Contents of this page
Timor-Leste began drafting a Climate
Change Law in 2022, and began public consultation with a
presentation (Tetum) of a
"zero draft" of the law on 17 January 2023, together with an
options paper.
In 2024, the new Government
re-started consultations on a "third
draft" of the proposed law.
La'o Hamutuk is publishing this web page to
make it easier for people to participate in the consultation by
providing relevant materials in one place. We would appreciate any
corrections or additions to this page. |
Konteúdu pájina
ida ne’e
Timor-Leste hahú atu hakerek
proposta lei kona-ba mudansa klimátika iha tinan 2022, no hahú
prosesu konsultasaun públiku iha 17 Janeiru tinan 2023, ho
aprezentasaun ba
"proposta lei zero ezbosu",
hamutuk ho
sumáriu badak kona-ba options paper.
Iha tinan 2024, Governu foun hahu fali konsultasaun
kona-ba "ezbosu
datolu" proposta lei ida ne'e.
La'o Hamutuk públika pájina ida ne'e atu fasilita partisipasaun
iha konsultasaun. Ami halibur matéria relevante iha ne'e, no ami
apresia revizaun, sujestaun, no matéria adisionál husi ita-boot
sira ba pájina ida ne'e. |