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Job Announcement

Lao Hamutuk - Walking Together
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis

Updated December 2023

La’o Hamutuk (“Walking Together” in English) is an independent, non-partisan Timor-Leste civil society organization that monitors, analyzes and reports on the principal institutions in Timor-Leste as they relate to the physical, economic and social development of the country. La’o Hamutuk advocates that the people of Timor-Leste must be the ultimate decision-makers in this process, which should be equitable, sustainable, democratic and transparent.

La’o Hamutuk works in broad thematic areas including: State Finances and Petroleum Dependency, Economics, Agriculture, Governance and Land Rights.

More information about La’o Hamutuk and its publications, including our Bulletin, blog, statements and Annual Reports, can be obtained at For information about volunteering or interning at La’o Hamutuk, see

We are currently looking for qualified Timorese and international researchers, to be based in Dili.

We especially encourage women to apply.

Job Description

Each researcher investigates and reports on the impact of international and Timorese systems and organizations, governments and other institutions active in Timor-Leste. La’o Hamutuk is a non-hierarchical organization where all research staff are responsible for program and administration work, and decisions are made by consensus. Therefore, researchers also carry out administrative and logistics-related activities within the organization, including working collaboratively with other staff and advisory bodies to develop and implement the organization’s work plan.

We need people with

  • Experience in international development work and/or policy research, with the ability to present and write clearly;

  • Strong commitment to making the development process more democratic, participatory, sustainable, equitable and transparent;

  • Experience as a political activist and/or human rights advocate;

  • Experience and knowledge of areas of monitoring cited above;

  • Facility in written and spoken English and Tetum, with willingness to become fluent. Portuguese also desirable.

  • Strong organizational and computer skills;

  • Ability to work cooperatively and creatively in a multi-cultural setting;

  • Commitment to share skills and help other people improve their capacity;

  • Knowledge and understanding of the history and politics of Timor-Leste;

  • Experience living and working in a developing country; interest and capacity to live simply;

  • Sound physical and psychological health;

  • Willingness to commit to work with La’o Hamutuk for a minimum of two years.

We offer

La’o Hamutuk is a small but vibrant organization; our staff works together in teams on different issues. La’o Hamutuk’s local and international staff enjoy equal responsibilities and compensation, including a gross salary of US$1030/month for internationals and $975/month for locals (the difference is due to different tax rates, so the take-home pay is the same), with health insurance as needed. For international staff, travel to and from Timor-Leste, a housing allowance and a readjustment allowance are also provided.


Applications may be submitted at any time and will be considered as they are received. Please include the following:

  • Cover letter explaining why you want to work with La’o Hamutuk;

  • CV detailing educational background and professional and volunteer experience;

  • Sample of your writing in English or Tetum about the development process in Timor-Leste, two to five pages long;

  • Contact details of at least two references.

Applications can be sent to La’o Hamutuk’s office in Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste, or to  For additional information please call +670 3321040.

Vaga Servisu

La’o Hamutuk
Institutu ba Monitor no Analiza Dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste

Atualiza iha fulan Dezembru 2023

La’o Hamutuk nu’udar organizasaun independente, naun-partidaria husi sosiedade sivíl Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé tau matan, analiza no halo relatóriu kona-ba instituisaun prinsipál sira iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé iha relasaun ba dezenvolvimentu fíziku, ekonómiku no sosiál Timor-Leste nian. La’o Hamutuk halo advokasia hodi povu mak sai autór prinsipál ba foti desizaun kona-ba prosesu ida-ne’e, ne’ebé tenke ekitavel, sustentável, demokrátiku no transparente.

La’o Hamutuk servisu iha area boot balu inklui Finansas Estadu, Dependensia ba Petroleu, Ekonomia, Agrikultura, Governasaun no Direitu ba Rai.

Informasaun kompletu liu kona-ba La’o Hamutuk no nia publikasaun sira, inklui Buletin, blog, esteitmentu no Relatóriu Anuál, bele hetan iha Atu hatene informasaun kona-ba ema internasionál ne’ebé hakarak servisu hanesan voluntáriu ka estájiadu iha La'o Hamutuk:

Oras ne’e ami buka ema timor-oan no estrangeiru sira-ne’ebé iha kualidade ba peskiza atu servisu iha Dili.

Ami enkoraja tebes feto sira atu aplika.

Deskrisaun servisu

Peskizadór ida-idak halo peskiza no relatóriu kona-ba impaktu husi sistema no organizasaun internasionál no Timor-Leste, governu, no instituisaun seluk ne’ebé ativu iha Timor-Leste. Organizasaun La’o Hamutuk la-iha ierarkia, nune’e staff peskiza hotu responsabiliza ba servisu programa no administrasaun nian, no desizaun halo liu husi konsensu. Tanba ne’e, peskizadór hala’o mós atividade administrasaun no lojistiku iha organizasaun nia laran, inklui servisu hamutuk ho sira seluk inklui órgaun konsellu atu dezenvolve no implementa planu no servisu organizasaun nian.

Ami presiza ema ho

  • Esperiénsia servisu kona-ba dezenvolvimentu internasionál no/ka halo peskiza ba polítika, ho kapasidade atu aprezenta no hakerek rezultadu ho klaru;

  • Iha kompromisu maka’as hodi dudu prosesu dezenvolvimentu atu sai demokrátiku, partisipativu, sustentável, ekuitavel no transparente;

  • Esperiénsia nudár ativista polítiku no/ka advokasia direitu umanu;

  • Esperiénsia no końesimentu kona-ba area peskiza ne’ebé temi iha leten;

  • Kapasidade atu hakerek no ko’alia iha Ingles no Tetum, ho hakarak atu sai profisiente. Di’ak se bele Portugés;

  • Forte iha abilidade oioin ne’ebé sustenta organizasaun, hanesan organiza tempu, arruma sasán, koordena ekipa, no uza komputadór;

  • Kapasidade atu servisu hamutuk ho kriatividade iha kontextu ho kultura oi-oin;

  • Kompromisu hodi fahe abilidade no ajuda ema seluk atu dezenvolve ninia kapasidade;

  • Końesimentu no kompriensaun kona-ba istória no polítika iha Timor-Leste;

  • Esperiénsia hela no servisu iha nasaun foin dezenvolve-an; prontu no bele moris ho simples;

  • Saúde fíziku no mental di’ak;

  • Iha kompromisu atu servisu mínimu tinan rua iha La’o Hamutuk.

Ami oferese

La’o Hamutuk organizasaun ki’ik maibé iha espíritu servisu maka’as; ami-nia staff servisu hamutuk iha ekipa ho asuntu ne’ebé la hanesan. Staff lokál no iha responsabilidade no simu kompensasaun ne’ebé hanesan, inklui saláriu molok taxa $1030/fulan ba staff internasionál no $975/fulan ba staff lokál (diferente tanba taxa diferente -- salariu depoiz de impostu mak hanesan), ho seguru-saúde nian bazeia ba nesesidade. Ba staff internasionál, iha osan mós ba viajen mai no fila husi Timor-Leste, osan aluga uma, no ajuda ho osan bainhira fila ba ninia rai.


Aplikasaun bele hatama bainhira de’it no sei hetan konsiderasaun bainhira ami simu, favor anexu:

  • Karta aplikasaun ne’ebé esplika tanba sá ita boot hakarak servisu ho La’o Hamutuk;

  • Kurikulum Vitae ne’ebé esplika antesedente (background) edukasaun, esperiénsia servisu profesional no voluntáriu;

  • Ezemplu kompozisaun kona ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste, naruk pájina 2-5;

  • Informasaun kontaktu husi referénsia na’in rua.

Aplikasaun bele haruka ba eskritóriu La’o Hamutuk nian iha Bebora, Dili, ka ba Informasaun liután kontaktu +670 3321040.


The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:    Web:    Blog: