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2022 Presidential Election
Eleisaun ba Prezidente Republika iha tinan 2022

12 July 2022


Click here for information about the 2017 Presidential election.

La'o Hamutuk is publishing information about the 2022 Presidential Election here, in order to make it more widely available. The first round was on 19 March and the second round will be on 19 April.

The 16 candidates in the first round were listed on the ballot without party names in this order:

  1. Isabel da Costa Ferreira
  2. Hermes da Rosa Correia Barros
  3. Maria Ângela Freitas da Silva
  4. Rogério Tiago de Fátima Lobato
  5. Anacleto Bento Pereira [PDRT]
  6. Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo) [FRETILIN]
  7. Maria Elena Lopes de Jesus Pires
  8. Tito da Costa Cristovão (Lere Anan Timur)
  9. Armanda Berta dos Santos [KHUNTO]
  10. Antero Benedito da Silva
  11. Constâncio da Conceição Pinto (Terus)
  12. Virgílio da Silva Guterres (Lamukan)
  13. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
  14. José Ramos Horta [CNRT]
  15. Felisberto Araújo Duarte
  16. Mariano Assanami Sabino Lopes [PD]

La'o Hamutuk distributed a questionnaire (Tetum) to every candidate, asking for their positions on some key issues. We will post their responses here as we receive them.

We have produced a Tetum radio program on Eleisaun prezidensiál periodu 2022-2027 and a Tetum blog 2022 presidential election: Every Voter has the Same Right to Participate.

UNDP has collected various materials on its website on COVID-Resilient Elections (CORE-TL).  If you don't see something you're looking for below, look there.

Hili iha ne'e atu hetan informasaun kona-ba eleisaun Prezidensiál tinan 2017.

La’o Hamutuk publika informasaun kona-ba eleisaun prezidensiál 2022 nian iha-ne’e, atu nune’e sira bele iha disponibilidade boot liu. Primeiru volta iha loron 19 fulan Marsu, no segunda volta sei iha loron 19 fulan Abril.

Kandidatu 16 lista iha boletín votus sein afiliasaun partidu nian, hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

  1. Isabel da Costa Ferreira
  2. Hermes da Rosa Correia Barros
  3. Maria Ângela Freitas da Silva
  4. Rogério Tiago de Fátima Lobato
  5. Anacleto Bento Pereira [PDRT]
  6. Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo) [FRETILIN]
  7. Maria Elena Lopes de Jesus Pires
  8. Tito da Costa Cristovão (Lere Anan Timur)
  9. Armanda Berta dos Santos [KHUNTO]
  10. Antero Benedito da Silva
  11. Constâncio da Conceição Pinto (Terus)
  12. Virgílio da Silva Guterres (Lamukan)
  13. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
  14. José Ramos Horta [CNRT]
  15. Felisberto Araújo Duarte
  16. Mariano Assanami Sabino Lopes [PD]

La'o Hamutuk fahe kestionáriu ida ba kandidatura hotu, atu husu sira nia hanoin kona-ba asuntu xave balun. Ami sei publika sira nia resposta iha ne'e bainhira ami simu.

Ami prodús ona programa radio Eleisaun prezidensiál periodu 2022-2027, no hakerek blog Eleisaun Prezidensiál 2022: Eleitor Hotu iha Direitu Hanesan atu Partisipa.

UNDP halibur matéria balu iha Tetum no Ingles iha website COVID-Resilient Elections (CORE-TL). Karik ita-boot la hetan buat ruma iha kraik, bele buka ne’ebá.

Results from first round

José Ramos Horta got the most votes (46.6%), followed by Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo) with 22.1%, and they will face each other in the second round on 19 April. No other candidate got more than 9% in the first round -- next were Armanda Berta dos Santos (8.7%), Lere Anan Timur (7.6%) and Mariano Assanami Sabino (7.3%). All others received 2% or less. Table of results by municipality.

More than 77% of registered voters cast ballots, 1.8% of which were invalid. The valid vote turnout is 6% higher than in 2017 and 4% higher than in 2012, the highest turnout in a first-round Presidential election since 2007. In light of steadily increasing voter registration (from 523 thousand in 2007 to 860 thousand in 2022), the large participation indicates that Timor-Leste's democracy is doing well.

Official results from the first round were certified by CNE and the Court of Appeals and printed in the Jornal da Republica on 29 March.

Several observer groups have released reports on the first round. These are the ones we have in English:

Rezultadu husi primeira volta

Rezultadu primeira volta hatudu José Ramos Horta mak lidera ho 46.6%, tuir fali Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo) ho 22.1%, no sei hasoru malu iha segundu volta iha 19 Abril. Laiha kandidatura seluk mak hetan liu 9% iha primeira volta -- tuir mai Armanda Berta dos Santos (8.7%), Lere Anan Timur (7.6%) no Mariano Assanami Sabino (7.3%). Sira seluk hotu simu 2% ka menus. Tabela rezultadadu husi kada munisipiu.

Rezultadu ofisiál husi primeira volta hetan sertifikasaun husi CNE no Tribunal Rekursu no publika ona iha Jornal da Repúblika iha loron 29 Marsu.

Grupu observadór balun fó sai relatóriu kona-ba primeira volta. Ami iha relatóriu sira tuir mai iha Tetum:

Second Round

On 30 March, the Court announced that José Ramos-Horta would be listed first on the second-round ballot, followed by Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo), as shown at left.

The revised schedule for campaigning is shown in the graphic at right.

According to official results announced by CNE, José Ramos-Horta received 398,082 votes (62%) and Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo) received 242,939 (38%).

Several observer groups reported on the second round, including these in English:

Segunda volta

Iha loron 30 Marsu, Tribunal Rekursu fó sai katak José Ramos Horta sei hetan #1 iha boletin vota ba segunda volta, ho Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo) hetan #2 (hare iha liman karuk). 

CNE fó sai Kalendariu Kampana alteradu ba segunda volta.

Tuir apuramentu ofisial husi CNE, José Ramos-Horta simu votu 398,082 (62%) no Francisco Guterres (Lú-Olo) simu votu 242,939 (38%).

Grupu observadór balun fó sai relatóriu kona-ba segunda volta, inklui sira tuir mai iha Tetum:

LH nia Buletin iha Dezembru 2022 inklui artigu Saida mak ita aprende husi eleisaun 2022?.



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The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
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