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Index to Articles by Topic

"LHB" indicates that the article was published in the La'o Hamutuk Bulletin. Most other items are press releases, reports, or submissions to public officials.
Articles are in reverse chronological order, with the most recent listed first.

Select a topic to go to a list of links to articles about it:
Hili topiku ida atu ba lista ligasaun ba artigu sira kona-ba ida ne'e:

Justice and Human Rights / Justisa no direitu umanu (see separate index page)

Oil and Natural Gas / Mina rai no gás naturál (see separate index page)

Environment / Ambiente (see also water / hare mós bee moos)

International Financial Institutions / Instituisaun Finansiál Internasionál sira

Timor-Leste Economy / Ekonomia (see also the following three sections / hare mós parte tolu tuir mai)

Global Trade and Markets (including ASEAN) / Merkadu globál (inklui ASEAN)

State Finances / Finansas Estadu nian (see also Petroleum Fund and Transparency / hare mós Fundu Petrolifeiru no Transparénsia)

Corruption / Korrupsaun (see also State Finances above / hare mós Finansas Estadu iha leten)

Education / Edukasaun (see also Popular Education below) (hare mós Edukasaun Popular iha kraik)

Aid to Timor-Leste / Asisténsia ba Timor-Leste (see also Donors Conferences below / hare mós Konferénsia parseiru dezenvolvimentu iha kraik)

Donors (Development Partners) Conferences / Konferénsia parseiru dezenvolvimentu

United Nations / Nasoins Unidas

Japanese Peacekeepers / Militar sira husi Japaun

Militarization and War / Militarizmu no Funu

Land rights / Direitu asesu ba rai

Agriculture / Agrikultura

Water supply / Fornesimentu Bee Moos

Elections / Eleisaun sira

Popular Education and Intercambios (see also Education above)
Edukasaun populár
(hare mós Edukasaun iha leten)

Solidarity and activism / Solidariedade no ativizmu

Other / Seluk

Back to topic index / Fila ba leten

The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua Felicidade (Rua Cardoso Dias), Gricenfor, Bairro Central, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:  Web:  Facebook