (11/03)
LHB A Review of the First Year of the Transition Support Program, including diagrams about public sector spending in Timor-Leste (5/03)
LHB The Asian Development Bank in Timor-Leste, highlighting its Microfinance project and privatization agenda (3/03)
LHB The Community Empowerment Project Revisited (10/02)
LHB Editorial: A Brief Overview of the National Development Plan (8/02)
LHB Editorial: Financial Independence (5/02)
LHB Report from the World Social Forum II (4/02)
LHB An Assessment of Pilot Agricultural Service Centers in Timor-Leste (2/02)
LHB School Furniture: Looking at a World Bank-UNTAET/ETTA Project (8/01)
LHB UNTAET-World Bank Background Paper (7/01)
LHB The IMF in Timor-Leste (6/01)
LHB Editorial: Dollarization and Democracy (6/01)
LHB The World Bank in Timor-Leste (12/00)
LHB Assessing the World Bank’s Agricultural Project (12/00)
LHB Evaluating the World Bank’s CEP Project (12/00)
LHB Editorial: Democracy & the World Bank (12/00)
Rights and Sustainability: LH briefing on key issues facing TL. 13 MB PowerPoint or
Direitu no Sustentabilidade: Aprezentasaun husi LH kona-ba asuntu xave. 17 MB PowerPoint ka
6 MB PDF (12/24)
Empréstimu no Risku ba Timor-Leste iha Futuru
LHB Dezenvolvimentu iha Setór Ekonomia, Sosiál no Kulturál Hafoin Tinan 25 Konsulta
Timor-Leste Presiza Asegura Sustentabilidade Fiskál (12/24)
Empréstimu no risku ba TL iha
futuru (também
Portuguese) (7/24)
Perspetiva kona-ba Sustentabilide Fiskál iha Timor-Leste (mos iha
YouTube) (5/24)
Programa Radio Igualdade
Oinsá OJE 2024
investe ba polítika ou programa diversifikasaun ekonomia iha TL (3/24)
Surat Popular
Rai Naruk Fiskál (Fiscal
cliff, 11/23)
Programa Radio Igualdade
Sustentabilidade fiskal (11/23)
Aprezentasaun ba TLSA
Prevene Timor-Leste ba Rai Naruk Fiskál (mós
PDF) (7/23)
Reviews and readjustment of the National Strategic Development Plan (mos
Tetum) (6/23)
Dezenvolvimentu Alternativa Hafoin Mina (mós
PDF) (4/23)
Programa Televizaun RTTL husi La'o Hamutuk
Alternativa Dezenvolvimentu Hafoin Mina (5/23)
Dependensia ba Fundu Petróleo no Alternativa (mós
PDF) (3/23)
Timor-Leste Presiza Foti Desizaun ba Ekonomia Sustentavel (also
PDF) (3/23)
Ekonomia Azul (also
PDF) (3/23)
The potential, challenges and risks of developing the blue economy in Timor-Leste /
Poténsia, dezafiu no risku dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Azúl iha Timor-Leste (4/23)
Tanba sá ita hasoru hela rai-naruk fiskál? (12/22)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Programa Cesta Bázika segundu faze (6/22)
Submisaun husi CSO sira kona-ba Re-ajustamentu Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu (4/22)
Observations about Sustainability of State Finances and the Economy PowerPoint or
Observasaun Kona-ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu, Ekonomia PowerPoint ka
PDF (4/22)
Chinese involvement in Timor-Leste: myths and facts (also
PDF) (10/21)
Timor-Leste 2021 Economic Survey: The End of Petroleum Income academic paper
Timor-Leste: Survei Ekonómiku 2021: Reseita petrolíferu hotu ona (10/21)
Also blog
Timor-Leste will soon be running on fumes (10/21)
Konseitu Xave husi Makroekonomia (ka
PDF (5/21)
Agrikultura no diversifikasaun ka
PDF (5/21)
Sustentabilidade Fundu Petrolíferu no diversifikasaun ekonomia PowerPoint ka
PDF (4/21)
Presentation Timor-Leste Economic Survey 2021 (also
notes and
video) (2/21)
State of Emergency /
Estadu Emerjénsia (5/21)
Impaktu Covid-19 Hatudu Frakeza no Oportunidade (12/20)
Vantajen Programa Cesta Bázika nian ba Seguransa Ai-han iha Timor-Leste (12/20)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomia - PRE (11/20)
Rezultadu husi Global Hunger Index 2020 kredivel ka lae? /
How credible is the 2020 Global Hunger Index? (11/20)
aprezentasaun Planu ba Rekuperasaun Ekonómiku ka
PDF (10/20)
LH open letter to Prime Minister (Tetum) about the Economic Recovery Plan (10/20)
LH letter to Rui Gomes (mos
Tetum), chair of the Covid-19 Economic Recovery Commission (7/20)
open letter to the Prime Minister (also
Tetum) calling for informal workers and vulnerable groups to be supported by the economic package in the State of Emergency (4/20)
How to create an economy that cares for women and the environment? (12/19)
Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-Leste (mos
PDF) (6/19)
Index page on Timor-Leste buys into the Sunrise Oil and Gas Project
After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (5/19)
Timor-Leste's petroleum-dependent economy and state budget (also
PDF) (4/19)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Importánsia husi Infrastrutura Báziku ba Setór Produtivu (2/19)
PPP Ameasa Servisu Públiku ba Ita Nia Povu (11/18)
In-depth article on Public-Private Partnership for Tibar Port (Eng/Tet) (10/18)
Productive economic sectors are essential for sustainable development in Timor-Leste (paper,
PowerPoint and
PDF of PowerPoint) (7/18)
Depois tinan 18: Presiza atu Husik Dolar Amerika?
After 18 years: Should we drop the U.S. dollar? (5/18)
LH Blog:
18 Years later: Should Timor drop the U.S. dollar?
Depois tinan 18: Presiza atu husik Dolar Amerika? (3/18)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Lian husi komunidade Atauro kona ba ZEESM (2/18)
Perspetiva no Dezafiu hosi moeda lokál ba ekonomia TL (PowerPoint,
PDF) (1/18)
Background and links on
proposed Private Investment Law and Policy, with links to several articles and submissions (6/17)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Lei Investimentu Privadu (5/17)
Timor-Leste’s oil wealth: financing government, building for development and providing for its people (also
article and
blog) (5/17)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Tanba tenke Diversifika Ekonomia? (2/17)
LH Komentáriu Ba Diresaun Jerál Estatístika kona-ba Kestionariu Peskiza ba Atividade Negósiu 2015 nian (11/16)
LH Blog:
Spinning straw into gold: Facts remain true, regardless of public relations responding to government economic claims (11/16)
Hafalun fatuk ho osan mean: Faktus mak faktus nafatin, maske relasaun públiku konta buat seluk (12/16)
Street Vending: Threat to Social Order or Employment Opportunity? (10/16)
Blog on Tibar Port in
English or
Tetum. (8/16)
Employment in extractive industries (Empregu iha Atividades Estrativas), inklui
submisaun husi LH (Tetum) (4/16)
LH Blog:
Private investment is a road, not a destination (mos
Tetum) (4/16)
Background and links on
proposed Private Investment Law and Policy
LH submission on Private Investment Policy (4/16)
LH submission on Private Investment Law (3/16)
LH Blog:
Indicators have Consequences about Bayu-Undan being depleted
Sinál perigu sei iha konsekuénsia (3/16)
LH Blog:
TL's Human Development Index dropping, but data is lacking (12/15)
Fiscal Strategies and their Implications for Wealth Distribution presentation at ANU TL Update (also
PowerPoint and
black/white PDF) (11/15)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Ekonomia Povu Ki'ik (7 MB Tetum audio) (8/15)
LH Blog:
Riches Beyond Imagination debunking exaggerated claims of TL's economic strength (7/15)
Programa Radio Igualdade
Hamenus Importasaun (7 MB Tetum audio) (6/15)
Estratéjia ba Autosufisiensia foos: Hamenus Importasaun no Hamenus Dependénsia (6/15)
Can the Petroleum Fund Exorcise the Resource Curse from TL? (also
PDF) (6/14 and 6/15)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Projetu Zona Ekonomiku Espesial Sosial Merkadu (ZEESM) (7 MB Tetum audio) (3/15)
LH Blog:
It takes more than money to achieve development: Lessons for and from Timor-Leste (2/15)
TL government blocks publication of IMF Article IV report for 2014 (12/14)
Programa Radio Igualdade
TLDPM ba Asuntu Ekonomiku (7 MB Tetum audio) (11/14)
Presentations from
seminar on Poverty and Timor-Leste's Economic Development Strategy by
La'o Hamutuk,
Monash University researchers,
Ministry of Finance and
ADB (11/14)
LH Presentation to 2014 TLDPM on Economic Strategic Sector (also
Tetum) (7/14)
Special Economic Zone / Zona Ekonómiku Espesiál iha Oecusse (7/14)
Poverty and the Agricultural Household by Monash University (Eng/Tet) with
LH comment (6/14)
LH Radio Igualdade:
Importasaun no Esportasaun (7 MB Tetum audio) (6/14)
TL: The Political Economy of a Rentier State by Guteriano Neves (6/14)
LH Blog
The Double Digit disappears (also
Double digit lakon ona) on lower GDP estimates (4/14)
A look back at 2013 in Timor-Leste (1/14)
LH submission to Dir-Gen of Statistics on revising the
Business Activities Survey (10/13)
Monash report Coffee, Poverty and Economic Development in TL (7/13)
LH Blog on 2011
Business Activities Survey (also
National Accounts,
Household Income and Expenditure Survey from RDTL General Directorate of Statistics and other documents (6/13)
Mari Alkatiri presentation on
Oecussi Special Economic Zone (5/13)
LH submission on Consumer Price Index revision (also
PDF and
Tetum PDF) and results (6/13)
Dili Launch of UN ESCAP Survey (MCIA and other speeches, La'o Hamutuk comment) (5/13)
Treinamento ba Centru Peskiza Parlamentu kona ba orsamentu no ekonomia (3/12)
Rights and Sustainability: LH briefing on key issues facing TL. 13 MB
PowerPoint or
Direitu no Sustentabilidade: Aprezentasaun husi LH kona-ba asuntu xave.
17 MB PowerPoint ka
6 MB PDF (12/24)
Tanba sá LH husu Prezidente Repúblika Veta Proposta Orsamentu Jerál
Estadu 2025? (12/24)
Enkoraja Governu no Instituisaun Estadu Hadi’ak Transparénsia no
Partisipasaun Públiku iha Prosesu Orsamentál no Publikasaun sira Hotu
Empréstimu no Risku ba Timor-Leste iha Futuru (12/24)
Timor-Leste Presiza Asegura Sustentabilidade Fiskál (12/24)
no Analiza OJE MAPPF 2024 no 2025 ka
PDF (12/24)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2025 State Budget
LH submisaun ba PN kona-ba proposta OJE 2025,
imprensa / press release
Karta husi LH ba Prezidente Republika husu atu veta OJE 2025
Radio Igualdade Orsamentu Jerál
Estadu ba 2025
Index to Petroleum Fund operations, including management agreements, reports and other information (Eng/Tet) (11/24)
Polítika Finansa Publika no
Diversifikasaun Ekonomia (mós
PDF) (10/24)
Polítika Finansa Publika no
Sustentabilidade Finanseira (mós
PDF) (10/24)
Analiza OJE husi Perspetiva Polítika Diversifikasaun Ekonomia / Mudansa
Klimatika (mós
PDF) (8/24)
Governu Liu Husi Orsamentu Estadu (mós
Empréstimu no risku ba TL iha
futuru (também
Portuguese) (7/24)
Rezultadu OBS
2023 (mós
Programa Radio Igualdade Open Budget Survey (9/24)
Results of the 2023 Open Budget Survey for Timor-Leste, including
Country report on Timor-Leste,
open letter
(also Tetum),
press release
(also Tetum),
global report,
Tetum) (6/24)
nia polítika publika, no risku rai-naruk fiskál (fiscal cliff)
OJE liga ho setor Agrikultura (mós
Aprezentasaun (mós
husi treinamentu Analiza Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2024 (3/24)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2024 State Budget
LH submisaun ba PN kona-ba proposta OJE 2024
Governu Tenke Realistíku ba Investe iha Setór Sustentável, La’ós Kontinua Mehi Fantazia (12/23)
Government should be realistic and invest in sustainable sectors, not continue to fantasize
Proposta OJE 2024 liga ho Setor Agrikultura ka
Surat Popular
Rai Naruk Fiskál (Fiscal
cliff, 11/23)
Programa Radio Igualdade
Sustentabilidade fiskal (11/23)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2023 State Budget (11/24)
Karta aberta ba Prezidente Republika (also
LH submisaun ba PN kona-ba proposta OJE 2023 (also
Blog summary of submission (also
Aprezentasaun (mós
PDF) husi LH ba komunidade iha Maliana no Maubisse (11/22)
Timor-Leste in the Open Budget Survey (also
PDF) (10/23)
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Timor-Leste index page, with reports for 2008-2020 (8/23)
Aprezentasaun TLSA
Prevene Timor-Leste ba Rai Naruk Fiskál (mós
PDF) (7/23)
Dependensia ba Fundu Petróleu no Alternativa (mós
PDF) (3/23)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Rai-Naruk Fiskál (Fiscal Cliff) (12/22)
Tanba sá ita hasoru hela rai-naruk fiskál? (12/22)
Observasaun kona-ba siklu orsamentál ba OJE 2023 (12/22)
Rai-Naruk Fiskál nia Kauza no Alternativa (mós
PDF) husi LH no
aprezentasaun sira seluk (12/22)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Open Budget Survey (8/22)
La'o Hamutuk press release on 2021 Open Budget Survey (also
blog (also
Tetum) no Tetum video
Estadu Timor-Leste Tenke Pratika Diák Liu Tan Transparénsia no Partisipasaun Publiku (7/22)
Program Radio Igualdade:
Programa Cesta Bázika segundu faze (6/22)
Karta aberta husi LH ba PN kona-ba proposta Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira Planu (also
English) (5/22)
Proposta Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira Planu 2023 / Major Planning Options Law (6/22)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2022 State Budget, Rectification and Budget Framework Law
LH submisaun ba Parlamentu Nasional kona-ba proposta retifikasaun OJE 2022 (also
La’o Hamutuk husu PN atu la aprova proposta Orsamentu Retifikativu (5/22)
LH submisaun ba PN kona-ba proposta OJE 2022,
rezumu iha blog,
aprezentasaun (mós
PDF) (11/21)
Blog summary of submission in English (11/21)
Program Radio Igualdade:
Ezbosu Orsamentu Jerál do Estadu 2022 (11/21)
Submisaun husi CSO sira kona-ba Re-ajustamentu Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu (4/22)
Perspetiva LH Kona ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2022 (1/22)
Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentál (1/22)
Public-Private Partnerships for Dili airport and Tibar port (also
Tetum) with presentations from IFC/Government infrastructure conference and other information (8/21)
LH Submisaun ba Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba Proposta Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu no jestaun finanseira públiku
Blog in English or
Tetum summarizing submission and testimony on proposed Budget Framework Law (6/21)
Radio Igualdade:
OJE 2021 Retifikativu liga ba Covid 19 no Dezastre Naturais (Kalamidade) (5/21)
Advokasia kona-ba OJE ka
PDF (5/21)
Konseitu Xave husi Makroekonomia(ka
PDF (5/21)
Agrikultura no diversifikasaun ka
PDF (5/21)
Asesu informasaun husi Livru Orsamentu Jerál Estadu PowerPoint ka
PDF (5/21)
Konseitu no Prosesu Legal OJE PowerPoint ka
PDF (5/21)
Sustentabilidade Fundu Petrolíferu no diversifikasaun ekonomia PowerPoint ka
PDF (4/21)
Budget revision should be just, equitable and sustainable Revizaun orsamentu estadu tenke justu, igualitáriu no sustentavel (4/21)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2021 State Budget and rectification (3/23)
LH letter to President on proposed rectification (Tetum) (5/21)
LH submission to Parliament on proposed rectification (mos
Tetum) (4/21)
LH submission to Parliament (mos
Tetum) and on
Agriculture (Tetum) (11/20)
New Budget Framework Law under discussion / Proposta Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu foun iha hela diskusaun (3/21)
Presiza iha Progresu Liu Tan Atu Hadi’ak Transparénsia (OBS) (12/20)
Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu no Fundu Petrolíferu (12/20)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2020 State Budget (7/22)
LH submission to Parliament (also
Tetum) on third 2020 State Budget proposal (9/20)
Bee no Saneamentu iha OJE 2020 (mos
PDF) (9/20)
Saida Mak Publiku Presiza Hatene Husi OJE 2020 (mos
PDF) (9/20)
LH letter to Parliamentary Committees (Tetum) on priorities for future state budgets (7/20)
LH submission to Parliament (also
Tetum) on second 2020 State Budget proposal (1/20)
Open Letter from La'o Hamutuk to Prime Minister (Tetum) on revision of OJE 2020 (12/19)
La'o Hamutuk press release on Open Budget Survey (also
Tetum) (4/20)
TL Laiha Mudansa iha Transparénsia Orsamentál tuir Klasifikasaun Internasionál
Timor-Leste unimproved in 2019 Open Budget Survey
Implications of recent changes to Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund (5/20)
Global economic developments hit Timor-Leste hard (also
PDF) (3/20)
Akontesimentu Ekonomia Global fó impaktu boot ba Timor-Leste (mos
Observasaun ba OJE 2020 no Influénsia husi CSOs iha Polítika Públika, mos
PDF (12/19)
Empréstimu Tokon $750 Sei Fó Ameasa ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu (12/19)
Radio Igualdade:
Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2020 (12/19)
Index page on Timor-Leste buys into the Sunrise Oil and Gas Project (10/21)
LH Submission to Parliament (also
Tetum) and
press release (also
Tetum) on first 2020 budget proposal (11/19)
Proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu ba tinan fiskál 2020 (11/19)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2019 State Budget (1/21)
Submisaun husi LH ba Parlamentu kona ba OJE 2019 (also
English) (11/18)
Gender-Responsive Budgeting (Tetum), mos
PDF (8/19)
Implikasaun husi Projetu Greater Sunrise no Projetu Tasi Mane ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu (mos
PDF) (6/19)
Implikasaun Husi Projetu Greater Sunrise no Projetu Tasi Mane ba Sustentabilidade Finansas Estadu (5/20)
Implications of recent changes to Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund (also
PDF) (6/19)
Diretu sósiu no ekonómiku durante tinan 20 ikus (mos
PDF) (5/19)
Tendensia Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba defisiente sira (mos
PDF) (5/19)
After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (5/19)
Observasaun no Analiza ba Politika Governu Iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (mos
PDF) (5/19)
Timor-Leste's petroleum-dependent economy and state budget (also
PDF) (4/19)
Kontribuisaun CSO sira nian ba desizaun polítiku iha despeza públiku (mos
PDF) (4/19)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Importánsia husi Infrastrutura Báziku ba Setór Produtivu (2/19)
Informasaun Importante ba MP sira (mos
PowerPoint) kona-ba Sunrise, Tasi Mane no OJE2019 (12/18)
Sosa Partisipasaun iha Greater Sunrise husi ConocoPhillips (11/18)
PPP Ameasa Servisu Públiku ba Ita Nia Povu (11/18)
Making the Oil Companies Pay What They Owe about collecting unpaid taxes (11/18)
After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (10/18)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2017-2018 General State Budgets (Eng/Tet) (2/20)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament on OJE 2018 (also
Tetum) (8/18)
Sumáriu LH nia Submisaun kona-ba Proposta Lei OJE 2018 (11/18)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament on OJE 2017 (also
Tetum) and
blog (11/16)
La'o Hamutuk presentation to Parliamentary Seminar (Tetum) (11/16)
LH Submission to Parliament on proposed 2018 State Budget
(also Tetum) (8/18)
Confronting the state's temporary cash flow problem / Enfrenta problema finansial temporáriu (9/18)
LH Submission to Parliament (also
LH Press release (also
Tetum) (7/18)
Sustainability of Timor-Leste's State Finances (also
Powerpoint) from ANU TL Update (6/18)
Transparénsia Orsamentál dalan ba Boa Governasaun iha Timor-Leste (Powerpoint ka
PDF) (5/18)
LH/IBP press release
As progress toward global budget transparency stalls for the first time in a decade, Timor-Leste scores “low” in providing information to its citizens about how public money is used (also
Tetum) (4/18)
TL is borrowing more - will we be able to repay? (11/17)
Attempted rectification of the
2017 State Budget (2/18)
Mina, Deve no Sustentabilidade: TL nia planu ba empréstimu nia implikasaun ba futuru (also
PowerPoint) (11/17)
Timor-Leste is going into debt (also
Tetum). Background, commentary, documents. (4/19)
Governu nia planu sedu … atu antisipa buat ruma?
Advance planning … just in case (7/17)
Oil, debt and sustainability: TL’s borrowing plans and their implications for the future /
Mina, deve no sustentabilidade: TL nia planu empréstimu no nia implikasaun ba futuru (Also
English PowerPoint,
Tetum PowerPoint,
English paper) (10/17)
Radio Igualdade
Ezbosu Lei Impostu Ba Valor Akresentadu (VAT) (audio ka
link, 11/16)
Aprezentasaun rua husi
LH no
UN Women ba enkontru publiku
proposed VAT (9/16)
LH submission (also
Tetum) to Fiscal Reform Commission on
proposed VAT (8/16)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2016 General State Budget and rectification (English/Tetum) (1/19)
Radio Igualdade:
Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 (7/16)
LH submission (also
Tetum) to President on
2016 Budget Rectification (7/16)
LH submission (also
blog and
Tetum mós
blog) to Parliament on
2016 Budget Rectification (7/16)
LH letter to President
(also Tetum) on original 2016 State Budget (12/15)
Radio Igualdade:
Proposta OJE 2016 (12/15)
LH submission to Parliament (also
Blog and
Tetum; 11/15)
LH blog
2016 budget proposal puts fantasies before people's needs (also
Tetum, 11/15)
LH presentation to Parliament (also
Tetum; Powerpoints on
Presentations page, 11/15)
Revision of the Lifetime Pension laws, including
La'o Hamutuk submission (Tetum) (7/16)
Suai Supply Base contract cancelled; it’s time to cancel the project. (6/16)
Index page with analysis and documents on Public-Private Partnership for Tibar Port (English/Tetum) (6/16)
Radio Igualdade:
Projetu Portu Tibar ho Modelu Parseria Publiku Privadu (4/16)
Radio Igualdade:
Imprestimus no Sustentablidade Ekonomia Timor-Leste (2/16)
LH Blog:
TL's Human Development Index dropping, but data is lacking (12/15)
Fiscal Strategies and their Implications for Wealth Distribution presentation at ANU TL Update (also
PowerPoint and
black/white PDF) (11/15)
Radio Igualdade:
Deve no Sustentablidade Ekonomia Timor-Leste (9/15)
LH blog:
TL falls short on Open Budget Index 2015 (also
English PDF,
Tetum PDF,
scorecard) (9/15)
Oil running out is reality, not propaganda (LH letter responding to Parliamentary comments) (also
blog and
Tetum) (6/15)
How long will the Petroleum Fund carry Timor-Leste? index page with
paper (also
spreadsheet and other materials (6/15)
How long will Timor-Leste's Petroleum Fund Last? (update) (also
blog) (6/15)
Timor-Leste's oil and gas are going fast (also
Mina-rai no gas Timor-Leste nian besik hotu ho lalais (4/15)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2015 General State Budget (English/Tetum), including
2015-2017 Government program and rectification and many other materials in several languages (4/17)
Radio Igualdade:
Orsamentu Estadu Retifikativu 2015 (4/15)
Radio Igualdade:
Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba 2015 (12/14)
Is Fiscal Policy Sustainable? (also
Polítika Fiskál Sustentavel ka lae? (also
PDF) (3/15)
LH letter urging consideration of fallen oil prices when revising the 2015 State Budget (also
Tetum) (2/15)
Ministry of Finance response to LH letter (also
Tetum) (3/15)
LH Blog:
Transparency Initiative gets a little more opaque about EITI (2/15)
Letter from La'o Hamutuk to Parliament on Agriculture
(also Tetum) in
State Budget (11/14)
Letter from La'o Hamutuk to Parliament (also
Tetum) on
2015 State Budget (11/14)
It takes more than money to achieve development: some lessons from TL presentation to UN ESCAP conference (also
Powerpoint) (10/14)
LH letter asking for court audit of TimorGAP (Eng/Tetum) (2/15)
Panorama Ekonomika no Politika Fiskál TL (H.Lopes, Min. Finansas)
Powerpoint ka
PDF (6/14)
Sustentabilidade Fiskál ba TL (C.Scheiner, La'o Hamutuk)
Powerpoint ka
PDF (6/14)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2014 State Budget (English/Tetum) (2/15)
Also blogs on
So much to do, so little time, with nobody watching (also
Tetum) and
Handing out the Cash (1/14)
Blog and
LH letter to Parliament (also
Tetum) on budget proposal (11/13)
Treinamentu Analiza no monitor Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (Tetum, mos
PDF) (11/13)
LH Blog and
letter (also
Tetum) protesting
award of
school furniture contract to Chinese Nuclear Industry Construction Co. #22 (10/13)
Aprezentasaun ba retratu anual Ajensia Nasional Dezenvolvimentu (ADN) (mos
PDF) (7/13)
LH Blog: How Long will the Petroleum Fund Carry Timor-Leste? (7/13)
Excel spreadsheet,
PowerPoint and
Yellow Road (budget) workshop presentations and documents (5/13)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2013 General State Budget (English/Tetum) (5/17)
Interesting items on TL's Procurement Portal (English/Tetum), including presentation to Provedor on indications of maladministration or corruption (5/13)
UNDP 2013 Human Development Report shows Timor-Leste slightly improved (4/13)
Presentation on National Impact of Veterans Pensions (PDF
English or
Tetum, PowerPoint
English or
Tetum) also LH blog (English or
Tetum) (3/13)
Presentation on issues in GSB 2013 (PDF or
PowerPoint) (also Tetum
PDF or
PowerPoint) (2/13)
LH Submission to Parliament (also
Tetum) on proposed 2013 General State Budget (1/13)
Index page on mid-year rectification to 2012 State Budget (Eng/Tetum) with many documents (3/15)
Powerpoint and
handout (Tetum) of Treinamentu La'o Hamutuk fo ba Rede Edukasaun (TLCE) (12/12)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament on 2011 State Accounts (Eng/Tetum) with many documents (12/12)
EITI reports for 2010 and
2011 (12/12)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament (also
Tetum) on proposed mid-year budget rectification (10/12)
ABC: Taxing Times in Timor
transcript of TV documentary
LH Blog:
Filling gaps in Taxing Times (10/12)
Making the Oil Companies Pay What They Owe about collecting unpaid taxes (11/12)
UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty on TL, with
report (also
Tetum or
Port.) and LH submission and
Blog (6/12)
How Timor-Leste got $10 billion ... and how quickly we will spend it all. (on LH blog, 5/12)
Treinamento ba Centru Peskiza Parlementu kona ba orsamentu no ekonomia (3/12)
Blog: Timor-Leste is going for broke. (also
Tetum) (3/12)
Blog: Borrowing from the Next Generation (3/12)
Why Should Timor-Leste go into Debt? (also
Tetum). Background, commentary, documents from 2009-2011. (2/12)
Index page on 2012 State Budget (also
Tetum) (3/12)
If you spend $400 million, you don't have it any more (also
blog) (3/12)
LH letter to President Jose Ramos-Horta (also
Tetum) raising concerns about the 2012 State Budget (12/11)
Press release (also
Tetum) and
Preliminary Recommendations (also
Tetum) from the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty (11/11)
Compania Investimentu Timor-Leste, Investe ka Fakar Osan? (11/11)
LH letter to Parliament Committee C (also
Tetum) on the
Appeals Court Opinion on the 2010 General State Accounts (also
Port.) (10/11)
LH submission to Parliament Committee C on the proposed 2012 State Budget (also
Tetum) (10/11)
Deve no Problema sira ba Timor-Leste husi Guteriano Neves iha
Diario Nasional (9/11)
Index page with summary, links and documents on the Strategic Development Plan (9/11)
Groups worldwide urge debt-free Timor-Leste not to borrow. Statement and
press release from 117 Timorese and international organizations (English/Tetum) (9/11)
Some thoughts from LH for the Regional EITI Conference (also
Tetum) (8/11)
LH preliminary analysis (also
Tetum) and
summary of analysis (also
Tetum) of
Strategic Development Plan (also
Portuguese) approved by Parliament (7/11)
Presentation by LH about TL's Economy and State Budget to UNTL/Victoria University Conference on Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills (also
Tetum) (7/11)
LH Treinamentu kona-ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu RDTL 2011 - rekursu, aprezentasaun, no sst. (5/11)
UNDP 2011 National Human Development Report for Timor-Leste (also
Tetum) with
La'o Hamutuk comment (also
Tetum and
Tetum slideshow) (5/11)
Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in global 2010 UNDP report (5/11)
Analysis of the draft of the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 (also
Tetum), including
May 2010 leaked draft plan,
slide show of Prime Minister's public consultation, leaked
contract and
TOR, and many other documents (4/11)
Understanding the 2011 Budget (also
Tetum) graphs of allocation and execution (2/11)
Ministry of Finance presentation on Strategic Development Plan (2/11)
LH article
We Must Respect the Constitutional Principles of the President’s Duties (also
Tetum) about JRH seeking court advice before promulgating the 2011 State Budget (2/11)
LH letter to Parliament Committee C about 2011 State Budget (also
Tetum) (1/11)
LH letter to the IMF about their reports on public financial management (12/10) and
IMF response (1/11)
LH submission to Parliament Committee C on 2011 State Budget (also
PDF and
Tetum) (12/10)
LH submission to Parliament Committee D on 2011 State Budget (also
PDF and
Tetum) (12/10)
2011 General State Budget for Timor-Leste (12/10)
2010 mid-year budget rectification index page, with links to many documents (9/10)
Radio Igualidade:
Orsamentu Rektifikativu 2010 (6 MB Tetum MP3) (6/10)
Submission from La'o Hamutuk on mid-year budget rectification (6/10)
Radio Igualidade:
Timor-Leste atu Debe? (6 MB Tetum MP3) (5/10)
LHB: Donor, oil and other money in Timor-Leste since 1999 (2/10)
Timór-Leste atu Debe: Lojika ka La’e? (11/09)
Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2010 hatutan nafatin dalan ba ‘Malisan Rekursu’ (11/09)
Submission to Parliament on 2010 General State Budget (also
Tetum) and
corrective letter (also
Tetum) (11/09)
2010 General State Budget for Timor-Leste, including Budget Documents, analysis and
Preliminary comments by LH (also
Tetum) (10/09)
LH Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in 2009 UNDP report (10/09)
NGO Forum submission (also
Tetum) on proposed budget and financial management law (9/09)
Briefing Paper:
How much money have international donors spent on and in Timor-Leste? (also
Tetum) (8/09)
Estimating Sustainable Income (also
Tetum) (6/09)
Orsamento Estadu 2009: Prudente ka lae? Three newspaper articles debating whether the budget brings the resource curse to TL (Tetum, 4/09)
LH analysis of prudence and sustainability in calculating the Estimated Sustainable Income (also
Tetum) (3/09)
LH article
2009 State Budget: Who does it benefit? (also
Tetum) (1/09)
LH Submission on TL budget for 2009 (also
Tetum), (1/09)
Also submissions from
Ba Los, and
ETADEP (all Tetum)
Topic page on RDTL State Budget for 2009, with links (12/08)
Desijaun Tribunal Rekursu iha Nasaun de Direitu Demokrátiku (11/08)
Editorial: Budget Invites Resource Curse (11/08)
Budgeting for the future (11/08)
Appeals court rules mid-year budget unconstitutional
Text of ruling (Portuguese),
Complaint (Portuguese) and many other links (11/08)
training for journalists on the budget (also
Tetum and
Powerpoints in Tetum and
English) and
annotated budget (10/08)
Editorial and
report on Public Meeting regarding the new tax law (8/08)
Summary of the new Tax Reform law (7/08)
Core Group analysis of Economic Stabilization Fund (also
Tetum) (7/08)
Mid-Year update to the 2008 RDTL State Budget, information and analysis about the 122% increase (11/08)
Budget Execution Reports for July-Dec 2007 and
Jan-Mar 2008,
Jan-Jun 2008, and
Jan-Sep 2008 (11/08)
Proposed domestic tax reform legislation, with many documents, texts, testimonies and hearing schedule (5/08)
RDTL State Budget for 2008 (2/08)
UNDP Budget Highlights pamphlet. (12/07)
Editorial: World Bank Recommends Neo-Liberal Pathway, Again (1/08)
Timor-Leste declines in UNDP Human Development Ranking (12/07)
Fourth Constitutional Government of RDTL: Structure, Program, Budget and members (10/07)
Editorial: Parliament, Don't pass greedy pension laws (3/07)
Save the people’s money! (stop lifetime pensions for former members of parliament) (1/07)
Timor-Leste will be one of the most oil-dependent countries in the world (11/05)
Seven Ways to Meet Timor-Leste’s Financial Gap (3/04)
The Banking and Payments Authority (BPA) (1/04)
LH Statement to the Development Partners Meeting also
Portuguese (12/03)
Development Partners conference (8/03).
See also
Joint NGO Statement to the Development Partners Meeting (6/03)
A Review of the First Year of the Transition Support Program, including
diagrams about all public sector spending in Timor-Leste (5/03)
Editorial: A Brief Overview of the National Development Plan (8/02)
Editorial: Dollarization and Democracy (6/01)
Funding Timor-Leste's Reconstruction: An Overview of the UNTAET and ETTA budgets, where they come from and how they are spent (including diagrams) (4/01)
Editorial: Equipment Should Stay after UNTAET Leaves (4/01)
Taxes in Timor-Leste (4/01)
Editorial: Money Matters: Priorities and Process (4/01)
Funding the Health Sector (11/00)
Open letter from FONGTIL to
the UN Secretary-General (mós
Tetum) (8/24)
Blog Rezultadu husi COP27: Fundu Indenizasaun sei realiza, maibé emisaun gás estufa sei kontinua nafatin
COP27 Conference outcome: Loss and Damage Fund established, but emissions continue unabated (12/22)
UN Periodic Reviews of Human Rights in Timor-Leste (English/Tetum)
Includes Universal and Torture reviews (9/22)
LH letter to UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on Impacts of the Tasi Mane Project on the environment, land, and future sustainability of community people’s lives (4/19)
La'o Hamutuk observations for the Conference on the SDG Roadmap, blog (5/17)
Radio Igualdade: Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (7/16)
It takes more than money to achieve development: some lessons from TL presentation to UN ESCAP conference (also Powerpoint and blog) (10/14)
Dili Launch of UN ESCAP Survey (MCIA and other speeches, La'o Hamutuk comment) (5/13)
UNDP 2013 Human Development Report shows Timor-Leste slightly improved (also Tetum) (4/13)
La'o Hamutuk's ultimate letter to the UN Security Council about justice, sustainable development and not forgetting Timor-Leste (also Tetum press release) (11/12)
Analysis of words spoken in the UN Security Council during 138 hours of debate on TL 1999-2012 (11/12)
UNMIT history, current activities, and relevant documents (11/12)
Prime Minister letter to UN Secretary-General and S-G report on UNMIT (also Tetum) (10/12)
UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty on TL, with report (also Tetum or Port.) and LH submission and Blog (6/12)
LH letter to the UN Security Council about justice and equitable, sustainable development. (2/12)
LH letter to the UN Security Council about the S-G's latest UNMIT report (11/11)
UNDP 2011 global Human Development Report shows Timor-Leste barely changed (11/11)
UNDP 2011 National Human Development Report for Timor-Leste (also Tetum) with La'o Hamutuk comment (also Tetum and Tetum slideshow) (5/11)
LH Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in global 2010 UNDP report (5/11)
Letter from Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal to the UN Security Council (also Tetum) about justice (2/11)
Letter from La'o Hamutuk to the UN Security Council analyzing Secretary-General's report on UNMIT (2/10)
Letter from Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal to the UN Security Council about justice (2/10)
Analysis of words about justice used in the UN Security Council debates and resolutions during the past ten years. (also Tetum) (12/09)
La'o Hamutuk letter to UN Security Council on justice and other issues. Also PDFs of letter and annex. (10/09)
LH Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in 2009 UNDP report (10/09)
LH Submission to Australian Parliamentary Inquiry on Human Rights Mechanisms and the Asia-Pacific, as well as submission from Clinton Fernandes (12/08)
UNMIT Transitional Strategy and Appeal (3/08)
UNMIT-RDTL Agreement about investigation of 1999 Serious crimes (2/08)
UN sets justice bar low, then declines to jump (2/08)
Timor-Leste declines in UNDP Human Development Ranking (12/07)
LHB Screening PNTL back into service (6/07)
LHB Lessons for the UN from Timor-Leste (3/07)
LHB Public Meeting on PNTL-UNPOL Cooperation (3/07)
UNMIT-RDTL-Australia Memorandum of Understanding on the provision of assistance to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste regarding provision and coordination of police and military forces (1/07)
UNMIT-RDTL Arrangement on how the UN police will work with the Timorese Police (12/06)
LH Timor-Leste slips slightly in UNDP Human Development Index (11/06)
Debate over placing foreign troops in Timor-Leste under UN command (8/06)
includes statements from La'o Hamutuk, TL NGO Forum, IFET, James Dunn and many UN and RDTL Documents.
The Paradox of Aid in Timor-Leste (7/06), paper presented by La'o Hamutuk at the University of Brasilia
LH Suggestions for the Next United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (6/06)
summary press release
LHB Assessment of UNMISET Advisors (8/05)
LHB Civil Society Forum statement on Millennium Development Goals (1/04)
Open Letter to UNMISET (7/03). This letter was printed as an LHB Editorial: What should UNMISET do now? (8/03)
LHB UNDP Workshop on Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh (5/03)
LHB UNMISET and Internal Security in Timor-Leste (5/03)
LHB Hiroshima UN Conference on Post-Conflict Reconstruction (3/03)
Disorder in Timor-Leste: The International Community Must Accept Responsibility; also Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia (12/02)
LHB Timor-Leste joins United Nations (10/02)
LHB Special Report on Electricity (8/02)
LHB UNDP letter on Japan's aid to the Power Sector, and LH Response (12/02)
LHB Timor-Leste Faces Post-UNTAET Challenges (5/02)
Can the Rule of Law Prevail? Pressure from UN HQ Exacerbates Amos W Tax Controversy. Bahasa version (3/02)
Also: Response from UNTAET (3/02)
LHB An Assessment of the UN’s Police Mission in Timor-Leste (2/02)
LHB The United Nations, Gender Affairs, and Timor-Leste (8/01)
LHB Reconstruction and Transition: What are the Next Steps? (7/01)
LHB UNTAET-World Bank Background Paper (7/01)
LHB Planning for the Post-UNTAET Era (7/01)
E. Timor NGOs protest UN police predictions of election violence with CivPol response (3/01) and LHB Editorial (4/01)
LH on UNTAET Gag Rule (1/01)
LHB World Health Organization Report on Timor-Leste Health Situation (11/00)
LHB Environmental Health: UNTAET and Asbestos (7/00)
LHB Evaluation of Humanitarian Aid Process Released by UNTAET (7/00)
LHB Timor-Leste's Reconstruction: Much to celebrate, and much yet to accomplish (6/00)
Aprezentasaun Observasaun no
Analiza OJE MAPPF 2024 no 2025 ka
PDF (12/24)
LH Komunikadu Imprensa kona-ba Loron Mundiál Ai-han (10/24)
Aprezentasaun Proposta OJE 2024 liga ho Setor Agrikultura ka PDF (12/23)
Media Brifing aprezentasaun Agrikultura no Diversifikasaun Ekonomia ka PDF (12/23)
LH Karta aberta ba Ministru Agrikultura kona-ba programa Governu no Ministériu (10/23)
LHB Dalan ba soberania ai-han iha Timor-Leste (12/22)
HASATIL Komunikadu Imprensa kona-ba Loron Mundiál Ai-han (10/22)
LH Karta ba Ministeriu kona-ba dadus ne’ebé publika iha Bulletin Seguransa Ai-han (8/22)
Radio Igualdade: Food System Summit (Simeira Sistema Ai-han) (4/22)
Deklarasaun Konjunta Koligasaun Agrikultura no Rede-HASATIL Kona-ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2022 (1/22)
LHB Diálogu Nasionál ba Simeira Sistema Ai-han (1/22)
HASATIL Esteitmentu konjunta ba Loron Mundiál Ai-han (10/21)
Blog: Oxfam/Monash presentation on Modernizasaun Agrikultura / Modernizing Agriculture (8/21)
Civil society memo to the Ministry of Agriculture on the UN Food Systems Summit (also Tetum) (7/21)
Radio Igualdade: Juventude no Agrikultura liga ho Programa husi Governu (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Agrikultura no diversifikasaun ka PDF (5/21)
Blog Relatóriu peskiza Indústria Transformadora produtu Agrikultura / Research report on Agriculture Processing Industry
Aprezentasaun Dezafiu no rekomendasaun sira husi Relatóriu Indústria Transformadora Produtu Agrikultura (mos PDF)
Relatóriu Indústria Transformadora Produtu Agrikultura iha Timor-Leste (2/21)
Vantajen Programa Cesta Bázika nian ba Seguransa Ai-han iha Timor-Leste (12/20)
LHB Ita Aproveita ona Ita nia Rekursu no Poténsia Agrikultura nian ho loloos? (12/20)
Aprezentasaun Proposta Planu no Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2021 ba Setór Agrikultura (mos PDF) (11/20)
LH-HASATIL submisaun ho analiza no rekomendasaun ba OJE 2021 setór agrikultura (11/20)
Blog: Rezultadu husi Global Hunger Index 2020 kredivel ka lae? / How credible is the 2020 Global Hunger Index? (11/20)
HASATIL statement for World Food Day (Tetum) (10/20)
Agrikultura Familiar nudár Dalan ida ba Timor-Leste hodi Atinje Soberania Ai-han (mos verzaun badak) (6/20)
Aprezentasaun Tanba sá nafatin Inseguransa ai-han iha TLS? (mos PDF) (10/19)
Deklarasaun hamutuk OSC kona ba Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun iha TL (10/19)
Aprezentasaun Observasaun kona-ba Agrikultura no Seguransa Ai-han (mos PDF) (9/19)
LH comment on draft Pesticide decree-law (mos Tetum komentariu no dekretu-lei) (3/19)
Aprezentasaun Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-Leste (mos PDF) (6/19)
Radio Igualdade: Tanba sa Tenke Promove Agro-Ekolojia no Biodiversidade (9/18)
HASATIL statement for World Food Day: Promove Ai-han Lokál Nutritivu hodi Hakotu Hamlaha no Mal-nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste (10/18)
Radio Igualdade: Soberania Ai-han (6/18)
Radio Igualdade: Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamento Produtu Agríkola (5/18)
LHB Semináriu Nasionál: Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha TL
National Seminar on challenges and potential for small agricultural processors (5/18)
LH submission on draft Mechanization Policy (3/18)
Blog Semináriu kona-ba Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha TL (2/18)
Polítika Agrikultura / Agriculture Policy in Timor-Leste (6/20)
HASATIL Komunikadu ba Imprensa kona-ba Loron Mundiál Ai-Han (10/17)
Radio Igualdade: Revizaun Polítika Agrikultura Nasionál Timor-Leste (9/17)
LH submission on Draft Pesticide Policy (also Tetum) (7/17)
Apresentasaun Dezafiu ba Indústria Ki'ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-Leste (mos PowerPoint, 6/17)
LH comment on Draft Agriculture Policy and Strategic Framework (6/17)
Draft Agriculture Policy and Strategic Framework from Ministry of Agriculture
Radio Igualdade: Toos Eskolar/School Garden (8/16)
Radio Igualdade: Politika Agrikultura Sustentavel (7 MB Tetum audio) (2/16)
Radio Igualdade: Oinsa Utiliza Jardim Uma Hun (7 MB Tetum audio) (8/15)
Radio Igualdade: Agrikultor sira nia lian (7 MB Tetum audio) (7/15)
Estratéjia ba Autosufisiensia foos: Hamenus Importasaun no Hamenus Dependénsia (6/15)
Radio Igualdade: Konsellu Nasional Seguransa, Soberania Alimentar Nutrisaun Timor-Leste (KONSSANTIL) (7 MB Tetum audio) (3/15)
Letter from LH to Parliament on Agriculture (also Tetum) in the 2015 State Budget (11/14)
Radio Igualdade: Agrobiodiversidade (10/14)
Radio Igualdade: Karateristika Fini Hibrida no GMO (10/14)
Poverty and the Agricultural Household by Monash University (Eng/Tet) with LH comment (6/14)
LH Comments on Draft National Action Plan for Zero Hunger Challenge (also Tetum) (5/14)
Radio Igualdade: Politika Seguransa aihan no agrikultura sustentavel (audio, 7MB) (5/14)
LH Second submission to MAF and FAO on TL National Food and Nutrition Policy (also Tetum) (4/14)
Radio Igualdade: Politika Fini (audio, 7MB) (1/14)
LH submission on National Food and Nutrition Security Policy (12/13)
LH nia Komentáriu kona ba “Papél Konseitu USAID ba Projetu Integradu ba Kreximentu Ekonómiku ba Kompetitividade Setór Privadu, Agrikultura no Mudansa Klimátika Global” (also English) (11/13)
HASATIL statement for World Food Day (also Tetum, Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesia) (10/13)
LHB: Food Sovereignty and Food Security (also Tetum) (7/13)
Aprezentasaun ba Konferensia VU/UNTL nian Polítika Nasional Fini Timor-Leste no nia implikasaun (mos PDF) (7/13)
Monash report Coffee, Poverty and Economic Development in TL (7/13)
LH second submission on draft national seed policy (Sumariu iha Tetum) (3/13)
Aprezentasaun husi LH: Politika Fini Timor-Leste no nia implikasaun ba ita nia moris (PowerPoint no PDF) (11/12)
Valoriza Agrikultor sira-nia Lian no sira-nia Matenek. Relatoriu LH nian Konsultasaun ho Agrikultor-sira (9/11)
Inklui aprezentasaun no relatoriu tomak and English translation Valuing Farmers' Words and Wisdom.
Sosiedade Sivil no Movimentu Agrikultor iha Timor-Leste (Tetum/English) (1/11)
LH: Planu Asaun MAP 2011 vs Agrikultor nia Nesesidade (Timor Post, 12/10)
Radio Igualidade: Planu Asaun Ministeriu Agrikultura no Pescas (6 MB Tetum MP3) (12/10)
Radio Igualidade: Dezafiu Agrikultor iha Area Rural (6 MB Tetum MP3) (9/10)
Radio Igualidade: Agrikultor nia lian kona-ba servisu Ministeriu Agrikultura iha baze (6 MB Tetum MP3) (7/10)
Radio Igualidade: Agrikultura Organiku (6 MB Tetum MP3) (5/10)
Radio Igualidade: Loron Luta Agrikultor nian (6 MB Tetum MP3) (4/10)
LHB: Consolidate La Via Campesina in East & Southeast Asia (6/09)
Surat Popular Fabrika Ai-oan Mutin iha Carabela (5/09)
Commentary and documents about five agro-fuels projects, including MOUs and other documents (12/08)
LHB Jatropha: Jobs for farmers or fuel for foreigners? (11/08)
LHB Agrofuels, land rights and agreements (11/08)
LHB Oecusse Community Activation Program (OCAP) (1/08)
LHB The Government's Agriculture Program (1/08)
LHB European Union Rural Development Program (11/05)
LHB Exchange with Philippines on agrarian reform (4/05)
LHB Exchange participants return from Cuba on health and agriculture (1/04), Participants launch book on Cuba's experience (12/05)
Surat Popular: Agriculture
LHB Coffee in Timor-Leste and the World. Several reports (4/02)
LHB Editorial: Challenging the Injustice of Coffee (4/02)
LHB An Assessment of Pilot Agricultural Service Centers in Timor-Leste (2/02)
LHB Sustainable Agriculture in Timor Lorosa’e (2/02)
LHB Assessing the World Bank’s Agricultural Project (12/00)