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UN Periodic Review processes regarding Human Rights in Timor-Leste
 Revizaun Periódika ONU nian kona-ba Direitus Umanus iha Timor-Leste

 22 February 2012.    Updated 9 September 2022

Contents / Konteudu

Every four years, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) conducts a process called Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on the human rights situation in every country. In 2011, Timor-Leste went through this process for the first time. Following the presentation of information and submissions from several sources during 2011, a HRC Working Group reviewed Timor-Leste on 12 October 2011 (video). The members gave many suggestions to Timor-Leste's Government, which were discussed and adopted in a Council plenary meeting on 16 March 2012, as described on this Fact Sheet (also Tetum) from UNMIT and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Ambassador Joaquim Fonseca represented Timor-Leste in Geneva on 16 March, as anyone going from Dili would have lost their ability to vote in the next day's Presidential election. The one-hour debate began with an opening statement from Timor Leste, followed by supportive comments by more than a dozen countries and statements from the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice, Amnesty International, Save the Children/Plan, Marist/Franciscans, and IIMA (Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice). UNMIT and the World Bank arranged for people to watching the webcast live in Dili, and the report on Timor-Leste was adopted without dissent.

More information on the UPR process, including background documents and translations into other UN official languages, is available on the Timor-Leste UPR page of the UN Human Rights website. Click here for information on other UN-related processes in Timor-Leste.

In a separate process, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights visited Timor-Leste in November 2011 and reported to the Council in June 2012, with appreciation by the Provedor (video).  Follow this link for her report (also Tetum), La'o Hamutuk's statement and blog, and other information.

Kada tinan haat, Konsellu Direitus Umanus ONU nian (HRC) halo prosesu atu hare situasaun direitus umanus iha nasaun ida ida, bolu Universal Periodic Review (UPR, Revizaun Periódika Universál). Agora dadaun, primera vez Timor-Leste involve iha prosesu ida ne'e. Tinan kotuk, ho informasaun husi fonte balun, Grupo Trabalho HRC nian halo revisaun kona-ba Timor-Leste iha loron 12 Outubru 2011 (video). Nasaun sira fo ona sujestaun barak ba Governu Timor-Leste, no sei iha diskusaun tan no aprovasaun iha Sesaun Plenaria Konsellu Direitus Umanus iha loron 16 fulan Marsu 2012, tuir Informasaun Badak husi UNMIT no Alto Komisariu Direitus Umanus (OHCHR).

Ita bele hetan nformasaun tan kona ba prosesu UPR iha lian ofisial ONU nian iha pajina web UPR iha website ONU nian.

La'o Hamutuk kria pajina web ida ne'e atu fo oportunidade ba ema barak atu tuir no partisipa iha prosesu UPR. Ami apresia informasaun no dokumentu husi fonte hotu.

Documents relating to the 2011 UPR

From the UN

From Governments

Submissions (English except where noted)

Dokumentu kona-ba prosesu UPR iha tinan 2011

Husi ONU

Husi Governu sira (hotu Ingles)

Submisaun sira

UPR 2016

Timor-Leste had its second Universal Periodic Review on 3 November 2016. The three Human Rights Council countries coordinating Timor-Leste's review were South Africa, China and the Netherlands. Further background is in this UN Media Advisory, and the three-hour video is at

In March, the UN Country Team, Timor-Leste civil society (NGOs), the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice, Amnesty International and the Association for Disability had submitted reports as part of the process.

Documents in many languages are on the UN OHCHR web page on this process. In August, the Timor-Leste Government reported on implementation of previous UPR recommendations, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights summarized submissions from 10 stakeholders and compiled information from UN treaty bodies. A separate report discussed compliance with the Convention against Torture.

During the session on 3 November, Minister of Justice Ivo Valente spoke first (Port.), followed by about sixty representatives of different nations (video). We have compiled most of their statements here, and will add others and Minister Valente's response as they become available. Timor-Leste's government summarized the session.

On 7 November, a draft report summarized the proceeding and listed 154 recommendations from member states, to which Timor-Leste will respond at a Human Rights Council plenary in Geneva on 16 March 2017. It was presented on 8 November, with remarks by Timor-Leste Ambassador Marciano da Silva (video). HRC published their Final Report at the end of December, and the UN Human Rights Unit in Dili categorized its recommendations.

On 7 March 2017, Timor-Leste informed the Human Rights Council of its responses to the 154 recommendations: they accepted 146, and agreed in principle but did not commit to implement five more (accession to international conventions on Stateless Persons, Genocide, amendments to the Rome (ICC) Statute and the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity). However, Timor-Leste rejected three other recommendations which it claims are "not in line with the perspectives of Timorese society:" raising the marriage age to 18 and studying the introduction of a universal basic income.

On 16 March, the Human Rights Council adopted the outcomes of the UPR for Timor-Leste (video). Eighteen national delegations congratulated Timor-Leste, while seven civil society organizations (including JSMP/Forum Asia, Amnesty International and the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice) regretted lack of progress on justice for crimes during the Indonesian occupation, discrimination against LGBTI people, the media law and the failure to fully ensure women's and children's rights, particularly in regard to corporal punishment and domestic violence.

UPR 2016

Timor hetan UPR daruak iha loron 3 Novembru 2016. Membru tolu husi Konsellu Diretus Umanus kordena UPR ba Timor-Leste: Afrika do Sul, Xina, no Olanda. UPR hetan webcast iha .

Iha fulan Marsu, UN nia ekipa iha TL, Timor-Leste sosiedade sivil (NGOs), Provedor ba Direitus Umanus no Justisa, Amnesty Internasionál (Tetum) no Asosiasaun Defisiénsia Timor-Leste haruka ona relatoriu sira ba prosesu ida ne'e.

Dokumentu sira iha lingua balun iha website UN OHCHR nian. Iha fulan Agostu, Governu Timor-Leste fó informasaun kona-ba implementasaun rekomendasaun sira husi UPR 2012, no Alto Komisáriu Direitus Umanus husi ONU sumariza submisaun husi stakeholder na'in 10 no halibur informasaun husi órgaun ne’ebé jere tratadu sira. Relatóriu ketak diskute Konvensaun Kontra Tortura.

Durante sesaun iha 3 Novembru, Ministru Justisa Ivo Valente aprezenta uluk (Port.), molok maizumenus reprezentante na’in 60 husi nasaun lubuk (video). Ami halibur sira nia esteitementu, no sei aumenta iha pájina ida ne'e bainhira ami hetan resposta husi Min. Valente. Governu Timor-Leste nian sumariza sesaun ida ne'e.

Iha loron 7 Novembru, ezbosu relatóriu ida (Ing) sumariza prosesu no lista rekomendasaun 154 husi nasaun balun, no Timor-Leste sei responde iha plenaria Konsellu Direitus Umanus iha Jenebra iha 16 Marsu 2017. Iha loron 8 Novembru (video), Konsellu aprezenta relatóriu no Embaixadór Marciano da Silva husi Timor-Leste responde. HRC/KDU publika Relatóriu Final iha Dezembru nia ikus, no Unidade Asesoria Direitus Umanus ONU nian iha Timor-Leste kategoriza sira nia rekomendasaun.

Iha 7 Marsu 2017, Timor-Leste hatete ba Konsellu Direitus Umanus ho ninia resposta ba rekomendasaun 154: nia aseita 146 no konkorda iha prinsipiu maibé labele implementa lima tan (tama iha konvensaun international sira kona ba ema laiha estadu, jenosídiu, no krime kontra umanidade). Nune’e, Timor-Leste rejeita rekomendasaun tolu tan tanba sira "la tuir perspetiva sira husi sosiedade Timorense", hasa’e idade kazamentu ba tinan 18 no analiza introdusaun posivel ba rendimentu familial mínimu.

Iha loron 16 Marsu, Konsellu Direitus Umanus aprova rezultadu UPR ba Timor-Leste (video). Delegasaun husi nasaun 18 kongratula Timor-Leste, no organizasaun sosiedade sivíl na’in hitu (inklui JSMP/Forum Asia) lamenta progresu uitoan ba justisa, diskriminasaun kontra omoseksuál sira, lei media, no seidauk garante direitu feto no labarik sira.

Documents relating to the 2016 UPR (chronological order)

From the UN

From governments


Dokumentu kona-ba prosesu UPR iha tinan 2016

Husi ONU

Husi Governu sira

Submisaun sira

2017 Committee Against Torture

Timor-Leste ratified the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in 2003. In 2017, more than 14 years later, Timor-Leste submitted its initial report to comply with obligations under the convention.

In November and December 2017, the Committee Against Torture, part of the UN Human Rights Council received reports on Timor-Leste, including from Government (with statistical annex), civil society, and the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ). The session was addressed by Vice-Minister for Justice Sebastiao Dias Ximenes, and the OHCHR summarized the first and second day.

Timor-Leste will be reviewed again in December 2021.

The Concluding Observations of the Committee included many concerns in relation to accountability for crimes against humanity during Indonesia’s military occupation. The Committee asked Timor-Leste to “allow the UN Special Panels for serious crimes to be reconvened” to resume prosecutions.

The Committee Against Torture also asked Timor-Leste to investigate and promote responsibility for cases relating to the joint police/military operation against KRM and CPD-RDTL in Baucau in 2014-2015.

We hope that civil society, students and researchers can use these documents, for reference and to work to reduce torture in Timor-Leste. Some important documents are available on OHCHR's website in English or Tetum.

Komite Kontra Tortura iha tinan 2017

Timor-Leste halo retifika Konvensaun Hasoru Tortura no Tratamentu Aat iha tinan 2003. Iha tinan 2017, hafoin liu tiha tinan 14 ida Timor-Leste retifika konvensaun ne’e, mak submete relatóriu inisiál ba Komité nudár obrigasaun estadu parte ba kumprimentu obrigasaun sira.

Durante Novembru no Dezembru 2017, Komité Kontra Tortura, parte Konsellu Direitus Umanus Nasoins Unidas nian, simu relatóriu sira husi Timor-Leste inklui relatóriu husi Governu, sosiedade sivíl, Provedor dos Direitus Umanus no Justisa - PDHJ.

Timor-Leste sei halo revizaun fali iha Dezembru 2021.

Observasaun konklusivu Komité nian inklui preokupasaun barak relasaun ho akuntabilidade ba krime kontra umanidade durante okupasaun militár Indonézia, Komité husu Timor-Leste atu permite ba reúne fali panel special Nasoins Unidas nian, atu kontinua prosesu judisiál ba krime sira.

Komité Kontra Tortura mós ezije atu Timor-Leste halo prosesu investigasaun no promove responsabilizasaun ba kazu sira operasaun konjunta PNTL/F-FDTL kontra grupu KRM no CPD-RDTL iha Baucau iha tinan 2014-2015.

Espera katak sosiedade sivíl, estudante no peskizadór sira bele uza dokumentu sira ne’ebé iha, ba referénsia no uza ba servisu hodi ajuda halakon tortura iha Timor-Leste. Dokumentu importante balun ho versaun Tetun iha link ida ne’e.

UPR 2021-2022

The third UPR for Timor-Leste was on 27 January 2022 in Geneva. A video of the 150-minute session is at, including the opening speech by the Minister for Justice and brief comments from many UN member states. Advance information was in this press release (also Portuguese) and on the UN OHCHR web page. Each of the 77 countries who had registered gave brief speeches, although only six of them were present in person. The draft report was adopted (video of decision and TL Ambassador Lourdes Bessa's response) on 1 February.

At the end of May, Timor-Leste's government that it supports 186 of the 194 recommendations and "notes" eight which it does not agree with, including those related to non-discrimination by sexual preference, reproductive rights and child marriage. For these three areas, the recommendations are seen as "in contradiction with applicable laws", "not in accordance with the perspective of Timor-Leste’s society" or "do not reflect the context lived by Timor-Leste’s society".

The UPR report on Timor-Leste was formally adopted on 1 July 2022. The discussion on Timor-Leste begins 7:44:00 into the video, and includes statements from the government and several civil society organizations, including La'o Hamutuk. We subsequently produced a radio program on this UPR process.

Documents from the United Nations (documents in chronological order)

From Governments

NGO submissions (English except where noted)

La'o Hamutuk participated in two stakeholder submissions which were filed on 14 July 2021:

Other civil society submissions include:

UPR 2021-2022

ONU halo UPR kada tinan lima ba nasaun hotu, no UPR dala tolu ba Timor-Leste sei akontese iha loron 27 Janeiru 2022.

Iha fulan Setembru 2022, La'o Hamutuk produs programa Radio Igualdade Universal Periodic Review (UPR) ba direitu umanus.

Husi ONU no Governu -- hotu iha Ingles. Hare iha sorin karuk

Submisaun sira

La'o Hamutuk partisipa iha submisaun rua husi stakeholder sira ne'ebe submite iha loron 14 Jullu 2021:

Submisaun sira seluk inklui:


The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:    Web:    Blog: