La’o Hamutuk

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Public Consultation by the Timor Sea Office
and the Timor Sea Designated Authority
regarding the Proposed Petroleum Regime for Timor-Leste

August - September 2004

La'o Hamutuk Submission

Legislation as enacted


In August 2004, the Timor-Leste government's Timor Sea Office and the Timor Sea Designated Authority (which administers the Joint Petroleum Development Area created by the 2002 Timor Sea Treaty) released draft laws for managing petroleum development. The drafts can be downloaded from the Timor Sea office website:

The Timor Sea Office also released sections of an amended version of the Timor-Leste Taxation Act as it relates to petroleum, which is referenced by the Draft Timor-Leste Petroleum Tax Act.

After a three-day public consultation in Dili at the end of August, the Timor-Leste government invited organizations and companies to submit written comments. La'o Hamutuk was among several organizations to do so, and we extensively analyzed both the Draft Petroleum Act and the Draft Production Contract.

The Regime was approved by the Council of Ministers in December 2004, and by Parliament in July 2005. Click here for more details on this process and the texts of the laws as enacted.

La'o Hamutuk Submission

Our submission is in three parts (click on each one to read it as HTML):

Referenced Documents

La'o Hamutuk's submission refers to the following documents:

Submissions by other organizations (all are PDF files, some are large)

The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:    Web:    Blog: