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20 April 2017. Updated 2 July 2024
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Mining operations create problems for people all over
the world. Although they may provide income for governments and
transnational companies, they often result in environmental destruction;
displacement; pollution of land, air and water; human rights violations;
conflict; war and other devastating consequences for people living near
or downstream from the mines. Experience shows that effective regulation is essential (although not always sufficient) to reduce damage and protect people's rights. Given the intrinsic non-sustainability of mining activities (which use up non-renewable mineral resources in order to provide cash), it is always challenging to minimize their negative impacts. |
Operasaun mineiru kria problema barak ba ema iha mundu tomak. Maski sei
fó rendimentu ba governu no kompañia transnasional sira, atividade
operasaun ne’e dala barak hamosu destruisaun ambientál, kria problema
hanesan eviksaun; poluisaun rai, bee no atmosfera; violasaun direitus
umanus; konflitu; funu no harahun buat barak ba ema hirak ne’ebé hela
besik ka iha area atividade operasaun minerais. Esperiénsia hatudu katak regulasaun ne’ebé efetivu sai esensiál (maski dala barak la sufisiente), atu redús devastasaun (destroi total) no proteje povu nia direitu. Haree ba realidade katak atividade minerais la’ós sustentável (ho gastu riku soin minerais naun renovavel hodi hetan osan), ne’e sempre iha dezafiu boot atu minimiza impaktu negativu. |
Consultation begins in 2013, but goes underground In 2013, Timor-Leste's Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (MPRM) started talking with people around the country about a proposed law and code to license and regulate mining operations in the country. Consultations were held in Oecusse, Suai and Same, and La'o Hamutuk wrote a blog article encouraging people to give their input. La'o Hamutuk scanned the English translation of the draft law and associated 178-article draft Mining Code, which you can download as a PDF or Word file. MPRM has also provided Portuguese and Tetum versions. La'o Hamutuk hopes that the enacted version of this long and complex Code will prioritize its goal of "ecologically sustainable development" over the desire to hastily convert mineral wealth into cash. In June 2014, MPRM told La'o Hamutuk that they had changed their plans, and there will not be any public consultation on this law in Dili. They expected to send it to the Council of Ministers soon. |
Konsultasaun hahú iha tinan 2013, maibé ikus mai la'o subar Ministériu Petróleu no Rekursu Minerais ko’alia ona ho ema barak iha nasaun ida ne’e kona ba ezbosu Lei Mineiru ba lisensiamentu no regulamentu operasionál minerais nian iha nasaun ne’e. Konsultasaun primeiru iha Oecusse hahú iha 26 Agosto, no konsultasaun tuir mai hala’o iha Suai iha 25 Setembru. La’o Hamutuk sirkula ezbosu lei ne’e no liu husi pájina ne’e ami enkoraja ita boot sira atu estuda no fó sujestaun. La’o Hamutuk halo scan ezbosu lei ne’ebé inklui artigu 178 iha ezbosu Kódigu Mineiru, ne’ebé ita bele download iha Ingles. MPRM mós fasilita versaun Tetun no Portugés. La’o Hamutuk espera katak adopsaun Kódigu ne’ebé naruk no kompleksu ne’e sei fó prioridade ba objetivu lei ne’e rasik mak “dezenvolvimentu ekolójiku ne’ebé sustentável” duke hanoin ne’ebé fasil liu atu konverte rikeza minerais ne’e ba osan. Iha fulan Juñu 2014, MPRM hatete ba La'o Hamutuk katak sira muda ona sira nia planu, no sei laiha konsultasaun públiku iha Dili kona-ba ezbosu lei ida ne'e. Sira iha hanoin atu haruka ezbosu lei ne'e ba Konsellu Ministru iha tempo badak. |
After two more years of closed-door discussions and revisions, Timor-Leste’s draft Mining Code was approved by the Council of Ministers on 9 August 2016 and celebrated in a government press release the following week, and by the Miranda Law firm which helped draft the law. |
Hafoin tinan rua tan diskusaun segredu no revizaun , iha loron 9 Agostu 2016, Konsellu Ministru aprova ezbosu Kódigu Mineiru Timor-Leste nian. Semana ida tuir mai, Governu fó sai Komunikadu Imprensa ida. |
The Government then sent the draft to National Parliament for discussion, and Committee D organized a public hearing on 19 January 2017 to hear perspectives from NGOs, the Chamber of Commerce and members of the Government and the institutions responsible for the petroleum and mining sector in Timor-Leste. During the hearing, La’o Hamutuk presented the following perspectives, and followed up with a written submission. We touched on many topics, including:
Asaun iha Parlamentu Nasional iha 2017 Depois Governu haruka ezbosu ne’e (Port.) ba Parlamentu Nasional atu halo diskusaun. Komisaun D organiza audiénsia públiku iha loron 19 Janeiru 2017 hodi rona perspetiva sira hosi ONG, Camara Comercio, no mós membru Governu no instituisaun ne’ebé responsavel ba setór petróleu no minériu iha Timor-Leste. La’o Hamutuk aprezenta nia perspetiva sira hanesan tuir mai ne’e, no halo submisaun depois. Ami mensiona tópiku barak, inklui:
On 14 March 2017, the Council of Ministers approved a Decree-Law to establish the national mining company Murak-Rai Timor, a commercial entity financed by the state "to ensure the development of a sector of great potential." Following recommendations by President Taur Matan Ruak, the Decree-Law was revised and re-approved on 6 June. On 13 June 2017, La'o Hamutuk hosted a public meeting on the Mining Law at the Institute of Business, with Niall Almond from LH and Parliamentary Economic Committee Chair Jacinta Abucau Pereira, who explained that Parliament will not approve the draft law before the July election. In March 2018, the Council of Ministers approved a Decree-Law creating the Murak-Rai Timor S.A. state-owned mining company, although the Decree-Law has not yet been published in the Jornal da República. |
Iha 14 Marsu 2017, Konsellu Ministrus aprova Dekretu-Lei ne’ebé kria empreza nasionál mineira, Murak-Rai Timor, sosiedade komersiál direitu privadu nian no kapitál integrál públiku "atu garante dezenvolvimentu setór ekonómiku ida ho nia poténsia boot." Hafoin rekomendasaun husi Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak, Dekretu-Lei ida ne'e hetan revizaun no aprovasaun iha loron 6 Juñu. Iha loron 13 Juñu 2017, La'o Hamutuk organiza enkontru públiku kona-ba Lei Mineiru iha Institute of Business, ho Niall Almond husi LH no Prezidente Komisaun Ekonómiku Parlamentu Nasional Jacinta Abucau Pereira. Deputada ne'e esplika katak Parlamentu la aprova ezbosu lei ida ne'e molok eleisaun iha fulan Jullu. Iha fulan Marsu 2018, Konsellu Ministrus aprova Dekretu-Lei ida kona-ba estatutu kompañia Murak-Rai Timor S.A. estadu nian, maske Dekretu-Lei ida ne'e seidauk publika iha Jornal da Repúblika. |
Mining code resubmitted in 2019 and enacted in 2021 In July 2019, the Government approved a revised version of the Mining Code and Parliament began to discuss it. They invited La'o Hamutuk to make a written submission (Tetum), which we did. After more than a year, Parliament approved the Mining Code in generality in July 2020. In late February 2021, Committees C and D held a three-day retreat in Tibar, Likisa, to discuss this law, continuing in early March, with this working version. However, on 9 March Committee D told Parliament that, although they have gotten through 64 of the draft's 162 articles, they are waiting for the Covid-19 situation to ease before continuing further. On 12 May 2021, Committee D finished its work and Parliament approved a draft (Port.) in speciality. On 24 May, Parliament unanimously approved the law. It was promulgated by the President as Law no 12/2021 of 30 June (Port. original) to take effect at the end of 2021. |
Kódigu Mineiru diskusan hahu fali iha tinan 2019 no hetan aprovasaun iha 2021 Iha fulan Jullu 2019 Governu aprova versaun foun Kódigu Mineiru, no Parlamentu Nasional hahú diskusaun. PN konvite La'o Hamutuk atu hakerek submisaun ida, no ita haruka ona ba Komisaun D Parlamentu Nasional. |
Licenses awarded in 2023 In March 2023, Timor-Leste launched its first licensing round for mineral exploration, offering 49 concession areas totalling more than 2,000 square kilometers. Nine companies passed the eligibility screening, and four were awarded contracts in November 2023. For more information, see La'o Hamutuk's web page on mining projects. |
Governu fó lisensa sira iha tinan 2023 |
Documents and commentary (reverse chronological order)
Dokumentu no komentáriu sira
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk) Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330 Web: Facebook |