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Started 3 July 2019. Updated 21 Jullu 2022
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2020 Budget Process begins On 7 June, the Prime Minister's office distributed a booklet which defined their plans for 2020-2023, and Ministry of Finance advisor Helder Lopes described the economic diversification aspects at a TAF Policy Leaders Group seminar on 14 June.
The objective of this workshop was to define national priorities for the coming year, which were explained by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak and in a booklet distributed by the Government. However, the workshop did not define a fiscal envelope as expected. The Prime Minister said there will be further discussion in a Budget Review Committee which will recommend an overall envelope to the Council of Ministers. The Ministry of Finance presented three scenarios for the 2020 budget: the first "base amount" was $0.7 billion, which the Ministry called "fiscally sustainable" (domestic revenues plus ESI). The other two scenarios were $1.3 and $1.6 billion, and each contained predictions for how long the Petroleum Fund will last. FONGTIL and La'o Hamutuk represented civil society in the workshop and were given two chances to present concerns and suggestions. Journalists attended the opening speeches of the Finance Minister and Prime Minister, but they were asked to leave during the discussion. On 31 July, the Council of Ministers established the fiscal envelope for the proposed 2020 State Budget at $1.6 billion. It prioritizes social capital (education, training, health, water and sanitation), economic development (private sector investment, job creation, diversification, agriculture) and connectivity (ports, airports, roads). A Government press release summarized the information. The plan is for the Council of Ministers to approve the final budget proposal on 27 September and to submit it to Parliament on 15 October. On 6 September, the Ministry of Finance released a Pre-Budget Statement for 2020, including data about budget execution during the first half of 2019. On 9 September, the Budget Policy Review Committee began two weeks of discussions on the budget, as reported by the Ministry of Finance and Tatoli. On 23 September, the Government and the Ministry announced that the BRC had finished its work, and that the $1,600 million budget ceiling was not enough to pay for planned government activities. Although these announcements did not give a revised figure, Tatoli reported that as much as $750 million could be added to the budget. If this happens, total spending will be 20% more than ever before The Council of Ministers held an 'extraordinary meeting' on 27 September, but the 2020 budget was not mentioned in the official release. However, Tatoli reported that State Minister Agio Pereira said that the Council has begun to study the BRC's budget numbers and will make a decision next week. At its meeting on 2 October, the Council of Ministers approved a budget proposal of $1,950 million -- equal to the largest budget in Timor-Leste's history (2016). According to Tatoli, the budget will be funded with:
The money will be spent in these budget categories:
La'o Hamutuk, the Core Group on Transparency and the NGO Forum held a public meeting to discuss the proposed 2020 budget on 3 October at Dili Cathedral (invitation). Presentations were made by Epifânio Alarico Martins of the Ministry of Finance, FRETILIN MP Nina Rangel, and Febe Gomes from La'o Hamutuk. The event was covered by local media, including Tatoli and Tempo Timor. |
Prosesu Orsamentál ba
2020 Iha loron 7 Juñu, Gabinete Primeiru Ministru fahe sira nia livru ki’ik ne’ebé define sira nia planu ba 2020-2023, no asesór Ministériu Finansa Helder Lopes deskreve aspetu diversifikasaun ekonomiku iha seminar TAF nia Grupu Leader Polítiku iha 14 Juñu 2019.
Objetivu husi jornada ida ne’e, atu define prioridade nasional ba 2020 too 2023, ne’ebé Primeiru Ministru esplika ona iha nia diskursu no iha sira nia livru ki’ik ne’ebé elabora sira nia planu no programa no atu determina envelope fiskál, infelizmente laiha desizaun ba envelope fiskál iha jornada ida ne’e. PM dehan sei iha diskusaun tan iha Komité Revizaun Orsamentu no lori ba Konsellu Ministru depois hetan desizaun ba envelope fiskál. Ministériu Finansa aprezenta senáriu tolu ba OJE 2020; Senáriu primeiru mak biliaun $0.7, ne’ebé MF bolu senáriu sustentabilidade fiskál (DR+RSE), senáriu segundu biliaun $1.3 no senáriu ikus biliaun $1.6. Kada senáriu iha nia previzaun kona ba Fundu Petrolíferu sei bele iha too bainhira. Fongtil no La’o Hamutuk partisipa iha Jornada ida ne’e, sira reprezenta sosiedade sivíl no hetan oportunidade dala rua hodi hato’o preokupasaun no sujestaun sira ba Governu. Media sira mós partisipa iha parte dadeer iha diskursu Ministra Finansa no Primeiru Ministru nian maibé too iha parte diskusaun MC husu jornalista sira atu sai. Iha loron 31 Jullu, Konsellu Ministrus determina envelope fiskál ba proposta OJE 2020, ho nivel biliaun $1.6. Komunikadu imprensa ida husi Governu sumariza desizaun ida ne'e. Tuir planu, Konsellu Ministrus sei aprova proposta orsamentu final ba orsamentu tinan 2020 iha loron 27 Setembru, no haruka ba Parlamentu Nasional iha loron 15 Outubru. Iha loron 6 Setembru, Ministru Finansa publika Pre-Budget Statement for 2020 (Inglés), inklui informasaun kona-ba ezekusaun orsamentál durante Jan-Jun 2019. Iha loron 9 Setembru, Komité Revizaun Orsamentu Polítika (KROP) hahú diskusaun ba semana rua, tuir Ministru Finansas no Tatoli. Iha 23 Setembru, Governu no Ministru fó sai katak KROP remata ona sira nia servisu, no desizaun ba envelope fiskál tokon $1,600 la to'o atu selu ba governu nia planu. Maske komunikadu sira ne'e la fó númeru foun, Tatoli hakerek bele aumenta OJE ho tokon $750 tan. Karik ida ne'e sei akontese, despeza total mak 20% liu tinan hotu iha pasadu. Konsellu Ministrus halo 'Sorumutu Estraordinária' iha loron 27 Setembru, maibé OJE 2020 la mensiona iha komunikadu husi Governu. Maske nune'e, Tatoli fo sai kata Ministru Estadu Agio Pereira hatete katak KM hahú halo apresiasaun ba proposta husi KROP, no sei halo desizaun iha semana tuir mai. Iha ninia enkontru iha 2 Outubru, Konsellu Ministrus aprova proposta Orsamentu ba 2020 ho montante tokon $1,950 -- hanesan OJE ne’ebé boot liu iha istória Timor-Leste (tinan 2016). Tuir Tatoli, OJE 2020 sei hetan osan husi:
Despeza husi osan ne'e aloka ba kategoria sira tuir mai:
Budget proposed and discussed in Parliamentary Committees Parliament plans to discuss and enact the 2020 State Budget by 11 December (later revised; see below):
On 15 October, the Government proposed its budget law and explanatory memorandum, and presented 6 budget books (downloadable below) to Parliament, as reported by Parliament and Tatoli. On 22 October, Parliament distributed the proposal to its standing committees. The Parliamentary Standing Committees have scheduled many days of hearings on the budget proposal during the last week of October and first week of November; click on each one to get its schedule: The Government announced the hearings, and Parliament issued press releases (Tetum) following the hearings on 26, 29 and 30 October, and 4, 5, 6 and 7 November.
On 31 October, Parliamentary committees held a hearing with agencies under the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals (MPM), which La'o Hamutuk observed. The reports and proposed budgets submitted by TimorGAP (report, proposal), the National Petroleum and Minerals Authority (ANPM), and the Institute of Petroleum and Geology (IPG) contain important information. The $86.9 million in public transfers through MPM were not detailed in the Budget Books, and include:
During November, MPs from all political parties expressed concern about the size of the budget, including Domingos de Carvalho (CNRT) and Joaquim dos Santos (Fretilin). President Lu Olo also stressed the urgency of economic diversification; leaders of the Parliamentary majority welcomed the policy debate. On 21 November, Committee C issued a 122-page report (Portuguese) asking the Government to reconsider many aspects of the proposed budget, and included some of the concerns raised by La'o Hamutuk. The report includes recommendations from other standing committees. |
aprezenta proposta OJE ba Parlamentu Nasional Parlamentu Nasionál planu ona atu diskute no valida Orsamentu Estadu 2020 nian iha 11 Dezembru.
Iha 15 Outubru, Governu haruka nia Proposta de Lei OGE 2020 no Exposição de Motivos, no temi iha livru orsamentu 6 ne’ebé haruka ba Parlamentu (bele hetan iha okos) informa husi Parlamentu no Tatoli. Iha 22 Outubru. Parlamentu fahe proposta ne’e ba ninia Komisaun permanente sira. Komisaun sira halo kalendáriu hodi halo audiénsia barak kona-ba proposta OJE hahu iha fulan Outubru to’o 6 Novembru; hili kada komisaun atu hetan sira nia kalendáriu Governu anunsia audiensia sira, no Parlamentu fo sai komunikadu imprensa sira kkonaba audiensia iha loron 26, 29 no 30 Outubru, no 4, 5, 6 no 7 Novembru.
Iha 31 Outubru, komisaun sira iha Parlamentu Nasional hala’o audensia ho ajensia sira ne’ebé iha Ministeriu Petroleu no Minerais, ne’ebé La’o Hamutuk observa. Iha relatóriu no proposta orsamentu ne’ebé submete husi TimorGap, Autoridade Nasionál Petroleu no Minerais (ANPM), no Institutu Petroleu no Geologia (IPG) nakonu ho informasaun importante. Tokon $86.9 iha transferensia publiku liu husi MPM laho detallu iha livru orsamentu, no inklui:
Iha Novembru laran, MPs husi partidu polítiku hotu expressa sira nia preukupasaun kona ba valor husi orsamentu, inklui Domingos de Carvalho (CNRT) no Joaquim dos Santos (Fretilin). Presidente Lu Olo mós subliña kona ba urjénsia ba diversifikasaun ekonomia; Lider sira husi maioria iha Parlamentu simu ba politika debate. Iha 21 Novembru, Komisaun C fó sai relatóriu ho 122 pajina husu ba Governu atu tetu fila fali aspetu barak iha proposta orsamentu, no inklui hanoin balu ne’ebé La’o Hamutuk hatoo ona. Relatóriu ne’e inklui rekomendasaun balu husi komisaun permanente. |
Plenary begins late; budget proposal soon withdrawn Although plenary discussion was scheduled to begin on 25 November, Parliament delayed it for a week (PN, Tatoli) due to the death of MP Gilman Santos and the Independence Day holiday. La'o Hamutuk produced a Tetum blog article and radio program explaining the budget, and gave a briefing to civil society and journalists at FONGTIL (also PDF). The plenary debate on the budget began on 2 December, with a speech by the Prime Minister and response from FRETILIN, as reported by Government, Parliament and Tatoli. Fretilin MP Joaquim dos Santos urged more attention to productive sectors. The report from Committee C was presented, which Tatoli reported considered the budget unconstitutional. The Prime Minister observed that this was the first time the Parliamentary majority aggressively challenged a Government budget proposal. The following day the Government responded to widespread criticism of the magnitude of its proposed $1.95 billion budget by withdrawing it. They will submit a smaller one to Parliament by 13 December, as reported by Parliament, Tatoli, the Ministry of Finance and Government. Parliamentary President Arão Noé explained that the delay would require the use of the duodecimal system in early 2020, expressed concerns about the legality of the budget allocations, and affirmed that the AMP coalition remains solid. On the other hand, KKFP President Padre Júlio Crispim Ximenes Belo questioned the legal process for withdrawing the proposal, although the President of Parliament said it was legal. On Gardamor's RTV Talk Show (100 MB Tetum video) on 4 December, representatives from La'o Hamutuk, Fretilin and academia discussed the implications of the budget withdrawal. The following day, the Prime Minister discussed the budget in a media interview. On 6 December, La'o Hamutuk sent an Open Letter to the Prime Minister and other Ministers (Tetum), suggesting what could be cut. The letter was also printed in Timor Post. The following week, the same paper published Empréstimu Tokon $750 Sei Fó Ameasa ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu by La'o Hamutuk. On 12 December, the Government informed Parliament that it will not be ready to submit a revised budget proposal to them by 13 December, but will try to have it by the 19th. The President of Parliament hopes that they can pass it by the end of January 2020. On 13 December, La'o Hamutuk presented Observasaun ba OJE 2020 no Influénsia husi CSOs iha Polítika Públika (also PDF) to a seminar organized by the EU/PFMO. |
tarde, Governu retira proposta OJE Maske plenária diskusaun iha ona ajenda atu hahú iha 25 Novembru, Parlamentu prolonga tan ba semana ida (PN, Tatoli) ho razaun ba loron mate Deputadu Gilman Santos no feriadu nasionál ba loron proklamasaun independénsia. La’o Hamutuk prodús blog artigu no programa radio ne’ebé fó hanoin ruma kona ba orsamentu, no fahe mós informasaun ba sosiedade sivíl no jornalista sira iha FONGTIL (PDF). Debate plenária ba OJE hahú iha 2 Dezembru, ho diskursu husi Primeiru Ministru no resposta husi FRETILIN, hanesan iha fó sai ona husi Governu, Parlamentu, no Tatoli. Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos (FRETILIN) husu atu Governu tau atensaun ba setor produtivu sira. Paraser husi Komisaun C mós aprezenta, iha ne’ebé Tatoli fó sai katak orsamentu ida ne’e inkonstitusionál. Primeiru Ministru observa katak ida ne’e foin mak ba dalauluk akontese maioria parlamentu kontesta ho agresivamente ba proposta OJE ne’ebé hato’o husi Governu. Loron tuir mai Governu hatán ba kritika husi ema barak ba montante ne’ebé boot tebes husi proposta biliaun $1.95 hodi foti hikas sira nia proposta. Sira sei submete fali ba parlamentu montante ida ne’ebé ki’ik iha loron 13 Dezembru, hanesan fó sai husi Parlamentu, Tatoli, Ministériu Finansa no Governu. Prezidente Parlamentu Arão Noé esplika katak se bainhira demora nune’e sei uza sistema duodecimal iha inísiu 2020, nia mós hato’o nia preokupasaun ho legalidade ba alokasaun orsamentál ida ne’e no afirma mós kona ba AMP sira nia koligasaun ida ne’ebé metin. Iha fali parte seluk, Prezidente KKFP Padre Júlio Crispim Ximenes Belo kestiona kona ba prosesu legal ba hasai proposta refere, maske Prezidente Parlamentu hatete katak ida ne’e legal. Iha Gardamor’s RTV Talk Show (100 MB video) iha 4 Dezembru, reprezentante husi La’o Hamutuk, Fretilin no akadémiku halo diskusaun kona ba implikasaun ba OJE ne’ebé hasai ona husi Parlamentu Nasionál. Loron tuir mai, Primeiru Ministru ko’alia kona ba OJE iha nia interview ho média sira. Iha 6 Dezembru, La’o Hamutuk haruka karta aberta ida ba Primeiru Ministru no Ministériu sira, hodi sujere atu hamenus. Karta ida ne’e mós fó sai iha Timor Post. Iha semana tuir mai, ho artigu hanesan publika kona ba Empréstimu Tokon $750 Sei Fó Ameasa ba Sustentabilidade Finansa Estadu husi La’o Hamutuk. Iha 12 Dezembru, Governu informa fila fali ba Parlamentu katak sira seidauk prontu atu submete revizaun proposta OJE iha 13 Dezembru, maibé sira sei esforsu atu lori ba iha loron 19. Prezidente Parlamentu hein katak sira bele halo hotu ida ne’e iha fulan Janeiru ikus 2020 nian. Iha 13 Dezembru, La’o Hamutuk aprezenta Observasaun ba OJE 2020 no Influénsia husi CSOs iha Polítika Públika (mós PDF) iha semináriu organiza husi EU/PFMO. |
Government submits revised proposal; Parliament rejects it On 19 December, the Council of Ministers approved a revised budget and sent it to Parliament with a request for urgent consideration. With expenditures totaling $1.668 billion, the budget is 14% lower than the October proposal. The package includes a Statement of Reasons (rough English translation), a draft budget law with annexed tables, and a justification for withdrawing more than the sustainable amount from the Petroleum Fund. On 23 December, Parliament Committee C approved an urgent agenda for considering the proposal, which was accepted by the plenary (although Fretilin did not vote). Parliamentary Committees will hear government representatives and produce reports for the general plenary discussion on 15-17 January, with debate and voting on each article from 20-30 January. They hope to present the enacted budget to President Lu-Olo on 31 January. The budget books were provided to Parliament at the very end of 2019 and posted to this web page (downloadable below). The Ministry of Finance web-posted them ten days later. Parliamentary committees heard from government officials, and issued press releases (Tetum) about 6 January, 7 January, 8 January and 9 January. The Government also issued a press release at the start of the process. On 10 January, La'o Hamutuk distributed our analysis to members of Parliament and the public. Tatoli English wrote an article based on our submission. We held a press conference on 13 January, and gave this Tetum presentation (also PDF). Our submission discusses fiscal sustainability, priorities, loans, and the need for more attention to environment, agriculture, education and water. We made a few recommendations:
The plenary debate on the budget in generality began on 15 January, as described by the Ministry of Finance and Parliament. Committee C presented its report (Port.), including conclusions and recommendations from other Committees. Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak presented the Government's perspective (Port. or Tetum). After two more days of plenary general debate (PN press releases for 16 January and 17 January), Parliament rejected the budget proposal with 13 votes in favor, 15 against and 25 abstentions. PLP, KHUNTO and small parties voted in favor, 11 FRETILIN MPs voted against, while PD and CNRT allowed their PMs to vote their consciences; many abstained but three from PD and one from CNRT voted no. If no budget is passed within two months, the President could dissolve Parliament and call for new elections under article 86(f) of the RDTL Constitution. The unprecedented rejection of the budget by members of the governing coalition stimulated a lot of confusion and commentary, including articles by Alex Tilman and Michael Leach which try to explain the context and consequences. |
Governu haruka
proposta foun ba Parlamentu Nasional; PN rejeita Iha loron 19 Dezembru, Konsellu Ministrus aprova proposta OJE foun no haruka ba Parlamentu, ho pedidu ba diskusaun urjente. Ho despeza total biliaun $1.668, proposta OJE atuál menus 14% duke proposta uluk iha fulan Outubru. Pakote inklui Espozisaun Motivos (Port), proposta lei ho tabela iha anexu sira, no justfikasaun atu transfere liu RSE husi Fundu Petrolíferu. Iha loron 23 Dezembru, Komisaun C iha PN aprova prosesu urjente, no Plenária aseita kalendáriu ne'e, maske Fretilin la vota. Komisaun sira sei rona reprezentante sira husi Governu no hakerek relatóriu sira molok diskusaun iha Plenária iha jeralidade iha loron 15-17 Janeiru. Husi 20 ba 30 Janeiru, PN sei debate no vota kona-ba artigu ida-idak, no sira espera atu aprezenta OJE aprova ona ba Prezidente Repúblika Lu-Olo iha loron 31 Janeiru. Governu fó livru orsamentál sira ba Parlamentu bainhira tinan 2019 remata, no ita tau sira iha website ida ne'e (bele download husi kraik). Ministériu Finances tau sira iha ninia website hafoin loron sanulu. Komisaun sira iha PN rona husi ofisiál sira husi Governu no fó sai komunikadu imprensa sira kona-ba 6 Janeiru, 7 Janeiru, 8 Janeiru no 9 Janeiru. Governu mós hakerek komunikadu imprensa bainhira prosesu ne'e hahú. Iha loron 10 Janeiru, La'o Hamutuk fahe ami nia analiza ba Deputadu/a sira no ba públiku. Ami halo konferénsia imprensa iha loron 13 Janeiru, ho aprezentasaun ida ne'e (mos PDF). Ami fo rekomendasaun balun:
Debate iha jeralidade iha plenária Parlamentu Nasional hahú iha loron 15 January, hanesan komunikadu husi Ministériu Finansas no Parlamentu. Komisaun C aprezenta sira nia parasér (Port.), ho rekomendasaun sira husi komisaun sira seluk. Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak aprezenta Governu nia perspetiva. Hafoin debate jeralidade loron rua tan iha plenária (PN nia komunikadu imprensa ba 16 Janeiru no 17 Janeiru), Parlamentu rejeita proposta OJE ho vota favor 13, vota kontra 15, no abstensaun 25. PLP, KHUNTO no partidu ki'ik vota favor, FRETILIN vota kontra, CNRT abstain, no deputadu/a balun la vota. Karik PN la aprova Orsamentu Estadu durante fulan rua, Prezidente Repúblika bele disolve Parlamentu no hahú prosesu eleisaun foun, tuir artigu 86(f) Konstituisaun RDTL nian. |
Duodecimal system for 2020 Until a budget for 2020 is enacted and promulgated, the State will function under a duodecimal system, with each state agency allowed to spend one-twelfth of its 2019 appropriation (excluding minor capital) each month. The Ministry of Finance sent the January information to the Council of Ministers, which approved it on 13 January, including a $116.45 million allocation for January. At the end of January, the Ministry of Finance released the Temporary Budget Appropriations book for that month, which is only $4.4 million lower than one-twelfth of the 2019 non-minor-capital budget. Many commentators, journalists and 'experts' have used the duodecimal situation to 'explain' poor government functioning or impacts on the local economy. However, these effects mostly result from political games and uncertainty, rather than reduced appropriations, which primarily affect programs which would have begun or received major budget increases in 2020. The rules for the 2020 duodecimal system are the same as they were for January 2019, but they have fewer exceptions than those used in 2018, when Timor-Leste was under a duodecimal system for more than eight months. Nearly all of the 700 lines in the January budget received 1/12 of their 2019 appropriations, although seven lines in Whole of Government are no longer relevant and were not funded, and public transfers were removed from a few other appropriations, as shown in the following table: On 5 February, the Council of Ministers approved $116.5 million in duodecimal appropriations for February, the same as for January. In mid-February, the Ministry of Finance released a report on execution of the January duodecimal budget. Only $55 million had been spent, 46.9% of the authorized amount. During January, the balance in the Treasury dropped from $291m to $251m, and $19m was received in non-oil revenues. As in January, execution was low in February, with only 44.3% of the authorized $116.5 million being spent, as well as in March. On 1 April, the Council of Ministers authorized duodecimal spending of $114.9 million for April. On 5 May, they authorized $122.2 million for May, which includes $8 million in loan disbursements. The April number does not include money to be spent through the $150 million Special Fund to combat Covid-19, which is outside the duodecimal system. On 3 June, the Council of Ministers authorized spending $122.3m in June, including loan disbursements. |
Rejime duodesimal ba tinan 2020 Molok aprovasaun no promulgasaun OJE ba tinan 2020, Estadu sei uza sistema duodesimal, no instituisaun estadu nian ida-idak bele gastu 1/12 kada fulan tuir sira nia alokasaun iha OJE 2019. Ministériu Finansas aprezenta informasaun kona-ba Janeiru ba Konsellu Ministrus ne’ebé aprova iha loron 13 Janeiru, ho dotasaun ba fulan Janeiru ho montante tokon $116. Iha fin Janeiru, Ministériu Finansas publika livru Dotasaun Orsamentu Temporaria ba fulan ida nian, montante ne'e menus tokon $4.4 husi 1/12 husi orsamentu 2019 nian - la inklui kapitál menór. Komentáriu barak husi jornalista no 'peritu' oi-oin ne’ebé fó sala ba situasaun duodesimal atu 'esplika' funsionamentu governu nian ne’ebé ladun efetivu, no kria konfuzaun katak sistema duodesimal fó impaktu negativu iha ekonomia rai laran. Maske iha realidade, ida ne'e nu'udar joga polítika iha situasaun inserteza nia laran, no la’ós impaktu husi dotasaun ne’ebé menus. Tuir loloos sistema duodesimal afeta de'it programa balun ne’ebé seidauk hahú ka programa ne’ebé sei hetan aumenta montante bo'ot iha 2020. Kuaze liña 700 simu dotasaun tomak husi orsamentu ba fulan Janeiru, maske liña hitu iha Dotasaun ba Governu Tomak husi OJE 2019 laiha relevánsia agora no la hetan osan, no transferénsia públiku hasai tiha husi dotasaun instituisaun estadu nian liña haat de'it, bele haree iha tabela tuir mai: DOT ba fulan Feveriru mak hanesan Janeiru. Maibe, ezekusaun DOT iha Janeiru mak tokon $55 de'it, ka 46%. Durante fulan Janeiru, saldu iha tezouru tun husi tokon $291 ba tokon $251, no reseitas domestikas mak tokon $19. Hanesan iha Janeiru, ezekusaun menus iha Fevereiru, ho de’it 44.3% husi tokon$116.5 ne’ebé hasai tiha ona, hanesan mós iha fulan Marsu. Iha 1 Abril, Konsellu Ministrus aprova despeza duodesimal ho montante tokon $114.9 ba Abril. Iha 5 Maiu, sira aprova tan tokon $122.2 ba Maiu ninian, ne’ebé inklui ona ho tokon $8 ba emprestimu ne’ebe sei selu fali. Montante iha fulan Abril ne’e la inklui ho ida ne’ebé mak sei gasta liu husi Fundu Espesiál atu kombate Covid-19 ho tokon $150, ida ne’e keta husi sistema duodesimal. Iha 3 Juñu. Konsellu Ministru aprova ona despeza ho tokon $122.3 ba Juñu ninian inklui mos husi emprestimu. |
Legal changes and authorizations On 11 March, the Council of Ministers approved a proposed revision to Article 31 the Budget and Financial Management Law to make the duodecimal system more effective, which was sent to Parliament for enactment. Parliament had planned to debate it on 23 March, but it was delayed by Covid-19 and power outages. A second proposed law, to authorize an extraordinary transfer of $250 million from the Petroleum Fund to finance the duodecimal regime, was approved by the Council of Ministers on 18 March. Parliament discussed the urgency of both these laws on 25 March, but rejected considering the BFM Law amendment under an emergency process with 33 votes against and 31 in favor. CNRT, Khunto and most PD members voted against urgency, so the bill will be referred to Committee C (Public Finances) to hold hearings and prepare a report. A week later, the Government accepted that Parliament is unlikely to amend the BFM law, and the Council of Ministers approved a decree for this purpose on 1 April. On the other hand, the Deputies unanimously agreed to consider the $250 million transfer as an urgent matter, as Committee C had recommended. On 27 March, Committee C held a hearing on the transfer proposal; the interim Minister of Finance presented the same ESI analysis she had submitted with the proposed 2020 budget in December 2019, and the Governor of the Central Bank informed Parliament that the Petroleum Fund had lost about $1.8 billion due to recent economic developments (as La'o Hamutuk had written two weeks earlier). The following day, the Council of Ministers decided to ask for $100 million more to implement the State of Emergency, which was later increased to $150 million, with allocations listed in a letter from the acting Minister of Finance to Parliament and detailed in tables a few weeks later. On 31 March, Parliament Committee C recommended approval of the $250m transfer, although they also suggested using $50 million that the ANPM is holding for TL Cement. The law was approved in generality on 1 April. The next day, the plenary approved a $250 million transfer, of which $150 million is to be used for the Covid-19 emergency. The President promulgated Law No. 2/2020 (also English) on 6 April. $150m was transferred in April and $100m in May. At the end of May, the Ministry of Finance released a report on the execution of the Covid-19 Fund during May. On 3 June, the Council of Ministers asked Parliament to authorize another transfer from the Petroleum Fund, of $286.8 million, to support state spending until a 2020 budget can be enacted. On 15 June, Parliament agreed (Tatoli) by a 43-16 vote to discuss the proposed law expeditiously. On 22 June, Committee C (Public Finances) presented a 36-page report (Port.). The transfer was approved in generality the same day, and on 23 June Parliament voted 43-0 (with 18 abstentions) to enact it (also Tatoli). On 30 June, the President promulgated Law No. 5/2020 authorizing a transfer of $286.3 million, of which $69.5 million will go to the Covid-19 Fund and $216.8 million will go into the treasury, as reported by Tatoli. |
Mudansa legal no autorizasaun sira Iha 11 Marsu, Konsellu Ministrus aprova ona revizaun proposta iha artigu 31 husi Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseiru (LOGF) atu kria efetividade husi sistema duodesimal, ne’ebé haruka ona ba Parlamentu atu aprova. Parlamentu iha planu ba debate iha 23 Marsu, maibé ida ne’e prolonga tanba Covid-19 no ahi mate. Proposta lei segundu, atu aprova transferénsia estraordináriu ho montante tokon $250 husi Fundu Petrolíferu hodi finansia rejime duodesimal, aprova ona husi Konsellu Ministrus iha 18 Marsu. Parlamentu halo diskusaun ho urjénsia ba lei rua ne’e iha 25 Marsu, maibé la aprova atu altera LOGF liu prosesu emerjénsia nian laran ho votu kontra 33 no a favór 31. CNRT, Khunto no maioria membru PD vota kontra ba urjénsia, tanba ne’e diskusaun ba lei ida ne’e sei entrega Komisaun C (Finansa Publika) atu halo audiénsia no prepara relatóriu ida. Semana ida tuir mai, Governu mós aseita katak Parlamentu labele duni halo alterasaun ba LOGF, no Konsellu Ministrus aprova ona dekretu ba proposta ida ne’e iha 1 Abril. Iha sorin seluk, Deputadu sira konkorda no vota a favór ho unanimidade tokon $250 hodi konsidera transferénsia ne’e liu prosesu urjénsia, hanesan ho ida ne’ebé Komisaun C rekomenda ona. Iha 27 Marsu, Komisaun C hala’o audiénsia ba iha proposta transferénsia; Ministra Finansas Interina aprezenta ona ho analiza ne’ebé hanesan iha ba RSE nia submete ona ho proposta orsamentu 2020 iha Dezembru 2019, no Governador husi Banku Sentral informa ba Parlamentu katak Fundu Petrolíferu lakon ona kuaze biliaun $1.8 ho razaun katak dezenvolvimentu ekonomia (hanesan ho saida mak La’o Hamutuk hakerek ona iha semana rua antes). Loron ida tuir mai, Konsellu Ministrus deside atu husu tan tokon $100 hodi implementa Estadu Emerjénsia, no depois aumenta tan ba tokon $150, ho alokasaun ne’ebé alista ona iha karta husi Ministra Finansas interina ba Parlamentu no detallu sira iha tabela sira semana hira tuir mai. Iha 31 Marsu, Parlamentu nia Komisaun C rekomenda aprovasaun ba transferénsia tokon $250, maske nune’e sira mós sujere kona ba osan ne’ebé uza ho tokon $50 ne’ebé ANPM rai hela ba TL Cement. Lei ida ne’e aprova ho jeralidade iha 1 Abril. Loron tuir mai, iha plenária aprova transferénsia ho tokon $250, ne’ebé tokon $150 sei uza ba emerjénsia husi Covid-19 ninian. Prezidente promulga Lei No 2/2020 iha 6 Abril. Tokon $150 transfere iha Abril no tokon $100 iha Maiu. Ikus liu iha Maiu, Ministériu Finansas publika relatóriu kona ba ezekusaun ba Fundu Covid-19 durante fulan Maiu. Iha 3 Juñu, Konsellu Ministrus hato’o pedidu ba Parlamentu atu aprova transferénsia seluk tan husi Fundu Petrolíferu, husi tokon $286.8 atu apoiu despeza estadu nian to'o OJE 2020 aprova ona. Iha 15 Juñu, Parlamentu aprova (Tatoli) husi votu 43-16 ba diskute proposta lei ida ne’e ho lalais. Iha 22 Juñu Komisaun C (Finansas Publika) aprezenta relatóriu ho pájina 36. Transferénsia ida ne’e aprova ho jeneralidade iha tempu hanesan, no iha 23 Juñu Parlamentu vota 43-0 (ho 18 abstensaun) atu aprova ida ne’e (iha Tatoli mós). Iha 30 Juñu, Prezidente promulga ona Lei No 5/2020 hodi fó dalan ba transferénsia ho tokon $286.3, ne’ebé tokon $69.5 sei ba iha Fundu Covid-19 no tokon $216.8 sei ba iha tezouro, hanesan saida mak fó sai ona husi Tatoli. |
Third 2020 budget proposal passed by Parliament On 21 May 2020, the Council of Ministers approved the timetable for preparing the third try at a 2020 State Budget. They planned to consider the proposed Law on 22 July and submit it to the National Parliament. However, this will happen after the next Parliamentary session starts on September 15. The 2021 Budget proposal will be submitted by 15 October, as the law requires. On 3 June, the Vice-Minister of Finance explained that the process of preparing the 2020 and 2021 state budget will be simpler than in past years. By mid-June, Government and Parliament finished restructuring and choosing their leadership. In late June, the Prime Minister circulated Guidelines for preparing budget proposals for 2020-2023 to government officials, outlining their principal objectives and indicators. On 29 June, the Council of Ministers approved a 2020 budget envelope of $1.492 billion, as reported by Tatoli, Lusa and the Finance Ministry. According to the Government, 34% will be for the social sector (8% for education, 15% for social protection and 11% for health), while 48% will be for economic development and infrastructure, including economic stabilization during Covid-19. After preparation within the Government, the Government hopes to have the budget itself approved by the Council of Ministers on 26 August, for submission to Parliament by 15 September. Executed spending under the duodecimal system totalled about $450 million during the first half of 2020, so the envelope expects that the spending rate for the remaining six months will be more than twice what it has been so far this year.
On 23 July, La'o Hamutuk wrote a letter(Tetum) to Members of the the Parliamentary Committees on Public Finances (C) and Economic Development (D), pointing out that Bayu-Undan production is ending and the global economy is unstable, and encouraging them to cancel the Tasi Mane project and invest in sectors which will benefit Timor-Leste's people, as we had described in a letter to Government Economic Recovery Committee Chair Rui Gomes. Parliament will be in recess from the end of July until mid-September. Before the recess, the Ministry of Finance announced the calendar at right for enactment of the 2020 and 2021 State Budgets. In August, the Ministry of Finance released a June policy paper on Fiscal Rules, together with a presentation about it.
In addition to a presentation on the plan for economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Finance made a 120-slide Tetum presentation outlining the Government's objectives, programs and priorities; evaluating development and fiscal performance to date; and describing fiscal rules and scenarios. The Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan (also Port.) was released a few weeks later. It anticipates minimum state budgets of $1.7 billion in 2021, and $1.6 billion/year in 2022-2023. On 26 August, the Council of Ministers approved a proposed 2020 state budget of $1.497 billion, including
The budget proposal was submitted to Parliament on 15 September, the first day of the new legislative session, and Lusa provided an overview. On 17 September, after receiving a unanimous recommendation from Committee C (Public Finances), Parliament unanimously (with 7 abstentions) agreed to an urgent calendar, as requested by the Government. Committees held hearings (schedule) on 23-25 September, and made their reports to Committee C by 28 September, with plenary general debate from 1-8 October.
La'o Hamutuk gave Tetum presentations about Water and Sanitation in the proposed budget (also PowerPoint), as well as a briefing (also PowerPoint) on the overall proposal to journalists, organized by FONGTIL. LH's Febe Gomes discussed the budget on GMN-TV's Grand Interview program (85 MB video ka YouTube). On 1 October, The Prime Minister presented (Tetum) the budget proposal to the Parliamentary plenary. Committee C gave their detailed report (Portuguese original), and general debate began. On 2 October, following declarations from each party (CNRT, PD). Parliament voted 44-0, with 21 abstentions (CNRT) to approve the budget proposal in general. After a special session to renew the State of Emergency on Saturday, Parliament discussed and voted on each item in the 2020 budget beginning on 5 October. Although 19 of the 50 proposed amendments were adopted, they changed only the words, not the amounts, in the Government proposal. On 8 October, the entire budget was approved by a 43-21 vote, with one abstention, as reported by Lusa and Tatoli. CNRT explained that their Deputies voted against the budget because they don't accept the Constitutional legitimacy of the Government. Parliament issued daily Tetum press releases on their discussions: 1 October, 2 October, 5 October, 6 October, 7 October, 8 October. RTTL live TV coverage for 2 October is on YouTube. After technical editing, the law was sent to the President for promulgation. On 19 October, the President promulgated the budget as Law No. 10/2020 (Port.). Although the total amount is the same as in the proposal from the Government, Parliament modified the allocation by category:
The budget law authorizes withdrawing $964 million from the Petroleum Fund in 2020, of which $544 is the Estimated Sustainable Income. Before it was promulgated, the Government had already withdrawn $686 million under two extraordinary Parliamentary authorizations, which counts against the $964m total. On 23 October, the Council of Ministers adopted Government Decree 14/2020 (Port.) with rules and forms for the execution of OGE 2020, as summarized by Tatoli (Tetum). A separate web page contains information on the state budget for 2021, which was proposed to Parliament on 15 October. |
orsamentu 2020 ba datolu hetan aprovasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional Iha 21 Maiu 2020, Konsellu Ministrus aprova ona kalendáriu ba preparasaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2020 ba datolu. Sira planu ona atu konsidera proposta Lei iha 22 Jullu no submete bai ha Parlamentu Nasional. Maibé ida ne’e sei akontese iha sesaun Parlamentu tuir mai ne’ebé sei komesa iha 15 Setembru. No proposta Orsamentu 2021 sei submete iha 15 Outubru, hanesan iha lei haruka. Iha 3 Juñu, Vise-Ministra Finansas esplika katak prosesu preparasaun ba orsamentu jerál estadu 2020 no 2021 sei simples liu kompara ho tinan hira kotuk. Iha médiu Juñu, Governu no Parlamentu finaliza sira nia estrutura foun no hili sira nia ofisias sira. Molok fulan Juñu remata, Primeiru Ministru fahe Linhas de Orientação Para Elaboração de Propostas de Orçamento 2020-2023 ba ofisais Governu sira, atu fo sira nia objetivu no indikador prinsipal sira. Iha 29 Juñu, Konsellu Ministrus aprova ona envelope fiskál 2020 ho tokon biliaun $1.492 hanesan ho informasaun ne’ebé fó sai husi Tatoli, Lusa no Ministériu Finansas. Tuir Governu, 34% sei ba setór sosiál (8% ba iha edukasaun, 15% ba iha protesaun sosiál no 11% ba iha saúde), no seluk ho 48% sei ba iha dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku no infrastrutura, inklui estabilidade ekonómiku durante Covid-19. Hafoin preparasaun iha Governu, Governu mós espera katak atu iha orsamentu ne’ebé aprova rasik husi Konsellu Ministrus iha 26 Agostu, ho submisaun ba Parlamentu iha 15 Setembru. Ezekusaun ba despeza iha sistema duodesimal nia laran ho total kuaze tokon $450 ba iha fulan neen primeiru iha 2020, tanba ne’ebé envelope fiskál espeta katak taxa ba despeza hirak ne’e nafatin kontinua ba fulan 6 tuir mai sei boot liu dala rua ho saida mak akontese ona iha tinan ida ne’e.
Iha loron 23 Jullu, La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta ida ba Deputadu/a sira iha Parlamentár C no D, atu fó hatene katak produsaun husi Bayu-Undan sei remata lalais no ekonomia global la estavel, entaun ami husu sira atu kansela Projetu Tasi Mane no investe iha setór sira ne’ebé bele fó benefísiu ba Timor-oan sira, hanesan ami hakerek ona iha karta ida ba Rui Gomes, prezidente Governu nia Komisaun ba Rekupersaun Ekonómiku.
Iha Agosto, Ministériu Finansa realiza dokumentu polítika fulan Juñu iha Regra Fiskál, ho ninia aprezentasaun. Iha 4 Agosto, Governu organiza Jornada Orsamentál (loron orsamentál) semináriu kona ba Orsamentu Estadu 2021 tuir mai, hanesan fó sai ona husi gabinete Prezidente no Tatoli. Entretantu, media sira tenke sai hafoin Primeiru Ministru hato’o ninia diskursu, La’o Hamutuk no sosiedade sivíl sira seluk sira permite atu nafatin bele tuir durante semináriu tomak. Hamutuk ho aprezentasaun bai ha planu rekuperasaun ekonomia husi surtu Covid-19, Ministériu Finansa halo ona aprezentasaun ho slide-120 ne'ebe deskreve kona-ba Governu nia objetivu, programa no prioridade sira, avalia dezenvolvimentu no dezempeñu fiskál too agora; and deskreve kona ba regra fiskál no senáriu. Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomia Covid-19 (lian Port. no Bahasa Indo.) lansa ona iha semana balu tuir mai. Iha mós tetu ba mínimu orsamentu estadu biliaun $1.7 ba 2021, no biliaun $1.6 kada tinan iha 2022-2023. Iha 26 Agosto, Konsellu Ministru aprova proposta ba orsamentu estadu 2020 ho biliaun $1.497, inklui
Proposta orsamentu submete ba Parlamentu iha 15 Setembru, loron primeiru iha sesaun lejizlasaun foun, no Lusa fó sai kona ba sumáriu jerál. Iha 17 Setembru, hafoin simu rekomendasaun ho unanimidade husi Komisaun C (Finansa Públika), Parlamentu ho votu unanimidade (ho 7 abstensaun) hodi aprova ba pakote kalendáriu urjénsia, haktuir saida mak Governu propoin. Komisaun sira realiza audiénsia públika (oráriu) iha 23-25 Setembru, no halo ona sira nia relatóriu ba Komisaun C iha 28 Setembru, ho debate plenária ho jenerálidade husi 1-8 Outubru. Mezmu La’o Hamutuk la hetan konvite atu hato’o paraser iha audiénsia publika, ami fahe ami nia submisaun ba Membru hotu iha Parlamentu iha 25 Setembru. La'o Hamutuk fó aprezentasaun rua kona-ba proposta orsamentu: Bee no Saneamentu (iha mós PowerPoint), no jerálmente (iha mós PowerPoint) ba jornalista sira, ne’ebé organiza husi FONGTIL. Febe Gomes husi LH partisipa iha diskusaun kona ba orsamentu iha GMN-TV, programa Grande Entrevista (85 MB video ka YouTube). Iha 1 Outubru, Primeiru Ministru aprezenta proposta orsamentu iha plenária Parlamentu. Komisaun C fó sira nia relatóriu detallu (Port.), no hahú debate jenerálidade. Iha 2 Outubru, partidu ida-idak hato’o sira nia deklarasaun tuir mai (CNRT, PD). Parlamentu vota 44-0, ho 21 abstensaun (CNRT) hodi aprova proposta orsamentu iha jenerálidade. Hafoin iha sesaun espesialidade atu hafoun hikas fali Estadu Emerjénsia iha Sábadu, Parlamentu sira halo diskusaun no vota iha kada item iha orsamentu 2020 hahú iha 5 Outubru. Maski, 19 husi alterasaun 50 adopta ona, sira halo mudansa bai ha kada liafuan, la’ós iha montante, iha Governu sira nia proposta. Iha 8 Outubru, orsamentu tomak aprova ho 43-21 votu, no ida abstensaun, hanesan fó sai mós husi Lusa no Tatoli. CNRT esplika katak sira nia deputadu sira vota kontra bai ha orsamentu tanba sira la konkorda ho lejitimidade Konstituisional iha Governu. Parlamentu mós fó sai sira komunikadu imprensa loron-loron nian iha sira nia diskusaun: 1 Outubru, 2 Outubru, 5 Outubru, 6 Outubru, 7 Outubru, 8 Outubru. Kobertura direta husi RTTL live TV ba 2 Outubru iha ona YouTube. Hafoin iha revizaun tékniku, lei ida ne’e lori bai ha Prezidente atu hetan promulgasaun. Iha loron 19 Outubru, Prezidente promulga Lei No. 10/2020 (Port.). Maske montante tomak la iha mudansa, Parlamentu altera alokasaun ba kategoria balun:
Lei OJE autoriza atu transfere tokon $964 husi Fundu Petrolíferu, inklui tokon $544 mak Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu. Molok promulgasaun, Governu transfere ona tokon $686 tuir autorizasaun estraordináriu rua husi Parlamentu Nasional, no montante ne'e parte tokon $964. Iha loron 23 Outubru, Konsellu Ministru aprova Dekretu Governu no. 14/2020 (Port.), ne'ebe inklui regra no formulariu sira atu ezekuta OJE 2020, hanesan sumariza husi Tatoli. Pájina ketak ho informasaun ba orsamentu estadu ba 2021, ne’ebé submete ba iha Parlamentu iha 15 Outubru. |
Graphics (click on a graphic to see it larger) | Grafiku sira | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The graphics below describe the budget as presented in December 2019, before it was voted down. |
Grafiku sira tuir mai pertense ba proposta OJE aprezenta iha fulan Dezembru 2019, molok Deputadu/a sira rejeita. |
The graphics below describe the budget as presented in October 2019, before it was withdrawn by the Government. |
Grafiku sira tuir mai pertense ba proposta OJE aprezenta iha fulan Outubru 2019, molok Governu retira proposta ida ne'e. |
(newest first)
For fiscal year 2019:
Ba tinan fiskal 2019:
Analiza no komentáriu
Links to relevant topics on La'o Hamutuk's website | Liga ba tópiku sira ne’ebé relevante iha website La’o Hamutuk |
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk) Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330 email:laohamutuk@gmail.com Web:https://www.laohamutuk.org Blog:laohamutuk.blogspot.com Facebook |