La'o Hamutuk has written this web page to share some important information about the 2012 elections, through which Timor-Leste's citizens will chose the President and Parliament which will guide this nation for the next five years. We believe that this a critical period which will determine the long-term future of this country, and hope that wise decisions will be made. As a non-partisan civil society organization, we do not support any candidate or party. However, we are concerned about the proposed Government of National Unity. (PDF), and are glad that it did not happen. Click here for a list of names and contact information for members of the the Government. | La’o Hamutuk hakerek ona iha pájina web ida ne'e hodi fahe informasaun importante balun kona ba eleisaun 2012, nune’e Timor Leste nia sidadaun tomak sei eleitu nia Prezidente no Parlamentu ne'ebé atu hodi nasaun ida ne’e ba tinan lima oin mai. Ami fiar katak períodu krítiku refere sei determina futuru tempu naruk ba nasaun ne’e, no espera katak sei foti desizaun ne'ebé di'ak. Hanesan organizasaun sosiedade sivíl ne'ebé imparsiál ami la suporta espesialmente ba kandidatu ou partidu polítiku ruma. Maski, ami preokupa kona ba proposta atu hare Governu Unidade Nasional. (PDF) |
Election results: coalition for five more years The table at right (click it to see larger, or download as PDF) shows the allocation of seats among the 21 parties and coalitions contesting the election, according to the complete preliminary vote count released by STAE around noon on 8 July. Only four parties reached the 3% threshold: Forming a governing coalition requires at least 33 seats, which could be done by any two of the first three parties listed. Negotiations are underway. If you want to see how these calculations were done, as well as what would have happened without the 3% threshold (10 parties would be in Parliament), download this Excel spreadsheet. The following people have have been elected, although some will not take their seats because they will be Ministers or for other reasons. In that case, the next person (or the next woman, if a woman doesn't take her seat) gets the seat. The four complete slates are here. |
On 23 July, La'o Hamutuk wrote an open letter (Tetum) congratulating every member of the new Parliament and suggesting some issues where we can collaborate with them. Following the formation of the new Government in August, La'o Hamutuk has published lists of the members of Government and of Parliament with telephone numbers, emails, and Committee assignments, as well as the areas of competence of each Parliamentary Committee (Port.). | Iha loron 23 fulan Jullo, La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta aberta ba deputadu/a hotu iha Parlamentu foun, atu kongratula sira no buka dalan atu kolabora ho sira kona ba asuntu balun. Tuir kriasaun Governu foun, La'o Hamutuk publika lista membru Governu no Parlamentu ho sira nia numero telefone, email, no komisaun. |
Recent events | Eventu |
Parliamentary election, 7 July 2012 | Eleisaun Parlamentár iha dia 7 Jullu 2012 |
Presidential elections, 17 March and 19 April 2012 | Eleisaun Prezidensiál, 17 Marsu no 19 Abríl 2012 |