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Polítika Agrikultura iha / Agriculture Policy in Timor-Leste

23 Outubru 2017. Updated 25 June 2020

Iha kraikContents
Polítika Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun

Iha Janeiru 2017 Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska aprova polítika foun seguransa ai-han ba Timor-Leste, Política Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Molok ne’e, Timor-Leste iha Politica Nacional de Seguransa Alimentar 2005 nian. Polítika foun ne’e prodús bazeia ba revizaun ba seguransa ai-han 2005 nian ne’e. Polítika seguransa ai-han foun ne’e la halo referénsia ida ba Polítika Nasionál Seguransa Ai-han no Nutrisaun ne’ebé prodús iha 2014, maski polítika 2014 nian ne’e mós prodús bazeia ba avaliasaun ba polítika seguransa ai-han 2005 nian. Política Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional 2017 prodús hafoin de konsultasaun ho parte interesadu oi-oin, inklui ministériu relevante, ajénsia international sira, akadémiku no ONG sira.


Policy on Food and Nutrition Security

In January 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries approved a new food security policy for Timor-Leste, the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy. Prior to this, Timor-Leste had a 2005 National Food Security Policy (Port.). This latest policy was a revision of the 2005 Food Security Policy, but makes no reference to the 2014 National Food and Nutrition Security Policy which was also produced based on an evaluation of the 2005 policy. The 2017 National Food and Nutrition Security Policy was produced following consultation with various interested parties, including relevant ministries, international agencies, academics and NGOs.


Polítika no Estratéjia ba Dezenvolvimentu Setór Agrikultura

Iha tinan 2017, Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska hamutuk ho FAO prodús fali ezbosu foun polítika agrikultura ho naran Agriculture Policy and Strategic Framework (Hein aprovasaun husi Ministru Agrikultura). Molok ne’e, iha ona Polítika no Estratéjia Dezenvolvimentu Agrikultura 2004 nian. Polítika foun ne’e prodús liu husi avaliasaun ba polítika tuan no mós prosesu konsultasaun ne’ebé involve parte interesadu sira husi setór oi-oin, inklui ministériu relevante, sosiedade sivil, akadémiku, no agrikultór sira.

Durante prosesu ne’e, La’o Hamutuk hato’o rekomendasaun lubuk ida atu hadi’ak liu polítika ne’e, no rekomendasaun sira ne’e maioria inklui hotu iha versaun ikus nian. La’o Hamutuk nia sujestaun hodi hadi’ak liu polítika no estratéjia ne’e inklui pontu prinsipál sira hanesan:

  • Mobilizasaun rekursu tomak atu maximiza produsaun agríkola liu husi pratika agrikultura ne’ebé sadere ba prinsipiu soberania ai-han nian.

  • Dezenvolve programa dezenvolvimentu agrikultura ida ne’ebé alein de hasa’e produsaun, kria mós oportunidade ba dezenvolvimentu setór seluk ne’ebé interligadu, hanesan agroturizmu no indústria prosesamentu produtu agríkola.

  • Inklui prinsipiu sira merkadu justu nian iha programa hotu atu garante katak agrikultór sira hetan rekońesimentu ida ne’ebé justu ba sira nia esforsu tomak atu halo produsaun, liu husi presu ida ne’ebé justu ba sira nia produtu, no livre husi manipulasaun husi ema sira ne’ebé iha kapitál boot.

  • Foku espesiál ba hasa’e agrikultór sira nia kapasidade iha produsaun, jestaun no mós merkadu, nudár dalan ida atu hakbiit agrikultór sira ne’ebé mak nudár savi ba setór agrikultura.

  • Hasa’e investimentu iha dezenvolvimentu irrigasaun eskala kiik no médiu hodi fornese bee ba produsaun iha toos sira, hanesan produsaun modo, ai-fuan, hakiak animal no seluseluk tan.

  • Promove no haforsa setór kooperativa hanesan meius ida atu halibur agrikultór sira atu bele iha forsa liu tan iha produsaun, prosesamentu, jestaun no mós negosiasaun ho merkadu.

  • Peskiza no proteje pratika agrikultura lokal ne’ebé di’ak ba produsaun no mós la estraga ambiente, no promove pratika sira ne’e iha programa agroturizmu nian.


Policy and Strategy for Agriculture Sector Development

In 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries together with FAO  produced a new draft Agriculture Policy and Strategic Framework, pending approval by the Ministry. Before this, there was a 2004 Policy and Strategy for Agriculture Development. The new policy was produced by evaluating the old one, and also through consultation with interested parties from various sectors, including relevant ministries, civil society, academics and farmers.

During this process, La'o Hamutuk submitted recommendations to improve this policy, and most of our recommendations were included in the latest version. La'o Hamutuk's suggestions including the following main points:

  • Mobilize all resources to maximize agricultural production through practices which follow the principles of food sovereignty.

  • Develop an agriculture development program which, in addition to increasing production, also creates opportunities to develop other inter-linked sectors, such as agro-tourism and industries to process agricultural products.

  • Include fair trade principles in all programs to ensure that farmers are fairly recognized for all their productive work, through a fair price and acknowledgement for their products, free of manipulation by people with lots of money.

  • Especially focus on increasing farmer's capacity for production, management and marketing, as a way to empower farmers who are key to the agriculture sector.

  • Increase investment in small and medium scale irrigation, that will benefit fruit and vegetable production, animal husbandry and other factors.

  • Promote and strengthen the cooperative sector as a way to organize farmers to strengthen their production, processing, management and bargaining power.

  • Study and protect local agricultural practices which support production and don't destroy the environment, and promote practices for an agro-tourism program.


Dekretu Lei Pestisida

FAO ho Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska hahú dezenvolve dekretu lei kona ba pestisida nian iha tinan 2017. Lei foun ne’e mai ho nia objetivu atu kontrola introdusaun, distribuisaun no aplikasaun pestisida iha rai laran. FAO ho MAP konvida parte interesadu sira hodi hato’o hanoin kona ba ezbosu lei. La'o Hamutuk hato’o komentáriu balu kona ba lei ne’e.

La’o Hamutuk nia komentáriu kona ba Lei Pestisida koko fó hanoin ba Governu katak dalan di’ak liu atu kontrola peste mak prevensaun. Introdusaun pestisida kímiku hodi rezolve problema peste laos solusaun ida ne’ebé sustentável. Pestisida bele rezolve problema balu iha tempu badak maibé kria problema barak liu iha tempu naruk.

Uzu pestisida kímiku iha produsaun agríkola fó benefísiu boot liu ba kompańia sira ne’ebé prodús no fa’an pestisida duke agrikultór sira. Kompańia sira hetan lukru boot liu bainhira problema peste sai boot liu tanba demanda ba pestisida sa’e aas liu no hasa’e mós presu pestisida nian. Ikus mai agrikultór sira ne’ebé depende ona ba pestisida kímiku mak sei sofre. Sofre tanba kustu produsaun ne’ebé karun no tanba estragu ne’ebé akontese ba sira nia rai, toos ka natar.

Iha fulan Marsu tinan 2019, FAO ho Ministériu Agrikultura halo konsultasaun ida tan kona-ba proposta foun ba dekretu-lei ida ne'e, no La'o Hamutuk hato'o komentariu ida tan.


Decree-Law on Pesticides

FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries began to develop a decree-law on pesticides in 2017. This new law aims to control the introduction, distribution and application of pesticides in the country. FAO and MAF invited interested parties to share their thoughts about the draft law, and La'o Hamutuk provided commentary.

La’o Hamutuk's comments on the Pesticide Law tried to explain to the government that prevention is the best way to control pests. Introducing chemical pesticides is not a sustainable solution. Although pesticides can resolve some problems in the short term, they create more problems in the long term.

The use of chemical pesticides in agricultural production provides the greatest benefits to the companies which produce and sell pesticides, rather than to farmers. These companies make more profits when the pest infestations grow, because the demand for pesticides increases, and they also increase their prices. In the end, farmers who depend on chemical pesticides will suffer because the cost of production goes up and their land, crops and paddies are damaged.

In March 2019, FAO and the Ministry held a workshop on a revised draft of the decree-law, and La'o Hamutuk provided another comment.


Soberania ai-han

Iha Juńu 2020 La’o Hamutuk publika artigu badak ida iha media nasional sira ne’ebé haktuir ami nia analiza kona-ba situasaun agrikultura no seguransa ai-han oras ne’e no hanoin alternativa ba oin. Ami fiar katak dalan di'ak liu no sustentável liu ba Timor-Leste atu redús ninia problema inseguransa ai-han no malnutrisaun, redús dependénsia ba ai-han husi rai li’ur, no mós hadi’ak povu nia moris mak liu husi promove agrikultura familiar iha eskala ki’ik, ne’ebé mak refleta liu Timor-Leste nia kontextu lokál. Ho Soberania ai-han bele redús mós Timor-Leste ninia vulnerabilidade ba impaktu negativu husi problema mundiál sira hanesan surtu Covid-19 ne’ebé oras nee mundu tomak hasoru hela. Versaun naruk husi artigu ne'e bele hetan iha ne'e.

Food sovereignty

In June 2020, La’o Hamutuk published a short Tetum article in national media, explaining our analysis about the agricultural and food security situation today, and offering some alternatives for the future. We believe that a better and more sustainable path to reduce food insecurity and malnutrition in Timor-Leste, reduce dependence on imported food, and also improve people’s lives would be to promote small-scale, family agriculture, which would reflect Timor-Leste’s local context. This Food Sovereignty would also reduce our vulnerability to negative impacts from global problems like the Covid-19 pandemic, which today confronts the entire world. Link to longer version of this article (Tetum).


The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
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