La'o Hamutuk Mission Statement
La’o Hamutuk (“Walking Together” in English) is a Timor-Leste non-governmental organization which analyses and reports on development processes, including the policies and programs of international institutions and of Timor-Leste’s government. La’o Hamutuk facilitates communication between people in Timor-Leste and Timorese and international decision makers, as well as establishing solidarity links with other countries to explore alternative development models. We believe that the full participation of all communities in the country’s development decision making can help ensure that the people of Timor-Leste will benefit the most from their resources, and work towards providing information and space to allow them to understand participate in the development process. La’o Hamutuk’s Vision The people of Timor-Leste, women and men, of current and future generations, will live in peace and contentment. They will control a transparent, just and sustainable development process which respects all people’s cultures and rights. All citizens will benefit from Timor-Leste’s resources, and will accept the responsibility for protecting them. Since our founding in 2000, La’o Hamutuk has had a policy to preserve our ability to monitor institutions objectively, as well as to avoid perceptions that we might be influenced by funders. We do not accept grants from donors with significant interests in Timor-Leste, such as the United Nations and its agencies, the World Bank, ADB, IMF, major donors to Timor-Leste, the Timor-Leste government, political parties, or companies operating here. We rely on private foundations, NGOs, governments of small countries, and individual donations. Original mission statement from May 2000 La'o Hamutuk Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis
Mission Statement La'o Hamutuk is a joint Timor-Leste-international organization that seeks to monitor and to report on the activities of the principal international institutions present in Timor-Leste as they relate to the physical and social reconstruction of the country. The institute operates under the assumption that the people of Timor-Leste must be the ultimate arbiters of the reconstruction process and, thus, that the process should be as democratic and transparent as possible. In this regard, La'o Hamutuk provides non-partisan analysis of international activities in the territory with the goal of facilitating greater levels of effective Timorese participation in the reconstruction and development of the country. In addition to providing information on, and analysis of, the reconstruction and development processes, La'o Hamutuk works to improve communication between international institutions and organizations and the various sectors of Timorese society. Finally, La'o Hamutuk serves as a resource center, providing literature on different development models, experiences, and practices, as well as facilitating contacts between Timorese groups, and specialists and practioners involved in matters relating to development in various parts of the world. La'o Hamutuk Institutu ba Analiza no Monitor Rekonstrusaun Timor Lorosae Fundamentu/Ka Liafuan kona serbisu La'o Hamutuk La'o Hamutuk organizasaun internasional Timor Lorosae nian ida neebe forma ona, atu fo liman ba malu, hodi hare halao desenvolvimentu mak husi instituisoens internationais sira hakur dadaun. Buat sira nee La'o Hamutuk sei fo sai iha nia reportagem atividades neebe lao kona ba estadu fisiku no sosial dait ba reconstrusaun iha rai Timor Lorosa'e. Rekonstruksaun serbisu ida mak La'o Hamutuk fihir liu-liu atu akompanha, katak povu Timor tenki hatene halu parte prosesu ida nee, tan sira mak rai nain. La'os atu hakat liu deit, mait serbisu nee tenki la'o los no monu ba povu nia matan, tuir dalan demokratiku no transperencia. Ba nee La'o Hamutuk forma organizasaun ida nee nia serbisu lahalis ba fatin ida deit/imparcial, nia serbisu mos hanesan halo analisa kona ba aktividade internasional hodi hare partisipasaun husi Timor oan sira iha fase rekonstrusaun ida nee kona ba desenvolvimentu iha fase transisaun. La'o Hamutuk nia serbisu engloba mos komunikasaun diak liutan entre institutuisoes internasional sira, organizasoens sira, liu-liu setores sosiedade Timor oan sira hodi halao ligasaun hodi halao serbisu oioin mak presisa. Ikus mai La'o Hamutuk hela hanesan centro/ema klaran hodi halibur literatura ho modelu iha desenvolvimento oioin, tuir esperiensia, pratika no fasilita entre grupus Timor oan sira liu-liu, espesialista sira atu hamutuk bele hare serbisu hirak nee laos iha Timor Lorosa'e deit maibe iha mos fatin oioin iha mundu rai klaran. La'o Hamutuk Institut Pemantau dan Analisis Rekonstruksi Timor Timur Misi La'o Hamutuk adalah organisasi Timor Lorosa'e-Internasional yang bertujuan memantau dan melapor tentang kegiatan-kegiatan dari institusi-institusi utama yang ada di Timor Lorosa'e dalam rangka pembangunan kembali sarana fisik dan sosial. Institut La'o Hamutuk ini beroperasi dengan dasar pemikiran bahwa rakyat Timor Lorosa'e harus menjadi pemutus utama dari proses pembangunan kembali tersebut dan, prosesnya harus se-demokratis dan se-transparan mungkin. Dalam hal ini, La'o Hamutuk melakukan suatu analisis yang tidak berpihak terhadap kegiatan Internasional di Timor Lorosa'e dengan tujuan memfasilitasikan partisipasi yang efektif dan bertingkat oleh rakyat Timor Lorosa'e dalam proses pembangunan kembali. Selain memberi informasi dan analisis tentang proses rekonstruksi dan pembangunan, La'o Hamutuk bekerja untuk meningkatkan komunikasi antara institusi-institusi dan organisasi-organisasi internasional dengan masing-masing bidang dalam masyarakat Timor Lorosa'e. Akhirnya, La'o Hamutuk menjadi pusat sumber informasi dengan berbagai bacaan, tentang model pembanguan, pengalaman dan praktek yang berlainan, dan juga mengfasilitasi jaringan antara kelompok-kelompok Timor Lorosa'e dengan ahli-ahli dan pelaksana-pelaksana yang terlibat dalam hal proses pembangunan di seluruh dunia. |