Radio Igualdade: Lei
Mudansa Klimátika (8/24)
Analiza OJE husi Perspetiva Polítika Diversifikasaun Ekonomia / Mudansa
Klimatika (mós
PDF) (8/24)
Mining Projects
index page (7/24)
Registry of Environmental Licensing Documents / Dokumentu sira kona-ba Lisensiamentu Ambientál (7/24)
Creating a Mining Code / Dezenvolve Kódigu Mineiru ba Timor-Leste (7/24)
The Oil Industry and the Prevention of Climate Change in the Context of
TL (also
PDF and
article) (6/24)
Proposed Climate Change Law and documents (6/24)
Blog The potential, challenges and risks of developing the Blue Economy in Timor-Leste /
Poténsia, dezafiu no risku dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Azúl iha Timor-Leste (4/23)
Presentation Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) at Bayu-Undan (also PDF) (12/22)
LHB Konsultasaun iha perfurasaun mina no gás iha Covalima (12/22)
LH video Mudansa Klimátika no Kauza sira (mós high-resolution (98 MB)) (12/22)
Blog Rezultadu husi COP27: Fundu Indenizasaun sei realiza, maibé emisaun gás estufa sei kontinua nafatin
COP27 Conference outcome: Loss and Damage Fund established, but emissions continue unabated (12/22)
Surat Popular: Mudansa klimátika fó risku mai ita hotu no jerasaun tuir mai. (11/22)
Aprezentasaun Kaptura no Rai Hela Karbonu: Solusaun ka Kolonializmu Karbonu? (mos PDF) (7/22)
Radio Igualdade: Mudansa Klimátika (5/22)
LH submission to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority on pipelines related to the Barossa gas project and CCS at Bayu-Undan (2/22)
LHB Kompańia Propoin atu rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos (1/22)
LHB Dili no Territóriu TL: Tenke Hatuur ona ba iha Kondisaun Reziliénsia (1/22)
Presentation Carbon Capture in Timor-Leste: Is it Carbon Colonialism? (also PDF) (11/21)
Presentations (PDF) from webinar series on climate change, including: (10/21):
LH submission to ANPM on the environmental license for the Rusa-1 onshore test oil well in Ainaro (9/21)
Blog: Dili no Territóriu Timor-Leste: Presiza Avansa ho Planu Integradu no Inkluzivu
Artigu Díli no Territóriu Timor-Leste: Planu Urbanu no Territorial: Presiza Avansa ho Planu Integradu no Inkluzivu
Dili and Timor-Leste’s Territory: Urban and Territorial planning: Need to Promote Integrated and Inclusive Plans (7/21)
Radio Igualdade: Planu urbanu no territoriál (10/21)
Blog Carbon Capture and Storage under the Timor Sea: Climate Change Prevention or Carbon Colonialism?
Kaptura no rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos: Solusaun ba Mudansa Klimátika ka Kolonializmu Karbonu? (7/21)
LHB Prosesu Konsultasaun Públiku ba Projetu Dili Drainajen (12/20)
Surat Popular: Kumpre Lisensamentu Ambientál sei Hamenus Risku ba Ambiente no Komunidade sira nia Moris (10/20)
LH/RbR Paresér kona-ba Projetu Dili Drainajen Faze Segundu (10/20)
Blog Hatene Impaktu Husi Atividade Umanu ba Mudansa Klimátika no artigu kompletu (8/20)
Radio Igualdade: Loron Mundial ba Meiu-Ambiente (6/20)
Video Kuidadu Natureza salva ita nia Futuru (21 MB MP4) ka bele hare iha YouTube ka iha high-resolution Kuidadu Natureza salva ita nia Futuru (87 MB MP4) (6/20)
Karta aberta kona-ba Problema Ambientál no Impaktu Mudansa Klimátika (6/20)
How to create an economy that cares for women and the environment? (12/19)
Without the Enforcement of Environmental Laws, Petroleum Infrastructure Projects in TL Come at a Cost (12/19)
Presentation LH engagement in policy advocacy and public education in TL (also PDF) (10/19)
Presentation Land and Environmental Rights of Communities in Timor-Leste (also PDF) 10/19)
LH comment on draft Pesticide decree-law (mos Tetum komentariu no dekretu-lei) (3/19)
Surat Popular: Ita labele husik dezenvolvimentu estraga ita-nia moris no ambiente (12/18)
Presentation Aprende hamutuk esperiénsia aat kona ba violasaun lisensamentu ambientál husi implementasaun projetu boot sira (mos PDF) (12/18)
Blog: Lisensamentu Ambientál – hodi proteje ita hotu
LHB Lisensamentu Ambientál - Hodi Proteje Ita Hotu (11/18)
LHB Labele Hamosu Konflitu Interese iha Prosesu Lisensamentu Ambientál (11/18)
Blog Timor-Leste nia tasi tenke mantein nudár area protejidu ba ikan-baleia no golfińu / Timor-Leste’s waters must remain a sanctuary for whales and dolphins (10/18)
Blog Who should grant environmental licenses for mining and petroleum?
Sé mak bele emite Lisensa Ambientál ba petróleu no mineiru? (9/18)
LH Komunikadu imprensa (also English) and letter to Prime Minister urging that Petroleum Ministry not be given the authority to issue environmental licenses (also Tetum, 9/18)
Radio Igualdade: Implementasaun Dekretu Lei Lisensamentu Ambiental (8/18)
Basic Environmental and Licensing Laws adoption and enforcement (7/23)
Aprezentasaun Implementasaun Lei Lisensamentu Ambiental liga ho Dezenvolvimentu Projetu Infrastrutura sira (mos PowerPoint) (6/18)
LHB Implementasaun Dekretu-Lei Ambientál sira iha TL
Implementing Environmental Decree-Laws in TL (5/18)
Regulating Onshore Petroleum Operations (1/18)
Paper Dezenvolvimentu projetu infrastrutura sira no dezafiu ba implementasaun lisensamentu ambientál (10/17)
Aprezentasaun Dezenvolvimentu projetu infrastrutura sira no dezafiu ba implementasaun lisensamentu ambientál, mos PowerPoint (7/17)
Creating a Mining Code / Dezenvolve Kódigu Mineiru ba Timor-Leste (Eng/Tet) (6/17)
Blog: LH husu PDHJ atu haforsa implementasaun Lei Lisensamentu Ambientál
also text of LH letter to Provedor (English or Tetum ) (6/16)
Environmental Impacts of the proposed Betano oil refinery (5/16)
LH statement to the first Conference on Adaptation to Climate Change (also Tetum) (11/14)
Blog: Environmental Licensing: Who needs it? (5/14)
LH submission to DNMA on the draft Regulations and Guidelines for Environmental Licensing (1/14)
Blog: Consultation begins on draft Mining Code (also Tetum), with drafts in three languages (9/13)
Second LH submission on revised draft Protected Areas Decree-Law (6/13)
LH submission on draft Protected Areas Decree-Law (also Tetum) (3/13)
LH letter to President TMR on the Basic Environment Law (law text in English and Portuguese) (6/12)
Basic Environment Decree-Law no. 26/2012 of 4 July (Portuguese) as enacted (7/12)
Sustainable Development in Timor-Leste: National Report to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development by the RDTL Ministry of Economy and Development, UNDP and UN DESA (5/12)
LH letter to President Jose Ramos-Horta on the Basic Environment Law (5/11)
La'o Hamutuk submission to DNMA regarding draft Biodiversity Decree-Law (also Tetum)and list of endangered and alien species (4/12)
LH comments at Rio+20 Green Economy for Sustainable Development workshop (11/11)
LH second submission to DNMA on draft Basic Environment Law (10/11)
Revised draft Basic Environmental Law (also Portuguese) for second consultation (9/11)
LH submission on Basic Environmental Law: Narrative part and section-by-section comments (3/11)
Declaration One Hour for Mother Earth (also Tetum) and action photos (10/10/10)
LH submission (also Tetum) on TOR for Environmental Impact Statement (also Tetum) for Eni's further exploratory drilling in S06-03 (9/10)
LH submission on Environmental Impact Statement for Eni's Cova-1 exploratory drilling (7/10) and Eni's response (also Tetum) (8/10)
Oilwatch Southeast Asia Regional Meeting presentations and statement (also Tetum) (7/10)
LH submission on Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plans for Reliance's exploratory drilling in Block K of Timor-Leste exclusive offshore area (6/10)
LH submission on Eni's proposed Environmental Management Plan (also Tetum) for the GeoStreamer seismic survey (6/10)
Radio Igualidade: Rezultadu Konferensia UNFCCC iha Kopenhagen (6 MB Tetum MP3) (4/10)
LH Open Letter asking Prime Minister not to sign the Copenhagen Accord (Eng. and Tet.) (3/10)
LHB Timor-Leste in global action against climate change (2/10)
Climate Change and Timor-Leste index page (12/09)
Heavy oil power plants index and analysis (Eng. and Tet.) (3/09)
LHB Jatropha: Jobs for farmers or fuel for foreigners? (11/08)
LHB Heavy Oil power plants (also Tetum) (11/08)
LHB Climate Justice, Now! (also Tetum) (11/08)
Justisa Klimatika presentation (Tetum) (9/08)
LHB The Impact of Mining on Women in the Pacific (8/08)
LHB Civil Society Forum on Climate Change (8/08)
Commentary and documents about sugar cane and jatropha agro-fuels projects, including MOUs and other documents (6/08)
Seismic exploration environmental management plans from Eni and Reliance, with submissions from La'o Hamutuk (6/08)
Sunrise LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges (2/08)
LH submission regarding Environmental Plan for Eni Marine Seismic Survey (6/07)
Petroleum in Timor-Leste (presentation to the International Forum on Petroleum, Human Rights and Environmental Reparation, Ecuador) (10/06)
Oil in Timor-Leste: A discussion of economic, ecological and moral debt. (Chapter written for Oilwatch by La'o Hamutuk) (9/05)
LHB Protecting Timor-Leste's Environment: Regulation and Enforcement (7/00)
Public-Private Partnership for Dili airport (also Tetum) with documents and other information (8/21)
LHB Relatóriu Nasionál Balu ne’ebé Publika iha 2018 (11/18)
LHB PPP Ameasa Servisu Públiku ba Ita Nia Povu (11/18)
In-depth article on Public-Private Partnership for Tibar Port (English/Tetum) (10/18)
Presentation Oil, debt and sustainability: TL’s borrowing plans and their implications for the future / Mina, deve no sustentabilidade: TL nia planu empréstimu no nia implikasaun ba futuru (Also English PowerPoint, Tetum PowerPoint, 6/17)
Programa Radio Igualdade: WTO ninia implikasaun negativu ba TL (1/17)
LH position paper on Timor-Leste's accession to the World Trade Organization (also Tetum) (1/17)
The Reference page (also Tetum) on this website includes many reports by IFIs (2/17)
LH Blog: Spinning straw into gold: Facts remain true, regardless of public relations responding to government economic claims (11/16)
Hafalun fatuk ho osan mean: Faktus mak faktus nafatin, maske relasaun públiku konta buat seluk (12/16)
Blog on Tibar Port tendering in English or Tetum. (8/16)
IMF 2016 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (6/16)
Radio Igualdade: Projetu Portu Tibar ho Modelu Parseria Publiku Privadu (4/16)
TL government blocks publication of IMF Article IV report for 2014 (12/14)
LH Blog The Double Digit disappears (also Double digit lakon ona) on lower IFI GDP estimates (4/14)
IMF 2013 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (12/13)
Timor-Leste is going into debt (also Tetum). Background, commentary, documents. (3/12)
Why Should Timor-Leste go into Debt? (also Tetum) Background and documents from 2009-2011. (2/12)
IMF 2011 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (2/12)
Groups worldwide urge debt-free Timor-Leste not to borrow. Statement and press release from 117 Timorese and international organizations (English/Tetum) (9/11)
IMF 2010 Article IV report on Timor-Leste's economy and public finances (3/11)
LH letter to the IMF about their reports on public financial management (12/10) and IMF response (1/11)
The World Bank's Doing Business 2011 report and Timor-Leste (11/10)
NGO Forum submission (also Tetum) on proposed budget and financial management law (9/09)
LHB Editorial: World Bank Recommends Neo-Liberal Pathway, Again (1/08)
The Paradox of Aid in Timor-Leste, paper presented by La'o Hamutuk at the University of Brasilia (7/06)
LHB World Trade Organization Exposed in Ermera (11/05)
LHB Editorial: Whitewashing Wolfowitz at the World Bank (8/05)
Lessons Learned: The Community Empowerment and Local Governance Project. Report by Rolling Think Tank (3/04)
LHB World Social Forum “Another World is Possible” (3/04)
LHB The Banking and Payments Authority (BPA) and the IMF's role(1/04)
Report from seminar on Timor-Leste joining the International Financial Institutions (11/02)
Surat Popular: Banku Mundial iha Timor Lorosa'e (World Bank in Timor-Leste)
LHB Report on "IDA 14" Opinion Leaders Consultation, Vietnam (12/04)
Also LHB Editorial: The Truth Behind the International Development Association and its Poverty Reduction Policy (12/04)
LHB Seven Ways to Meet Timor-Leste’s Financial Gap (3/04)
LHB WB Workshop on Gender and Poverty Reduction (11/03)
LHB ADB Fiji Workshop on Good Governance (11/03)
LHB Editorial: Privatization and Profit in Developing Countries (11/03)
LHB A Review of the First Year of the Transition Support Program, including diagrams about public sector spending in Timor-Leste (5/03)
LHB The Asian Development Bank in Timor-Leste, highlighting its Microfinance project and privatization agenda (3/03)
LHB The Community Empowerment Project Revisited (10/02)
LHB Editorial: A Brief Overview of the National Development Plan (8/02)
LHB Editorial: Financial Independence (5/02)
LHB Report from the World Social Forum II (4/02)
LHB An Assessment of Pilot Agricultural Service Centers in Timor-Leste (2/02)
LHB School Furniture: Looking at a World Bank-UNTAET/ETTA Project (8/01)
LHB UNTAET-World Bank Background Paper (7/01)
LHB The IMF in Timor-Leste (6/01)
LHB Editorial: Dollarization and Democracy (6/01)
LHB The World Bank in Timor-Leste (12/00)
LHB Assessing the World Bank’s Agricultural Project (12/00)
LHB Evaluating the World Bank’s CEP Project (12/00)
LHB Editorial: Democracy & the World Bank (12/00)
Empréstimu no risku ba TL iha
futuru (também
Portuguese) (7/24)
Perspetiva kona-ba Sustentabilide Fiskál iha Timor-Leste (mos iha
YouTube) (5/24)
Programa Radio Igualdade
Oinsá OJE 2024
investe ba polítika ou programa diversifikasaun ekonomia iha TL (3/24)
Rights and Sustainability: LH briefing on key issues facing TL. 13 MB PowerPoint or
Direitu no Sustentabilidade: Aprezentasaun husi LH kona-ba asuntu xave. 14 MB PowerPoint ka
4 MB PDF (2/24)
Surat Popular
Rai Naruk Fiskál (Fiscal
cliff, 11/23)
Programa Radio Igualdade
Sustentabilidade fiskal (11/23)
Aprezentasaun ba TLSA
Prevene Timor-Leste ba Rai Naruk Fiskál (mós
PDF) (7/23)
Reviews and readjustment of the National Strategic Development Plan (mos
Tetum) (6/23)
Dezenvolvimentu Alternativa Hafoin Mina (mós
PDF) (4/23)
Programa Televizaun RTTL husi La'o Hamutuk
Alternativa Dezenvolvimentu Hafoin Mina (5/23)
Dependensia ba Fundu Petróleo no Alternativa (mós
PDF) (3/23)
Timor-Leste Presiza Foti Desizaun ba Ekonomia Sustentavel (also
PDF) (3/23)
Ekonomia Azul (also
PDF) (3/23)
The potential, challenges and risks of developing the blue economy in Timor-Leste /
Poténsia, dezafiu no risku dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Azúl iha Timor-Leste (4/23)
Tanba sá ita hasoru hela rai-naruk fiskál? (12/22)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Programa Cesta Bázika segundu faze (6/22)
Submisaun husi CSO sira kona-ba Re-ajustamentu Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu (4/22)
Observations about Sustainability of State Finances and the Economy PowerPoint or
Observasaun Kona-ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu, Ekonomia PowerPoint ka
PDF (4/22)
Chinese involvement in Timor-Leste: myths and facts (also
PDF) (10/21)
Timor-Leste 2021 Economic Survey: The End of Petroleum Income academic paper
Timor-Leste: Survei Ekonómiku 2021: Reseita petrolíferu hotu ona (10/21)
Also blog
Timor-Leste will soon be running on fumes (10/21)
Konseitu Xave husi Makroekonomia (ka
PDF (5/21)
Agrikultura no diversifikasaun ka
PDF (5/21)
Sustentabilidade Fundu Petrolíferu no diversifikasaun ekonomia PowerPoint ka
PDF (4/21)
Presentation Timor-Leste Economic Survey 2021 (also
notes and
video) (2/21)
State of Emergency /
Estadu Emerjénsia (5/21)
Impaktu Covid-19 Hatudu Frakeza no Oportunidade (12/20)
Vantajen Programa Cesta Bázika nian ba Seguransa Ai-han iha Timor-Leste (12/20)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomia - PRE (11/20)
Rezultadu husi Global Hunger Index 2020 kredivel ka lae? /
How credible is the 2020 Global Hunger Index? (11/20)
aprezentasaun Planu ba Rekuperasaun Ekonómiku ka
PDF (10/20)
LH open letter to Prime Minister (Tetum) about the Economic Recovery Plan (10/20)
LH letter to Rui Gomes (mos
Tetum), chair of the Covid-19 Economic Recovery Commission (7/20)
open letter to the Prime Minister (also
Tetum) calling for informal workers and vulnerable groups to be supported by the economic package in the State of Emergency (4/20)
How to create an economy that cares for women and the environment? (12/19)
Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-Leste (mos
PDF) (6/19)
Index page on Timor-Leste buys into the Sunrise Oil and Gas Project
After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (5/19)
Timor-Leste's petroleum-dependent economy and state budget (also
PDF) (4/19)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Importánsia husi Infrastrutura Báziku ba Setór Produtivu (2/19)
PPP Ameasa Servisu Públiku ba Ita Nia Povu (11/18)
In-depth article on Public-Private Partnership for Tibar Port (Eng/Tet) (10/18)
Productive economic sectors are essential for sustainable development in Timor-Leste (paper,
PowerPoint and
PDF of PowerPoint) (7/18)
Depois tinan 18: Presiza atu Husik Dolar Amerika?
After 18 years: Should we drop the U.S. dollar? (5/18)
LH Blog:
18 Years later: Should Timor drop the U.S. dollar?
Depois tinan 18: Presiza atu husik Dolar Amerika? (3/18)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Lian husi komunidade Atauro kona ba ZEESM (2/18)
Perspetiva no Dezafiu hosi moeda lokál ba ekonomia TL (PowerPoint,
PDF) (1/18)
Background and links on
proposed Private Investment Law and Policy, with links to several articles and submissions (6/17)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Lei Investimentu Privadu (5/17)
Timor-Leste’s oil wealth: financing government, building for development and providing for its people (also
article and
blog) (5/17)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Tanba tenke Diversifika Ekonomia? (2/17)
LH Komentáriu Ba Diresaun Jerál Estatístika kona-ba Kestionariu Peskiza ba Atividade Negósiu 2015 nian (11/16)
LH Blog:
Spinning straw into gold: Facts remain true, regardless of public relations responding to government economic claims (11/16)
Hafalun fatuk ho osan mean: Faktus mak faktus nafatin, maske relasaun públiku konta buat seluk (12/16)
Street Vending: Threat to Social Order or Employment Opportunity? (10/16)
Blog on Tibar Port in
English or
Tetum. (8/16)
Employment in extractive industries (Empregu iha Atividades Estrativas), inklui
submisaun husi LH (Tetum) (4/16)
LH Blog:
Private investment is a road, not a destination (mos
Tetum) (4/16)
Background and links on
proposed Private Investment Law and Policy
LH submission on Private Investment Policy (4/16)
LH submission on Private Investment Law (3/16)
LH Blog:
Indicators have Consequences about Bayu-Undan being depleted
Sinál perigu sei iha konsekuénsia (3/16)
LH Blog:
TL's Human Development Index dropping, but data is lacking (12/15)
Fiscal Strategies and their Implications for Wealth Distribution presentation at ANU TL Update (also
PowerPoint and
black/white PDF) (11/15)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Ekonomia Povu Ki'ik (7 MB Tetum audio) (8/15)
LH Blog:
Riches Beyond Imagination debunking exaggerated claims of TL's economic strength (7/15)
Programa Radio Igualdade
Hamenus Importasaun (7 MB Tetum audio) (6/15)
Estratéjia ba Autosufisiensia foos: Hamenus Importasaun no Hamenus Dependénsia (6/15)
Can the Petroleum Fund Exorcise the Resource Curse from TL? (also
PDF) (6/14 and 6/15)
Programa Radio Igualdade:
Projetu Zona Ekonomiku Espesial Sosial Merkadu (ZEESM) (7 MB Tetum audio) (3/15)
LH Blog:
It takes more than money to achieve development: Lessons for and from Timor-Leste (2/15)
TL government blocks publication of IMF Article IV report for 2014 (12/14)
Programa Radio Igualdade
TLDPM ba Asuntu Ekonomiku (7 MB Tetum audio) (11/14)
Presentations from
seminar on Poverty and Timor-Leste's Economic Development Strategy by
La'o Hamutuk,
Monash University researchers,
Ministry of Finance and
ADB (11/14)
LH Presentation to 2014 TLDPM on Economic Strategic Sector (also
Tetum) (7/14)
Special Economic Zone / Zona Ekonómiku Espesiál iha Oecusse (7/14)
Poverty and the Agricultural Household by Monash University (Eng/Tet) with
LH comment (6/14)
LH Radio Igualdade:
Importasaun no Esportasaun (7 MB Tetum audio) (6/14)
TL: The Political Economy of a Rentier State by Guteriano Neves (6/14)
LH Blog
The Double Digit disappears (also
Double digit lakon ona) on lower GDP estimates (4/14)
A look back at 2013 in Timor-Leste (1/14)
LH submission to Dir-Gen of Statistics on revising the
Business Activities Survey (10/13)
Monash report Coffee, Poverty and Economic Development in TL (7/13)
LH Blog on 2011
Business Activities Survey (also
National Accounts,
Household Income and Expenditure Survey from RDTL General Directorate of Statistics and other documents (6/13)
Mari Alkatiri presentation on
Oecussi Special Economic Zone (5/13)
LH submission on Consumer Price Index revision (also
PDF and
Tetum PDF) and results (6/13)
Dili Launch of UN ESCAP Survey (MCIA and other speeches, La'o Hamutuk comment) (5/13)
Treinamento ba Centru Peskiza Parlamentu kona ba orsamentu no ekonomia (3/12)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2025 State Budget (8/24)
Index to Petroleum Fund operations, including management agreements, reports and other information (Eng/Tet) (8/24)
Analiza OJE husi Perspetiva Polítika Diversifikasaun Ekonomia / Mudansa
Klimatika (mós
PDF) (8/24)
Governu Liu Husi Orsamentu Estadu (mós
Empréstimu no risku ba TL iha
futuru (também
Portuguese) (7/24)
Rezultadu OBS
2023 (mós
Results of the 2023 Open Budget Survey for Timor-Leste, including
Country report on Timor-Leste,
open letter
(also Tetum),
press release
(also Tetum),
global report,
Tetum) (6/24)
nia polítika publika, no risku rai-naruk fiskál (fiscal cliff)
OJE liga ho setor Agrikultura (mós
Aprezentasaun (mós
husi treinamentu Analiza Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2024 (3/24)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2024 State Budget (8/24)
LH submisaun ba PN kona-ba proposta OJE 2024
Blog Governu Tenke Realistíku ba Investe iha Setór Sustentável, La’ós Kontinua Mehi Fantazia (12/23)
Blog Government should be realistic and invest in sustainable sectors, not continue to fantasize
Aprezentasaun Proposta OJE 2024 liga ho Setor Agrikultura ka PDF
Rights and Sustainability: LH briefing on key issues facing TL. 12 MB PowerPoint or
Direitu no Sustentabilidade: Aprezentasaun husi LH kona-ba asuntu xave. 12 MB PowerPoint ka 4 MB PDF (6/24)
Surat Popular Rai Naruk Fiskál (Fiscal
cliff, 11/23)
Programa Radio Igualdade Sustentabilidade fiskal (11/23)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2023 State Budget (7/24)
Karta aberta ba Prezidente Republika (also English)
LH submisaun ba PN kona-ba proposta OJE 2023 (also English)
Blog summary of submission (also Tetum)
Aprezentasaun (mós PDF) husi LH ba komunidade iha Maliana no Maubisse (11/22)
Presentation Timor-Leste in the Open Budget Survey (also PDF) (10/23)
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Timor-Leste index page, with reports for 2008-2020 (8/23)
Aprezentasaun TLSA Prevene Timor-Leste ba Rai Naruk Fiskál (mós PDF) (7/23)
Aprezentasaun Dependensia ba Fundu Petróleu no Alternativa (mós PDF) (3/23)
Programa Radio Igualdade: Rai-Naruk Fiskál (Fiscal Cliff) (12/22)
LHB Tanba sá ita hasoru hela rai-naruk fiskál? (12/22)
LHB Observasaun kona-ba siklu orsamentál ba OJE 2023 (12/22)
Aprezentasaun Rai-Naruk Fiskál nia Kauza no Alternativa (mós PDF) husi LH no aprezentasaun sira seluk (12/22)
Programa Radio Igualdade: Open Budget Survey (8/22)
La'o Hamutuk press release on 2021 Open Budget Survey (also Tetum), blog (also Tetum) no Tetum video Estadu Timor-Leste Tenke Pratika Diák Liu Tan Transparénsia no Partisipasaun Publiku (7/22)
Program Radio Igualdade: Programa Cesta Bázika segundu faze (6/22)
Karta aberta husi LH ba PN kona-ba proposta Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira Planu (also English) (5/22)
blog Proposta Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira Planu 2023 / Major Planning Options Law (6/22)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2022 State Budget, Rectification and Budget Framework Law (11/23)
LH submisaun ba Parlamentu Nasional kona-ba proposta retifikasaun OJE 2022 (also English)
Blog La’o Hamutuk husu PN atu la aprova proposta Orsamentu Retifikativu (5/22)
LH submisaun ba PN kona-ba proposta OJE 2022, rezumu iha blog, aprezentasaun (mós PDF) (11/21)
Blog summary of submission in English (11/21)
Program Radio Igualdade: Ezbosu Orsamentu Jerál do Estadu 2022 (11/21)
Submisaun husi CSO sira kona-ba Re-ajustamentu Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu (4/22)
LHB Perspetiva LH Kona ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2022 (1/22)
LHB Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentál (1/22)
Public-Private Partnerships for Dili airport and Tibar port (also Tetum) with presentations from IFC/Government infrastructure conference and other information (8/21)
LH Submisaun ba Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba Proposta Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu no jestaun finanseira públiku
Blog in English or Tetum summarizing submission and testimony on proposed Budget Framework Law (6/21)
Radio Igualdade: OJE 2021 Retifikativu liga ba Covid 19 no Dezastre Naturais (Kalamidade) (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Advokasia kona-ba OJE ka PDF (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Konseitu Xave husi Makroekonomia(ka PDF (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Agrikultura no diversifikasaun ka PDF (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Asesu informasaun husi Livru Orsamentu Jerál Estadu PowerPoint ka PDF (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Konseitu no Prosesu Legal OJE PowerPoint ka PDF (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Sustentabilidade Fundu Petrolíferu no diversifikasaun ekonomia PowerPoint ka PDF (4/21)
Blog: Budget revision should be just, equitable and sustainable Revizaun orsamentu estadu tenke justu, igualitáriu no sustentavel (4/21)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2021 State Budget and rectification (3/23)
LH letter to President on proposed rectification (Tetum) (5/21)
LH submission to Parliament on proposed rectification (mos Tetum) (4/21)
LH submission to Parliament (mos Tetum) and on Agriculture (Tetum) (11/20)
Blog: New Budget Framework Law under discussion / Proposta Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu foun iha hela diskusaun (3/21)
LHB Presiza iha Progresu Liu Tan Atu Hadi’ak Transparénsia (OBS) (12/20)
Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu no Fundu Petrolíferu (12/20)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2020 State Budget (7/22)
LH submission to Parliament (also Tetum) on third 2020 State Budget proposal (9/20)
Aprezentasaun Bee no Saneamentu iha OJE 2020 (mos PDF) (9/20)
Aprezentasaun Saida Mak Publiku Presiza Hatene Husi OJE 2020 (mos PDF) (9/20)
LH letter to Parliamentary Committees (Tetum) on priorities for future state budgets (7/20)
LH submission to Parliament (also Tetum) on second 2020 State Budget proposal (1/20)
Open Letter from La'o Hamutuk to Prime Minister (Tetum) on revision of OJE 2020 (12/19)
La'o Hamutuk press release on Open Budget Survey (also Tetum) (4/20)
Blog: TL Laiha Mudansa iha Transparénsia Orsamentál tuir Klasifikasaun Internasionál
Blog: Timor-Leste unimproved in 2019 Open Budget Survey
Paper: Implications of recent changes to Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund (5/20)
Blog: Global economic developments hit Timor-Leste hard (also PDF) (3/20)
Akontesimentu Ekonomia Global fó impaktu boot ba Timor-Leste (mos PDF)
Aprezentasaun Observasaun ba OJE 2020 no Influénsia husi CSOs iha Polítika Públika, mos PDF (12/19)
Empréstimu Tokon $750 Sei Fó Ameasa ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu (12/19)
Radio Igualdade: Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2020 (12/19)
Index page on Timor-Leste buys into the Sunrise Oil and Gas Project (10/21)
LH Submission to Parliament (also Tetum) and press release (also Tetum) on first 2020 budget proposal (11/19)
Blog: Proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu ba tinan fiskál 2020 (11/19)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2019 State Budget (1/21)
Submisaun husi LH ba Parlamentu kona ba OJE 2019 (also English) (11/18)
Aprezentasaun Gender-Responsive Budgeting (Tetum), mos PDF (8/19)
Aprezentasaun Implikasaun husi Projetu Greater Sunrise no Projetu Tasi Mane ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu (mos PDF) (6/19)
Artigu Implikasaun Husi Projetu Greater Sunrise no Projetu Tasi Mane ba Sustentabilidade Finansas Estadu (5/20)
Presentation Implications of recent changes to Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund (also PDF) (6/19)
Aprezentasaun Diretu sósiu no ekonómiku durante tinan 20 ikus (mos PDF) (5/19)
Aprezentasaun Tendensia Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba defisiente sira (mos PDF) (5/19)
Paper After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (5/19)
Aprezentasaun Observasaun no Analiza ba Politika Governu Iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (mos PDF) (5/19)
Presentation Timor-Leste's petroleum-dependent economy and state budget (also PDF) (4/19)
Aprezentasaun Kontribuisaun CSO sira nian ba desizaun polítiku iha despeza públiku (mos PDF) (4/19)
Programa Radio Igualdade: Importánsia husi Infrastrutura Báziku ba Setór Produtivu (2/19)
Aprezentasaun Informasaun Importante ba MP sira (mos PowerPoint) kona-ba Sunrise, Tasi Mane no OJE2019 (12/18)
LHB Sosa Partisipasaun iha Greater Sunrise husi ConocoPhillips (11/18)
LHB PPP Ameasa Servisu Públiku ba Ita Nia Povu (11/18)
Making the Oil Companies Pay What They Owe about collecting unpaid taxes (11/18)
Paper After the oil runs dry: Timor-Leste economics and government finances (10/18)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2017-2018 General State Budgets (Eng/Tet) (2/20)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament on OJE 2018 (also Tetum) (8/18)
LHB Sumáriu LH nia Submisaun kona-ba Proposta Lei OJE 2018 (11/18)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament on OJE 2017 (also Tetum) and blog (11/16)
La'o Hamutuk presentation to Parliamentary Seminar (Tetum) (11/16)
LH Submission to Parliament on proposed 2018 State Budget (also Tetum) (8/18)
Confronting the state's temporary cash flow problem / Enfrenta problema finansial temporáriu (9/18)
LH Submission to Parliament (also Tetum)
LH Press release (also Tetum) (7/18)
Presentation Sustainability of Timor-Leste's State Finances (also Powerpoint) from ANU TL Update (6/18)
Transparénsia Orsamentál dalan ba Boa Governasaun iha Timor-Leste (Powerpoint ka PDF) (5/18)
LH/IBP press release As progress toward global budget transparency stalls for the first time in a decade, Timor-Leste scores “low” in providing information to its citizens about how public money is used (also Tetum) (4/18)
Blog: TL is borrowing more - will we be able to repay? (11/17)
Attempted rectification of the 2017 State Budget (2/18)
Presentation Mina, Deve no Sustentabilidade: TL nia planu ba empréstimu nia implikasaun ba futuru (also PowerPoint) (11/17)
Timor-Leste is going into debt (also Tetum). Background, commentary, documents. (4/19)
Blog Governu nia planu sedu … atu antisipa buat ruma?
Advance planning … just in case (7/17)
Presentation Oil, debt and sustainability: TL’s borrowing plans and their implications for the future / Mina, deve no sustentabilidade: TL nia planu empréstimu no nia implikasaun ba futuru (Also English PowerPoint, Tetum PowerPoint, English paper) (10/17)
Radio Igualdade Ezbosu Lei Impostu Ba Valor Akresentadu (VAT) (audio ka link, 11/16)
Aprezentasaun rua husi LH no UN Women ba enkontru publiku proposed VAT (9/16)
LH submission (also Tetum) to Fiscal Reform Commission on proposed VAT (8/16)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2016 General State Budget and rectification (English/Tetum) (1/19)
Radio Igualdade: Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 (7/16)
LH submission (also Tetum) to President on 2016 Budget Rectification (7/16)
LH submission (also blog and Tetum mós blog) to Parliament on 2016 Budget Rectification (7/16)
LH letter to President (also Tetum) on original 2016 State Budget (12/15)
Radio Igualdade: Proposta OJE 2016 (12/15)
LH submission to Parliament (also Blog and Tetum; 11/15)
LH blog 2016 budget proposal puts fantasies before people's needs (also Tetum, 11/15)
LH presentation to Parliament (also Tetum; Powerpoints on Presentations page, 11/15)
Revision of the Lifetime Pension laws, including La'o Hamutuk submission (Tetum) (7/16)
Blog: Suai Supply Base contract cancelled; it’s time to cancel the project. (6/16)
Index page with analysis and documents on Public-Private Partnership for Tibar Port (English/Tetum) (6/16)
Radio Igualdade: Projetu Portu Tibar ho Modelu Parseria Publiku Privadu (4/16)
Radio Igualdade: Imprestimus no Sustentablidade Ekonomia Timor-Leste (2/16)
LH Blog: TL's Human Development Index dropping, but data is lacking (12/15)
Fiscal Strategies and their Implications for Wealth Distribution presentation at ANU TL Update (also PowerPoint and black/white PDF) (11/15)
Radio Igualdade: Deve no Sustentablidade Ekonomia Timor-Leste (9/15)
LH blog: TL falls short on Open Budget Index 2015 (also Tetum, English PDF, Tetum PDF, scorecard) (9/15)
Oil running out is reality, not propaganda (LH letter responding to Parliamentary comments) (also blog and Tetum) (6/15)
How long will the Petroleum Fund carry Timor-Leste? index page with paper (also Tetum), spreadsheet and other materials (6/15)
How long will Timor-Leste's Petroleum Fund Last? (update) (also blog) (6/15)
Timor-Leste's oil and gas are going fast (also blog)
Mina-rai no gas Timor-Leste nian besik hotu ho lalais (4/15)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2015 General State Budget (English/Tetum), including 2015-2017 Government program and rectification and many other materials in several languages (4/17)
Radio Igualdade: Orsamentu Estadu Retifikativu 2015 (4/15)
Radio Igualdade: Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba 2015 (12/14)
Presentation Is Fiscal Policy Sustainable? (also PDF); Polítika Fiskál Sustentavel ka lae? (also PDF) (3/15)
LH letter urging consideration of fallen oil prices when revising the 2015 State Budget (also Tetum) (2/15)
Ministry of Finance response to LH letter (also Tetum) (3/15)
LH Blog: Transparency Initiative gets a little more opaque about EITI (2/15)
Letter from La'o Hamutuk to Parliament on Agriculture (also Tetum) in State Budget (11/14)
Letter from La'o Hamutuk to Parliament (also Tetum) on 2015 State Budget (11/14)
It takes more than money to achieve development: some lessons from TL presentation to UN ESCAP conference (also Powerpoint) (10/14)
LH letter asking for court audit of TimorGAP (Eng/Tetum) (2/15)
Panorama Ekonomika no Politika Fiskál TL (H.Lopes, Min. Finansas) Powerpoint ka PDF (6/14)
Sustentabilidade Fiskál ba TL (C.Scheiner, La'o Hamutuk) Powerpoint ka PDF (6/14)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2014 State Budget (English/Tetum) (2/15)
Also blogs on So much to do, so little time, with nobody watching (also Tetum) and Handing out the Cash (1/14)
Also Blog and LH letter to Parliament (also Tetum) on budget proposal (11/13)
Treinamentu Analiza no monitor Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (Tetum, mos PDF) (11/13)
LH Blog and letter (also Tetum) protesting award of school furniture contract to Chinese Nuclear Industry Construction Co. #22 (10/13)
Aprezentasaun ba retratu anual Ajensia Nasional Dezenvolvimentu (ADN) (mos PDF) (7/13)
LH Blog: How Long will the Petroleum Fund Carry Timor-Leste? (7/13)
Also Excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint and PDF
Government's Yellow Road (budget) workshop presentations and documents (5/13)
Index page with analysis and documents on the 2013 General State Budget (English/Tetum) (5/17)
Interesting items on TL's Procurement Portal (English/Tetum), including presentation to Provedor on indications of maladministration or corruption (5/13)
UNDP 2013 Human Development Report shows Timor-Leste slightly improved (4/13)
Presentation on National Impact of Veterans Pensions (PDF English or Tetum, PowerPoint English or Tetum) also LH blog (English or Tetum) (3/13)
Presentation on issues in GSB 2013 (PDF or PowerPoint) (also Tetum PDF or PowerPoint) (2/13)
LH Submission to Parliament (also Tetum) on proposed 2013 General State Budget (1/13)
Index page on mid-year rectification to 2012 State Budget (Eng/Tetum) with many documents (3/15)
Powerpoint and handout (Tetum) of Treinamentu La'o Hamutuk fo ba Rede Edukasaun (TLCE) (12/12)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament on 2011 State Accounts (Eng/Tetum) with many documents (12/12)
EITI reports for 2010 and 2011 (12/12)
La'o Hamutuk submission to Parliament (also Tetum) on proposed mid-year budget rectification (10/12)
ABC: Taxing Times in Timor transcript of TV documentary
LH Blog: Filling gaps in Taxing Times (10/12)
Making the Oil Companies Pay What They Owe about collecting unpaid taxes (11/12)
UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty on TL, with report (also Tetum or Port.) and LH submission and Blog (6/12)
How Timor-Leste got $10 billion ... and how quickly we will spend it all. (on LH blog, 5/12)
Treinamento ba Centru Peskiza Parlementu kona ba orsamentu no ekonomia (3/12)
Blog: Timor-Leste is going for broke. (also Tetum) (3/12)
Blog: Borrowing from the Next Generation (3/12)
Why Should Timor-Leste go into Debt? (also Tetum). Background, commentary, documents from 2009-2011. (2/12)
Index page on 2012 State Budget (also Tetum) (3/12)
If you spend $400 million, you don't have it any more (also blog) (3/12)
LH letter to President Jose Ramos-Horta (also Tetum) raising concerns about the 2012 State Budget (12/11)
Press release (also Tetum) and Preliminary Recommendations (also Tetum) from the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty (11/11)
Compania Investimentu Timor-Leste, Investe ka Fakar Osan? (11/11)
LH letter to Parliament Committee C (also Tetum) on the Appeals Court Opinion on the 2010 General State Accounts (also Port.) (10/11)
LH submission to Parliament Committee C on the proposed 2012 State Budget (also Tetum) (10/11)
Deve no Problema sira ba Timor-Leste husi Guteriano Neves iha Diario Nasional (9/11)
Index page with summary, links and documents on the Strategic Development Plan (9/11)
Groups worldwide urge debt-free Timor-Leste not to borrow. Statement and press release from 117 Timorese and international organizations (English/Tetum) (9/11)
Some thoughts from LH for the Regional EITI Conference (also Tetum) (8/11)
LH preliminary analysis (also Tetum) and summary of analysis (also Tetum) of Strategic Development Plan (also Portuguese) approved by Parliament (7/11)
Presentation by LH about TL's Economy and State Budget to UNTL/Victoria University Conference on Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills (also Tetum) (7/11)
LH Treinamentu kona-ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu RDTL 2011 - rekursu, aprezentasaun, no sst. (5/11)
UNDP 2011 National Human Development Report for Timor-Leste (also Tetum) with La'o Hamutuk comment (also Tetum and Tetum slideshow) (5/11)
LH Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in global 2010 UNDP report (5/11)
Analysis of the draft of the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 (also Tetum), including May 2010 leaked draft plan, slide show of Prime Minister's public consultation, leaked contract and TOR, and many other documents (4/11)
Understanding the 2011 Budget (also Tetum) graphs of allocation and execution (2/11)
Ministry of Finance presentation on Strategic Development Plan (2/11)
LH article We Must Respect the Constitutional Principles of the President’s Duties (also Tetum) about JRH seeking court advice before promulgating the 2011 State Budget (2/11)
LH letter to Parliament Committee C about 2011 State Budget (also Tetum) (1/11)
LH letter to the IMF about their reports on public financial management (12/10) and IMF response (1/11)
LH submission to Parliament Committee C on 2011 State Budget (also PDF and Tetum) (12/10)
LH submission to Parliament Committee D on 2011 State Budget (also PDF and Tetum) (12/10)
2011 General State Budget for Timor-Leste (12/10)
2010 mid-year budget rectification index page, with links to many documents (9/10)
Radio Igualidade: Orsamentu Rektifikativu 2010 (6 MB Tetum MP3) (6/10)
Submission from La'o Hamutuk on mid-year budget rectification (6/10)
Radio Igualidade: Timor-Leste atu Debe? (6 MB Tetum MP3) (5/10)
LHB: Donor, oil and other money in Timor-Leste since 1999 (2/10)
LH Timór-Leste atu Debe: Lojika ka La’e? (11/09)
LH Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2010 hatutan nafatin dalan ba ‘Malisan Rekursu’ (11/09)
LH Submission to Parliament on 2010 General State Budget (also Tetum) and corrective letter (also Tetum) (11/09)
2010 General State Budget for Timor-Leste, including Budget Documents, analysis and Preliminary comments by LH (also Tetum) (10/09)
LH Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in 2009 UNDP report (10/09)
NGO Forum submission (also Tetum) on proposed budget and financial management law (9/09)
Briefing Paper: How much money have international donors spent on and in Timor-Leste? (also Tetum) (8/09)
LHB: Estimating Sustainable Income (also Tetum) (6/09)
Orsamento Estadu 2009: Prudente ka lae? Three newspaper articles debating whether the budget brings the resource curse to TL (Tetum, 4/09)
LH analysis of prudence and sustainability in calculating the Estimated Sustainable Income (also Tetum) (3/09)
LH article 2009 State Budget: Who does it benefit? (also Tetum) (1/09)
LH Submission on TL budget for 2009 (also Tetum), (1/09)
Also submissions from FONGTIL, Ba Los, and ETADEP (all Tetum)
Topic page on RDTL State Budget for 2009, with links (12/08)
LH Desijaun Tribunal Rekursu iha Nasaun de Direitu Demokrátiku (11/08)
LHB Editorial: Budget Invites Resource Curse (11/08)
LHB Budgeting for the future (11/08)
Appeals court rules mid-year budget unconstitutional
Text of ruling (Portuguese), Complaint (Portuguese) and many other links (11/08)
LH training for journalists on the budget (also Tetum and Powerpoints in Tetum and English) and annotated budget (10/08)
LHB Editorial and report on Public Meeting regarding the new tax law (8/08)
Summary of the new Tax Reform law (7/08)
Core Group analysis of Economic Stabilization Fund (also Tetum) (7/08)
Mid-Year update to the 2008 RDTL State Budget, information and analysis about the 122% increase (11/08)
Budget Execution Reports for July-Dec 2007 and Jan-Mar 2008, Jan-Jun 2008, and Jan-Sep 2008 (11/08)
Proposed domestic tax reform legislation, with many documents, texts, testimonies and hearing schedule (5/08)
RDTL State Budget for 2008 (2/08)
UNDP Budget Highlights pamphlet. (12/07)
LHB Editorial: World Bank Recommends Neo-Liberal Pathway, Again (1/08)
Timor-Leste declines in UNDP Human Development Ranking (12/07)
Fourth Constitutional Government of RDTL: Structure, Program, Budget and members (10/07)
LHB Editorial: Parliament, Don't pass greedy pension laws (3/07)
Save the people’s money! (stop lifetime pensions for former members of parliament) (1/07)
LHB Timor-Leste will be one of the most oil-dependent countries in the world (11/05)
LHB Seven Ways to Meet Timor-Leste’s Financial Gap (3/04)
LHB The Banking and Payments Authority (BPA) (1/04)
LH Statement to the Development Partners Meeting also Portuguese (12/03)
LHB Development Partners conference (8/03).
See also Joint NGO Statement to the Development Partners Meeting (6/03)
LHB A Review of the First Year of the Transition Support Program, including diagrams about all public sector spending in Timor-Leste (5/03)
LHB Editorial: A Brief Overview of the National Development Plan (8/02)
LHB Editorial: Dollarization and Democracy (6/01)
LHB Funding Timor-Leste's Reconstruction: An Overview of the UNTAET and ETTA budgets, where they come from and how they are spent (including diagrams) (4/01)
LHB Editorial: Equipment Should Stay after UNTAET Leaves (4/01)
LHB Taxes in Timor-Leste (4/01)
LHB Editorial: Money Matters: Priorities and Process (4/01)
LHB Funding the Health Sector (11/00)
Presentation: Chinese involvement in Timor-Leste: myths and facts (also PDF) (10/21)
Updated version (also PDF) (9/23)
The U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation in Timor-Leste with information about scorecards, the 2010 anti-corruption program and 2018-23 Compact development (11/23)
Radio Igualdade: Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (7/16)
Lala'ok ajudu doadór iha TL (mos PDF) aprezentasaun (2/15)
It takes more than money to achieve development: some lessons from TL presentation to UN ESCAP conference (also Powerpoint and blog) (10/14)
Resposta husi LH ba Avaliasaun Akordu Foun estadu TL (2/14)
Final report of New Deal Survey (3/14)
LH comment on USAID concept paper: “Economic growth integrated project for private sector competitiveness, agriculture and global climate change” (11/13)
Australian Parliamentary Inquiry submissions and hearing transcripts (5/13)
LH submission to Australian Parliamentary Inquiry on Australia's relationship with Timor-Leste (3/13)
LH aprezentasaun Feto iha New Deal (mos PowerPoint) (2/13)
Komentáriu husi LH ba ezbosu ekuadramentu ba avaliasaun frajilidade Objetivu ba Harii Paz no Harii Estadu (8/12)
Wikileaks-released cables from U.S. embassies and State Department relating to Timor-Leste (7/12)
La'o Hamutuk submission on draft TL country report for process on Aid Effectiveness in Fragile States (5/11)
2011 OECD process on Aid Effectiveness in Fragile States, including draft country report (4/11)
Radio Igualidade: Efektividade husi Ajudus (6 MB Tetum MP3) (4/10)
LHB: Donor, oil and other money in Timor-Leste since 1999 (2/10)
Briefing Paper: How much money have international donors spent on and in Timor-Leste? (also Tetum) (8/09)
LHB Cuban support for health in Timor-Leste (8/08)
LHB Oecusse Community Activation Program (OCAP) (1/08)
Timor-Leste declines in UNDP Human Development Ranking (12/07)
LHB: Re-orienting La'o Hamutuk's Approach (9/07)
LHB Vocational Education, as supported by Portugal and Brazil (9/07)
Forum Tau Matan cancels an AusAID-funded project because AusAID had abrogated a contract with them for political reasons two years earlier (see 10/05 below) (7/07)
LH Timor-Leste slips slightly in UNDP Human Development Index (11/06)
The Paradox of Aid in Timor-Leste (7/06), paper presented by La'o Hamutuk at the University of Brasilia
LH Suggestions for the Next United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (6/06)
LHB European Community Aid to Timor-Leste, Rural Development Program (12/05)
LHB UNDP Human Development Report Provides Insights for Timor-Leste (11/05)
LH press release on AusAID revocation of a grant to a Timorese NGO in response to their calling for a fair maritime boundary (10/05)
LHB Editorial (11/05)
LHB Portuguese-Speaking countries (CPLP) aid to Timor-Leste (8/05)
LHB The RESPECT Program in Timor-Leste (12/04).
Our Bulletin later published a letter from UNDP and LH comment on this article (4/05)
Lessons Learned: The Community Empowerment and Local Governance Project Report by Rolling Think Tank (3/04)
LHB Seven Ways to Meet Timor-Leste’s Financial Gap (3/04)
LHB Brazilian Aid to Timor-Leste (8/03)
LHB Analyzing Australian Aid and Military Assistance to Timor-Leste (12/02)
LHB Portuguese Aid to Timor-Leste, including Portuguese support for education (10/02)
LHB Japanese Aid to Timor-Leste (8/02)
LHB Editorial: A Brief Overview of the National Development Plan (8/02)
LHB What’s Behind China’s Support for Timor-Leste? (5/02)
LHB United States Government Aid to Timor-Leste (4/02)
LHB An Assessment of Pilot Agricultural Service Centers in Timor-Leste (2/02)
LHB Bilateral Aid to Timor-Leste: An Overview (12/01)
LHB Editorial: Donors Should Be Generous, Without Strings (12/01)
LHB School Furniture: Looking at a World Bank-UNTAET/ETTA Project (8/01)
LHB Can Timor-Leste survive the aid industry? Some questions from Mozambique (6/01)
LHB Funding Timor-Leste's Reconstruction: An Overview of the UNTAET and ETTA budgets, where they come from and how they are spent (including diagrams) (4/01)
LHB Editorial: Money Matters: Priorities and Process (4/01)
LHB Evaluation of Humanitarian Aid Process Released by UNTAET (7/00)
LHB Editorial: Charity or Justice? (7/00)
Open letter from FONGTIL to
the UN Secretary-General (mós
Tetum) (8/24)
Blog Rezultadu husi COP27: Fundu Indenizasaun sei realiza, maibé emisaun gás estufa sei kontinua nafatin
COP27 Conference outcome: Loss and Damage Fund established, but emissions continue unabated (12/22)
UN Periodic Reviews of Human Rights in Timor-Leste (English/Tetum)
Includes Universal and Torture reviews (9/22)
LH letter to UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on Impacts of the Tasi Mane Project on the environment, land, and future sustainability of community people’s lives (4/19)
La'o Hamutuk observations for the Conference on the SDG Roadmap, blog (5/17)
Radio Igualdade: Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (7/16)
It takes more than money to achieve development: some lessons from TL presentation to UN ESCAP conference (also Powerpoint and blog) (10/14)
Dili Launch of UN ESCAP Survey (MCIA and other speeches, La'o Hamutuk comment) (5/13)
UNDP 2013 Human Development Report shows Timor-Leste slightly improved (also Tetum) (4/13)
La'o Hamutuk's ultimate letter to the UN Security Council about justice, sustainable development and not forgetting Timor-Leste (also Tetum press release) (11/12)
Analysis of words spoken in the UN Security Council during 138 hours of debate on TL 1999-2012 (11/12)
UNMIT history, current activities, and relevant documents (11/12)
Prime Minister letter to UN Secretary-General and S-G report on UNMIT (also Tetum) (10/12)
UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty on TL, with report (also Tetum or Port.) and LH submission and Blog (6/12)
LH letter to the UN Security Council about justice and equitable, sustainable development. (2/12)
LH letter to the UN Security Council about the S-G's latest UNMIT report (11/11)
UNDP 2011 global Human Development Report shows Timor-Leste barely changed (11/11)
UNDP 2011 National Human Development Report for Timor-Leste (also Tetum) with La'o Hamutuk comment (also Tetum and Tetum slideshow) (5/11)
LH Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in global 2010 UNDP report (5/11)
Letter from Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal to the UN Security Council (also Tetum) about justice (2/11)
Letter from La'o Hamutuk to the UN Security Council analyzing Secretary-General's report on UNMIT (2/10)
Letter from Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal to the UN Security Council about justice (2/10)
Analysis of words about justice used in the UN Security Council debates and resolutions during the past ten years. (also Tetum) (12/09)
La'o Hamutuk letter to UN Security Council on justice and other issues. Also PDFs of letter and annex. (10/09)
LH Timor-Leste Human Development Index unchanged in 2009 UNDP report (10/09)
LH Submission to Australian Parliamentary Inquiry on Human Rights Mechanisms and the Asia-Pacific, as well as submission from Clinton Fernandes (12/08)
UNMIT Transitional Strategy and Appeal (3/08)
UNMIT-RDTL Agreement about investigation of 1999 Serious crimes (2/08)
UN sets justice bar low, then declines to jump (2/08)
Timor-Leste declines in UNDP Human Development Ranking (12/07)
LHB Screening PNTL back into service (6/07)
LHB Lessons for the UN from Timor-Leste (3/07)
LHB Public Meeting on PNTL-UNPOL Cooperation (3/07)
UNMIT-RDTL-Australia Memorandum of Understanding on the provision of assistance to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste regarding provision and coordination of police and military forces (1/07)
UNMIT-RDTL Arrangement on how the UN police will work with the Timorese Police (12/06)
LH Timor-Leste slips slightly in UNDP Human Development Index (11/06)
Debate over placing foreign troops in Timor-Leste under UN command (8/06)
includes statements from La'o Hamutuk, TL NGO Forum, IFET, James Dunn and many UN and RDTL Documents.
The Paradox of Aid in Timor-Leste (7/06), paper presented by La'o Hamutuk at the University of Brasilia
LH Suggestions for the Next United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (6/06)
summary press release
LHB Assessment of UNMISET Advisors (8/05)
LHB Civil Society Forum statement on Millennium Development Goals (1/04)
Open Letter to UNMISET (7/03). This letter was printed as an LHB Editorial: What should UNMISET do now? (8/03)
LHB UNDP Workshop on Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh (5/03)
LHB UNMISET and Internal Security in Timor-Leste (5/03)
LHB Hiroshima UN Conference on Post-Conflict Reconstruction (3/03)
Disorder in Timor-Leste: The International Community Must Accept Responsibility; also Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia (12/02)
LHB Timor-Leste joins United Nations (10/02)
LHB Special Report on Electricity (8/02)
LHB UNDP letter on Japan's aid to the Power Sector, and LH Response (12/02)
LHB Timor-Leste Faces Post-UNTAET Challenges (5/02)
Can the Rule of Law Prevail? Pressure from UN HQ Exacerbates Amos W Tax Controversy. Bahasa version (3/02)
Also: Response from UNTAET (3/02)
LHB An Assessment of the UN’s Police Mission in Timor-Leste (2/02)
LHB The United Nations, Gender Affairs, and Timor-Leste (8/01)
LHB Reconstruction and Transition: What are the Next Steps? (7/01)
LHB UNTAET-World Bank Background Paper (7/01)
LHB Planning for the Post-UNTAET Era (7/01)
E. Timor NGOs protest UN police predictions of election violence with CivPol response (3/01) and LHB Editorial (4/01)
LH on UNTAET Gag Rule (1/01)
LHB World Health Organization Report on Timor-Leste Health Situation (11/00)
LHB Environmental Health: UNTAET and Asbestos (7/00)
LHB Evaluation of Humanitarian Aid Process Released by UNTAET (7/00)
LHB Timor-Leste's Reconstruction: Much to celebrate, and much yet to accomplish (6/00)
Aprezentasaun Proposta OJE 2024 liga ho Setor Agrikultura ka PDF (12/23)
Media Brifing aprezentasaun Agrikultura no Diversifikasaun Ekonomia ka PDF (12/23)
LH Karta aberta ba Ministru Agrikultura kona-ba programa Governu no Ministériu (10/23)
LHB Dalan ba soberania ai-han iha Timor-Leste (12/22)
HASATIL Komunikadu Imprensa kona-ba Loron Mundiál Ai-han (10/22)
LH Karta ba Ministeriu kona-ba dadus ne’ebé publika iha Bulletin Seguransa Ai-han (8/22)
Radio Igualdade: Food System Summit (Simeira Sistema Ai-han) (4/22)
Deklarasaun Konjunta Koligasaun Agrikultura no Rede-HASATIL Kona-ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2022 (1/22)
LHB Diálogu Nasionál ba Simeira Sistema Ai-han (1/22)
HASATIL Esteitmentu konjunta ba Loron Mundiál Ai-han (10/21)
Blog: Oxfam/Monash presentation on Modernizasaun Agrikultura / Modernizing Agriculture (8/21)
Civil society memo to the Ministry of Agriculture on the UN Food Systems Summit (also Tetum) (7/21)
Radio Igualdade: Juventude no Agrikultura liga ho Programa husi Governu (5/21)
Aprezentasaun Agrikultura no diversifikasaun ka PDF (5/21)
Blog Relatóriu peskiza Indústria Transformadora produtu Agrikultura / Research report on Agriculture Processing Industry
Aprezentasaun Dezafiu no rekomendasaun sira husi Relatóriu Indústria Transformadora Produtu Agrikultura (mos PDF)
Relatóriu Indústria Transformadora Produtu Agrikultura iha Timor-Leste (2/21)
Vantajen Programa Cesta Bázika nian ba Seguransa Ai-han iha Timor-Leste (12/20)
LHB Ita Aproveita ona Ita nia Rekursu no Poténsia Agrikultura nian ho loloos? (12/20)
Aprezentasaun Proposta Planu no Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2021 ba Setór Agrikultura (mos PDF) (11/20)
LH-HASATIL submisaun ho analiza no rekomendasaun ba OJE 2021 setór agrikultura (11/20)
Blog: Rezultadu husi Global Hunger Index 2020 kredivel ka lae? / How credible is the 2020 Global Hunger Index? (11/20)
HASATIL statement for World Food Day (Tetum) (10/20)
Agrikultura Familiar nudár Dalan ida ba Timor-Leste hodi Atinje Soberania Ai-han (mos verzaun badak) (6/20)
Aprezentasaun Tanba sá nafatin Inseguransa ai-han iha TLS? (mos PDF) (10/19)
Deklarasaun hamutuk OSC kona ba Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun iha TL (10/19)
Aprezentasaun Observasaun kona-ba Agrikultura no Seguransa Ai-han (mos PDF) (9/19)
LH comment on draft Pesticide decree-law (mos Tetum komentariu no dekretu-lei) (3/19)
Aprezentasaun Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-Leste (mos PDF) (6/19)
Radio Igualdade: Tanba sa Tenke Promove Agro-Ekolojia no Biodiversidade (9/18)
HASATIL statement for World Food Day: Promove Ai-han Lokál Nutritivu hodi Hakotu Hamlaha no Mal-nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste (10/18)
Radio Igualdade: Soberania Ai-han (6/18)
Radio Igualdade: Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamento Produtu Agríkola (5/18)
LHB Semináriu Nasionál: Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha TL
National Seminar on challenges and potential for small agricultural processors (5/18)
LH submission on draft Mechanization Policy (3/18)
Blog Semináriu kona-ba Dezafiu no Poténsia Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha TL (2/18)
Polítika Agrikultura / Agriculture Policy in Timor-Leste (6/20)
HASATIL Komunikadu ba Imprensa kona-ba Loron Mundiál Ai-Han (10/17)
Radio Igualdade: Revizaun Polítika Agrikultura Nasionál Timor-Leste (9/17)
LH submission on Draft Pesticide Policy (also Tetum) (7/17)
Apresentasaun Dezafiu ba Indústria Ki'ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-Leste (mos PowerPoint, 6/17)
LH comment on Draft Agriculture Policy and Strategic Framework (6/17)
Draft Agriculture Policy and Strategic Framework from Ministry of Agriculture
Radio Igualdade: Toos Eskolar/School Garden (8/16)
Radio Igualdade: Politika Agrikultura Sustentavel (7 MB Tetum audio) (2/16)
Radio Igualdade: Oinsa Utiliza Jardim Uma Hun (7 MB Tetum audio) (8/15)
Radio Igualdade: Agrikultor sira nia lian (7 MB Tetum audio) (7/15)
Estratéjia ba Autosufisiensia foos: Hamenus Importasaun no Hamenus Dependénsia (6/15)
Radio Igualdade: Konsellu Nasional Seguransa, Soberania Alimentar Nutrisaun Timor-Leste (KONSSANTIL) (7 MB Tetum audio) (3/15)
Letter from LH to Parliament on Agriculture (also Tetum) in the 2015 State Budget (11/14)
Radio Igualdade: Agrobiodiversidade (10/14)
Radio Igualdade: Karateristika Fini Hibrida no GMO (10/14)
Poverty and the Agricultural Household by Monash University (Eng/Tet) with LH comment (6/14)
LH Comments on Draft National Action Plan for Zero Hunger Challenge (also Tetum) (5/14)
Radio Igualdade: Politika Seguransa aihan no agrikultura sustentavel (audio, 7MB) (5/14)
LH Second submission to MAF and FAO on TL National Food and Nutrition Policy (also Tetum) (4/14)
Radio Igualdade: Politika Fini (audio, 7MB) (1/14)
LH submission on National Food and Nutrition Security Policy (12/13)
LH nia Komentáriu kona ba “Papél Konseitu USAID ba Projetu Integradu ba Kreximentu Ekonómiku ba Kompetitividade Setór Privadu, Agrikultura no Mudansa Klimátika Global” (also English) (11/13)
HASATIL statement for World Food Day (also Tetum, Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesia) (10/13)
LHB: Food Sovereignty and Food Security (also Tetum) (7/13)
Aprezentasaun ba Konferensia VU/UNTL nian Polítika Nasional Fini Timor-Leste no nia implikasaun (mos PDF) (7/13)
Monash report Coffee, Poverty and Economic Development in TL (7/13)
LH second submission on draft national seed policy (Sumariu iha Tetum) (3/13)
Aprezentasaun husi LH: Politika Fini Timor-Leste no nia implikasaun ba ita nia moris (PowerPoint no PDF) (11/12)
Valoriza Agrikultor sira-nia Lian no sira-nia Matenek. Relatoriu LH nian Konsultasaun ho Agrikultor-sira (9/11)
Inklui aprezentasaun no relatoriu tomak and English translation Valuing Farmers' Words and Wisdom.
Sosiedade Sivil no Movimentu Agrikultor iha Timor-Leste (Tetum/English) (1/11)
LH: Planu Asaun MAP 2011 vs Agrikultor nia Nesesidade (Timor Post, 12/10)
Radio Igualidade: Planu Asaun Ministeriu Agrikultura no Pescas (6 MB Tetum MP3) (12/10)
Radio Igualidade: Dezafiu Agrikultor iha Area Rural (6 MB Tetum MP3) (9/10)
Radio Igualidade: Agrikultor nia lian kona-ba servisu Ministeriu Agrikultura iha baze (6 MB Tetum MP3) (7/10)
Radio Igualidade: Agrikultura Organiku (6 MB Tetum MP3) (5/10)
Radio Igualidade: Loron Luta Agrikultor nian (6 MB Tetum MP3) (4/10)
LHB: Consolidate La Via Campesina in East & Southeast Asia (6/09)
Surat Popular Fabrika Ai-oan Mutin iha Carabela (5/09)
Commentary and documents about five agro-fuels projects, including MOUs and other documents (12/08)
LHB Jatropha: Jobs for farmers or fuel for foreigners? (11/08)
LHB Agrofuels, land rights and agreements (11/08)
LHB Oecusse Community Activation Program (OCAP) (1/08)
LHB The Government's Agriculture Program (1/08)
LHB European Union Rural Development Program (11/05)
LHB Exchange with Philippines on agrarian reform (4/05)
LHB Exchange participants return from Cuba on health and agriculture (1/04), Participants launch book on Cuba's experience (12/05)
Surat Popular: Agriculture
LHB Coffee in Timor-Leste and the World. Several reports (4/02)
LHB Editorial: Challenging the Injustice of Coffee (4/02)
LHB An Assessment of Pilot Agricultural Service Centers in Timor-Leste (2/02)
LHB Sustainable Agriculture in Timor Lorosa’e (2/02)
LHB Assessing the World Bank’s Agricultural Project (12/00)